Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 June 2009
Maurice Agulhon, in his classic French historical study, revealed how the changing political fortunes of Republicanism were reflected in the many metamorphoses that statues of the Republic had undergone in the century after the French Revolution. This study and a number of important works by North Americans, like those of James Leith and Lynn Hunt, are also important in making us understand French political iconography.
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20 Minister of Interior circular (reprinted in Petite Gironde, 25 May 1878); Goulemot, Jean-Marie and Walter, Eric, “Les centenaires de Voltaire et de Rousseau,” La République, I, of Les lieux de mémoire, 7 vols. Nora, Pierre, ed. (Paris: Gallimard, 1984), 388, 395–7Google Scholar, 403, 409; Sanson, Rosemonde, “La 'fete de Jeanne d'Arc' en 1894-controverses et célébrations,” Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 20 (07-08 1973), 446–7, 452–4Google Scholar; the extreme right quite successfully appropriated the Maid in the twentieth century, see Hanna, Martha, “Iconology and Ideology: Images of Joan of Arc in the Idiom of the Action francaise, 1908–1931,” French Historical Studies, 14 (Fall 1985), 215–239.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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38 Meeting, 15 July 1878, Marseille, conseil municipal, Délibérations, 266–7.
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41 “Commission centrale du monument à élever à Ambroise Paré,” 1836, F 21. 588, Archives nationales (henceforth, abbreviated as “A.N.”)
42 Commision Report, séance 9 08 1873, Lyon, Procés verbal, 183.Google Scholar
43 Bordeaux Conseil Municipal, séance 5 February 1889.
44 “Cornité du monument de Vercengétorix,” Clermont-Ferrand, 6 January 1899, 3001 M3, AMB.
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46 “Erection d'une statue au Maréchal de Villars,” 15 September 1893, 3001 M3, AMB.
47 Hargrove, , “Les statues de Paris,” 256.Google Scholar
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50 “Monument de la Tour d'Auvergne,” 1897, T 408, A.D.R.
51 Ville de Rethel, 18 August 1895, T 408. A.D.R.
52 Conseil général des Bouches-du-Rhône, ler session ordinaire de 1889, Procès verbaux des delibérations (Marseille: L. Sauvion, 1889), 235; “Souscription nationale pour l'érection d'un monument à la mémoire du Maréchal Canrobert à Saint-Ceré (Lot),” 1895, T 408, A.D.R.Google Scholar
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54 Mayor of Vauvert (Gard) to president of Conseil Général, 2 April 1908.
55 “Oeuvre du monument Faidherbe à Saint-Quentin,” 25 February 1908; “Comité pour l'érection d'un monument au Capitaine Menard,” 1895, T 408, A.D.R.; “Monument TreichLaplene”, n.d. [1890s], 3001 M3, AMB.
56 “Comite pour l'érection d'un monument à Doudart de Lagrée,” May, 1891, 3001 M3, AMB.
57 Depêche de Toulouse, 12 10 1897. Similarly (in the council general of the Gironde), a Socialist councilor argued that the least that could be done for the French dead of the Madagascar expedition was to build a monument for them, thus memorializing those who died “in adventures in which the owners of property and capital profit. Since a man must fight when he owns nothing … it is right that those for whom he ran all the dangers, risked his life, don't forget him.” Session of 17 April 1896, Conseil général of Gironde.Google Scholar
58 “Souscription nationale pour l'érection d'un monument à la mémoire des Alsaciens-Lorrains morts pour la France en 1870–1871 et depuis, dans les expéditions coloniales,” 1901, T 408, A.D.R.; “Monument à la défense nationale à édger à la mémoire des soldats tués en 1870–1871,” 2 October 1885, 3001 M3, AMB; Mayor of Bruville (Meurthe et Moselle) to Mayor of Bordeaux, 5 March 1892, 3001 M3, AMB.
59 “Monument commémoratif militaire. Remiremont (Vosges),” 31 August 1893, 3001 M3, AMB.
60 A. Vigneau, “Rapport général stir la question du monument départemental aux enfants de la Gironde morts pour la patrie, 1870–1871,” séance of 16 December 1910, Conseil general, Gironde.
61 Ibid., 9.
62 Petit Provencal, 27 03 1894.Google Scholar
63 Clément de Lacroix, Les morts pour la patrie- tombes militaires et monuments élevés a la mémoire des soldats tués pendant la guerre (Paris: Author, 1891), 16.Google Scholar
64 Dépêche de Toulouse, 20 08 1901.Google Scholar
65 Commission report, Procés verbaux, City of Lyon, 9 08 1873, 183.Google Scholar
66 Letter from Mayor of Chateaudun (Eure et Loire) to Mayor of Bordeaux, 21 May 1891, 3001 M3, AMB.
67 Rapport présenté au conseil municipal par M. G. Girard, meeting 8 December 1891, F 1., C. I, 40, A.N.; Lacroix, 8.
68 Ville d'Arbois (Jura), “Monument Pasteur,” 30 October, 1895, 3001 M3, AMB.
69 Letter (undated) from Muret in 3001M3, AMB.
70 “Cotnite pour l'erection d'une statue à Paul de Kock, 1901,” 3001 M3, AMB; “Statue à Francois Millet, Ville de Cherbourg,” 1 February 1887, 3001 M3, AMB; “Procès verbaux de la remise officielle à la municipalité Bordelaise du monument élevé à Léon Gambetta,” [1905] 3019 MI, AMB; “Souscriptions accordées par la ville de Grenoble pendant la période 1870–1903 pour l'érection de statues ou de monuments publics,” [1903] 3001 M3, AMB; Letter from Mayor of Bezenas to Mayor of Bordeaux, 22 December 1895, 3001 M3, AMB.
71 Agulhon, Maurice, “Politics, Images, and Symbols in Post-Revolutionary France,” Rites of Power, Wilentz, Sean, ed., 194.Google Scholar
72 Clifford Geertz, “Centers, Kings, and Charisma: Reflections on the Symbolics of Power,” Rites, 25,16. Some excellent examples of how royalty attempted to mark its possession of the kingdom by effecting a national tour are given in the description of the tour of Charles IX and the Mother Queen Catherine of Medicis in 1564 and of Louis XIV in 1643, in Guenée, Bernard, “Des limites féodales aux frontieres politiques,” La Nation, Pt. 2 of Les helix de mémoire, Nora, Pierre, ed. 28, 40.Google Scholar
73 Gadoffre, Gilbert, “French National Images and the Problem of National Stereotypes,” International Social Science Bulletin (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), III (Autumn 1951), 579.Google Scholar
74 Hargrove, , “Statues de Paris,” 271Google Scholar; Ozouf, Mona, “Le Panthéon-l'école normale des morts,” La République, I, of Les lieux de mérnoire, Nora, Pierre, ed. (Paris: Gallimard, 1984), 163.Google Scholar
75 Weber, Eugene, Action Francaise-Royalism and Reaction in Twentieth Century France (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1962), 42.Google Scholar
76 Aronoff, Myron J., “Ideology and Interest: The Dialectics of Politics,” Political Anthropology, Yearbook, I, Aronoff, Myron J., ed. (New Brunswick, N.J., 1980), 17–18.Google Scholar
77 The indifference to statuary after World War I may have been exaggerated by Ozouf. Frenchmen registered some concern over the smelting down of the Republican statuary during Vichy and the German occupation; in Paris an official bulletin recognized the “legitimate and touching emotion of the populations who see the disappearance of the well known monument which is dear to them.” In the provinces, the authorities had to deal with popular opposition to removal of statuary: Hargrove, , “Statues de Paris,” 274–5.Google Scholar