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The World as Exhibition
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 June 2009
The Egyptian delegation to the Eighth International Congress of Orientalists, held in Stockholm during the summer of 1889, traveled to Sweden via Paris and paused there to visit the World Exhibition. The four Egyptians spent several days in the French capital, climbing twice the height (they were told) of the Great Pyramid in Alexandre Eiffel's new tower, and exploring the city and exhibition laid out beneath. Only one thing disturbed them. The Egyptian exhibit had been built by the French to represent a street of medieval Cairo, made of houses with overhanging upper stories and a mosque like that of Qaitbay. “It was intended,” one of the Egyptians wrote, “to resemble the old aspect of Cairo.” So carefully was this done, he noted, that “even the naivt nn the bildings was made dirty.”
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- The World On Exhibition
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- Copyright © Society for the Comparative Study of Society and History 1989
Parts of this essay are drawn from chapter of a book entitled Colonising Egypt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988). I am indebted to Stefania Pandolfo and Lila Abu-Lughod for their comments.
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7 Mubarak, Ali, Alam al-din (Alexandria, 1882), 816.Google Scholar The “curiosity” of the European is something of a theme for Orientalist writers. Bernard Lewis, for example, contrasts it with the “general lack of curiosity” of non-Europeans. Such curiosity is assumed to be simply the natural, unfettered relation of a person to the world, emerging in Europe once the “loosening of theological bonds” had brought about “the freeing of human minds.” The Muslim Discovery of Europe (London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1982), 299.Google Scholar See Mitchell, , Colonising Egypt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988) 4–5, for a critique of this sort of argument and its own “theological” assumptions.Google Scholar
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16 The “organization of the view” is described in Mubarak, Alam al-din, 817, the model farm outside Pans, Ibid., 1008–42; the visual effect of the street, Ibid., 448, 964, and Ilyas, Idwar, Mashahid Uruba wa-Amirka (Cairo: al-Mugtataf, 1900), 268; the new funicular at Lucerne and the European passion for panoramas in Fikri, Irshad, 98.Google Scholar
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18 International Congress of Orientalists, Transactions of the Ninth Congress, 1892, 2 vols. (London: International Congress of Orientalists, 1893), I, 35.Google Scholar
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