1. Introduction and main result
The problem of subgraph containment is one of the most studied questions in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. In this paper, we are interested in conditions that guarantee the containment of pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in different graph models. In particular, when a graph
vertices contains
$\lfloor v(G)/3 \rfloor$
pairwise vertex-disjoint copies of triangles, we say that
contains a triangle factor. We will consider minimum degree conditions in dense graphs, lower bounds on the edge-probability in random graphs, and a combination of both.
From Mantel’s theorem on the maximum number of edges in a triangle-free graph, it follows that any
-vertex graph with minimum degree larger than
contains a triangle. The first result on the containment of a triangle factor is due to Corrádi and Hajnal [Reference Corrádi and Hajnal11], who proved that any
-vertex graph
with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge 2n/3$
contains a triangle factor. From this, it is not hard to derive a more general result for graphs with smaller minimum degree, which was first proved by Dirac [Reference Dirac12].
Theorem 1.1 (Dirac [Reference Dirac12]). Any
-vertex graph
$n/2 \le \delta (G) \le 2n/3$
contains at least
$2\delta (G)-n$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles.
Given an integer
$n/2 \le m \le 2n/3$
, the tripartite complete graph with parts of size
, and
shows the result is best possible. Moreover, a stability version of Theorem 1.1 was proved by Hladký, Hu, and Piguet [Reference Hladký, Hu and Piguet18].
Sparser graphs do not necessarily contain triangles, but most of them do if there are enough edges. To determine a cut-off point for the containment of a subgraph in the binomial random graph
, we define a threshold function. Before stating its definition, we remark that we say that a property
holds asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) in the random graph
$\lim _{n \to \infty }\mathbb{P}[G(n,p) \in \mathcal{A}]=1$
. Given a graph
, the function
$\hat{p} \;:\; \mathbb{N} \rightarrow [0,1]$
is called the threshold for the containment of
if a.a.s.
$H \subseteq G(n,p)$
$p = \omega (\hat{p})$
and a.a.s.
$H \not \subseteq G(n,p)$
. Already in one of the early papers on random graphs by Erdős and Rényi [Reference Erdős and Rényi14] from
, the threshold for a single triangle was determined as
. However, the problem for a triangle factor is much harder and was eventually solved by Johannson, Kahn, and Vu [Reference Johansson, Kahn and Vu20], in
, as part of a more general result, and the threshold was located at
$n^{-2/3} \log ^{1/3}n$
, with an even sharper transition than in our definition of threshold. When one requires
$\varepsilon n$
$(1-\varepsilon )n$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles, the problem is easier and the threshold is
as proved by Ruciński [Reference Ruciński29] in
. Note that the the spanning version requires an extra
$\log ^{1/3}n$
, and this logarithmic term is essential to ensure that a.a.s. every vertex is contained in a triangle.
Bohman, Frieze, and Martin [Reference Bohman, Frieze and Martin7] combined the random graph model and the deterministic minimum-degree model by asking how many random edges one needs to add to a dense graph with small linear minimum degree, such that it contains a Hamilton cycle. More precisely, they introduced the model of randomly perturbed graphs as the union of an
-vertex graph
with minimum degree at least
$\alpha n$
and the random graph
. Given
and fixed
, we are then interested in lower bounds on the edge-probability
such that a.a.s.
$G_\alpha \cup G(n,p)$
for any
. A lower bound
is optimal when in addition there exists a
for which a.a.s.
$G_\alpha \cup G(n,p)$
does not contain
, in which case we call
the threshold for the containment of
in the randomly perturbed model. Note that this threshold
only depends on
. In recent years, there has been a lot of work on embeddings of spanning graphs in randomly perturbed graphs. Most results in this model focus on the extreme cases with small
$\alpha \gt 0$
[Reference Balogh, Treglown and Wagner4, Reference Bohman, Frieze, Krivelevich and Martin6, Reference Böttcher, Montgomery, Parczyk and Person8, Reference Joos and Kim21, Reference Krivelevich, Kwan and Sudakov23–Reference McDowell and Mycroft26] or small
[Reference Antoniuk, Dudek, Reiher, Ruciński and Schacht2, Reference Bedenknecht, Han, Kohayakawa and Mota5, Reference Dudek, Reiher, Ruciński and Schacht13, Reference Nenadov and Trujić27]. More recently, Han, Morris, and Treglown [Reference Han, Morris and Treglown17] started a more thorough investigation of the intermediate regime. The goal is to determine the perturbed threshold for every
$\alpha =0$
, where we can rely only on
, to the
where the structure already exists in
alone and
is sufficient.
It is easy to see that with
$0\lt \alpha \le 1/2$
$G_\alpha \cup G(n,p)$
a.a.s. contains a triangle when
$p \ge C/n^2$
is a sufficiently large constant depending on
. This is asymptotically optimal, as
$p = o(n^2)$
a.a.s. is empty. Together with the cases for
$\alpha =0$
$\alpha \gt 1/2$
discussed above, this completes all the range of
for the containment of a single triangle. For a triangle factor, we already know the threshold when
$\alpha =0$
from the random graph model, and when
$\alpha \ge 2/3$
we do not need random edges at all. For any
$\alpha \gt 0$
, Balogh, Treglown, and Wagner [Reference Balogh, Treglown and Wagner4] showed that
$p \ge C n^{-2/3}$
is always sufficient (with
depending on
). This is asymptotically optimal in the case
$0\lt \alpha \lt 1/3$
, as with
the complete bipartite graph with classes of size
$\alpha n$
$(1-\alpha n)$
, we need a linear number of triangles with all edges from the random graph, for which
is the threshold as discussed above. For
$1/3 \lt \alpha \lt 2/3$
, Han, Morris, and Treglown [Reference Han, Morris and Treglown17] proved that then already
$p \ge C/n$
is enough for a triangle factor. Again this is asymptotically optimal as, when
is the complete tripartite graph with classes of size
$\alpha n/2$
$\alpha n/2$
$(1-\alpha )n$
, we need a linear number of edges from
. Together, these results can be summarised as follows.
Theorem 1.2 (Balogh, Treglown, and Wagner [Reference Balogh, Treglown and Wagner4] and Han, Morris, and Treglown [Reference Han, Morris and Treglown17]). Given any
$\alpha \in (0,1/3) \cup (1/3,2/3)$
there exists
$C\gt 0$
such that the following holds. For any
-vertex graph
with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge \alpha n$
, a.a.s. there is a triangle factor in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
provided that
$p \ge C n^{-2/3}$
$\alpha \in (0,1/3)$
$p \ge C n^{-1}$
$\alpha \in (1/3,2/3)$
In this paper, we close the remaining open case for the triangle factor, that is
$\alpha = 1/3$
, for which we show that
$p \ge C \log n/n$
is sufficient.
Theorem 1.3.
There exists
$C\gt 0$
such that for any
-vertex graph
with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge n/3$
, we can a.a.s. find a triangle factor in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
, provided that
$p\ge C \log n/n$
To see that the bound on
in Theorem 1.3 is asymptotically optimal consider the complete bipartite graph
and denote the partition classes by
$|A|\lt |B|$
. By Markov’s inequality and with
$p \le \tfrac 12 \log n/n$
a.a.s. there are
$O(\log ^4 n)$
triangles within
and a.a.s. there is a polynomial number of vertices in the class
without any neighbours in
[Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński19, Theorem 6.36]. However, for a triangle factor to exist, for each triangle with at most one vertex in
, there must be at least one triangle fully contained in
. In conclusion, a.a.s.
$G \cup G(n,p)$
does not contain a triangle factor, and the
$\log n$
-term is needed for local reasons similarly as discussed above for the triangle factor in
This result closes the problem of determining, given
$\alpha \in [0,1]$
, the threshold for a triangle factor in
$G_\alpha \cup G(n,p)$
and we refer to Table 1 for a summary. Note that the threshold is within a constant factor in the intervals
, while it jumps at
$\alpha =0$
, and
Table 1 Triangle factor containment in
$G_\alpha \cup G(n,p)$
, where
$\delta (G_\alpha ) \ge \alpha n$

Theorem 1.3 is a special case of the following theorem, which is our main result. It answers the question which minimum degree condition is needed in the randomly perturbed graph model with
$p= C\log n/n$
to enforce
vertex-disjoint triangles for any
$1\le k\le \lfloor n/3\rfloor$
Theorem 1.4 (Main result). There exists
$C\gt 0$
such that for any
-vertex graph
we can a.a.s. find at least
$\min \{ \delta (G), \lfloor n/3 \rfloor \}$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
, provided that
$p\ge C \log n/n$
This is a perturbed version of the result by Dirac on vertex-disjoint triangles in dense graphs (Theorem 1.1). We are not aware of other results in the randomly perturbed graph model that consider large but not spanning structures.
Theorem 1.4 is basically optimal in terms of the number of triangles, because given
$1 \le m \lt n/3$
, then
has minimum degree
$\delta (G)=m$
, and there can be at most
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles using each at least one edge of
, and at most
$O(\log ^4 n)$
additional triangles solely coming from
. The bound on
is asymptotically optimal as it is in Theorem 1.3, but we remark that when
is ‘significantly smaller’ than
, then already
$p \ge C/ n$
is sufficient to a.a.s. find
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$K_{m,n-m} \cup G(n,p)$
. We call
the extremal graph. See the concluding remarks (Section 9) for more details.
In addition, we prove a stability version (Theorem 2.2) of our main result, which allows us to work with edge probability only
for graphs
that are not ‘close’Footnote
to the extremal graph.
We believe that the methods we introduce for proving our results are valuable for other questions concerning randomly perturbed graphs; we discuss some possible directions and open problems in Section 9. One important novel ingredient in our proofs is that we can find a triangle factor in a graph on three vertex sets
$U, V, W$
of the same size, where
are super-regular pairs and between
we have random edges with probability
$p \ge C \log n/n$
(see Lemma 4.1).
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we state our Stability Theorem (Theorem 2.2), one result (Theorem 2.3) that deals with the ‘extremal’ case of Theorem 1.4, and one result (Theorem 2.4) that deals with the case of small minimum degrees; we shall show that these three theorems together imply our main result (Theorem 1.4).
In Section 3, we then introduce some tools that we will use later. In Section 4, we outline the proofs of Theorems 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 and we state the auxiliary lemmas we use in their proofs. In Section 5 we prove Theorem 2.3, in Section 6 we prove Theorem 2.2, and in Section 7 we prove Theorem 2.4. The auxiliary lemmas are proved in Section 8.
Finally, we give concluding remarks and pose some open questions in Section 9. A few supplementary proofs are moved to Appendix A.
For numbers
, we write
$a = b \pm c$
$b-c \le a \le b+c$
. Moreover, for non-negative
, we write
$0\lt a \ll b$
, when we require
$a \le f(b)$
for some function
$f \colon \mathbb{R}_{\gt 0} \mapsto \mathbb{R}_{\gt 0}$
. We will only use this to improve readability and in addition to the precise dependencies of the constants.
We use standard graph theory notation. For a graph
on vertex set
and two disjoint sets
$B \subseteq V$
, let
be the subgraph of
induced by
be the bipartite subgraph of
induced by sets
be the number of edges with both endpoints in
be the number of edges with one endpoint in
and the other one in
. We will also use standard Landau notation for
$f,g \;:\; \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\gt 0} \;:\; f = o(g)$
if and only if
$\lim _{n \to \infty }f(n)/g(n)=0$
$f = \omega (g)$
if and only if
$g = o(f)$
2. Stability version and proof of the main result
We already discussed how the probability
$p \ge C \log n/n$
cannot be significantly lowered in Theorem 1.4. However, we are able to show that when the minimum degree of
is linear in
, then with
$m=\min \{\delta (G),n/3\}$
, the complete bipartite graph
is the unique extremal graph for Theorem 1.4, in the sense that if the graph
is not ‘close’ to
then a.a.s.
$G \cup G(n,p)$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles already at probability
$p \ge C/n$
and we can even assume a slightly smaller minimum degree on
. To formalise this, we introduce the following notion of stability for an
-vertex graph
Definition 2.1 (
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable). For
$0 \lt \beta \lt \alpha \lt 1/2$
, we say that an
-vertex graph
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable if there exists a partition of
into two sets
of size
$|A|=(\alpha \pm \beta ) n$
$|B|=(1-\alpha \pm \beta ) n$
such that the minimum degree of the bipartite subgraph
induced by
is at least
$\alpha n/4$
, all but at most
$\beta n$
vertices from
have degree at least
$|B|-\beta n$
, all but at most
$\beta n$
vertices from
have degree at least
$|A|-\beta n$
, and
contains at most
$\beta n^{2}$
The stability condition with
$\alpha =1/3$
says that the size of
is roughly double the size of
, there is a minimum degree condition between
, in each part all but at most a few vertices see most of the other part, and the set
is almost independent. Note that for
$0 \lt \alpha \le 1/3$
$m=\alpha n$
an integer, the complete bipartite graph
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable with
$\beta =0$
. We prove the following stability result in Section 6.
Theorem 2.2 (Stability Theorem). For
$0 \lt \beta \lt 1/12$
there exist
$\gamma \gt 0$
$C\gt 0$
such that for any
$4 \beta \le \alpha \le 1/3$
the following holds. Let
be an
-vertex graph with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge \left (\alpha - \gamma \right ) n$
that is not
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable. With
$p\ge C/n$
a.a.s. the perturbed graph
$G \cup G(n,p)$
contains at least
$ \min \{ \alpha n, \lfloor n/3 \rfloor \}$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles.
The result is best possible as
can be bipartite and have no triangles, in which case we need at least a linear number of edges from the random graph to find a linear number of pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
. On the other hand, the logarithmic factor is needed for the extremal graph. When the graph
$(\alpha, \beta )$
-stable for a small enough
$\beta \gt 0$
, then we prove the following in Section 5.
Theorem 2.3 (Extremal Theorem). For
$0 \lt \alpha _0 \le 1/3$
there exist
$\beta,\gamma \gt 0$
$C\gt 0$
such that for any
$\alpha _0 \le \alpha \le 1/3$
the following holds. Let
be an
-vertex graph with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge \left ( \alpha -\gamma \right ) n$
that is
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable. With
$p\ge C \log n/n$
a.a.s. the perturbed graph
$G \cup G(n,p)$
contains at least
$\min \{ \delta (G), \lfloor \alpha n \rfloor \}$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles.
Indeed our argument will give slightly more. If
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable and
$|A| \ge \alpha n$
, then we can a.a.s. find
$\lceil \alpha n \rceil$
$\alpha \lt 1/3$
$\lfloor n/3 \rfloor$
$\alpha =1/3$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
(even when the minimum degree in
is smaller than
$\alpha n$
). Also, although as discussed above the
$\log n$
-factor cannot be avoided in general, when
$|A|-\alpha n$
is linear in
our proof does not need such a
$\log n$
The proofs of Theorem 2.2 and 2.3 use regularity. When the minimum degree gets smaller, we can avoid the transition to sparse regularity and prove the following in Section 7 with a more elementary argument.
Theorem 2.4 (Sublinear Theorem). There exists
$C\gt 0$
such that the following holds for any
$1 \le m \le n/256$
and any
-vertex graph
of minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge m$
. With
$p \ge C \log n/n$
a.a.s. the perturbed graph
$G \cup G(n,p)$
contains at least
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles.
Theorem 1.4 easily follows from Theorems 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4.
Proof of Theorem 1.4.Let
$\beta _{2.3}, \gamma _{2.3}\gt 0$
be given by Theorem 2.3 on input
$\alpha _0=1/256$
. Then let
$\gamma _{2.2}\gt 0$
be given by Theorem 2.2 on input
$\beta = \min \{ \alpha _0/4, \beta _{2.3} \}$
. Moreover, let
be given by Theorem 2.4. Define
$C = \max \{ C_{2.3},C_{2.4} \}$
$\gamma =\min \{ \gamma _{2.3},\gamma _{2.2} \}$
be any
-vertex graph and
$p \ge C \log n/n$
, and define
$m= \min \{ \delta (G), \lfloor n/3 \rfloor \}$
. If
$m \le n/256$
, then we get from Theorem 2.4 that a.a.s.
$G \cup G(n,p)$
contains at least
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles, as
$C \ge C_{2.4}$
. Otherwise,
$m \gt n/256$
and we can choose
$\alpha \in (\alpha _0,1/3]$
such that
$(\alpha -\gamma )n \le m \le \alpha n$
. If
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable, then
is also
$(\alpha,\beta _{2.3})$
-stable and, by Theorem 2.3, there are a.a.s. at least
$\min \{ \delta (G),\lfloor \alpha n\rfloor \} \ge m$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
, as
$\alpha _0 \lt \alpha \le 1/3$
$C \ge C_{2.3}$
. Otherwise,
is not
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable and, by Theorem 2.2, a.a.s.
$G \cup G(n,p)$
contains at least
$ \min \{ \alpha n, \lfloor n/3 \rfloor \} \ge m$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles, as
$p = \omega (1/n)$
3. Tools
We will repeatedly use the following concentration inequality due to Chernoff (see e.g. [Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński19, Corollaries 2.3 and 2.4]).
Lemma 3.1 (Chernoff’s inequality). Let
be the sum of independent binomial random variables, then for any
$\delta \in (0,1)$
we have

Moreover, for any
$k \ge 7\, \mathbb{E}[X]$
, we have
$\mathbb{P}[X \gt k] \le \exp (-k)$
The following lemma allows us to find specific triangles in a dense graph with additional random edges. The proof is a standard application of Janson’s inequality (see e.g. [Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński19, Theorem 2.18]), and it is included in Appendix A.
Lemma 3.2.
For any
$d\gt 0$
there exists
$C\gt 0$
such that the following holds. Let
be three sets of vertices of size
be a bipartite graph on
$e(G) \ge d n^2$
$p \gt C/n$
$G(U \cup W,V,p)$
be the random bipartite graph. Then with probability at least
there is a triangle in
$G \cup G(U \cup W,V,p)$
with one vertex in each of
We will use Szemerédi’s Regularity Lemma [Reference Szemerédi30] and some of its consequences. Before stating it, we introduce the relevant terminology. The density of a pair
of disjoint sets of vertices is defined by

and the pair
is called
-regular, if for all sets
$X \subseteq A$
$Y \subseteq B$
$|X| \ge \varepsilon |A|$
$|Y| \ge \varepsilon |B|$
we have
$|d(A,B)-d(X,Y)| \le \varepsilon$
. Without further mentioning it, we will repeatedly use that when
$\varepsilon \lt 1/2$
$A' \subseteq A$
$|A'| \ge |A|/2$
$B' \subseteq B$
$|B'| \ge |B|/2$
give a
-regular pair
with density at least
We will also use the following well-known result that follows from the definition.
Lemma 3.3 (Minimum Degree Lemma). Let
be an
-regular pair with
. Then for every
$Y \subseteq B$
$|Y| \ge \varepsilon |B|$
, the number of vertices from
with degree into
less than
$(d-\varepsilon )|Y|$
is at most
$\varepsilon |A|$
$d \in [0,1)$
a pair
is called
-super-regular, if for all sets
$X \subseteq A$
$Y \subseteq B$
$|X| \ge \varepsilon |A|$
$|Y| \ge \varepsilon |B|$
we have
$d(X,Y) \ge d$
$\deg (a) \ge d|B|$
for all
$a \in A$
$\deg (b) \ge d|A|$
for all
$b \in B$
. It is easy to prove with Hall’s Theorem that a super-regular pair with parts of the same size contains a perfect matching.
Lemma 3.4.
For any
$d\gt 0$
there exists
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
such that any
-super-regular pair
contains a perfect matching.
We will use the following well-known degree form of the regularity lemma that can be derived from the original version [Reference Szemerédi30].
Lemma 3.5 ([Reference Komlós and Simonovits22]). For every
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
and integer
there exists an integer
$T\gt t_0$
such that for any graph
on at least
vertices and
$d \in [0,1]$
there is a partition of
$t_0 \lt t+1 \le T$
and a subgraph
such that
$|V_i| = |V_j|$ for all
$1 \le i,j \le t$ and
$|V_0|\le \varepsilon |V(G)|$ ,
$\deg _{G'}(v) \ge \deg _G(v) - (d+\varepsilon ) |V(G)|$ for all
$v \in V(G)$ ,
(P3) the set
$V_i$ is independent in
$G'$ for all
$1 \le i \le t$ ,
(P4) for all
$1 \le i \lt j \le t$ , the pair
$(V_i,V_j)$ is
$\varepsilon$ -regular in
$G'$ and has density either
$0$ or at least
$d$ .
The sets
$V_1, \dots, V_t$
are also called clusters, and we refer to
as the set of exceptional vertices. We call a partition
$V_0, \dots, V_t$
, which satisfies (P1)–(P4), a
-regular partition of
. Given this partition, we define the
-reduced graph
, that is the graph on the vertex set
, where
is an edge if and only if
is an
-regular pair in
and has density at least
We will also use the following result on perfect matchings in random subgraphs of bipartite graphs with large minimum degree. For any given graph
, we denote by
the random graph model, where we keep each edge of
with probability
, independently from all other choices.
Lemma 3.6.
For any
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
there exists
$C\gt 0$
such that the following holds for any bipartite graph
with partition classes
and minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge (1/2+\varepsilon ) n$
. With
$p\ge C \log n/n$
there is a.a.s. a perfect matching in
The proof is standard and closely follows the proof for the perfect matching threshold in the random bipartite graph
(see [Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński19, Theorem 4.1]). For completeness, we include it in Appendix A.
4. Proof overview and main Lemmas
In this section, we sketch the ideas behind our proof of Theorem 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4, and we give the statements of the lemmas we use. For simplicity, when outlining the proof of Theorem 2.2 and 2.3, we assume
$\alpha =1/3$
is a multiple of
, and
is an
-vertex graph with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge n/3$
, in which case both theorems give a triangle factor in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
4.1 Extremal case
Assume that
$(1/3,\beta )$
-stable and let
$p\ge C \log n/n$
. The definition of stability (Definition 2.1) gives a partition of
$A \cup B$
where the size of
is roughly the double of the size of
, there is a minimum degree condition between
, and in each part all but at most a few vertices see all but at most few a vertices of the other part. Our proof will follow three steps. Firstly, we find a collection of triangles
, such that after removing the triangles of
, we are left with two sets
$A_1=A \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_1)$
$B_1=B \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_1)$
$|B_1| = 2|A_1|$
. The way we find these triangles depend on the sizes of
, and we will use two different approaches when
$|B| \gt 2n/3$
$|B| \le 2n/3$
. In particular, when
$|B| \gt 2n/3$
, we need to find some triangles entirely within
, just using the minimum degree
and random edges. For that we will use Theorem 2.4.
Our second step is to cover the vertices in
that do not have a high degree to the other part; this will give two collections of triangles
. Each such triangle has one vertex in
and two vertices in
so that we still have
$|B_2| = 2 |A_2|$
, where
$A_2=A_1 \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3)$
$B_2=B_1 \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3)$
. Moreover, at this point, each vertex sees all but at most a few vertices of the other part. We are now ready for the last step. We split
arbitrarily into two subsets
of equal size and we obtain that
is a super-regular cherry, i.e. both
are super-regular pairs. We want to find a triangle factor covering the cherry, with the help of random edges between
. The next lemma, which encapsulates the main idea of our paper, takes care of this and will be proved in Section 8.
Lemma 4.1.
For any
$0\lt d\lt 1$
there exist
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
$C\gt 0$
such that the following holds. Let
be sets of size
, let
-super-regular pairs and let
be a random bipartite graph with
$p\ge C \log n/n$
. Then a.a.s. there exists a triangle factor.
Thus, we are able to cover the cherry with a triangle factor
, and we conclude observing that the collection of triangles
$\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3 \cup \mathcal{T}_4$
gives a triangle factor in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
4.2 Non-extremal case
Before giving an overview of Theorem 2.2, it is worth to make some comments about Lemma 4.1. We point out that the probability
cannot be significantly lowered. Indeed, a triangle factor in the setting of Lemma 4.1 gives a perfect matching in the random bipartite graph on vertex set
$U \cup W$
and this is a.a.s. not possible with
$p\le \frac{1}{2} \log n/n$
[Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński19, Theorem 4.1]. However, we would like to be able to find a triangle factor in a super-regular cherry with the help of the random edges also in the proof of Theorem 2.2, where we claimed that when the graph
is not
$(1/3,\beta )$
-stable, already
$p \ge C/n$
is sufficient. For that we will use the following variation of Lemma 4.1, where the improvement on the probability comes from the assumption that the super-regular cherry
is a bit unbalanced as the sizes of
are smaller than the size of
, and thus the random bipartite graph on vertex set
$U \cup W$
will be used to build a large matching covering all but a small linear fraction of vertices, which is possible already with
$p \ge C/n$
. Note that here we need to use random edges within
Lemma 4.2.
For any
$0\lt \delta '\le d\lt 1$
there exist
$\delta _0,\delta,\varepsilon$
$\delta '\ge \delta _0\gt \delta \gt \varepsilon \gt 0$
$C\gt 0$
such that the following holds. Let
be sets of size
$(1-\delta _0) n \le |U|=|W| \le (1-\delta )n$
$|V|+|U|+|W| \equiv 0 \pmod 3$
. Further, let
-super-regular pairs and let
be random graphs with
$p\ge C/n$
. Then a.a.s. there exists a triangle factor.
From Lemma 4.2, we also derive the following result about the existence of a triangle factor in a super-regular pair edge, again with the help of the random edges. Lemmas 4.2, and 4.3 will be proved in Section 8.
Lemma 4.3.
For any
$0\lt d\lt 1$
there exist
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
$C\gt 0$
such the following holds for sets
of size
$3n/4 \le |U| \le n$
$|V|+|U| \equiv 0 \pmod 3$
. If
is an
-super-regular pair and
are random graphs with
$p\ge C/n$
, then a.a.s. there exists a triangle factor.
Now we turn to the overview of the proof for Theorem 2.2. Assume that
is not
$(1/3,\beta )$
-stable and let
$p\ge C/n$
. We apply the regularity lemma to
and obtain the reduced graph
. By adjusting an argument of the fourth author with Balogh and Mousset [Reference Balogh, Mousset and Skokan3], we can prove the following stability result.
Lemma 4.4.
For any
$0\lt \beta \lt 1/12$
there exists
$d\gt 0$
such that the following holds for any
$0\lt \varepsilon \lt d/4$
$4 \beta \le \alpha \le 1/3$
, and
$t \ge 10/d$
. Let
be an
-vertex graph with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge (\alpha -d/2)n$
that is not
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable and let
be the
-reduced graph for some
-regular partition
. Then
contains a matching
of size
$(\alpha +2d)t$
For completeness, we give the proof in Appendix A. It follows that we can cover the vertices of
with cherries
and matching edges
, such that there are not too many cherries.Footnote
Before we can apply Lemma 4.2 to each cherry and Lemma 4.3 to each matching edge, some preliminary steps are needed. We remove some vertices from each cherry to make it unbalanced and ensure that both edges are super-regular. Then we cover all vertices that are not contained in any of the cherries or edges by finding a collection of triangles
. We construct another collection of triangles
to ensure that in each cherry the relations between the three sets are as required by Lemma 4.2. For constructing
, we will mainly rely on the minimum degree condition of
and the fact that in the probability
$p \ge C/n$
, the constant
can be chosen large enough so that a.a.s. the following holds: each linear-sized set contains a random edge and for any not too small part of a regular pair and a linear-sized set there is a triangle containing an edge form the pair and the third vertex from the set. Finally, we can use Lemma 4.2 and Lemma 4.3 to cover the remaining vertices with a collection of triangles
. Together
$\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3$
gives a triangle factor in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
We mention already now that when
is sufficiently smaller than
and the condition on the minimum degree of
reads as
$\delta (G) \ge (\alpha -\gamma )n$
, many of the steps outlined above are not necessary. In this case indeed we do not have to cover all graph with triangles and we only want to find
$\alpha n$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
. We will see that an application of Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3 to the cherries and the matching edges found at the beginning (after having made them super-regular and suitable for Lemma 4.2) is already enough to find these
$\alpha n$
4.3 Sublinear case
is an
-vertex graph with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge m$
and let
$p\ge C \log n/n$
. We want to show that a.a.s. there exist
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
. Any vertex of large degree in
can easily be covered by a triangle later, so we assume an upper bound on the maximum degree
$\Delta (G)$
of the graph
. With this condition, we split the proof in three ranges for the value of
$1 \le m \le (\log n)^3$
$(\log n)^3 \le m \le \sqrt{n}$
, and
$\sqrt{n} \le m \le n/256$
. If
$1 \le m \le (\log n)^3$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles already exist in
. If
$(\log n)^3 \le m \le \sqrt{n}$
we will find many large enough vertex-disjoint stars in
(see Lemma 7.3) and a.a.s. at least
of them will be completed to triangles using edges of
(see Proposition 7.1). However if
$m \gt \sqrt{n}$
we cannot hope to find
large enough vertex-disjoint stars and instead we will apply a greedy strategy using that a.a.s. every vertex has an edge in its neighbourhood (see Proposition 7.2).
5. Proof of the extremal theorem
Proof of Theorem 2.3.Let
$0 \lt \alpha _0 \le 1/3$
and choose
. Let
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
$C_{4.1}\gt 0$
be given by Lemma 4.1 on input
. We can assume
$\varepsilon \lt 1/5$
and then choose
$0\lt \beta \lt \alpha _0\, \varepsilon/36$
$0\lt \gamma \lt \beta/11$
. With
given by Theorem 2.4, let
$C \ge 2 C_{2.4} + 1 + 2 C_{4.1}/\alpha _0$
. Finally, let
$\alpha _0 \le \alpha \le 1/3$
, let
$p\ge C \log n/n$
. With our choice of
, we can reveal
in three rounds
$G_1 \sim G(n,2 C_{2.4} \log n/n)$
$G_2 \sim G(n,\log n/n)$
, and
$G_3 \sim G(n,\tfrac{2 C_{4.1}}{\alpha _0} \log n/n)$
. We will only know later in which subset we will use
, but we have that a.a.s. there is an edge of
between any two not necessarily disjoint sets of size
$\beta n$
. Indeed, fixed two such sets, the probability that there is no edge of
is at most
$(1-\log n/n)^{(\beta n)^2} \le \exp (-\beta ^2 n \log n)$
, and we conclude by an union bound over the at most
choices for the two sets. Now let
be an
-vertex graph with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge \left ( \alpha -\gamma \right ) n$
that is
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable and define
$m_0= \max \{ n/3 -\delta (G), n/3-\lfloor \alpha n \rfloor \}$
. Our goal is to a.a.s. find pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
such that at most
$3 m_0$
vertices are left uncovered.
To aid with calculations we let
$\kappa = n/3 - \lceil \alpha n \rceil$
and observe that
$\kappa \in \{ 0,-1/3,-2/3 \}$
$\alpha =1/3$
and that
$\kappa \gt 0$
$\alpha \lt 1/3$
large enough. Also note that
is an integer and that
$3 \kappa = \lfloor (1-\alpha ) n \rfloor - 2 \lceil \alpha n \rceil$
. With this we set
$w = \max \{ 3 \kappa, 0\}$
. As
$(\alpha, \beta )$
-stable we get a partition of
into sets
satisfying the conditions of Definition 2.1.
Claim 5.1.
There a.a.s. are a collection of triangles
$G \cup G_1 \cup G_2$
$|\mathcal{T}_1| \le \beta n$
and a set
$W \subseteq V(G) \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_1)$
$|W| \le 3 m_0 - w$
such that the following holds. For
$A_1=A \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup W)$
$B_1=B \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup W)$
, we have that
$|A_1| \le \lceil \alpha n \rceil$
, the minimum degree between
is at least
$\alpha n/5$
, all but at most
$\beta n$
vertices of
have degree at least
$|B_1| - \beta n$
, and all but at most
$\beta n$
vertices of
have degree at least
$|A_1| - \beta n$
The sets
$V(G) \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup W)$
and, after proving Claim 5.1, we will cover all but
vertices from
$A_1 \cup B_1$
with additional triangles. Hence, if we manage to find these triangles, we have covered all but
$|W|+w \le 3 m_0$
vertices, as desired. We remark for later that
$|W| \le 3m_0-w \le 4 \gamma n$
Proof of Claim 5.1.We have either
$|B| \gt \lfloor (1-\alpha ) n \rfloor$
$|A| \ge \lceil \alpha n \rceil$
. First suppose that we are in the first case, where
$|B|=\lfloor (1-\alpha )n \rfloor +m$
for some
$1 \le m \le \beta n$
$|A|=\lceil \alpha n \rceil - m$
), and note that

$1 \le m \le m_0 - \kappa$
, then
$0 \lt 3m \le 3 m_0 - 3 \kappa$
and we let
be any set with
$\min \{3m,3m+3 \kappa \} \le 3m_0-w$
vertices from
. Then with the choice of
, we have that the sets
$B_1=B \setminus W$
$V(G) \setminus W$
, and
$|A_1|=\lceil \alpha n \rceil -m$
$|B_1|=|B|-\min \{ 3m,3m+3 \kappa \}=2|A_1|+ w$
If on the other hand,
$m_0 \lt m + \kappa$
, then

and we observe that
is an integer. Moreover,
$m-m_0+\kappa \le m \le |B|/256$
, where we use
$m_0-\kappa \ge 0$
$m \le \beta n \le \alpha _0 \varepsilon n/36 \le n/(3 \cdot 5 \cdot 36)$
$|B| = \lfloor (1-\alpha )n \rfloor + m \ge n/2 +m$
. Thus, by Theorem 2.4 and as
$2 C_{2.4} \log n/n \ge C_{2.4} \log |B|/ |B|$
, we a.a.s. find
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$(G \cup G_1)[B]$
. Denote by
the collection of these
triangles. Let
be any set of
vertices from
not covered by any triangle in
. Then the sets
$B_1=B \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup W)$
$V(G) \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup W)$
, and we have
$|A_1|=\lceil \alpha n \rceil -m$

It remains to consider the second case, where
$|A|= \lceil \alpha n \rceil +m$
for some
$0 \le m \le \beta n$
. First, we greedily pick
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G_2$
each with two vertices in
and one vertex in
. Indeed during the process, there is always a vertex
, not yet contained in a triangle, with at least
$\deg (v,A)-2m \ge (\alpha/4-2\beta )n \ge \beta n$
uncovered neighbours in
in the graph
. By the property assumed in
, we can then find an edge within these neighbours of
to get a triangle. Denote by
the collection of these
$\kappa \ge 0$
, then, with the choice of
, we have that
$A_1=A \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_1)$
$B_1=B \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_1)$
$V(G) \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_1)$

$\kappa \lt 0$
, we additionally pick a set
of vertices not covered by triangles from
, such that
$|W \cap A|=1$
$|W \cap B|=0$
$\kappa =-2/3$
, and
$|W \cap A|=|W\cap B|=1$
$\kappa =-1/3$
. Then, the sets
$A_1=A \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup W)$
$B_1=B \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup W)$
$V(G) \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup W)$
, and
. Indeed, if
$\kappa =-2/3$
, we have
$|A_1|=|A|-2|\mathcal{T}_1|-1=\lceil \alpha n\rceil - m-1$

and if
$\kappa =-1/3$
we have
$|A_1|=|A|-2|\mathcal{T}_1|-1=\lceil \alpha n\rceil - m-1$

Observe, that in both the first and the second case
$|W| \le 3m_0-w$
. Moreover, as we remove at most
$3m_0-w \le 4 \gamma n \le \alpha n/20$
vertices from each
, the minimum degree between
is at least
$\alpha n/4 - \alpha n/20 = \alpha n/5$
. The other conditions on the degrees between
are clearly satisfied, because for all but at most
$\beta n$
vertices from each set there are still at most
$\beta n$
non-neighbours in the other set. The bounds
$|\mathcal{T}| \le \beta n$
$|A_1| \le \lceil \alpha n \rceil$
also hold in all cases.
We want to cover all but
vertices in
$A_1 \cup B_1$
and we start from those vertices in
that do not have a high degree to the other part. We will always cover them with triangles with one vertex in
and two vertices in
to ensure that the relation between the number of vertices remaining in
does not change. Let

and observe that
$|\tilde{A_1}|,|\tilde{B_1}| \le \beta n$
We claim that a.a.s. we can greedily pick pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$(G \cup G_2)[A_1 \cup B_1]$
that cover all vertices of
, with each triangle having one vertex in
and two vertices in
$B_1 \setminus \tilde{B_1}$
. Indeed, at each step during the process, an uncovered vertex
has at least
$\deg (v,B_1)- |\tilde{B_1}| - 2 |\tilde{A_1}| \ge (\alpha/5-3 \beta )n \ge \beta n$
uncovered neighbours in
$B_1 \setminus \tilde{B_1}$
in the graph
. We then find an edge of
within these neighbours of
and build a triangle. Denote by
the collection of these triangles and note that
$|\mathcal{T}_2| \le \beta n$
Observe that at this point
$2 |\mathcal{T}_2| \le 2\beta n$
vertices of
$B_1 \setminus \tilde{B_1}$
have already been covered. We claim that a.a.s. we can greedly pick pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$(G \cup G_2)[(A_1 \cup B_1) \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_2)]$
that cover all vertices of
, where each triangle has one vertex in
$A_1 \setminus \tilde{A_1}$
, one vertex in
, and one vertex in
$B_1 \setminus \tilde{B_1}$
. Indeed, at each step during the process, an uncovered vertex
has at least
$\deg (v,A_1) - |\tilde{A_1}| - |\tilde{B_1}| \ge (\alpha/5-2 \beta )n \ge \beta n$
uncovered neighbours in
$A_1 \setminus \tilde{A_1}$
in the graph
and at least

uncovered neighbours in
$B_1 \setminus \tilde{B_1}$
in the graph
. We then find an edge of
between these two neighbourhood sets to get a triangle. Denote by
the collection of these triangles and note that
$|\mathcal{T}_3| \le \beta n$
The sets
$A_2=A_1 \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3)$
$B_2=B_1 \setminus V(\mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3)$
give a partition of the remaining vertices in
$V(G) \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup V(\mathcal{T}_2) \cup V(\mathcal{T}_3) \cup W)$
. We have

$|B_2|=2|A_2| + w$
. Moreover, the degree from
is at least
$|B_1|-9 \beta n - 2|\mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3| = |B_2| - 9 \beta n$
and the degree from
is at least
$|A_1|- 9 \beta n - |\mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3| = |A_2| - 9 \beta n$
. We partition
arbitrarily into three subsets
, and
of size
. Then the degree from
and the degree from
are at least
$|B'_{\!\!1}| - 9 \beta n$
We claim that the pair
-super-regular, with
being chosen as stated at the beginning of the proof. Indeed for all
$X \subseteq A_2$
$Y \subseteq B'_{\!\!1}$
$|X| \ge \varepsilon |A_2|$
$|Y| \ge \varepsilon |B'_{\!\!1}|$
, we have

$\deg (a,B'_{\!\!1}) \ge |B'_{\!\!1}| - 9 \beta n \ge |B'_{\!\!1}|/2$
for all
$a \in A_2$
, and
$\deg (b,A_2) \ge |A_2| - 9 \beta n \ge |A_2|/2$
for all
$b \in B'_{\!\!1}$
, where for all inequalities we use
$\beta \le \alpha/36$
. For the same reason, the pair
-super-regular as well.
Now, as
$\tfrac{2C_{4.1}}{\alpha _0} \log n/n \ge C_{4.1} \log |A_2|/|A_2|$
, we can apply Lemma 4.1 to
, with
, and a.a.s. get a triangle factor
$(G \cup G_3) [V']$
, where
$V'=V(G) \setminus (V(\mathcal{T}_1) \cup V(\mathcal{T}_2) \cup V(\mathcal{T}_3) \cup W \cup W')$
. Then
$\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3 \cup \mathcal{T}_4$
contains at least

pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles covering
$V(G) \setminus (W \cup W')$
We point out that under certain conditions our proof of Theorem 2.3 gives more triangles. When
$\alpha \lt 1/3$
$|A| \ge \alpha n$
, as
$|W| \le 3m_0-w$
, we get
$\lceil \alpha n \rceil$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
, even when
$\delta (G) \lt \alpha n$
. Similarly, when
$\alpha = 1/3$
$|A| \ge n/3$
, as
$|W| \le 2$
, we get
$\lfloor n/3 \rfloor$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
, even when
$\delta (G) \lt n/3$
. Moreover, for any value of
, when
$|A|-n/3\gt 0$
is linear in
, we could use Lemma 4.2 instead of Lemma 4.1 to avoid the
$\log n$
-factor in the probability.
6. Proof of the stability theorem
Proof of Theorem 2.2.We start by defining necessary constants. Given
$0\lt \beta \lt 1/12$
, let
$d\gt 0$
be obtained from Lemma 4.4, and set
$\gamma =d/2$
. Next, we take any
$0\lt \delta ' \lt 160^{-2} d^2$
and use Lemma 4.2 on input
$\delta '$
to obtain
$\delta _0, \delta, \varepsilon '$
$\delta ' \ge \delta _0\gt \delta \gt \varepsilon '\gt 0$
. Additionally, we assume that
is large enough and
$\varepsilon '$
is small enough for Lemma 4.3 to hold with input
. Finally, let
be given by Lemma 3.2 on input
. We let
$0\lt \varepsilon \le \varepsilon '/2$
. In summary, the dependencies between our constants are as follows:

We apply Lemma 3.5 with
to obtain
. We take
large enough such that, for
$p \ge C/n$
, the random graph
contains the union
$G_1 \cup G_2 \cup G_3$
, where
$G_1 \sim G(n,2C_1T/n)$
$G_2 \sim G(n,4C_2T/(dn))$
, and
$G_3 \sim G(n,96 T^2/(d^2n))$
Now, for any
$4 \beta \le \alpha \le 1/3$
, let
be an
-vertex graph on the vertex set
with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge (\alpha -\gamma )n$
that is not
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable. With the regularity lemma (Lemma 3.5) applied to
, we get
$t_0 \lt t+1 \le T$
and a partition
such that (P1)–(P4) hold. Define
$n_0=|V_1|=|V_2|=\dots =|V_t|$
and observe that
$(1-\varepsilon )n/t \le n_0 \le n/t$
. We denote by
-reduced graph for
, that is, the graph on the vertex set
with edges
corresponding to
-regular pairs
of density at least
. We observe that the minimum degree of
$\delta (R) \ge (\alpha -2d) t$
because, otherwise, thre would be vertices with degree at most
$(\alpha -2d)t(n/t)+\varepsilon n \lt (\alpha - \gamma )n - (d+\varepsilon )n$
, contradicting (P2).
The purpose of
will become clear later, but we describe some useful properties of
now. Let
be any two clusters that give an edge in
any cluster, and
$U' \subseteq U$
$W'\subseteq W$
$V'\subseteq V$
three pairwise disjoint subsets each of size
. Then, with
and as
$4C_2T/(dn) \ge 2C_2/(dn_0)$
, by Lemma 3.2 we have that with probability at least

With a union bound over the at most
choices for
, we conclude that a.a.s. (1) holds for all choices as above.
we a.a.s. have that

In fact, given any set
of size at least
, the expected number of edges of

where we used that
$n/n_0 \le t/(1-\varepsilon ) \le 2T$
. Therefore, the probability that the set
does not contain an edge of
is at most
$(1-\frac{96 T^2}{d^2 n})^{\binom{|A|}{2}} \le \exp \left (-\binom{|A|}{2} \cdot \frac{96 T^2}{d^2 n}\right ) \le \exp (-2n)$
and (2) follows from a union bound over the at most
choices for
Now let
be a largest matching in
. Since
is not
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable, using Lemma 4.4, we conclude that
$|M_1| \ge (\alpha + 2d)t$
. At this point, for the sake of clarity, we split our proof into two cases –
$0 \lt \alpha \lt 1/3 - d/3$
$1/3 - d/3 \le \alpha \le 1/3$
– although some steps will be the same. The first case is indeed much easier, as we do not need to cover all the graph with triangles, while in the second case we are looking for a spanning structure and we want to find
$\lfloor n/3 \rfloor$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles.
$0 \lt \alpha \lt 1/3 - d/3$
is a largest matching in
, the set
$V(R) \setminus V(M_1)$
is independent and only one endpoint of each edge of
can be adjacent to more than one vertex from
$V(R) \setminus V(M_1)$
. Therefore, we can greedily pick a second matching
such that each edge of
contains a vertex of
$V(R) \setminus V(M_1)$
and a vertex of
, and
covers at least
$\min \{|V(R) \setminus V(M_1)|,\delta (R) \}$
vertices of
$V(R) \setminus V(M_1)$
. The two matchings
together cover a subset
$V(M_1 \cup M_2) \subseteq V(R)$

vertices, and we can extract a collection of
vertex-disjoint cherries and a disjoint matching that cover such vertices. This gives a subgraph
$R'\subseteq R$
consisting of cherries and a matching such that for all edges
$ij \in E(R')$
the pair
-regular of density at least
, and therefore in
as well. We denote by
$\mathcal{J} \subseteq [t]$
the indices of the clusters
of the cherries and the matching edges in
and we observe from above that
$|\mathcal{J}| \ge (3 \alpha + d)t$
. We add to
all the vertices of
that are in the clusters
$j \notin \mathcal{J}$
Then we make all pairs associated with the edges of
super-regular. Given a pair
, by Lemma 3.3, all but at most
$\varepsilon n_0$
vertices of
) have degree at least
$(d-\varepsilon )n_0$
). For every such pair we remove these vertices from
, and remove additional vertices to ensure all clusters have the same size. As
only contains vertex-disjoint cherries and a disjoint matching, we can achieve that by removing a total of at most
$2 \varepsilon n_0$
vertices from each cluster. We add all the removed vertices to
. Observe that afterwards all the pairs
associated with the edges of
$(2\varepsilon,d-3\varepsilon )$
-super-regular, because every vertex
$a \in A$
has degree at least
$(d-\varepsilon )n_0 - 2\varepsilon n_0 \ge (d-3\varepsilon )|B|$
, and every vertex
$b \in B$
has degree at least
$(d-3\varepsilon )|A|$
Recall that for a later application of Lemma 4.2, we need that for each cherry the sizes of the leaf-clusters are smaller than the size of the centre-cluster. Thus, for each cherry
, with
being the centre, we additionally remove
$\delta |V_j| \le \delta n_0$
vertices from the leaves
, and add them to
. We have
$|V_i|=|V_k|=(1-\delta )|V_j|$
that implies
$|V_i|=|V_k| \ge (1-\delta _0)|V_j|$
, as
$\delta _0 \gt \delta$
. We have that all edges of
still give
$(2\varepsilon,d-3\varepsilon -\delta )$
-super-regular pairs. Moreover,

We can assume (by moving only a few additional vertices to
that do not harm the bounds above) that for all cherries and matching edges in
the number of vertices in the clusters together is divisible by three.
For each such super-regular cherry
, after revealing
$G_1[V_i \cup V_j \cup V_k]$
we find by Lemma 4.2 a.a.s. a triangle factor covering all the vertices in
$V_i \cup V_j \cup V_k$
. Similarly for any matching edge
, after revealing
$G_1[V_i \cup V_j]$
we find by Lemma 4.3 a.a.s. a triangle factor covering all the vertices in
$V_i \cup V_j$
. Note that we apply Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3 only constantly many times and thus a.a.s. we get a triangle factor in all such applications. Let
be the union of all such triangle factors. Then
$\left |\bigcup _{j \in \mathcal{J}} V_j \right | \ge 3 \alpha n$
vertices and gives at least
$\alpha n=\min \{\alpha n, \lfloor n/3 \rfloor \}$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
$1/3 - d/3 \le \alpha \le 1/3$
As discussed in the overview, here we cannot directly apply Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3 as in the case
$0 \lt \alpha \lt 1/3-d/3$
, but we need additional steps. However, even with a lower minimum degree, we will cover all vertices of
and find
$\lfloor n/3 \rfloor$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles. Recall that
is a largest matching and that
$|M_1| \ge (\alpha +2d)t$
. Then the set
$V(R) \setminus V(M_1)$
is independent, has size

and only one endpoint of each edge of
can be adjacent to more than one vertex from
$V(R) \setminus V(M_1)$
. Given that
$\delta (R) \ge (\alpha -2d)t$
, we can greedily pick a second matching
such that each edge of
contains a vertex of
$V(R) \setminus V(M_1)$
and a vertex of
, and
covers the remaining vertices
$V(R) \setminus V(M_1)$
completely. Therefore, the two matchings
together cover the vertex set
and we can extract a collection of
$\ell = |M_2| \le (\alpha -3d)t$
vertex-disjoint cherries and a disjoint matching that cover
This gives a spanning subgraph
$R'\subseteq R$
on vertex set
$\ell \le (\alpha -3d)t$
cherries and a matching of size
$(t-3\ell )/2 \ge (1-3 \alpha + 9d)t/2 \ge 9dt/2$
such that for all edges
$ij \in E(R')$
the pair
-regular of density at least
, and therefore in
as well. We denote by
$\mathcal{I} \subseteq [t]$
the indices of the clusters
that are not the centre of a cherry in
. As above, with Lemma 3.3, we can make the pairs associated with the edges of
$(2\varepsilon,d-3\varepsilon )$
-super-regular, while keeping the clusters all of the same size. For this we have to remove at most
$t 2 \varepsilon n_0 \le t 2 \varepsilon n/t = 2 \varepsilon n$
vertices, which we add to
. Next, as for a later application of Lemma 4.2 we need that for each cherry the sizes of the leaf-clusters are smaller than the size of the centre-cluster, we remove for each
$i \in \mathcal{I}$
$\delta |V_i| \le \delta n_0 \le \delta n/t$
vertices from
and add them to
. Note that we remove vertices from the clusters of matching edges as well, although this is not necessary. We then get
$|V_0| \le \varepsilon n + 2 \varepsilon n + t \delta n/t \le 2 \delta n$
. We can assume (by moving only a few additional vertices to
that do not harm the bounds above) that for all cherries and matching edges in
the number of vertices in the clusters together is divisible by three. By removing
$n \pmod 3 \in \{0,1,2\}$
vertices from
, we also have
$|V_0| \equiv 0 \pmod 3$
; note that this only happens when
is not divisible by
and we can discard these vertices.
with triangles. We now want to cover the exceptional vertices in
by triangles. It would be easy to do this greedily by just using (2), but it might happen that afterwards in many of the cherries the number of vertices is not divisible by three or that the centre cluster gets too small. To avoid both these issues, we will cover
while using the same number of vertices from clusters that are together in a cherry or matching edge. For this we will always cover three vertices at a time and combine (1) with (2) to find additional triangles. Observe that
$|V_0 \cup \bigcup _{i \not \in \mathcal{I} } V_i| \le 2 \delta n + \ell n/t \le (\alpha -\gamma )n - 2dn$
and, therefore, any
$v \in V_0$
has at least
$2 dn$
neighbours in
$\bigcup _{i \in \mathcal{I}} V_i$
Assume we have already covered
$V' \subseteq V_0$
vertices of
using at most
triangles in total. Let
be the set of vertices from
$\bigcup _{i \in \mathcal{I}} V_i$
used for the triangles covering
and note that
$|W'| \le 30 \delta n$
. Then let
$\mathcal{I}' \subseteq \mathcal{I}$
be the set of indices of clusters
$i \in \mathcal{I}$
which intersect
in at least
$\sqrt{\delta }n_0$
vertices and note that
$|\mathcal{I}'| \le |W'|/(\sqrt{\delta }n_0) \le 30 \sqrt{\delta } t/ (1-\varepsilon ) \le 40 \sqrt{\delta } t \le dt/4$
. Moreover, notice that as for each
$v \in V_0$
we have
$\deg _G(v,\bigcup _{i \in \mathcal{I}} V_i) \ge 2dn$
, there are at least
$i \in \mathcal{I}$
such that
has at least
neighbours in
. In particular, as
$|\mathcal{I}'| \le dt/4$
$t \ge 10/d$
, there are at least
$dt-|\mathcal{I}'| \ge 3dt/4 \ge 7$
$i \in \mathcal{I} \setminus \mathcal{I}'$
such that
has at least
neighbours in
. Therefore, we can pick three vertices
$v_1,v_2,v_3 \in V_0 \setminus V'$
and three indices
$\mathcal{I} \setminus \mathcal{I}'$
such that
neighbours in
and the clusters
belong to pairwise different cherries or matching edges. For
with (2), we find an edge
$G_3[N(v_j,V_{i_j}) \setminus W']$
and we cover the three vertices with triangles. It is easy to show that we can find at most
additional triangles with the help of (1) and (2), in such a way that, overall, for each cherry and matching edge, we use the same number of vertices from each of their clusters; in particular, the number of vertices used from each cherry and matching edge is divisible by three. The clusters
can belong to three cherries, two cherries and one matching edge, one cherry and two matching edges, or three matching edges. We give details in the case where they are all leaves of (different) cherries, and we refer to Figure 1 for the other three cases. With (1) we find four triangles: two with a vertex in each of the other cluster of the cherry containing
and the third vertex in one of the other clusters of the cherry containing
, and other two triangles with one vertex in each of the other cluster of the cherry containing
and the third vertex in the remaining cluster of the cherry containing
. When a
belongs to a matching edge of
, we first find with (2) two triangles inside this matching edge each with one vertex in the cluster
and the other two vertices in the other cluster of the matching edge, then we proceed as before (see Figure 1). Note that we cover three vertices of
using at most
triangles, and thus to cover
$V' \subseteq V_0$
we use at most
$13 |V'|/3 \le 5 |V'|$
, as claimed above. Therefore we can repeat this procedure until

Figure 1. Embeddings of triangles for absorbing
while using the same number of vertices from each cluster within a cherry or a matching edge. Each red triangle covers a vertex of
. Each blue triangle stands for two triangles with end-points in the same clusters; we only draw one for simplicity.
be the set of triangles we found above to cover
and keep the divisibility condition. We now update the regularity partition by deleting
from each
$i \in [t]$
and note that for all cherries and matchings from
the number of vertices in the clusters together is divisible by three. We recall that so far we removed at most
$(2 \varepsilon + \delta + 2\sqrt{\delta }) n_0$
vertices from each cluster, where the first (resp. second, third) term bounds the number of vertices removed for making each pair super-regular (resp. for a later application of Lemma 4.2, for covering
Balancing the partition. Now the matching edges in
are already ready for an application of Lemma 4.3, and we will not modify the corresponding clusters anymore. However, before an application of Lemma 4.2 to the cherries in
, we need to ensure that the ratio between their size and the size of the centre-cluster satisfies the hypotheses of the lemma. This is what we are going to do now. For
$i \not \in \mathcal{I}$
we denote by
the leaf clusters of the cherry centred at
. Before covering the vertices of
, we had
$|W_i| = |U_i| \le (1-\delta ) |V_i|$
$i \not \in \mathcal{I}$
, which still holds as we removed the same number of vertices from each cluster of a cherry.
However we still need to guarantee the other inequality
$|W_i|,|U_i| \ge (1-\delta _0) |V_i|$
. For that, we find
triangles with two vertices in
, of which one half has the third vertex in
and the other half in
, where
is the smallest integer such that

Then after removing these
triangles, we will have precisely
$(1-\delta _0)|V_i| \le |U_i| = |W_i|$
. Observe that the inequality (3) implies that
$m \ge \frac{(1-\delta _0)|V_i|-|U_i|}{4(1-\delta _0)-1}$
and, as we chose the smallest such
, we get
$m \le \lceil \frac{(1-\delta _0)|V_i|-|U_i|}{4(1-\delta _0)-1} \rceil$
. Moreover, as
$\delta \lt \delta _0$
$|V_i| \le n_0$
$|U_i| \ge (1-2\varepsilon -\delta -2 \sqrt{\delta } ) n_0$
, we have
$\frac{(1-\delta _0)|V_i|-|U_i|}{4(1-\delta _0)-1} \lt \frac{(1-\delta _0)-(1-2\varepsilon -\delta -2 \sqrt{\delta } )}{2}n_0 \lt 2 \sqrt{\delta }n_0$
. Therefore, for
(and thus
) large enough,
$m \le 2 \sqrt{\delta }n_0$
. We can find these at most
$4 \sqrt{\delta } n_0$
triangles, by iteratively picking them with (2) and removing the corresponding vertices from
, and
. Indeed, for any
$v \in W_i \cup U_i$
we have degree into
at least
$(d-3 \varepsilon - \delta -10 \sqrt{\delta })n_0 \ge dn_0/2$
, as we started from
$(2\varepsilon,d-3\varepsilon )$
-super-regular pairs and
$\delta \lt \delta ' \lt 160^{-2} d^2$
Note that afterwards we still have
$|U_i| \le (1-\delta )|V_i|$
as for large enough
and with
$\delta \lt \delta _0$
we have
$m \le \lceil \frac{(1-\delta _0)|V_i|-|U_i|}{4(1-\delta _0)-1} \rceil \le \frac{(1-\delta )|V_i|-|U_i|}{4(1-\delta )-1}$
. Therefore, we have
$(1-\delta _0)|V_i| \le |U_i| = |W_i| \le (1-\delta ) |V_i|$
. Moreover with
$d-3 \varepsilon -\delta -10 \sqrt{\delta } \ge d/2$
$2\varepsilon \le \varepsilon '$
, we get that the pairs
$(\varepsilon ',d/2)$
-super-regular. Let
be the set of triangles we removed during this phase.
Completing the triangles. Now for any
$i \not \in \mathcal{I}$
, after revealing
$G_1[V_i \cup W_i \cup U_i]$
, we a.a.s. find a triangle factor covering the vertices of
, and
by Lemma 4.2. Similarly for any matching edge
observe that
is a
$(\varepsilon ',d/2)$
-super-regular pair. Then after revealing
$G_1[V_i \cup V_j]$
, we a.a.s. find a triangle factor covering the vertices of
by Lemma 4.3. Note that we apply Lemma 4.2 and Lemma 4.3 only constantly many times and thus a.a.s. we get a triangle factor in all such applications. Let
be the union of the triangle factors we obtain for each
$i \not \in \mathcal{I}$
and each matching edge
. Then
$\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2 \cup \mathcal{T}_3$
$\lfloor n/3 \rfloor$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
7. Proof of the sublinear theorem
As outlined in the overview, we use the following two Propositions to prove Theorem 2.4.
Proposition 7.1.
For any
$0\lt \gamma \lt 1/2$
there exists
$C\gt 0$
such that for any
$(\log n)^3 \le m \le \sqrt{n}$
and any
-vertex graph
with maximum degree
$\Delta (G) \le \gamma n$
and minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge m$
the following holds. With
$p \ge C/n$
there are a.a.s. at least
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
Proposition 7.2.
There exists
$C\gt 0$
such that for any
$\sqrt{n} \le m \le n/32$
and any
-vertex graph
with maximum degree
$\Delta (G) \le n/32$
and minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge m$
the following holds. With
$p \ge C \log n/n$
there are a.a.s. at least
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
With this at hand we can prove Theorem 2.4.
Proof of Theorem 2.4.Let
$1 \le m \le n/256$
and let
be an
-vertex graph on vertex set
with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge m$
. We let
be large enough such that with
$p \ge C \log n/n$
we can expose
in four rounds as
$\bigcup _{i=1}^4 G_i$
$G_i \sim G(n,C_i \log n/n)$
such that the following hold. We let
and observe that, by a union bound, a.a.s. for any set of vertices
of size at least
there is at least one edge in
. Next, we let
be large enough such that for a set of vertices
of size at least
there are a.a.s. at least
$\log ^3 n$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
[Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński19, Theorem 3.29]. Finally, let
(this is sufficient for our application of Proposition 7.1 because we do not need the
$\log n$
term) and
be such that we can apply Proposition 7.2 with
. We expose
already now and assume that the described property holds, while we leave
, and
until we need them.
To apply one of the two propositions to a large subgraph
, we need
$\Delta (G') \le v(G')/32$
. For this let
be the set of vertices from
of degree at least
. If
$|V'|\ge m$
, then we let
be any subset of
of size
and we greedily find
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G_1$
, each containing exactly one vertex from
. Indeed, as long as we have less than
triangles, there is a vertex
$v \in V''$
not yet contained in a triangle. Then there is a set
$U \subseteq N_G(v) \setminus V''$
of at least
$n/64-3m \ge n/256$
vertices not covered by triangles, and we can find an edge within
that gives us a triangle containing
and two vertices from
$|V'|\lt m$
and we remove
to obtain
$G'=G[V \setminus V']$
. Note that we have
$v(G') = n-|V'| \ge n/2$
, minimum degree
$\delta (G') \ge m'= m-|V'|$
, and maximum degree
$\Delta (G') \lt n/64 \le v(G')/32$
. If
$m' \lt (\log n)^3$
, then we a.a.s. find
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles within
. If
$(\log v(G'))^3 \le (\log n)^3 \le m' \le \sqrt{v(G')}$
, then by Proposition 7.1 and as
$\log n/n= \omega (1/v(G'))$
there are a.a.s. at least
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G' \cup G_3[V(G')]$
. Finally, if
$\sqrt{v(G')} \le m' \le n/256 \le v(G')/32$
, then by Proposition 7.2 and as
$C_4 \log n/n \ge \frac{C_4}{2} \log v(G')/ v(G')$
, there are a.a.s. at least
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G' \cup G_4[V(G')]$
Now, that we found
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles, we can greedily add triangles by using the
vertices from
and an edge in their neighbourhood until we have
triangles. Analogous to above, as long as we have less than
triangles, for each available vertex
$v \in V'$
, there is a set
$U \subseteq N_G(v) \setminus V'$
of at least
vertices not covered by triangles, and we find an edge within
It remains to prove Propositions 7.1 and 7.2. For Proposition 7.1, which deals with the cases
$(\log n)^3 \le m \le \sqrt{n}$
, we first need to find many large enough vertex-disjoint stars in
. These can be found deterministically with Lemma 7.3 below and afterwards we will show that a.a.s. at least
of them can be completed to triangles with the help of
For any integer
$g \ge 2$
, we define the star on
vertices as the graph with one vertex of degree
(this vertex is called the centre) and the other vertices of degree one (these vertices are called leaves). Given a star
, we denote the number of its leaves by
. Moreover, given a family of vertex-disjoint stars
, we denote the set of all their centre vertices by
and the set of all their leaf vertices by
Lemma 7.3.
For every
$0\lt \gamma \lt 1/2$
and integer
there exists an
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
such that for
large enough and any
$2/\varepsilon \le m \le \sqrt{n}$
the following holds. In every
-vertex graph
with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge m$
and maximum degree
$\Delta (G) \le \gamma n$
, there exists a family
of vertex-disjoint stars in
such that every
$K\in{\mathcal K}$
leaves with
$\varepsilon m \le g_K \le \varepsilon \sqrt{n}$

Proof of Lemma 7.3.Given
$0\lt \gamma \lt 1/2$
and an integer
we let
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
such that
$\varepsilon \le 1/(6s)$
$\varepsilon \lt 1/2- s \gamma$
. Moreover, we let
be large enough for our calculations and, for simplicity, assume that
$\varepsilon \sqrt{n}$
is an integer. Then let
$2/\varepsilon \le m \le \sqrt{n}$
be an
-vertex graph on vertex set
$\delta (G) \ge m$
$\Delta (G) \le \gamma n$
be a family of vertex-disjoint stars in
$\varepsilon m \le g_K \le \varepsilon \sqrt{n}$
for all
$K \in \mathcal{K}$
, that maximizes the sum

among all such families. Note that each star in
has at least
leaves because
$g_K \ge \varepsilon m$
$m \ge 2/\varepsilon$
If the sum in (4) is bigger than
$s \varepsilon ^2 n m$
we are done. So we assume the family

We are going to prove that then there exists a vertex of degree larger than
$\gamma n$
, contradicting our assumption on the maximum degree.
For this we split
into two subfamilies

and we let
be the set of vertices not covered by the stars in
, that is
$R=V(G) \setminus (\mathcal{H}_C \cup \mathcal{H}_L \cup \mathcal{M}_C \cup \mathcal{M}_L)$
, where
, and
are obtained from
as defined above.
For all stars
$K \in \mathcal{H}$
we have
$g_K^2=\varepsilon ^2 n$
. From (5), we get that the subfamily
contains at most
stars and hence

$m \le \sqrt{n}$
As each star in
has at least
$\varepsilon m$
leaves, we have
$\sum _{K \in \mathcal{M}} g_K \ge |\mathcal{M}| \varepsilon m$
. Using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we then get

which implies

$|\mathcal{M}_C| \le |\mathcal{M}_L|/2 \le s \varepsilon n/2$
since each star has at least
These bounds on
together with (6) immediately imply that
$|R| \ge (1-3 s \varepsilon ) n \ge n/2$
. We are going to show that there are many edges between
and from that we derive the existence of a high degree vertex, giving the desired contradiction.
A vertex in
cannot have at least
$\varepsilon m$
neighbours inside
, because otherwise we could create a new star and increase the sum in (4). Therefore,
$e(R) \lt |R| \varepsilon m/2$
. We also have
since otherwise we could add an edge to one of the existing stars in
increasing the sum in (4) (recall that stars in
have less than
$\varepsilon \sqrt{n}$
Given a leaf
$v \in \mathcal{M}_L$
that belongs to a star
leaves, we must have
$\deg (v,R) \lt g_K+1$
. Otherwise, we could take
$V' \subseteq N_R(v)$
of size
$|V'|=g_k+1 \le \varepsilon \sqrt{n}$
and create a new family of vertex-disjoint stars, given by
$\mathcal{K} \setminus \{K\}$
and the star on
$v \cup V'$
, to increase the sum in (4). Therefore,

Similarly, given
$v \in \mathcal{H}_L$
, we must have
$\deg (v,R) \lt \varepsilon \sqrt{n}$
. Otherwise, we could take
$V' \subseteq N_R(v)$
of size
$|V'|=\varepsilon \sqrt{n}$
and create a new family of vertex-disjoint stars, given by
$\mathcal{K} \setminus \{K\}$
, the star
$K \setminus \left \{v\right \}$
, and the star on
$v \cup V'$
, to increase the sum in (4). Therefore,
$e(R,\mathcal{H}_L) \le |\mathcal{H}_L| \varepsilon \sqrt{n} \le s \varepsilon ^2 n m$
by (6).
On the other hand,
$\delta (G) \ge m$
$e(R,V) \ge m |R|$
, where the edges inside of
are counted twice. Then we can lower bound the number of edges between

where we used the bounds on
, and
we found above, together with
$|R| \ge n/2$
$\varepsilon m \ge 2$
and the choice of
$\varepsilon \lt 1/(6s)$
. In particular, as
$|\mathcal{H}_C| \le sm$
and using
$\varepsilon \lt 1/2- s \gamma$
, and
$|R| \gt n/2$
, there exists a vertex
$v \in \mathcal{H}_C$
of degree

This contradicts the maximum degree of
Proof of Proposition 7.1.Let
be sufficiently large for the following arguments. With
$0\lt \gamma \lt 1/2$
be an
-vertex graph with maximum degree
$\Delta (G) \le \gamma n$
and minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge m$
. With
$(\log n)^3 \le m \le \sqrt{n}$
, we first find many vertex-disjoint stars in
and then complete at least
of them to triangles with the help of
. We apply Lemma 7.3 with
to get
$0\lt \varepsilon \lt 1/2$
and, as
is large enough and
$m \ge 2/\varepsilon$
, we get a family
of vertex-disjoint stars on
such that
$\varepsilon m \le g_K \le \varepsilon \sqrt{n}$
$K \in \mathcal{K}$
$\sum _{K \in \mathcal{K}} g_K^2 \ge 8 \varepsilon ^2 n m$
As we have stars of different sizes, we split
$t=\lceil \log (\sqrt{n}/m)/\log 2 \rceil +1$

and set
$k_i =|\mathcal{K}_i|$
By deleting leaves, we may assume that all stars in
have exactly
$\lceil 2^{i-1} \varepsilon m \rceil$
leaves. Denote by
the set of indices
$i \in [t]$
such that
$k_i \left ( 2^{i-1} \varepsilon m \right )^2 \ge \varepsilon ^2 n m/t$
. Next we prove that
$\sum _{i \in \mathcal{I}} k_i \left ( 2^{i-1} \varepsilon m \right )^2 \ge \varepsilon ^2 nm.$
Observe first that
$\sum _{i \not \in \mathcal{I}} k_i \left ( 2^{i-1} \varepsilon m \right )^2 \le t (\varepsilon ^2 nm/t)=\varepsilon ^2 nm$
. It follows that

Now we reveal random edges on
with probability
$p \ge C/n$
is large enough for the Chernoff bounds and inequalities below. We shall show that this allows us to find at least
triangles a.a.s.. Indeed, for each
$i \in \mathcal{I}$
, we find many pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
using random edges.
Claim 7.4.
For any
$i \in \mathcal{I}$
, after revealing edges of
$p \ge C/n$
, we have with probability at least
at least
$k_i (2^{i-1}m)^2/ n$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles within
$(G \cup G(n,p))[\cup _{K \in \mathcal{K}_i} V(K)]$
Having this claim and since
$|\mathcal{I}| \le t =o (n)$
, with a union bound over
$i \in \mathcal{I}$
, there are a.a.s. at least

pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G\cup G(n,p)$
. It remains to prove Claim 7.4.
Proof of Claim 7.4.Fix
$i \in \mathcal{I}$
and let
$g = \lceil 2^{i-1} \varepsilon m \rceil$
. We reveal random edges with probability
within each set of leaves of the
stars in
. We recall that these
sets are pairwise disjoint and each has size
. Let
be the indicator variable of the event that the
th of these sets contains at least one edge for
$1 \le j \le k$
, and set
$X = \sum _{j=1}^kX_i$
. Then
$\mathbb{E}[X] = k \left ( 1-(1-p)^{\binom{g}{2}} \right )$
. We have that
$\mathbb{E}[X] \ge 2 k g^2/(\varepsilon ^2 n)$
. Indeed,

and the later holds for large enough
using the inequality
$1-x\le e^{-x}\le 1-\frac{x}{2}$
valid for
$x\lt 3/2$
From Chernoff’s inequality (Lemma 3.1) and from the fact that
$k g^2/(\varepsilon ^2 n) \ge m/t$
by the definition of
, it follows that with probability at most

there are less than
$kg^2/(\varepsilon ^2 n)$
triangles, where the last inequality holds as
$t \le \log n$
$m \ge (\log n)^3$
, and
is large enough.
Proof of Proposition 7.2.Let
be an
-vertex graph with maximum degree
$\Delta (G) \le n/32$
and minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge m$
. With
$\sqrt{n} \le m \le n/32$
, we cannot hope to find sufficiently many large enough vertex-disjoint stars (as we did in the proof of Proposition 7.1). Instead we apply a greedy strategy, using that a.a.s. every vertex of
has random edges in its neighbourhood. We can greedily obtain a spanning bipartite subgraph
$G' \subseteq G$
of minimum degree
$\delta (G') \ge m/2$
by taking a partition of
into sets
such that
is maximised and letting
. Indeed, a vertex of degree less than
can be moved to the other class to increase
. W.l.o.g. we assume
$|B|\ge n/2\ge |A|$
. Moreover, we have
$|A| \ge 8m$
, as otherwise with
$e(A,B) \ge nm/4$
there is a vertex of degree larger than
, a contradiction.
Claim 7.5.
For every
$A' \subseteq A$
$B' \subseteq B$
$|A'| \lt 2m$
$|B'| \ge n/4$
we have
$e(A \setminus A',B') \ge n m/16$
Proof. If
$e(A \setminus A',B') \lt n m/16$
, it follows from
$e(A,B') \ge |B'| m/2\ge nm/8$
that we have
$e(A',B') \ge n m/16$
. Since
$|A'| \lt 2m$
, there must be a vertex of degree at least
, a contradiction.
From this claim, it follows that there are many vertices of high degree in
$A \setminus A'$
Claim 7.6.
Suppose that
$A' \subseteq A$
$B' \subseteq B$
$|A'| \lt 2m$
$|B'| \ge n/4$
. Let
$ A^* = \{ v \in A \setminus A' \,\colon \, \deg (v,B') \ge m/16 \}$
. Then
$|A^*| \ge m.$
Proof. We have
$|A^*| n/32 + |A| m/16 \ge e(A^*,B') +e(A \setminus (A'\cup A^*),B') = e(A \setminus A',B') \ge nm/16$
, where the last inequality uses Claim 7.5. Since
$|A| \le n/2$
, we get

$s=\lceil \frac{2n}{m} \rceil$
$t= \lceil \frac{m^2}{2n} \rceil$
. We will now iteratively construct our
triangles in
rounds of
triangles each. In each round, we will reveal
$q = \frac{C \log n}{m^{2}}$
, where
is large enough for the Chernoff bound below. For the start, we set
, suppose that before the
th round we have

$|B_0|=(i-1)(2s) \lt 3m$
, and note this is true for
. In the
th round, we pick vertices
$v_1,\dots,v_s \in A \setminus A'$
and pairwise disjoint sets
$B_1,\dots,B_s \subseteq B \setminus B_0$
, each of size
$\lceil m/16 \rceil$
, such that
$B_j \subseteq N_{G'}(v_j)$
for each
. We can do this greedily, where for
we set
$B'=B \setminus (B_0 \cup B_1 \cup \dots \cup B_{j-1})$
and apply Claim 7.6 to obtain a vertex
$v_j \in A \setminus A'$
together with a set
$B_j \subseteq B'$
$\lceil m/16 \rceil$
neighbours of
. We can do this as
$|A'| \lt 2m$
$|B'| \ge n/2 - s \lceil m/16 \rceil - |B_0| \ge n/4$
$m\le n/32$
Now we reveal additional edges at random with probability
. Then with probability at least
, we have at least one edge in each set
$B_1, \dots, B_s$
. Indeed the probability that there is no edge in a set
is at most
$(1-q)^{\binom{|B_i|}{2}} \le \exp (-C \tfrac{\log n}{m} \binom{\lceil m/16 \rceil }{2}) \le n^{-3}$
is large enough. Therefore, the probability that there is a set without any edge is at most
$s n^{-3} \le n^{-2}$
by a union bound. We fix an arbitrary edge from each
and together with
this gives us
triangles. We add the vertices
and the vertices of the edges that we chose to
. Notice that
, as required at the beginning of next round.
We can repeat the above
times because with
$m \ge \sqrt{n}$
we get
$t q \le \frac{C \log n}{n} = p$
. By a union bound over the
$t=\lceil \frac{m^2}{2n} \rceil \le n$
rounds, we get that we succeed a.a.s. and find
$t s \ge m$
8. Proof of the auxiliary lemmas
In this section, we prove Lemmas 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. For each of them, we first give an overview of the strategy and then a full proof.
8.1 Proof of Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2
We describe the general setup of both Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2. Let
be a graph on
$U \cup V \cup W$
being super-regular with respect to
. We will find all/most triangles, respectively, with one vertex in each of the sets
, and
, with the edges between
coming from the random graph. To find these edges, we consider a random matching
such that each matching edge is contained in many triangles with the third vertex from
. As we later want to match edges from
to vertices from
, in order to get triangles, we consider the following bipartite auxiliary graph. Given a matching
, the vertex set of the graph
consists of
and there is an edge between
$m \in M$
$v \in V$
if and only if the vertices of
are incident to
. The lemma below states that with
$ p \ge C/n$
, we can a.a.s. find a large matching
such that additionally
gives a super-regular pair in
. Observe that a matching within
induces pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles in
$G \cup G(U,W,p)$
Lemma 8.1.
For any
$0 \lt d,\delta,\varepsilon ' \lt 1$
$2\delta \le d$
there exist
$\varepsilon,C\gt 0$
such that the following holds. Let
be a graph on
$U \cup V \cup W$
, with
$(1-1/2)n \le |U|=|W| \le (1 + 1/2) n$
, such that
-super-regular pairs with respect to
. Further, let
be a random graph with
$p \ge C/n$
. Then a.a.s. there exists a matching
$M \subseteq G(U,W,p)$
of size
$|M| = (1-\delta )|W|$
such that the pair
$(\varepsilon ',d^3/32)$
-super-regular with respect to the auxiliary graph
We will prove this lemma at the end of this section. For Lemma 4.2, we will use the minimum degree condition and
to find additional triangles covering the remaining vertices from
that are not covered by
. We now proceed to the details of this proof.
Proof of Lemma 4.2.Given
$0 \lt \delta ' \le d \lt 1$
, let
$\varepsilon '\gt 0$
be given by Lemma 3.4 on input
and let
$0\lt \delta \lt \delta _0 \le \min \{ \delta ', d^3/22 \}$
. Furthermore, let
$C \ge 8 \delta ^{-2}$
, let
$0\lt \varepsilon \lt \delta/4$
be given by Lemma 8.1 on input
$\tfrac{\delta }{3(1-\delta )}$
(in place of
), and
$\varepsilon '/2$
and let
$p \ge C/n$
are disjoint sets of size
$(1-\delta _0)n \le |U|=|W| \le (1-\delta )n$
$|V|+|U|+|W| \equiv 0 \pmod 3$
, and
is a graph with vertex set
$U \cup V \cup W$
such that the pairs
-super-regular with respect to
. Let
$\delta _1$
be such that
$|U|=|W|=(1-\delta _1)n$
and observe that
$\delta \le \delta _1 \le \delta _0$
. We reveal random edges
$G_1 \sim G(U,W,p)$
$G_2 \sim G(V,p)$
and we have that a.a.s. any set of size at least
$\delta n$
contains an edge of
. Indeed, fixed a set of size at least
$\delta n$
, the probability that it does not contain an edge of
is at most
$(1-p)^{\binom{\delta n}{2}} \le \exp (-p\binom{\delta n}{2}) \le \exp (-2n)$
$C \ge 8 \delta ^{-2}$
, and we conclude by a union bound over the at most
choices of such set. Then we apply Lemma 8.1 with
to obtain a matching
$M \subseteq G_1$
of size
$|M| = \left (1-\tfrac{\delta }{3(1-\delta )}\right )|W|=\left (1-\tfrac{\delta }{3(1-\delta )}\right )(1-\delta _1)n$
such that the pair
$(\varepsilon '/2,d^3/32)$
-super-regular with respect to
. As for
$x \in (0,1)$
the function
$x \rightarrow x/(1-x)$
is increasing and
$\delta \le \delta _1$
, we have
$\left (\tfrac{\delta _1}{3}-\tfrac{\delta }{3(1-\delta )}(1-\delta _1) \right ) \ge \left (\tfrac{\delta _1}{3}-\tfrac{\delta _1}{3(1-\delta _1)}(1-\delta _1) \right ) \ge 0$
. Thus, by ignoring
$\left (\tfrac{\delta _1}{3}-\tfrac{\delta }{3(1-\delta )}(1-\delta _1) \right ) n \le d^3 n/64$
edges of
, we get a subset
$M' \subseteq M$
$|M'|=(1-4 \delta _1/3) n$
Next, let
$U' = U \setminus V(M')$
$W'=W \setminus V(M')$
be the sets of vertices in
, respectively, that are not incident to edges of
. Note that both
have size
$\delta _1 n/3$
. We want to cover these vertices with triangles having the other two vertices in
. Any vertex
$v \in U' \cup W'$
has degree at least
$d n$
and as
$d \gt 2 \delta _0 \ge 2 \delta _1$
, we can pick these triangles greedily for each
$v \in U' \cup W'$
. Let
$V' \subseteq V$
be the vertices that were used for these triangles and observe
$|V \setminus V'|=|M'|=(1-4 \delta _1/3)n$
To obtain the triangle factor it remains to find a perfect matching in
$H_G(M',V \setminus V')$
. By Lemma 3.4, it is sufficient to observe that the pair
$(M',V \setminus V')$
$(\varepsilon ',d^3/64)$
-super-regular with respect to
$H_G(M',V \setminus V')$
, which holds because
$(\varepsilon '/2,d^3/32)$
-super-regular with respect to
Now we turn to the overview of the proof of Lemma 4.1, for which
$p \ge C \log n/n$
. We will rely again on Lemma 8.1, which gives a large matching
$M \subseteq G(U,W,p)$
such that the pair
is super-regular with respect to the auxiliary graph
. Starting from this matching
, we add more matching edges of
between the vertices not covered by
, and extend
to a perfect matching in
. This will be possible using Lemma 8.2 from below and Lemma 3.6, where we emphasise that the
$\log n$
-term is essential for this last lemma. It is then easy to find a perfect matching in
that gives a triangle factor.
Before we come to the proof of Lemma 4.1, we introduce another auxiliary structure to describe in general which potential edges between
we would like to use for the matching
. We define an auxiliary bipartite graph
with bipartition
$U \cup W$
, where a pair
$(u,w) \in U \times W$
is an edge of
have at least
$d^2 n/2$
common neighbours in
, i.e.
$|N_G(u,V) \cap N_G(w,V)| \ge d^2 n/2$
. Similarly, for a set
$X \subseteq V$
, we call an edge
$uw \in E(F)$
good for
if there are at least
$x \in X$
that are incident to
, i.e.
is a triangle in
$G \cup F$
. We denote the spanning subgraph of
with edges that are good for
. We prove the following lemma, which will be used in the proof of Lemma 8.1 to construct
and in the proof of Lemma 4.1 to extend
Lemma 8.2.
For any
$\varepsilon,d\gt 0$
$\varepsilon \le d/2$
, the following holds. Let
be a graph on
$U \cup V \cup W$
, with
$(1-1/2)n \le |U|=n_0=|W| \le (1 + 1/2) n$
, such that
-super-regular pairs with respect to
. Let
be the bipartite graph described above. Then
satisfies the following properties.
(i) The minimum degree of
$F$ is at least
$(1-\varepsilon )n_0$ .
(ii) If
$X \subseteq V$ and
$|X| \ge 2\varepsilon n/d$ , then all but at most
$\varepsilon n_0$ vertices from
$U$ have degree at least
$(1-2\varepsilon )n_0$ in
$F_X$ .
Proof of Lemma 8.2.Take any
$u \in U$
. Since
is an
-super-regular pair, we have
$|N_G(u,V)| \ge d |V| \ge \varepsilon |V|$
and we can apply Lemma 3.3 with
, and
to conclude that the set

has size at least
$(1-\varepsilon )n_0$
. Since
$(d-\varepsilon ) |Y| \geq (d-\varepsilon ) d n \ge d^2n/2$
, all the vertices in
are neighbours of
in the auxiliary graph
and, therefore,
$|N_F(u)| \ge (1-\varepsilon ) n_0$
. Analogously, we infer that
$|N_F(w)| \ge (1-\varepsilon ) n_0$
for all
$w \in W$
and hence
$\delta (F) \ge (1-\varepsilon )n_0$
$|X| \ge 2 \varepsilon n/d$
, then by Lemma 3.3 all but at most
$\varepsilon n_0$
$u \in U$
have at least
neighbours in
. Fixing any
$u \in U$
with this property, and again using Lemma 3.3, all but at most
$\varepsilon n_0$
$w \in W$
have at least
common neighbours with
. From (i) we know that
$\delta (F) \ge (1-\varepsilon )n_0$
, therefore all but at most
$\varepsilon n_0$
vertices from
have degree at least
$(1-2\varepsilon )n_0$
Now we prove Lemma 4.1 using Lemmas 8.1 and 8.2.
Proof of Lemma 4.1.Given
$d\in (0,1)$
, let
$\varepsilon '\gt 0$
be given by Lemma 3.4 on input
and let
$0\lt \delta \lt d^3/64$
. Furthermore, let
$0\lt \varepsilon \lt \delta/4$
be given by Lemma 8.1 on input
, and
$\varepsilon '/2$
, let
be given by Lemma 3.6 for input
, set
$C = 2 C'/\delta$
, and let
$p \ge C \log n/n$
Now let
be a graph on
$U \cup V \cup W$
, with
, such that
-super-regular pairs with respect to
. We reveal the random edges in
in two rounds as
$G_1 \sim G(U,W,p/2)$
$G_2 \sim G(U,W,p/2)$
. We apply Lemma 8.1 with
to a.a.s. obtain a matching
$M \subseteq G_1$
of size
$|M| = (1-\delta )n$
such that the pair
$(\varepsilon '/2,d^3/32)$
-super-regular with respect to
. Observe that
$p \ge C \log n/n$
, while the logarithmic factor is not required by Lemma 8.1, and thus the constant
does not need to depend on the constant given by this lemma.
Next, let
$U' = U \setminus V(M)$
$W'=W \setminus V(M)$
be the sets of vertices in
respectively that are not incident to edges of
. Note that both
have size
$\delta n$
. For the auxiliary graph
defined above, we consider the subgraph
induced by
and note that by Lemma 8.2 (i) it has minimum degree at least
$(\delta -\varepsilon ) n \ge \frac{3}{4} \delta n$
. We use
to reveal the edges of
with probability
and a.a.s. by Lemma 3.6 with
$p/2 \ge C' \log (\delta n)/(\delta n)$
we find a perfect matching
$G_2 \cap F[U',W']$
To obtain the triangle factor, it remains to find a perfect matching in
$H_G(M \cup M',V)$
. For this we first greedily select a neighbour
for each
$m \in M'$
and denote the set of vertices
used in this way by
. Since
$|V'|=|M'|=\delta n$
, it follows from the choice of
that this is possible and that the pair
$(M,V \setminus V')$
$(\varepsilon ',d^3/64)$
-super-regular with respect to
$H_G(M,V \setminus V')$
. As
$|V \setminus V'|=|M|$
, by Lemma 3.4, there is a perfect matching in
$H_G(M,V \setminus V')$
and we are done.
It remains to prove Lemma 8.1.
Proof of Lemma 8.1.Given
$0 \lt d,\delta,\varepsilon ' \lt 1$
$2\delta \le d$
, suppose that

are positive real numbers such that

Furthermore, let
$C\gt 0$
such that
$p \ge C/n$
is large enough for the applications of Chernoff’s inequality below.
be a graph on
$U \cup V \cup W$
, with
$|U|=|W|=n_0=(1 \pm 1/2)n$
, such that
-super-regular pairs with respect to
. To find the matching
, construct a graph
$\tilde{F} \subseteq F=F_{G,V}(U,W)$
by including each edge of
randomly with probability
, independently from all other edges.
Claim 8.3.
A.a.s. for every
$X \subseteq V$
of size
$\eta n$
$U'\subseteq U$
$W' \subseteq W$
both of size at least
$\delta n_0$
, the following statements hold.


Proof. The expected number of edges between
is by Lemma 8.2 (i) at least
$e_F(U',W') p \ge |U'|(|W'|-\varepsilon n_0) p \ge C\delta ^2 n/8$
. Using Chernoff’s inequality (Lemma 3.1), we obtain with
$C \delta ^2 \varepsilon ^2 \ge 120$

From Lemma 8.2 (ii) we get that the expected number of edges between
that are good for
is at least
$(|U'|-\varepsilon n_0)(|W'|-2\varepsilon n_0) p \ge (1-3 \varepsilon/\delta ) |U'| |W'| p$
. Moreover, observe that

Thus, by Chernoff’s inequality applied with
$\tfrac{4\varepsilon/\delta }{\sqrt{1-3\varepsilon/\delta }}$
in place of
, we get with
$C \varepsilon ^2 \ge 3$

Claim 8.3 follows from the union bound over the at most
choices for
, and
Using a random greedy process, we now choose a matching
of size
$(1-\delta )|W|$
as follows. Having chosen edges
$m_1,\dots,m_t\in \tilde{F}$
$t\lt (1-\delta )|W|$
, we pick
uniformly at random from all edges of
that do not share an endpoint with any of
. This is possible since, by (8) and Lemma 8.2 (i), between any two subsets of
of size
$\delta |W|$
there is at least one edge of
. For
$i=1,\dots,(1-\delta ) n$
we denote by
the history
. It remains to show that
$(\varepsilon ',d^3/32)$
-super-regular with respect to the auxiliary graph
Observe, that any
$m \in M$
$|N_H(m)| \ge d^2n/2$
by construction. We now show that for any
$v \in V$
we have
$|N_H(v)| \ge d^3 n_0/32$
. For this, it is sufficient to consider the first
$m_1, \dots, m_{dn_0/2}$
that are chosen for
by the random greedy process. For
, by (8), there are at most
$e(\tilde{F}) \le (1+\varepsilon )n_0^2p$
available edges to chose
from. On the other hand, as long as
$i \le dn_0/2$
, the vertex
has at least
$d n_0/2$
neighbours in each of the sets
that are not covered by the edges in
. Let
$U' \subseteq U$
$W' \subseteq W$
be the sets of those vertices and observe that
$|U'|,|W'| \ge d n_0/2 \ge \delta n_0$
. Therefore, by (8) and Lemma 8.2 (i), there are at least

edges in
$\tilde{F}[(U \cup W) \setminus V(\mathcal{H}_{i-1})]$
available to choose
from, such that both endpoints of
are incident to
Hence, for
, we get

As this holds independently of the history of the process, this process dominates a binomial distribution with parameters
. Therefore, even though the events are not mutually independent, we can use Chernoff’s inequality to infer that
$|N_H(v)| \ge d^3n_0/32$
with probability at least
. Then, by applying the union bound over all
$v \in V$
, we obtain that indeed a.a.s.
$|N_H(v)| \ge d^3 n_0/32$
for all
$v \in V$
Now we show the regularity of
. Let
$X \subseteq V$
be given with
$|X| = \eta n$
. For
, we obtain from (8) that there are at most
$(1+\varepsilon ) (n_0-i)^2 p$
edges in
$\tilde{F}[(U \cup W) \setminus V(\mathcal{H}_i)]$
available for choosing
, of which, by (9), at least
$(1-7\varepsilon/\delta ) (n_0 - i)^2 p$
are good for
. Then

As the upper bound on the probability holds independently of the history, this process is dominated by a binomial distribution with parameters
$(1-\delta )n_0$
$8 \varepsilon/\delta$
. Observe that the expected value of this distribution is
$(1-\delta ) n_0 \, 8\varepsilon/\delta \le 8 \varepsilon n_0/\delta$
. Then, with
$B_X \subseteq M$
being the edges in
that are not good for
and as
$\gamma n_0 \ge 7 \cdot 8 \varepsilon n_0/\delta$
, we get from Chernoff’s inequality (second part of Lemma 3.1) that

There are at most
$\binom{n}{\eta n} \le \left (e/\eta \right )^{\eta n} \le \exp (\eta \log (1/\eta ) n) \le \exp (\gamma n_0/2)$
choices for
and, thus, with the union bound over all these choices, we obtain that a.a.s. there are at most
$\gamma n_0$
bad edges in
for any
$X \subseteq V$
$|X|=\eta n$
Therefore for any set
$X' \subseteq V$
$M'\subseteq M$
$|X'| \ge \varepsilon ' n$
$|M'|\ge \varepsilon ' |M|$
we find

Overall, we can conclude the pair
$(\varepsilon ',d^3/32)$
-super-regular with respect to the auxiliary graph
8.2 Proof of Lemma 4.3
Lemma 4.3 easily follows from Lemma 4.2 after splitting the sets
Proof of Lemma 4.3.Let
$0\lt d\lt 1$
, choose
$\delta '$
$0 \lt \delta ' \le d/4$
and apply Lemma 4.2 with
$\delta '$
to obtain
$\delta _0,\delta,\varepsilon '$
$\delta ' \ge \delta _0 \gt \delta \gt \varepsilon '\gt 0$
$C'\gt 0$
. Then let
$0 \lt \varepsilon \le \varepsilon '/8$
$C \ge 10 C'$
. Next let
be vertex sets of size
$3n/4 \le |U|=n_0 \le n$
$n+n_0 \equiv 0 \pmod 3$
and assume that
is a
-super-regular pair.
The idea is to split the regular pair
into two regular cherries and then use Lemma 4.2 in each cherry. More precisely, we partition
such that for
the pairs
$(\varepsilon ',d/4)$
-super-regular pairs and
$(1-\delta _0)|V_i| \le |U_i|=|W_i| \le (1-\delta ) |V_i|$
. To obtain this, we split the sets according to the following random process. We put any vertex of
into each of
with probability
and into
with probability
. Similarly, we put any vertex of
into each of
with probability
and into
with probability
. We choose
such that the expected sizes satisfy for

This is possible since such conditions give a linear system of two equations in two variables
. As
$3n/4 \le n_0 \le n$
, the solution satisfies
$1/7 \lt q_1,q_2 \lt 3/7$
. Then by Chernoff’s inequality (Lemma 3.1) and with
large enough there exists a partition such that for
we have that
, and
are all within
$\pm n^{2/3}$
of their expectation and the minimum degree within both pairs
is at least a
-fraction of the other set. For
we redistribute
vertices between
and move at most one vertex from or to
to obtain

with minimum degree within both pairs
at least a
-fraction of the other set.
From this we get that for
the pairs
$(\varepsilon ',d/4)$
-super-regular. Also note that
$\min \{ |V_1|, |V_2|\} \ge \min \{ (1-2.1q_1)n, (1-2.1q_2)n_0 \} \ge n/10$
by the bound on
from above. Then for
and with
$C/n \ge C'/ \min \{ |V_1|, |V_2|\}$
we a.a.s. get a triangle factor on
from Lemma 4.2. Together these give a triangle factor on
$U \cup V$
9. Concluding remarks and open problems
In this paper, we close the last gap for the existence of a triangle factor in randomly perturbed graphs
$G_\alpha \cup G(n,p)$
and now the threshold is determined for any
$\alpha \in [0,1]$
(c.f. Table 1). In this last section, we would like to discuss a possible improvement for Theorem 2.4 and three different directions for generalisations of our results.
9.1 Optimality of the sublinear theorem
The bound on
in Theorem 1.3 is asymptotically optimal. However, as discussed earlier, when
is significantly smaller than
, then
$K_{m,n-m} \cup G(n,p)$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles already at
$p \ge C/n$
. When dealing with the sublinear case
$1 \le m \le n/256$
in Theorem 2.4, we require
$p \ge C \log n/n$
; in fact we do not use the
$\log n$
-term when
$(\log n)^3 \le m \le \sqrt{n}$
(notice indeed that Proposition 7.1 is stated with
$p \ge C/n$
). It would be interesting to understand if
$p \ge C/n$
also suffices for larger values of
and if Proposition 7.2 can be improved.
Problem 9.1.
Show that there exists
$C \gt 0$
such that for any
$\sqrt{n} \le m \le n/32$
and any
-vertex graph
with maximum degree
$\Delta (G) \le n/32$
and minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge m$
, a.a.s.
$G \cup G(n,p)$
pairwise vertex-disjoint triangles, provided
$p \ge C/n$
Note that this would improve Theorem 2.3 when
$\alpha \lt 1/3$
. Indeed in our proof we only need the
$\log n$
-term as we apply Theorem 2.4, while we could use Lemma 4.2 instead of 4.1 and avoid the
$\log n$
-term in the rest of the argument.
9.2 Larger cliques
Similarly to a triangle factor, for any integer
$r \ge 2$
and any
$\alpha \in [0,1]$
, one can look at the threshold for the existence of a
-factor in
$G_\alpha \cup G(n,p)$
. The result of Johannson, Kahn, and Vu [Reference Johansson, Kahn and Vu20] determines the threshold in
$n^{-2/r} \log ^{2/(r^2-r)} n$
and for
$\alpha \ge 1-1/r$
the existence in
alone is proved by Hajnal-Szemerédi Theorem [Reference Hajnal and Szemerédi16]. For other values of
, the results of Balogh, Treglown, and Wagner [Reference Balogh, Treglown and Wagner4] and of Han, Morris and Treglown [Reference Han, Morris and Treglown17] can be summarised in the following theorem generalising Theorem 1.2.
Theorem 9.2.
For any integers
$2 \le k \le r$
and any
$\alpha \in (1-\frac{k}{r}, 1-\frac{k-1}{r})$
there exists
$C\gt 0$
such that the following holds. For any
-vertex graph
with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge \alpha n$
there a.a.s. is a
-factor in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
provided that
$p \ge C n^{-2/k}$
However, this leaves open the question for the threshold in the boundary cases, i.e. when
$\alpha =1-k/r$
$2 \le k \le r-1$
. A natural extremal structure is given by the complete
$\lceil r/k \rceil$
-partite graph with
$\lfloor r/k \rfloor$
classes of size
and possibly one class of size
$(1-\lfloor r/k \rfloor k/r)n$
$k \nmid r$
. This implies that to get a
-factor in
$G_\alpha \cup G(n,p)$
, we need to cover all but
$\operatorname{polylog} n$
vertices of the sets of size
with vertex-disjoint copies of
, i.e. the threshold is at least
$n^{-2/k} (\log n)^{2/\left (k^2-k\right )}$
. Surprisingly, this is not sufficient in the case when
$r\gt 3$
$k \ne 2$
; in fact, for small
, even
$n^{-2/k+\varepsilon }$
is not sufficient.
We briefly explain the counterexample for
, by constructing an
-vertex graph
with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge (1-3/4)n = n/4$
such that even for small
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
$p \ge n^{-2/3+\varepsilon }$
, a.a.s. the graph
$G \cup G(n,p)$
does not contain a
-factor. Let
$0\lt \varepsilon \le 1/49$
$p \ge n^{-2/3+\varepsilon }$
, and
$n^{7 \varepsilon } \le m \le n^{1/7}$
. Then, for two sets
, we let
be the
-vertex graph on
$V(G)=A \cup B$
such that
is an independent set,
is given by
disjoint copies of
, and any pair of vertices
$a \in A$
$b \in B$
is an edge. Clearly,
has minimum degree
. If
$G \cup G(n,p)$
contains a
-factor, since
only contains
vertices, at least
copies of
must lie within
. However we claim that a.a.s. the perturbed graph
$G \cup G(n,p)[B]$
contains less than
copies of
and thus a.a.s.
$G \cup G(n,p)$
does not contain a
-factor. Denote by
the number of
’s in
$G \cup G(n,p)[B]$
. It is not hard to see that when
is not too small the best way to build a
is to choose a
and ask for an edge of
on each side of
. We get
$\mathbb{E}[X] \lesssim \frac{n}{m} m^4 p^2 = o(m)$
and by Markov’s inequality a.a.s.
$X \lt m$
as claimed.
Problem 9.3.
Determine the behaviour of the threshold and the extremal graphs at and around minimum degree
The counterexamples for other values of
$r\gt 3$
$k\ne 2$
can be constructed in a similar way, by slightly modifying the corresponding extremal graph defined above. In the case when
, this construction does not increase the lower bound
$n^{-1} \log n$
and, with Theorem 2.4 in mind, we believe that Theorem 1.4 generalises to
. However, we believe that in all cases, using our methods, Theorem 2.2 can be extended to
: i.e. for all
$2 \le k \le r-1$
and with
$\alpha =1-k/r$
, when
is not close (with a similar condition as in Definition 2.1) to the extremal graph defined above, then
$p \ge C n^{-2/k}$
is sufficient for a
-factor in
$G_\alpha \cup G(n,p)$
9.3 Longer cycles
Another possible generalisation is to consider factors of longer cycles
$C_{\ell }$
. With slight adjustments to our methods (mainly to Theorem 2.4), we are able to show the following theorem.
Theorem 9.4.
For any integer
$\ell \ge 3$
there exists
$C\gt 0$
such that for any
-vertex graph
we can a.a.s. find at least
$\min \{ \delta (G), \lfloor n/\ell \rfloor \}$
pairwise vertex-disjoint
’s in
$G \cup G(n,p)$
, provided that
$p\ge C \log n/n$
We will discuss this in [Reference Böttcher, Parczyk, Sgueglia and Skokan9, Reference Böttcher, Parczyk, Sgueglia and Skokan10], including the corresponding variants for the finer statements, Theorems 2.2–2.4.
9.4 Universality
Even further, we call a graph
-universal if it contains any
-vertex graph of maximum degree
as a subgraph. It is known that the threshold for
-universality is asymptotically the same as for a triangle factor when
$\alpha \lt 1/3$
$\alpha \ge 2/3$
[Reference Aigner and Brandt1, Reference Ferber, Kronenberg and Luh15, Reference Parczyk28]. In a follow-up paper, we will expand our approach and prove that this also holds for the remaining cases, i.e.
$\log n/n$
gives the threshold for
$\alpha =1/3$
gives the threshold when
$1/3\lt \alpha \lt 2/3$
We thank an anonymous referee for the insightful and valuable comments.
A. Proof of Lemmas 3.2, 3.6, and 4.4
For the proof of Lemma 3.2 we use Janson’s inequality (see e.g. [Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński19, Theorem 2.14]).
Lemma A.1.
Janson’s inequality Let
$p \in (0,1)$
and consider a family
$\{ H_i \}_{i \in \mathcal{I}}$
of subgraphs of the complete graph on the vertex set
. For each
$i \in \mathcal{I}$
, let
denote the indicator random variable for the event that
$H_i \subseteq G(n,p)$
and, write
$H_i \sim H_j$
for each ordered pair
$(i,j) \in \mathcal{I} \times \mathcal{I}$
$i \neq j$
$E(H_i) \cap E(H_j) \not = \emptyset$
. Then, for
$X = \sum _{i \in \mathcal{I}} X_i$
$\mathbb{E}[X] = \sum _{i \in \mathcal{I}} p^{e(H_i)}$

and any
$0 \lt \gamma \lt 1$
we have

Proof of Lemma 3.2.Let
$d\gt 0$
and pick
$C \gt 68/d^3$
$p\gt C/n$
. Let
$\mathcal{I} = E_G(U,W) \times V$
and for each
$i=(uw,v) \in \mathcal{I}$
be the path
on the three vertices
$u \in U$
$v \in V$
$w \in W$
. We want to apply Lemma A.1 to the family
$\{H_i\}_{i \in \mathcal{I}}$
. Using the same notation, we have
$\mathbb{E}[X] = |\mathcal{I}| p^2 \ge d n^3 p^2$
$\delta \le n^2 (2n) n p^3$
, as for
$i, j \in \mathcal{I}$
$i \neq j$
we have
$H_i \sim H_j$
if and only if
and precisely one of the equalities
holds. Then the Janson’s inequality with
$\gamma =1/2$

$p\gt C/n$
$C \gt 68/d^3$
. Thus with probability at least
we have
$X \gt \mathbb{E}[X]/2$
and there is at least one path
on vertices
for some
$i=(uw,v) \in \mathcal{I}$
. As
is an edge of
by definition of
, we get a triangle in
$G \cup G(U \cup W,V,p)$
with one vertex in each of
, as required.
Next, we prove that if a bipartite graph
has large minimum degree, its random subgraph
contains a perfect matching if
$p \ge C \log n/n$
Proof of Lemma 3.6.For
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
$C \ge 3/\varepsilon$
. Let
be a bipartite graph with partition classes
of size
and minimum degree at least
$(1/2+\varepsilon )n$
. Let
$p \ge C \log n/n$
and suppose that
does not have a perfect matching. Then, by Hall’s Theorem, there exists a set
$S \subseteq U$
$S \subseteq W$
$|S| \gt |N(S)|$
. Let
be a minimal such set, then
$|S| \leq \lceil n/2 \rceil$
, and every vertex in
is adjacent to at least two vertices of
$1 \leq s \leq \lceil n/2 \rceil$
and let
denote the event that there is a minimal set
of size
violating Hall’s condition. If
, then
is an isolated vertex. Let
be the number of isolated vertices in
, then for
large enough

$\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty } \mathbb{E}[X_n] = 0$
. Therefore, a.a.s.
does not contain isolated vertices.
$s \geq 2$
, then

We have

The probability that there is a minimal set
violating Hall’s condition is then bounded by

$\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty } \frac{1}{e n} \frac{1}{1-e^2/n} = 0$
, a.a.s.
does not violate Hall’s condition and, therefore, contains a perfect matching.
Finally we prove Lemma 4.4 following the argument of [Reference Balogh, Mousset and Skokan3, Lemma
]. For this we consider a largest matching
in the reduced graph
and assume that
$|M|\lt (\alpha +2d)t$
. Then we will find a set
$I \subseteq V(R)$
of size roughly
$(1-\alpha ) t$
which contains very few edges. With the properties of the reduced graph, we conclude that the original graph
$(\alpha,\beta )$
Proof of Lemma 4.4.Given
$0\lt \beta \lt \tfrac{1}{12}$
$0\lt d\lt 10^{-4} \beta ^6$
. Then let
$0\lt \varepsilon \lt d/4$
$4 \beta \le \alpha \le \tfrac 13$
, and
$t \ge \tfrac{10}{d}$
. Next let
be an
-vertex graph on vertex set
with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \ge (\alpha -\tfrac 12 d)n$
that is not
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable and let
be the
-reduced graph for some
-regular partition
. We observe for the minimum degree of
$\delta (R) \ge (\alpha -2d) t$
because, otherwise, there would be vertices with degree at most
$(\alpha -2d)t(n/t)+\varepsilon n \lt (\alpha - d/2)n - (d+\varepsilon )n$
contradicting (P2).
be a matching in
of maximal size. Observe that
$|M| \ge \min \{ \delta (R),\lfloor t/2 \rfloor \} \ge (\alpha -2d)t$
. We assume
$|M| \lt (\alpha +2d)t$
and show that
must then be
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable, which is a contradiction. Let
$U = V(R) \setminus V(M)$
. We shall first show that there exists a set
$I \subseteq V(R)$
of size
that contains only few egdes.
is a matching of maximal size in
is independent. Moreover, given an edge
$xy \in M$
, either
has at most one neighbour in
. Then we can split
into two disjoint subsets
by placing for each matching edge
one of its endpoints with at most one neighbour in
into the subset
, and the other endpoint into the subset
. We claim that
$I= U \cup X$
contains only few edges. We have
$e(X,U) \le |X|$
, and we can upper bound
as follows. Let
$xy \in E(X)$
and denote by
the vertices matched to
respectively. Then
$x', y' \in Y$
and either
has at most one neighbour in
. Otherwise, there would be two distinct vertices
$x'', y'' \in U$
such that
are edges of
, and we could apply the rotation
$M \setminus \{xx',yy'\} \cup \{xy, x'x'',y'y''\}$
and get a larger matching, contradicting the maximality of
. Therefore,
$e(X) \le |X||Z|$
, where
$Z=\{v \in Y| \deg (v,U) \lt 2 \}$
. Observe that


where we use that since
is independent, a vertex in
can have neighbours only in
. We get

where the first inequality comes from the upper and lower bound on
, the second one from
$|Y| = |M| \lt (\alpha +2d)t$
$\delta (R) \ge (\alpha -2d)t$
, and the last one from
$|U|=t-2|M| \ge t/4$
$|X| = |M| \lt t/2$
$10/t \le d$
. Hence,
$e(X) \le |X| 5dt$
Therefore, the set
$I=U \cup X$
has size

$|Y|=|M| = (\alpha \pm 2d)t$
and contains at most

edges, where we use
$|X|=|M| = (\alpha \pm 2d)t$
$d \le \alpha/20$
$10/t \le d$
in the last inequality.
We now move to the original graph
and prove that the existence of such set
implies that
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable. Let
$B''=\bigcup _{i \in I} V_i$
be the union of the clusters
. Then
$|B''| = (1-\alpha \pm 3d)n$
$e(B'') \le 6 \alpha dn^2$
. Let

$e(B'') \ge (|B''|-|B'|) \sqrt{d} n$
and, therefore, all but at most
$6 \alpha \sqrt{d}n$
vertices of
belong to
and, thus,
$|B'| = (1-\alpha \pm 4\sqrt{d})n$
. Let

and note that
$A'\cap B'=\emptyset$
. Observe that if
$v \in B'$
, then

$|V \setminus B'| \le (\alpha + 4 \sqrt{d})n$
this implies

and with the definition of
and the fact that
$|V \setminus (B' \cup A')| = |V \setminus B'| - |A'|$
, we get

The last two inequalities imply that all but at most
$24 \sqrt{d}n/\beta$
vertices of
$V \setminus B'$
belong to
. Therefore we can bound the size of
as follows


where we used in both inequalities that
$4 \sqrt{d}n + 24 \sqrt{d}n/\beta \le \beta ^2 n$
, as
$d \le 10^{-4} \beta ^6$
It follows that we have built two sets
such that
$|A' \cup B'| \ge n-\beta ^2 n$
$|A'| = \alpha n \pm \beta ^2 n$
$|B'| = (1-\alpha )n \pm \beta ^2 n$
. Moreover each vertex of
has at least
neighbours in
by the definition of
, and each vertex of
has at least
neighbours in
. This can be justified as follows. Given
$v \in B'$

where we used that
are disjoint, the inequalities (10),
$|V \setminus (A' \cup B')| \le 24 \sqrt{d}n/\beta$
$2 \sqrt{d}+ 24\sqrt{d}/\beta \le \beta ^2$
, the upper bound on
and the inequality
$\alpha \ge 4 \beta$
Now we need to take care of the vertices of
not yet covered by
$A' \cup B'$
, i.e. the at most
$\beta ^2 n$
vertices in
$V \setminus (A' \cup B')$
. Let
be one such vertex. Then
$\deg (v,A' \cup B') \ge \delta (G) - |V \setminus (A' \cup B')| \ge (\alpha - d/2)n -\beta ^2 n \ge \alpha n/2$
. Therefore, it is possible to add these vertices to
to obtain
$A \supseteq A'$
$B \supseteq A'$
such that each vertex of
has at least
$\alpha n/4$
neighbours in
, and each vertex of
has at least
$\alpha n/4$
neighbours in
. As we add at most
$\beta ^2 n$
vertices, we have
$|A| = (\alpha \pm 2 \beta ^2) n$
$|B| = (1-\alpha \pm 2\beta ^2)n$
. Moreover, all but at most
$\beta ^2 n \le \beta n$
vertices from
have degree at least

, where we used that
$|B| \le |B'|+\beta ^2 n$
$|B| \ge (1-\alpha -2\beta ^2)n \ge (2/3-2\beta ^2)n$
$\beta \lt 1/12$
. Similarly, all but at most
$\beta ^2 n \le \beta n$
vertices from
have degree at least
$(1-\beta/2)|A'|\ge (1-\beta )|A|$
. Moreover, as
is a subset of
and we add at most
$\beta ^2 n$
vertices to
to get
, we have
$e(B) \le e(B'') + \beta ^2 n^2 \le (6 \alpha d + \beta ^2)n^2 \le \beta n^2$
. Therefore,
$(\alpha,\beta )$
-stable according to Definition 2.1.