1. Introduction
Glauber dynamics is a well-studied Markov chain that is widely used to sample from spin systems such as the Ising and Potts models. A particularly appealing feature of the chain is that it is usually very simple to implement; yet, establishing whether convergence to the equilibrium distribution is fast turns out to be significantly harder, and typically requires an in-depth understanding of the underlying distribution. Here, we focus on studying the performance of Glauber dynamics for the random cluster representation of the classical Potts model on the random regular graph, where the behaviour of the chain is underpinned by various phenomena that distinguish it from classical spin systems and pose new challenges in the analysis.
We begin with a few definitions. For real numbers
$q, \beta \gt 0$
and a graph
$G = (V,E)$
, the random cluster model on
with parameters
is a probability distribution on the set
$\Omega =\Omega _G$
of all assignments
${\mathcal{F}}\;:\;E\rightarrow \{0,1\}$
; we typically refer to assignments in
as configurations. For a configuration
, we say that edges mapped to
are in-edges, and edges mapped to
are out-edges. We use
to denote the set of edges
to denote the set of edges
for the cardinality of
for the number of connected components in the graph
. Then, the weight of
in the RC model is given by
$w_G({\mathcal{F}})= q^{c({\mathcal{F}})} (e^\beta -1)^{|{\mathcal{F}}|}$
For integer values of
, the RC model is closely connected to the (ferromagnetic) Ising/Potts models;
is the Ising model and
$q\geq 3$
is the Potts model whose configurations are all possible assignments of
colours to the vertices of the graph where an assignment
has weight proportional to
$\mathrm{e}^{\beta m(\sigma )}$
$m(\sigma )$
being the number of monochromatic edges under
. The RC model is an alternative edge representation of the models (for integer
) that has also been studied extensively in its own right due to its intricate behaviour (see, e.g., [Reference Grimmett18]).
We will be primarily interested in sampling from the so-called Gibbs distribution on
induced by these weights, denoted by
$\pi _G(\cdot )$
, where for a configuration
$\pi _G({\mathcal{F}}) =w_G({\mathcal{F}})/Z_G$
where the normalising factor
$Z_G = \sum _{{\mathcal{F}}'\in \Omega _G}w_G({\mathcal{F}}')$
is the aggregate sum of weight of all configurations (known as the partition function). We focus on the Glauber dynamics which is a classical Markov chain for sampling from Gibbs distributions which is a particularly useful tool for developing approximate sampling algorithms. We will refer to Glauber dynamics for the RC model as the RC dynamics. Roughly, the RC dynamics is a Markov chain
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
initialised at some configuration
which evolves by iteratively updating at each step
$t\geq 1$
a randomly chosen edge based on whether its endpoints belong to the same component in the graph
. The mixing time of the chain is the number of steps to get within total variation distance
$\leq 1/4$
$\pi _G$
, see Section 2 for details.
Our goal is to obtain a fast algorithm for the RC model using Glauber dynamics on the random regular graph. There are two key obstacles that arise, especially at low temperatures (large
): (i) Glauber dynamics for the RC model has a non-local behaviour since its updates depend on the component structure of the running configuration, and (ii) there are severe bottleneck phenomena and worst-case graphs which prohibit a general fast-convergence result, and more generally an efficient algorithm. The random regular graph is a particularly interesting testbed in this front since it exhibits all the relevant phase transition phenomena and has also been used as the main gadget in hardness reductions [Reference Galanis, Štefankovic, Vigoda and Yang14].
To overview the phenomena that are most relevant for us, the following picture was detailed in a remarkable development by Jenssen, Helmuth, and Perkins [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21]: for
$\Delta \geq 5$
and all sufficiently large
, they established the ordered/disordered transition occurring at some
$\beta _c$
$\beta _c=(1+o_q(1))\tfrac{2\log q}{\Delta }$
(see also [Reference Galanis, Štefankovic, Vigoda and Yang14] for integer
$q\geq 3$
Roughly, for
$\beta \lt \beta _c$
a typical configuration of the model is disordered, whereas for
$\beta \gt \beta _c$
it is ordered: disordered configurations resemble the all-out configuration (in that all components are of size
$O(\log n)$
) whereas ordered configurations resemble the all-in configuration (where there is a giant component with
$\Omega (n)$
vertices). The two types of configurations coexist at
$\beta =\beta _c$
, that is, each appears with some probability bounded away from zero. The methods in [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21] are based on cluster expansion techniques which also yielded an efficient sampling algorithm at all temperatures
$\beta \gt 0$
. This is a surprising algorithmic result given that the coexistence causes multimodality in
$\pi _G$
and severe bottleneck phenomena for Markov chains in a window around
$\beta _c$
; it was shown for instance in [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21] that the RC dynamics (and the related non-local Swendsen–Wang dynamics) have exponential mixing time, essentially because of the number of steps needed for the chain to move from ordered to disordered (and vice versa).
These results pose a rather bleak landscape for the RC dynamics; yet, on random regular graphs it is widely conjectured that the multimodality and the associated bottlenecks can be circumvented by initialising the chain more judiciously, in particular at either the all-out or the all-in configurations (depending on whether
$\beta \leq \beta _c$
). However the tools available for analysing Markov chains are typically insensitive to the initial configuration, and even more so when working at a critical range of the parameters.
Our main result establishes this conjecture for all
$\Delta \geq 5$
sufficiently large (conditions which we inherit from [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21]). For an integer
such that
$\Delta n$
is even, let
${\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
denote the set of all
-regular graphs with
Throughout, we use
to denote a constant depending on
$q,\beta, \Delta$
but independent of
Theorem 1.
$\Delta \geq 5$
be an integer. There exists
$C=C(\Delta )\gt 0$
such that, for all sufficiently large
, the following holds for any
$\beta \gt 0$
, w.h.p. over
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
1. For
$\beta \lt \beta _c$ , the mixing time of the RC dynamics starting from all-out is
$O(n\log n).$
2. For
$\beta \gt \beta _c$ , the mixing time of the RC dynamics starting from all-in is
$O(n^{C})$ . For integer
$q$ , the mixing time is in fact
$O(n\log n)$ .
Note that Theorem1 implies a polynomial-time sampling algorithm from the Potts model for all
$\beta \neq \beta _c$
(and all sufficiently large
). Intuitively, and as we will see later in more detail, Theorem1 asserts that the RC dynamics starting from all-in mixes quickly within the set of ordered configurations for
$\beta \gt \beta _c$
, and similarly it mixes well within the disordered set of configurations starting from all out when
$\beta \lt \beta _c$
. In fact, we show that both of these remain true even for
$\beta =\beta _c$
and hence the RC dynamics can be used to sample even at criticality, starting from an appropriate mixture of the all-in and the all-out configurations. See Section 2 (and Section 2.4 in particular) for the exact statements.
Finally, note that the RC dynamics can be used analogously to Theorem1 to produce a sample within total variation distance
$\pi _G$
for any
$\varepsilon \geq \mathrm{e}^{-\Theta (n)}$
, by running it for a number of steps which is
$\log (1/\varepsilon )$
times the corresponding mixing time bound.Footnote
The lower bound on the error comes from the total variation distance between
$\pi _G$
and the conditional ‘ordered’ and ‘disordered’ configurations, see Lemma3.
1.1 Further related work
Our approach to proving Theorem1 is inspired from a recent paper by Gheissari and Sinclair [Reference Gheissari and Sinclair15] who established similar flavoured results for the Ising model (
) on the random regular graph for large
. To obtain our results for all
, we adapt suitably their notion of ‘spatial mixing within the phase’, see Section 2.2 for details.
Among the results in [Reference Gheissari and Sinclair15], it was established that Glauber dynamics on the random regular graph, initialised appropriately, mixes in
$O(n \log n)$
time when
is sufficiently large.Footnote
More recently, Gheissari and Sinclair [Reference Gheissari and Sinclair16] obtained mixing-time bounds for the RC dynamics on the lattice
under appropriate boundary conditions. They also analyse the mixing time starting from a mixture of the all-in/all-out initialisation. Note that the phase transition on grid lattices is qualitatively different than that of the random regular graph; there, instead of a window/interval of temperatures, the three points
$\beta _u,\beta _u^*$
$\beta _c$
all coincide into a single phase transition point. See also [Reference Borgs, Chayes, Helmuth, Perkins and Tetali6,Reference Helmuth, Perkins and Regts22] for related algorithmic results on
using cluster expansion methods.
For the random regular graph, Blanca and Gheissari [Reference Blanca and Gheissari4] showed for all integer
$\Delta \geq 3$
and real
$q\geq 1$
that the mixing time is
$O(n\log n)$
provided that
$\beta \lt \beta _u(q,\Delta )$
$\beta _u$
is the uniqueness threshold on the tree. A sampling algorithm (not based on MCMC) for
$\beta \lt \beta _c(q,\Delta )$
$q,\Delta \geq 3$
was designed by Efthymiou [Reference Efthymiou12] (see also [Reference Blanca, Galanis, Goldberg, Štefankovič, Vigoda and Yang3]), albeit achieving weaker approximation guarantees. Coja-Oghlan, Galanis, Goldberg, Raveloman, Štefankovič, and Vigoda [Reference Coja-Oghlan, Galanis, Goldberg, Ravelomanana, Štefankovič and Vigoda10] showed that, for all integer
$q,\Delta \geq 3$
$\beta \in (\beta _u,\beta _u')$
the mixing time is
$\mathrm{e}^{\Omega (n)}$
$\beta _u'=\log (1+\tfrac{q}{\Delta -2})\gt \beta _u$
is (conjectured to be) another uniqueness threshold on the tree (see [Reference Häggström20,Reference Jonasson24]). More generally, for integer
$q\geq 3$
, the hardness results/techniques of [Reference Galanis, Štefankovic, Vigoda and Yang14,Reference Goldberg and Jerrum17] yield that for any
$\beta \gt \beta _c$
, there are graphs
where the mixing time of the RC dynamics is
$\exp (n^{\Omega (1)})$
and the problem of appoximately sampling on graphs of max-degree
becomes #BIS-hard; on the other hand, for
$\beta \leq (1-o_{q,\Delta }(1))\beta _c$
it has been shown in [Reference Carlson, Davies, Fraiman, Kolla, Potukuchi and Yap7,Reference Coulson, Davies, Kolla, Patel and Regts11] that the cluster expansion technique of [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21] yields a sampling algorithm on any max-degree
As a final note, another model of interest where analogous mixing results for Glauber dynamics (initialised appropriately) should be obtainable is for sampling independent sets on random bipartite regular graphs. However, in contrast to the RC/Potts models, the phase transition there is analogous to that of the Ising model, and hence, establishing the relevant spatial mixing properties close to the criticality threshold is likely to require different techniques, see, for example, [Reference Chen, Galanis, Štefankovič and Vigoda9] for more discussion.
In the next section, we outline the proof of Theorem1, explaining the main ingredients and showing how to combine them in order to conclude the proof. The rest of the paper is about establishing the main ingredients, see also Section 2.5 for a more detailed overview of the later parts.
1.2 Independent results of Blanca and gheissari
In an independent and simultaneous work, Blanca and Gheissari [Reference Blanca and Gheissari5] obtain related (but incomparable) results. For
$\Delta \geq 3, q\geq 1$
and arbitrarily small
$\tau \gt 0$
, they show for sufficiently large
a mixing time bound of
$O(n^{1+\tau })$
for the RC dynamics on the random regular graph starting from an arbitrary configuration (and obtain an analogous result for the grid and the Swendsen–Wang dynamics). Our result instead applies to all
for the random regular graph (even the critical window) by taking into consideration the initial configuration; the two papers have different approaches to obtain the main ingredients.
2. Proof of Theorem1
We start with the formal description of the RC dynamics. Given a graph
and an initial configuration
$X_0:E\rightarrow \{0,1\}$
, the RC dynamics on
is a Markov chain
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
on the set of configurations
$\Omega _G$
. Let
$p\;:\!=\;1-\mathrm{e}^{-\beta }$
(note that for
$q\gt 1$
it holds that
$\hat{p}\in (p/q,p)$
). For
$t\geq 0$
, to obtain
1. Choose u.a.r. an edge
$e\in E$ . If
$e$ is a cut-edge in the graph
$(V,{\mathrm{In}}(X_t)\cup \{e\})$ , set
$X_{t+1}(e)=1$ with probability
$\hat{p}$ (and
$X_{t+1}(e)=0$ otherwise). Else, set
$X_{t+1}(e)=1$ with probability
$p$ , and
$X_{t+1}(e)=0$ otherwise.
2. Set
$X_{t+1}(f)=X_t(f)$ for all
$f\in E\backslash \{e\}$ .
It is a standard fact that the distribution of
converges to the RC distribution
$\pi _G$
. Let
$T_{\mathrm{mix}}(G;\;X_0)=\min _{t\geq 0} \{t\mid \mathrm{dist}_{\mathrm{TV}}(X_t,\pi _G)\leq 1/4\}$
be the number of steps needed to get within total variation distance
$\leq 1/4$
$\pi _G$
starting from
, and
$T_{\mathrm{mix}}(G)=\max _{X_0}T_{\mathrm{mix}}(G;X_0)$
be the mixing time from the worst starting state.
2.1 The ordered and disordered phases on random regular graphs
We review in more detail the ordered/disordered transition, following [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21].
Definition 2.
$\Delta \geq 3$
, let
$\eta =\eta (\Delta )\in (0,1/2)$
be a small constant (see Definition
). For
$G\in{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
, the ordered phase is the set of configurations
$ \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}\;:\!=\; \{{\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega : |{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})|\geq (1-\eta )|{E}|\}$
, whereas the disordered phase is the set
$ \Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}\;:\!=\; \{{\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega : |{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})|\leq \eta |{E}| \}$
. For
$q,\beta \gt 0$
, let
$\pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_G,\pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_G$
be the conditional distributions of
$\pi _G$
$\Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}},\Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
, respectively.
We will use the following result of Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Lemma9].
Lemma 3 ([Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Theorem 1]). Let
$\Delta \geq 5$
be an integer. Then, for all sufficiently large
, there exists
$\beta _c\gt 0$
$\beta _c=(1+o_q(1))\tfrac{2\log q}{\Delta }$
such that the following holds for any
$\beta \gt 0$
w.h.p. for
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$

Moreover, there exists
$\zeta =\zeta (\Delta )\gt 0$
$\zeta \lt \eta$
such that

Proof. The claims about the total variation distance are shown in [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Theorem1, Items (2), (3), (8)]. Equation (2) shows a bit of slack in the definitions of
$\Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
$\Omega ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}$
that will be useful later; it follows essentially from the same theorem, we defer the details to Lemma24.
2.2 Main ingredient: weak spatial mixing within a phase
be a graph. For
$v\in V$
$r\geq 0$
, let
denote the set of all vertices in
whose distance from
is at most
. Let
$\pi =\pi _G$
be the RC distribution on
and let
$\pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_r^+(v)}$
be the conditional distribution of
where all edges in
$E\backslash E(B_r(v))$
are ‘in’. We define analogously
$\pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_r^-(v)}$
by conditioning the edges in
$E\backslash E(B_r(v))$
to be ‘out’.
Definition 4.
be a graph with
edges. Let
$q,\beta \gt 0$
be reals and
$r\geq 1$
be an integer. We say that the graph
has WSM within the ordered phase at radius
if for every
$v\in V(G)$
and every edge
incident to
$\Vert{\pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_r^+(v)}(e \mapsto \cdot ) - \pi ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}_G(e\mapsto \cdot ) }\Vert _{\mathrm{TV}} \leq \frac{1}{100m}$
. Analogously, we say that
has WSM within the disordered phase at radius
if for every
$v\in V(G)$
and every edge
incident to
$\Vert{\pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_r^-(v)}(e \mapsto \cdot ) - \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_G(e\mapsto \cdot ) }\Vert _{\mathrm{TV}} \leq \frac{1}{100m}$
The bulk of our arguments consists of showing the following two theorems.
Theorem 5.
$\Delta \geq 5$
be an integer. There exists
$M=M(\Delta )\gt 0$
such that for all
sufficiently large, the following holds for any
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
. W.h.p. over
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
has WSM within the ordered phase at a radius
which satisfies
$r\leq \tfrac{M}{\beta }\log n$
The upper bound on the radius
in terms of
ensures that we can remove the dependence on
of the mixing time in Theorem1 (caused by a loose bound on the mixing time on the tree, see Lemma9 below). For the disordered phase, we have
Theorem 6.
For all integer
$\Delta \geq 5$
, for all
sufficiently large and any
$\beta \leq \beta _c$
, w.h.p. over
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
has WSM within the disordered phase at a radius
which satisfies
$r\leq \tfrac{1}{3}\log _{\Delta -1}\!n$
2.3 Second ingredient: local mixing on tree-like neighbourhoods
We first define a local version of RC dynamics where we perform only updates in a small ball around a vertex. Here, we need to consider the extreme boundary conditions that all vertices outside of the ball belong in distinct components (‘free boundary’) and where they belong to the same component (‘wired boundary’); we will refer to these two chains as the free and wired RC dynamics, respectively. For the random regular graph, these ‘local-mixing’ considerations are strongly connnected to the
-regular tree.
Formally, given a graph
and a subset
$U\subseteq V$
, let
be the induced subgraph of
. The tree excess of a connected graph
is given by
. For a vertex
and integer
$r\geq 0$
, let
denote the set of vertices at distance at most
those at distance exactly
. For
$K\gt 0$
, a max-degree
is locally
-treelike if for every
$v\in V$
$r\leq \frac{1}{3}\log _{\Delta -1}|V|$
, the graph
has tree excess
$\leq K$
Lemma 7 (see, e.g., [Reference Gheissari and Sinclair15, Lemma 5.8], [Reference Blanca and Gheissari4, Fact 2.3]). For any integer
$\Delta \geq 3$
, there is
$K\gt 0$
such that w.h.p.
$G\sim G_{n,\Delta }$
is locally
For a graph
, a vertex
and an integer
$r\geq 1$
, the free RC dynamics on
$B_r(\rho )$
is the RC dynamics where all edges outside of
$B_r(\rho )$
are conditioned to be out and only edges of
with both endpoints in
$B_r(\rho )$
are updated.
Lemma 8 ([Reference Blanca and Gheissari4, Lemma 6.5]). Let
$\Delta \geq 3$
be an integer, and
$q,K\gt 1$
$\beta \gt 0$
be reals. There exists
$C\gt 0$
such that the following holds for any
-regular graph
and integer
$r\geq 1$
Suppose that
$\rho \in V$
is such that
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
-treelike. Then, with
$n=|B_r(\rho )|$
, the mixing time of the free RC dynamics on
$B_r(\rho )$
$\leq Cn\log n$
To define the wired RC dynamics, for a graph
, a vertex
and an integer
$r\geq 1$
, let
be the graph obtained by removing all vertices and edges outside of
$B_r(\rho )$
, and adding a new vertex
$v_{\infty }$
connected to all vertices in
$S_r(\rho )$
. The wired RC dynamics on
$B_r(\rho )$
is the RC dynamics on
where the edges adjacent to
are conditioned to be in and only edges of
with both endpoints in
$B_r(\rho )$
are updated. Denote by
$\hat{\pi }_{B_r(\rho )}$
the stationary distribution of the wired RC dynamics. Note that when the graph outside of
$B_r(\rho )$
is connected,
$\hat{\pi }_{B_r(\rho )}$
induces the same distribution as
$\pi _{{\mathcal{B}}^+_r(\rho )}$
Lemma 9.
$\Delta \geq 3$
be an integer, and
$q,K\gt 1$
$\beta \gt 0$
be reals. There exists
$\hat{C}\gt 0$
such that the following holds for every
-regular graph
and any integer
$r\geq 1$
Suppose that
$\rho \in V$
is such that
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
-treelike. Then, with
$n=|B_r(\rho )|$
, the mixing time of the wired RC dynamics on
$B_r(\rho )$
$\leq \hat{C}n^3(q^{4}\mathrm{e}^{\beta })^{\Delta r}$
Lemma9 is proved in Appendix A.
2.4 Proof of Theorem 1
Assuming for now the above ingredients, we will conclude the proof of Theorem1. For clarity, we break up the latter into the following pieces.
Theorem 11 (Convergence to ordered for real
). Let
$\Delta \geq 5$
be an integer. Then, for all sufficiently large
, there exists
$C=C(\Delta )$
such that the following holds for
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
, w.h.p. over
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
. The RC dynamics
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
starting from all-in satisfies
$\mathrm{dist}_{\mathrm{TV}}(X_T,\pi _G^{\mathrm{ord}})\leq 1/5$
Theorem 12 (Convergence to disordered for real
). Let
$\Delta \geq 5$
be an integer. Then, for all sufficiently large
$\beta \leq \beta _c$
, w.h.p. over
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
, the RC dynamics
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
starting from all-in satisfies
$\mathrm{dist}_{\mathrm{TV}}(X_T,\pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_G)\leq 1/5$
$T=O(n\log n)$
Theorem 13 (Faster convergence to ordered for integer
). Let
$\Delta \geq 5$
be an integer. Then, for all sufficiently large integer
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
, w.h.p. over
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
, the RC dynamics
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
starting from all-in satisfies
$\mathrm{dist}_{\mathrm{TV}}(X_T,\pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_G)\leq 1/5$
$T=O(n\log n)$
Using these, the proof of Theorem1 can be concluded easily.
Proof of Theorem
1. Follows immediately by Theorems11-13, since by Lemma3 we have that
$\left \| \pi _G-\pi _G^{\mathrm{ord}}\right \|_{\mathrm{TV}}=\mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
$\beta \gt \beta _c$
$\left \| \pi _G-\pi _G^{\mathrm{dis}}\right \|_{\mathrm{TV}}=\mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
We next show how to combine the ingredients of Sections 2.1-2.3 in order to conclude Theorem11. The proofs of Theorems12 and 13 are very similar, but involve one more technical tool in order to conclude the
$O(n\log n)$
bounds. We defer their proof to Section 7.
Proof of Theorem
11. The argument resembles that of [Reference Gheissari and Sinclair15], a bit of care is required to combine the pieces. Consider
$G=(V,E)\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
. Let
be sufficiently large so that both Lemma3 and Theorem5 apply; assume also that Lemma7 applies so that
is locally
-treelike. By Lemma3, for every
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
$\pi _G^{\mathrm{ord}}\big (|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})|\leq (1-\zeta )|E|\big )=\mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
From now on consider arbitrary
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
and set
$\beta _0\;:\!=\;\log (q^{1.9/\Delta }+1)$
. Since
$\beta _c=(1+o_q(1))\tfrac{2\log q}{\Delta }$
, we have that
$\beta \geq \beta _0$
for all sufficiently large
. Moreover, by Theorem5,
has WSM within the ordered phase at radius
for some
$r\leq \tfrac{M}{\beta }\log n$
, where
$M=M(\Delta )\gt 0$
is a constant independent of
. Note that by taking
large, we can ensure that
$\beta _0$
and hence
are at least
$3M\log (\Delta -1)$
so that
$r\leq \tfrac{1}{3}\log _{\Delta -1}n$
(and hence the radius-
neighbourhood of an arbitrary vertex in
is locally
We will consider the RC dynamics
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
being the all-in configuration on the edges. We will also consider the ‘ordered’ RC dynamics
$\hat{X}_0\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_G$
where we reject moves that lead to configurations outside of
$\Omega ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}$
; since
is stationary note that
$\hat{X}_t\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_G$
for all
$t\geq 0$
. We will show how to couple these two dynamics in
steps. The theorem will follow by showing that
${\mathrm{dist}}_{\mathrm{TV}}(X_T,\hat{X}_T)\leq 1/5$
, where
$T=O(n^{2+\log W})$
$W=\Delta ^{2M/\beta _0} \mathrm{e}^{M \Delta (\Delta +1)}$
being independent of
Consider the dynamics
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
$(\hat{X}_t)_{t\geq 0}$
. For
$t\geq 0$
, let
be the event that
${\mathrm{In}}(\hat{X}_t)\geq (1-\zeta )|E|$
and let
$\mathcal{E}_{\lt t}\;:\!=\;\bigcap _{t'=0,\ldots, t-1} \mathcal{E}_{t'}$
. From Lemma3 we have that
$\pi ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}_G(\mathcal{E}_t)\geq 1-\mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
and hence by a union bound
$\pi ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}_G(\mathcal{E}_{\lt t})\geq 1-t\mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
as well.
We couple the evolution of
using the monotone coupling, that is, at every step of the two chains choose the same edge
to update and use the same uniform number
$U_t\in [0,1]$
to decide whether to include
in each of
. Using the monotonicity of the model for
$q\geq 1$
(and in particular that
$p\gt \hat{p}$
), under the monotone coupling, for all
$t\geq 0$
such that
$\mathcal{E}_{\lt t}$
holds (and hence no reject move has happened in
so far), we have that
$\hat{X}_t\leq X_t$
). To complete the proof, it therefore suffices to show that

Consider an arbitrary time
$t\geq 0$
. By a union bound, we have that

Fix an arbitrary edge
incident to some vertex
, and let
be the wired RC dynamics on
. We couple the evolution of
with that of
using the monotone coupling analogously to above, where in
we ignore updates of edges outside the ball
). We have
$X_t^v\geq X_t$
for all
$t\geq 0$
, and hence, conditioned on
$\mathcal{E}_{\lt t}$
, we have that
$X^v_t\geq X_t\geq \hat{X}_t$
. It follows that

For any two events
, we have
$|{\mathbb{P}}(A)-{\mathbb{P}}(A\mid B)|\leq 2{\mathbb{P}}(\overline{B})$
, so using this for
$B=\mathcal{E}_{\lt t}$
the events
, the triangle inequality gives

Note that
${\mathbb{P}}(\hat{X}_t(e)=1)=\pi ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}_G(e\mapsto 1)$
, so another application of triangle inequality gives

has WSM within the ordered phase at radius
, we have that

Moreover, let
be the mixing time of the wired RC dynamics on
and let
$N_v=|E(B_r(v))|\leq \Delta ^{r+1}$
. Since
$r\leq \tfrac{1}{3}\log _{\Delta -1} n$
-treelike, so from Lemma9, with
denoting the constant there (and absorbing a couple of factors of
into it),

where in the last inequality we used that
$\beta \gt \beta _0$
$\beta _0\gt \tfrac{1}{\Delta }\log q$
$W=\Delta ^{2M/\beta _0} \mathrm{e}^{M \Delta (\Delta +1)}$
. For
$T=\Theta (n^{2+\log W})$
, we have
$T\geq 40T_v \tfrac{m}{N_v}\log m$
, so by Chernoff bounds, with probability
$1-\exp (-n^{\Omega (1)})$
, we have at least
$10T_v \log m$
updates inside
$t=1,\ldots, T$
. For integer
$k\geq 1$
the distance from stationarity after
steps is at most
, we obtain

Plugging (6) and (7) into (5) for
, and then back into (4), we obtain using
${\mathbb{P}}(\overline{\mathcal{E}_{\lt T}})\leq T\mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
${\mathbb{P}}(X_T\neq \hat{X}_T)\leq 5m T \mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}+m/m^3+1/100\leq 1/5$
, as needed.
Remark 14.
The value
in the proof of Theorem
gives the running time
$O(n^{C(\Delta )})$
in the statement. In particular,
$T = \Theta (n^{2 + \log W})$
$W=\Delta ^{2M/\beta _0} \mathrm{e}^{M \Delta (\Delta +1)}$
$\beta _0 \gt \log (q)/\Delta$
, and
$M = \Theta (\Delta \log \Delta )$
(see the start of Section
) so
$C(\Delta ) = O(\Delta ^3 \log \Delta )$
To get the improved mixing time bounds of
$O(n\log n)$
in Theorems12 and 13 the reasoning is very similar. The main difference from the above proof is that for any vertex
the mixing time
is bounded by
$T_v=O( N_v \log N_v)$
, and therefore the above argument yields a mixing time upper bound of
$O(n(\log n)^2)$
so a bit more care is needed to remove the extra
$\log n$
factor using a log-Sobolev inequality, the details can be found in Section 7.3.
Finally, note that Theorems11, 12 and 13 all apply to the critical case
$\beta =\beta _c$
as well. The only difference at criticality is that the two phases coexist [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21] (i.e., each appears with
$\Omega (1)$
probability), so in order to obtain a sample from
$\pi _G$
, one should output a sample for
$\pi ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}_G$
with some probability
and otherwise a sample from
$\pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_G$
. The value of
can be computed in time
by approximating the corresponding partition functions, by using, for example, the algorithms in [Reference Chen, Galanis, Goldberg, Perkins, Stewart and Vigoda8,Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21] (or even the RC dynamics itself). Precise results characterising the distribution of
can further be found in [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Theorems 2 & 3]; it is shown for example that
converges to
grows large.
2.5 Organisation of the rest of the paper
We first give a summary of how to obtain our WSM results for the ordered phase in the next section (Section 3); this is the most involved part of our arguments. Then, in Section 4, we revisit the polymer framework for the random cluster model and show some technical results that we will need to carry out the WSM proofs in Sections 5 and 6 (for the ordered and disordered regimes, respectively). We conclude with Section 7 which has some left-over technical pieces needed for the proof of Theorem1. Appendix A has, for completeness, a proof of the mixing-time bound on the tree stated in Lemma9 (uses relatively standard arguments) and Appenbdix B reviews some standard monotonicity properties of the random cluster model.
3. Proof outline of the WSM within the ordered phase
3.1 Locally tree-like expanders
Analogously to [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21], we work a bit more generally with
-regular expanders, which are also tree-like. The expansion profile of an
-vertex graph
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
is given by

Then the classes
$G_{\Delta, \delta }$
${\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
are as follows.
Definition 15.
$\Delta \geq 5$
be an integer, and
$\delta \in (0,1/2), K\gt 0$
be reals.
$G_{\Delta, \delta }$
is the class of
-regular graphs such that
$\phi _G(1/2) \geq 1/10$
$\phi _G(\delta ) \geq 5/9$
${\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
is the class of all locally
-treelike graphs
$G\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta }$
We use the following lemma.
Lemma 16 ([Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Proposition 37]). Fix
$\Delta \geq 5$
. There is a constant
$\delta \in (0,1/2)$
such that w.h.p. a uniformly random
-regular graph belongs to
${\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta }$
Lemma16 and Lemma7 show that there is also a positive integer
such that, w.h.p,
$G\in \mathcal{G}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
. Next we state an important property of expanders from [Reference Trevisan27].
Lemma 17 ([Reference Trevisan27, Lemma 2.3]). Let
be a regular graph and consider
$E'\subseteq E$
$|E'|\leq \theta |E|$
for some
$\theta \in (0,\phi _G(1/2))$
. Then
$(V,E\backslash E')$
has a component of size at least
$\big (1 - \tfrac{\theta }{2 \phi _G(1/2)}\big ) |V|$
We use Lemma17 to establish the existence of a giant component.
Definition 18.
The size of a component of a graph is the number of vertices in the component. A giant component in an
-vertex graph is a component whose size is greater than
. Given a graph
and a subset
$F\subseteq E$
denotes the graph
Definition 19.
$\Delta \geq 5$
. Fix
$\delta \in (0,1/2)$
satisfying Lemma
. Let
$\eta = \min (\delta /5, 1/100)$
Corollary 20.
Fix integers
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K\geq 0$
and a real number
$\delta \in (0,1/2)$
. Let
be a graph in
${\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
and let
be a configuration in
$\Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
or a partial configuration with
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})|\geq (1-\eta )|E|$
. Then there is a giant component in
whose size is at least
$ (1-\delta )|V|$
Proof. Apply Lemma17 with
$E' = \mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{F}})$
$\theta = \eta = \min (\delta /5,1/100)$
. Note
$|\mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{F}})|\leq \eta |E|$
$\phi _G(1/2)\geq 1/10$
. Thus the lemma say that
has a component of size at least
$\left (1-\frac{\delta / 5}{2\cdot 1/10}\right )|V| = (1 - \delta )|V| \gt |V|/2$
3.2 Sketch of proof of Theorem5
$\Delta \geq 5$
be an integer. Consider any sufficiently large
and any
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
. For sufficiently large
, choose a ‘radius’
$r \approx \tfrac{1}{\beta } \log n$
and let
$G=(V,E)\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
. Fix a vertex
$v\in V$
and an edge
incident to
. We wish to show, with sufficiently high probability, that
$\Vert{\pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_r^+(v)}(e \mapsto \cdot ) - \pi ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}_G(e\mapsto \cdot ) }\Vert _{\mathrm{TV}} \leq{1}/{(100 |E|)}$
Our goal is essentially to construct a coupling of
${\mathcal{F}}^+\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{B}}^+_{r}(v)}$
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
, such that
is sufficiently small. In order to construct the coupling, we take advantage of the fact that
is locally tree-like. In fact, we identify a suitable subgraph of
without cycles and restrict the coupling to this subgraph.
Consider a breadth-first search from
. Let
be the rooted tree consisting of all forward edges in this breadth-first search. All other edges in
are called ‘excess edges’. W.h.p., since
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
, there are at most
excess edges in
for some absolute constant
$K\gt 0$
. In particular, since
is locally tree-like, we can identify integers
$r \geq r_1 \gt r_2 \geq 0$
such that
$E(B_{r_1}(v))\setminus E(B_{r_2}(v))$
contains no excess edges and
$r_1 - r_2 \geq r/(2K)=\Omega (r)$
. The fact that
$r_1-r_2 = \Omega (r)$
ensures that
$B_{r_1}(v) \setminus B_{r_2}(v)$
is a sufficiently large subgraph of
, and the coupling focuses on this subgraph.
In order to describe the coupling process we need a small amount of notation. A partial configuration
is a map from the edges of
to the set
. In-edges and out-edges (those that are mapped to
or to
) are ‘revealed’ and edges that are mapped to
are ‘unrevealed’. A refinement of a partial configuration is obtained by revealing more edges. We use
${\mathcal{F}} \subseteq{\mathcal{F}}'$
to denote the fact that
In the coupling, we generate a sequence of edge subsets
$F_0 \subseteq F_1 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq E$
such that, after iteration
, the edges in
are revealed. We also construct two sequences of partial configurations
${\mathcal{F}}_0^+\subseteq{\mathcal{F}}_1^+\subseteq \dots \subseteq{\mathcal{F}}^+$
${\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{ord}}\subseteq{\mathcal{F}}_1^{\mathrm{ord}}\subseteq \dots \subseteq{\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}$
, maintaining the invariant that the revealed edges in
are exactly the edges in
. The coupling will have the crucial property that
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}} \sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
${\mathcal{F}}^+ \sim \pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_{r_1}^+(v)}$
• The process starts with iteration
$i=0$ . The initial set
$F_0$ of revealed edges is all edges except those in
$E(B_{r_1}(v))$ . In
${\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{ord}}$ these revealed edges are sampled from the projection
$\pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_{F_0}$ of
$\pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}$ onto
$F_0$ . It is likely that the configuration
${\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{ord}}$ has at least
$(1-\eta )|E|$ in-edges. If not, then the coupling terminates (unsuccessfully), generating
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}$ and
${\mathcal{F}}^+$ from the right distributions. We will show that the probability of this unsuccessful termination is low. On the other hand, if
${\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{ord}}$ has a least
$(1-\eta )|E|$ in-edges, then we are off to a good start. All configurations refining
${\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{ord}}$ are in
$\Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$ , so the projection of
$\pi$ and
$\pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}$ onto subsequent edges that get revealed are the same (making it easier to continue the coupling). At this point
${\mathcal{F}}_0^+$ is taken to be the configuration with revealed edges
$F_0$ where all revealed edges are in-edges.
• After iteration
$i=0$ , iterations continue with
$i=1,2,\ldots$ until an edge is revealed whose distance from
$v$ is at most
$r_2$ or until the in-edges in
${\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}$ induce a giant component, and this giant component contains all vertices on the boundary of
$F_i$ . We will show that it is very unlikely that an edge at distance at most
$r_2$ from
$v$ is reached. So it is likely the giant component in
${\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}$ contains all vertices on the boundary of
$F_i$ . This is a good situation because the conditional distribution of
$\pi$ , conditioned on refining
${\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}$ and the conditional distribution of
${\mathcal{F}}^+$ , conditioned on refining
${\mathcal{F}}_i^+$ induce the same distribution on edges incident to
$v$ , which enables us to show that
${\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{F}}^+(e)\neq{\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}(e))$ is sufficiently small.
• The process at iteration
$i+1$ is as follows.
$W_i$ is taken to be the set of all vertices on the boundary of
$F_i$ whose components (induced by the in-edges in
${\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}$ ) are all small. By ‘boundary’. we mean that vertices in
$W_i$ are adjacent to revealed edges, and to unrevealed edges. If
$W_i$ is empty, then the coupling finishes. Otherwise, a vertex
$w_i\in W_i$ is chosen to be as far from
$v$ as possible. The edges in the subtree of
$T_0$ below the parent of
$w_i$ are revealed in
$F_{i+1}$ .
The main remaining ingredient in the proof is showing that the unsuccessful terminations of the coupling are unlikely. To do this, we use the polymer framework of [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21]. (Ordered) polymers are defined using an inductive definition. For a set of edges
$A\subseteq E$
, let
${\mathcal{B}}_0(A) = A$
, and inductively for
$j = 0,1,2,\dots$
to be the set of all edges such that they are either in
or edges that are incident to a vertex that has at least
${5\Delta }/{9}$
incident edges in
. Let
${\mathcal{B}}_\infty (A) = \bigcup _{j\in \mathbb{N}}{\mathcal{B}}_j(A)$
. An ordered polymer of a configuration
is a connected component of
$B_\infty (\mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{F}}))$
. The bulk of the work is to prove the following lemma, which is repeated in Section 5.2 (with more detail) as Lemma44.
Lemma 21.
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K, M\gt 0$
. Suppose that
$\beta \geq 3 M$
. Suppose that
is sufficiently large so that
$r\;:\!=\; \tfrac{M}\beta \log _{\Delta -1} n \gt K$
$|B_{r}(v)| \leq 9 \Delta n/200$
. Define
as above. Let
be generated by the process. Then at least one of the following conditions holds.
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}$ and
${\mathcal{F}}^+$ agree on the edges that are incident to
$v$ .
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus E(B_{r_1}(v))| \lt (1-\eta ) |E|$ .
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}$ contains a polymer of size at least
$\frac{r}{400\Delta (1+K)}-1$ .
To complete the proof of Theorem5, we show that items 2 and 3 are unlikely. The proof that item 2 is unlikely, Lemma45, follows from the slack specified in Equation (2) of Lemma3. The proof that item 3 is unlikely, Lemma28, follows from an analysis on the size of polymers by adapting appropriately the cluster expansion techniques of [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21] (a bit of extra work is needed there to capture the
dependence in the size of the polymer, see Lemma28).
The proof of WSM for the disordered phase (Theorem6) follows a similar strategy but the details are substantially simpler (due to a more straightforward notion of polymers), the argument can be found in Section 6.
4. Polymers for RC on expander graphs
All logarithms in this paper are with base
. Given a graph
, a subset
$U\subseteq V$
and a subset
$F\subseteq E$
, we use
to denote the subgraph of
induced by
and we use
to denote the graph
4.1 The RC model on expanders in the ordered regime
We use the following Lemma from [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21].
Lemma 22 ([Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Lemma 8]). Let
$\Delta \geq 5$
$\delta \in (0, 1/2)$
, and
$\zeta \in (0, 1/2)$
be reals. Suppose that
$G=(V,E)\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta }$
$|V|\geq 360/(\zeta \delta )$
$A\subset E$
is such that
$\zeta |E| \leq |A| \leq (1-\zeta )|E|$
. Then
${c(A)}/{|V|} +{|A|}/{|E|} \leq 1 - \zeta /40$
is the number of connected components in
Remark 23 (Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Lemma 8). is proved for the special case of
$\zeta = \min (1/100,\delta /5)$
, however the proof works for any positive
$\zeta \lt 1/2$
Lemma 24 ([Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Theorems 1 and 2]). Let
$\Delta \geq 5$
be an integer. Fix
$\delta \in (0,1/2)$
satisfying Lemma
. Let
$\eta = \min \{\delta /5,1/100\}$
. Let
$q_0 \geq e^{21 \Delta /\eta }$
be sufficiently large that Theorems1 and 2 of [21] hold. There is a positive number
$\zeta \lt \eta$
such that w.h.p. for
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
, it holds that

Proof. We prove the first bound, the second is similar. Choose
$\zeta = 20 \Delta /\log (q_0)$
. Note that
$\zeta \lt \eta$
, as desired. Let
$\Omega ' = \{{\mathcal{F}} \in \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}\;:\; |{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})|\leq (1-\zeta )|E|\}$
and let

$z = \max \{q,(\mathrm{e}^{\beta }-1)^{\Delta /2}\}$
. Since
$Z \geq z^n$
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega$

$\zeta \lt \eta \lt 1/2$
, for any
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega '$
$\zeta |E| \leq (1-\eta )|E| \leq |{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})| \leq (1-\zeta )|E|$
. By Lemma16, w.h.p.,
$G\in \mathcal{G}_{\Delta, \delta }$
. By Lemma22, for
$n\geq 360/(\zeta \delta )$
, we have
$c({\mathcal{F}})/n + |{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})|/|E| \leq 1-\zeta /40$
$Z'/Z \leq 2^{n\Delta /2} z^{n(-\zeta /40)}$
, which gives
$Z'/Z = \mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
$q \gt \mathrm{e}^{20 \Delta /\zeta }$
. To finish, we will show that
$Z/Z^{\mathrm{ord}} = O(1)$
, so that
$\frac{Z'}{Z^{\mathrm{ord}}} = \frac{Z'}{Z} \times \frac{Z}{Z^{\mathrm{ord}}} = \mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)} O(1) = \mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
. If
$\beta \gt \beta _c$
, item 3 of [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Theorem1] says that there are positive numbers
such that, for
$n\geq n_0$
$(1/n) \log ((Z-Z^{\mathrm{ord}})/Z) \leq -\xi$
. So for
$n\geq n_0$
$Z^{\mathrm{ord}}/Z \geq 1 - e^{-\xi n}$
, which is at least
$n\geq 1/\xi$
. If
$\beta = \beta _c$
, then items 1 and 3 of [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Theorem 2] show that
converges in distribution to a random variable
where (say)
$Q\geq q/2$
$q\geq q_0$
. So for sufficiently large
$Z^{\mathrm{ord}}/Z = O(1)$
4.2 Disordered polymers
We will use disordered polymers from [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Section 2.3]. Given a graph
$G = (V,E)$
and a configuration
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
, a disordered polymer of
is a connected component of
. Since
${\mathcal{F}} \in \Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
, each such connected component contains at most
$\eta |E|$
Each disordered polymer
$\gamma =(V(\gamma ),E(\gamma ))$
has an associated weight given by
$ w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}} \;:\!=\; q^{1-|V(\gamma )|} (e^{\beta }-1)^{|E(\gamma )|}$
. We observe the following relation between the weight of a disordered configuration and the weights of its polymers.
Observation 25.
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
, let
$\Gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}({\mathcal{F}})$
be the set of disordered polymers of
. Then

This observation follows from the fact each vertex of
is contained in some polymer of
, each in-edge of
is an edge of some polymer of
, and each polymer of
corresponds to one component of
Based on the work by Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Proposition 11], we can upper bound the probability that
${\mathcal{F}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
contains a large polymer.
Lemma 26.
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K\geq 0$
be integers,
$\delta \in (0, 1/2)$
be real. Let
be a constant. Then, for all sufficiently large
, the following holds for all
$\beta \leq \log (q^{2.1/\Delta }+1)$
. Let
be sufficiently large. For
$G\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
, for
$s\;:\!=\;C \log n$

Proof. Let
be large enough so that Proposition 11 from [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21] applies, and so in particular [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Equation (13)] holds, and also that
$s \gt 1$
$q\geq e^{4\Delta (\frac{5}{2C}-1)}$
For a disordered configuration
, let
$\Gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}({\mathcal{F}})$
be the set of disordered polymers of
First we will bound, for a particular polymer
$|E(\gamma )| \geq 1$
${\mathbb{P}}(\gamma \in \Gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}(.))$
. Suppose
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
$\gamma \in \Gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}({\mathcal{F}})$
. By Observation25,
$w_G({\mathcal{F}}) = q^n \prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}({\mathcal{F}})} w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
. Let
be the (disordered) configuration defined by
${\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}') ={\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})\backslash E(\gamma )$
. Since
$E(\gamma )\neq \emptyset$
. By construction,
${\mathcal{F}}'\in \Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
. Since vertices in
are not incident to edges in
$\Gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}({\mathcal{F}}') = (\Gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}({\mathcal{F}})\setminus \{\gamma \})\cup _{v\in \gamma } \{v\}$
. A polymer
$\gamma '$
consisting of a single vertex has weight
$w_{\gamma '}^{\mathrm{dis}} = 1$
. Thus,
$w_G({\mathcal{F}}') = w_G({\mathcal{F}})/w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
. Let
$\Omega _\gamma$
be the set of all disordered configurations containing
as a polymer. Then
$Z^{\mathrm{dis}} \geq \sum _{{\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega _\gamma } (w_G({\mathcal{F}}) + w_G({\mathcal{F}}')) = (1 + 1/w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}})\sum _{{\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega _\gamma } w_G({\mathcal{F}})$
. Thus, the probability that
${\mathcal{F}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
contains the polymer
is at most
$\frac{1}{1 + 1/w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}} \leq w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
Next, for
$v\in V(G)$
be the probability that
${\mathcal{F}}\sim \pi _G^{\mathrm{dis}}$
has a polymer with at least
edges containing the vertex
. By a union bound,
$p_v \leq P_v \;:\!=\; \sum _{\gamma \ni v: |E(\gamma )|\geq s} w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
. Let
$\theta = \log (q)/(4 \Delta )$
. By [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Equation (13)],

Thus also

$P_v \leq (1/2) e^{-(1+\theta )s}$
. By a union bound over all vertices, the probability in the statement of the lemma is at most
$\sum _v P_v \leq (n/2) 2^{-(1+\theta )s}= (1/2) n^{1-C(1+\theta )}$
. The lemma follows by requiring
to be sufficiently large with respect to
$C(1+\theta ) -1 \geq 3/2$
4.3 Ordered polymers
We use the definition of ordered polymers from [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Section 2.4.2]. Let
be a graph of max degree
. For a set of edges
$A\subseteq E$
, Let
${\mathcal{B}}_0(A) = A$
, and inductively for
$i = 0,1,2,\dots$
to be the set of all edges such that they are either in
or edges that are incident to a vertex that has at least
${5\Delta }/{9}$
incident edges in
. Let
${\mathcal{B}}_\infty (A) = \bigcup _{i\in \mathbb{N}}{\mathcal{B}}_i(A)$
. It is shown in [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Lemma 12] that
$|{\mathcal{B}}_\infty (A)|\leq 10|{\mathcal{B}}_0(A)|$
An ordered polymer is a connected subgraph
$\gamma =(V(\gamma ),E(\gamma ))$
together with an edge configuration
$\ell : E(\gamma )\rightarrow \{0,1\}$
subject to: (i)
$\mathrm{Out}(\ell )\leq \eta m$
, and (ii)
${\mathcal{B}}_{\infty }(\mathrm{Out}(\ell ))=E(\gamma )$
. We let
$E_{u}(\gamma )$
be the set of unoccupied edges
$\mathrm{Out}(\ell )$
of the polymer and
$c'(\gamma )$
be the number of components in the graph
$G[E\backslash E_{u}(\gamma )]$
with fewer than
vertices. The size of
is defined as
$|E_\gamma |$
, whereas the weight of
is defined as
$w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{ord}} \;:\!=\; q^{c'(\gamma )} (e^\beta -1)^{-E_u(\gamma )}$
Given a (partial) configuration
, the set of ordered polymers of
, denoted by
$\Gamma ({\mathcal{F}})$
, consists of the connected components of
$G[{\mathcal{B}}_\infty (\mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{F}}))]$
, each with the labelling on the edges induced by the corresponding assignment in
We will use a couple of polymer properties from [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21]. First, we note the following connection between the weight of a configuration
to the weight of its polymers
$\Gamma ({\mathcal{F}})$
Lemma 27.
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K\geq 0$
$\delta \in (0, 1/2)$
. Let
$G\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
. Then
$w_G({\mathcal{F}}) = q(\mathrm{e}^\beta - 1)^{|E|} \prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma ({\mathcal{F}})} w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
Proof. Note that
$\mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{F}}) = \bigcup _{\gamma \in \Gamma ({\mathcal{F}})} E_u(\gamma )$
, so
$(\mathrm{e}^\beta -1)^{|E| - \sum _{\gamma \in \Gamma ({\mathcal{F}})}|E_u(\gamma )|} = (\mathrm{e}^\beta -1)^{|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})|}.$
Hence, by [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Lemma21],
$q^{\sum _{\gamma \in \Gamma ({\mathcal{F}})} c'(\gamma )} = q^{c(G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})]) - 1}$
, so the result follows.
Lemma 28.
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K\geq 0$
be integers,
$\delta \in (0, 1/2)$
be real. Then, for all sufficiently large
, the following holds for all
$\beta \geq \log (q^{1.9/\Delta }+1)$
. For
$G\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
, for
$s\;:\!=\;{2000}\log (n)/\beta$

Proof. This proof closely follows the proof of Proposition 15 from [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21]. Suppose that
is large enough so that
$q^{1.9/\Delta }\geq (2\mathrm{e}\Delta )^{400}$
and fix arbitrary
$\beta \geq \log (q^{1.9/\Delta }+1)$
Consider an arbitrary ordered polymer
. For any configuration
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}$
$\gamma \in \Gamma ({\mathcal{F}})$
, by Lemma27, it holds that
$w_G({\mathcal{F}}) \leq q(\mathrm{e}^\beta - 1)^{|E|} w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
. Note that for any
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
such that
$\gamma \in \Gamma ({\mathcal{F}})$
, there is a configuration
$\Gamma ({\mathcal{F}}') = \Gamma ({\mathcal{F}})\setminus \{\gamma \}$
(obtained by setting
${\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}') ={\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})\cup E_u(\gamma )$
), which therefore has weight
$w_G({\mathcal{F}}') = w_G({\mathcal{F}})/w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
$\Omega _\gamma$
be the set of all ordered configurations with a polymer
. We can lower bound
$\sum _{{\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega _\gamma } (w_G({\mathcal{F}}) + w_G({\mathcal{F}}')) = (1 + \frac{1}{w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{ord}}}) \sum _{{\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega _\gamma } w_G({\mathcal{F}})$
. Therefore,

so we conclude that the probability that any fixed polymer
is a polymer of
${\mathcal{F}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_G$
is at most
$w_\gamma ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
be a vertex in
and denote by
$\Gamma _u$
the set of polymers containing
. Let
be the probability that
is contained in a polymer of size at least
${\mathcal{F}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_G$
. By a union bound over the polymers in
$\Gamma _u$
, We have that
$p_u\leq P_u$
, where

By [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Lemma 14],
$c'(\gamma )\leq 9|E_u(\gamma )|/(5 \Delta )$
. The bound on
ensures that

Hence we get

By [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Lemma 12], for any ordered polymer
$|E(\gamma )|\leq 10|E_u(\gamma )|$
. Thus

By [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Proof of Proposition 15], the number of polymers with
unoccupied edges containing a particular vertex is at most
$(2\mathrm{e}\Delta )^{10k}$
, hence

By the lower bounds on
, we have
$\mathrm{e}^{\beta }-1\geq q^{1.9/\Delta }\geq (2\mathrm{e}\Delta )^{400}$

The last sum is a geometric series with ratio
$\mathrm{e}^{-\beta /80}\lt 1/2$
, so it is upper bounded by twice its largest term. Since
$s=\tfrac{2000}{\beta }\log n$
, it follows that
$P_u\leq 2/n^{5/2}$
. By a union bound over the vertices of
, the probability that there is a polymer of
${\mathcal{F}}\sim \pi ^{{\mathrm{ord}}}_G$
which has size at least
is therefore at most
, as required.
Furthermore, we can prove the following lemma based on the proof of [Reference Helmuth, Jenssen and Perkins21, Lemma21].
Lemma 29.
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K\geq 0$
$\delta \in (0,1/2)$
. Suppose
$n\geq 2/\delta$
. Let
be a graph in
${\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
. Consider
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
. Let
be the giant component of
(which exists by Corollary 20
1. If
$u\notin \kappa$ and
$e$ is incident to
$u$ then
$e$ is in a polymer of
$\mathcal{F}$ .
2. Let
$S$ be a non-empty set of edges with
$|S| \lt{9\Delta n}/{200}$ . Let
$\kappa '$ be a component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})\backslash S]$ with
$|V(\kappa ')| \lt n/2$ . Then all but at most
$45\Delta |S|$ vertices of
$\kappa '$ are such that all their incident edges belong to a polymer of
$\mathcal{F}$ .
3. For
$S$ and
$\kappa '$ as in Item 2 , there are at most
$50\Delta ^2|S|$ components in
$G[{\mathcal{B}}_\infty (\mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{F}}))]$ containing a vertex of
$\kappa '$ , that is, there are at most
$50\Delta ^2|S|$ polymers of
$\mathcal{F}$ containing vertices of
$\kappa '$ .
Proof. We start with the proof of Item 1. Consider a non-giant component
$\kappa '$
. Let
be the set of vertices in
$\kappa '$
which have an incident edge that is not in a polymer of
. For contradiction, assume that
is non-empty. By Corollary20,
$|\kappa '|\leq \delta |V|$
and thus
$|\tau |\leq \delta |V|$
. The definition of
and the fact that out-edges are in polymers imply that every edge in the cut
$(\tau, V\backslash \tau )$
is in some polymer. By the expansion properties
$|E(\tau, V \backslash \tau )|\geq 5\Delta |\tau |/9$
, hence there is a vertex
$u\in \tau$
with at least
${5\Delta }/{9}$
incident edges in the cut, and thus, from the definition of polymers, all edges adjacent to
are in polymers, contradicting that
is in
Before proving Item 2, we use it to prove Item 3. Let
$\kappa '$
be a non-giant component in
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})\backslash S]$
. As before, let
be the set of vertices in
$\kappa '$
which have an incident edge that is not in a polymer of
. By Item 2,
$|\tau | \leq 45\Delta |S|$
. Let
be the set of edges that are incident to vertices in
. Note that
$G[V(\kappa '),E(\kappa ')]$
is connected, and removing an edge from a graph can increase the number of components by at most one. Thus,
$(V(\kappa '),E(\kappa ')\setminus E_\tau )$
has at most
$1+\Delta |\tau |$
components. Any edges in these components are in polymers of
. Thus there are at most
$1 + \Delta |\tau | \leq 50\Delta ^2|S|$
components of
$G[{\mathcal{B}}_\infty (\mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{F}}))]$
that contain vertices in
$V(\kappa ')$
, proving Item 3.
To finish, we prove Item 2. First we bound the size of
$\kappa '$
. Since
${\mathcal{F}} \in \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})\backslash S| \geq (1 - \eta ) |E| - |S|$
. Since
$\eta \leq 1/100$
$\eta + \frac{|S|}{|E|} \lt 1/10 \leq \phi _G(1/2)$
, hence we can apply Lemma17 with
$E' = \mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{F}}) \cup S$
$\theta = |E'|/|E|$
. We find that
$(V,{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}) \backslash S)$
has a component of size at least
$(1 - \frac{\theta }{2 \phi _G(1/2)}) n \geq (1 -{5 \theta } ) n$
so the number of vertices in
$\kappa '$
is at most
$5 \theta n \leq 5(\eta + |S|/|E|)n \leq \delta n + 10|S|/\Delta$
. Thus,
$|\tau | \leq \delta n + 10 |S|/\Delta$
. Next let
$\lambda = \lceil 10 |S|/\Delta \rceil$
and let
be a subset of
of size
$|\tau | - \lambda \leq \delta n$
. Then

By the definition of
, all edges in
$E(\tau, V(\kappa ')\setminus \tau )$
are in polymers of
. Since
$\kappa '$
is a component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})\setminus S]$
, there are at most
edges in
$V\setminus V(\kappa ')$
. Thus the number of edges in
$E(\tau, V\setminus \tau )$
that are in polymers is at least
$|E(\tau, V\backslash \tau )| - |S|$
. This is at least
$\tfrac 59 \Delta |\tau | - 14 \lambda \Delta /9 - |S| \geq \tfrac 59 \Delta |\tau | - 149 |S|/9 - 14\Delta /9 \geq \tfrac 59 \Delta |\tau | - 45 \Delta |S|/9$
, where the last inequality follows from
$\Delta \geq 5$
$|S|\geq 1$
Averaged over all vertices
$w\in \tau$
, the number of edges in
$E(\tau, V\setminus \tau )$
that are in polymers and are incident to
is at least
$\tfrac 59 \Delta - 45 \Delta |S|/(9\tau )$
. We may assume
is non-empty, otherwise Item 2 directly follows. Thus, there is a vertex
$w\in \tau$
such that the number of edges in
$E(\tau, V\setminus \tau )$
that are in polymers and are incident to
is at least
$\tfrac 59 \Delta - 45 \Delta |S|/(9\tau )$
. Since this number is an integer, the number of edges in
$E(\tau, V\setminus \tau )$
that are in polymers and are incident to
is at least

Suppose for contradiction that
$|\tau | \gt 45\Delta |S|$
. Then the term that is subtracted in the definition of
is less than
. On the other hand, if the first term,
$5\Delta /9$
is not an integer, then its non-integer part is at least
. Either way,
$W = \lceil 5 \Delta /9\rceil \geq 5\Delta /9$
. As in the proof of Item 1, all incident edges of
hence must be a in a polymer, contradicting that
$w\in \tau$
5. Proving WSM within the ordered phase
In this section we will prove Theorem5. We will use the following notation.
Definition 30.
be a graph. Given vertices
$u,v\in V$
, let
be the distance in
. For
$U\subseteq V$
$F\subseteq E$
, denote by
the min distance in
to any vertex in
, and by
the min distance in
to any endpoint of any edge in
. Let
$\partial _G(F)$
be the set of vertices in
incident to both an edge in
and an edge in
$E\backslash F$
. For a rooted tree
and a vertex
$u\in V(T)$
, let
denote the subtree of
rooted at
Fix positive integers
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K\geq 0$
. Let
$M = M(K,\Delta )=2000 \times 400 \times (2+K) \Delta \log (\Delta -1)$
. Fix
sufficiently large and
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
. Fix a graph
$G=(V,E)\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
sufficiently large and fix a vertex
$v\in V$
. Let
$r \;:\!=\; \min (\tfrac{M}\beta, \tfrac 13) \log _{\Delta -1} n$
Definition 31.
Consider a breadth-first search from
. Let
be the rooted tree consisting of all forward edges in this breadth-first search. We refer to edges in
as the tree edges. We refer to the edges in
$\mathcal{E} \;:\!=\; E(B_r(v)) \backslash E(T_0)$
as excess edges.
Observation 32.
For every edge
differ by at most one. For any
$u\in B_r(v)$
$d_G(v,u) = d_{T_0}(v,u)$
${\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
$|\mathcal{E}|\leq K$
so the ball
is close to being a tree. The next observation picks out a piece of
without excess edges.
Observation 33.
$r \gt K+1$
. Then there are integers
$r \geq r_1 \gt r_2 \geq 0$
such that
$E(B_{r_1}(v))\setminus E(B_{r_2}(v))$
contains no edges from
$r_1 - r_2 \geq \frac{r}{1 + K} - 1$
Proof. For every edge
, let
denote the maximum distance in
to an endpoint of
. Let
$\mathcal{D} = \{ d^+_G(e) \mid e \in \mathcal{E}\}$
. Note that
$|\mathcal{D}| \leq K$
. Thus the set
$\{1,2,\ldots, \lfloor r\rfloor \} \backslash \mathcal{D}$
can be partitioned into at most
$K + 1$
intervals of contiguous distances. Thus, there are integers
$r_1 \geq r_2'$
such that the set
$\{r_2', r_2' + 1, \dots, r_1\}$
does not intersect
$r_1 - r_2' + 1 \geq \frac{\lfloor r\rfloor - K}{K + 1} \geq \frac{r - 1 - K}{K + 1} = \frac{r}{K+1} - 1$
$r_2 = r_2' - 1$
. We claim that
$(E(B_{r_1}(v))\backslash E(B_{r_2}(v)))\cap \mathcal{E} = \emptyset$
. To see this, consider any
$ e \in \mathcal{E}$
. By the choice of
$ r_2$
, either
$d^+(v,e)\gt r_1$
$ d^+(v,e)\leq r_2$
. In the former case, an endpoint of
is outside
, thus
$e \notin B_{r_1}(v)$
. In the latter case, both endpoints of
are in
, thus
$ e\in B_{r_2}(v)$
. That concludes the proof.
5.1 Definitions/Notation
In addition to a configurations, we will work with partial configurations, where some edges are not yet revealed. We will use the symbol ‘
’ to denote that an edge
has not yet been revealed.
Definition 34.
A partial configuration
is a function
${\mathcal{A}} : E \rightarrow \{0,1,*\}$
. We write
$R({\mathcal{A}}) \;:\!=\;{\mathcal{A}}^{-1}(\{0,1\})$
and refer to it as the set of revealed edges in
. We denote by
the set of edges
(the ‘in’ edges) and by
the set of edges
(the ‘out’ edges). We use
$\Omega ^*$
to denote the set of all partial configurations.
Note that each configuration is also a partial configuration – these are precisely the partial configurations
. Next we define notation for partial configurations.
Definition 35.
be partial configurations. We say that
is a refinement of
, written
, whenever
$\mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{A}}_1)\subseteq \mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{A}}_2)$
(and hence
$R({\mathcal{A}}_1)\subseteq R({\mathcal{A}}_2)$
as well). If
are disjoint, the union of
, written
, is the partial configuration with
${\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}}_1\cup{\mathcal{A}}_2) ={\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}}_1)\cup{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}}_2)$
$\mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{A}}_1\cup{\mathcal{A}}_2)=\mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{A}}_1)\cup \mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{A}}_2)$
The following distributions on configurations and partial configurations will be useful.
Definition 36.
be a partial configuration in
$\Omega ^*$
. Then
$\Omega _{\mathcal{A}} \;:\!=\; \{{\mathcal{F}} \in \Omega \mid{\mathcal{A}} \subseteq{\mathcal{F}}\}$
will denote the set of all configurations that refine
$\pi _{\mathcal{A}}$
is the conditional distribution of
$\Omega _{\mathcal{A}}$
, that is, for
${\mathcal{F}} \in \Omega _{\mathcal{A}}$
$\pi _{\mathcal{A}}({\mathcal{F}}) = \pi ({\mathcal{F}}) /\sum _{{\mathcal{F}}' \in \Omega _{\mathcal{A}}} \pi ({\mathcal{F}}')$
. Similarly, if
$\Omega _{\mathcal{A}} \cap \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
is non-empty, then
$\pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_{\mathcal{A}}$
is the conditional distribution of
$\pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
$\Omega _{\mathcal{A}}\cap \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
5.2 The coupling process
From now on, we assume that
is sufficiently large, so
$r\gt K + 1$
. We define
as in Observation33. Note
$r_1\geq \frac{r}{K+1}-1$
. Let
$T = T_0[B_{r_1}(v)]$
be the first
$r_1 + 1$
levels of the tree
. To prove Theorem5, we construct a coupling of
${\mathcal{F}}^+\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{B}}^+_{r_1}(v)}$
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
, such that
${\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{F}}^+(e)\neq{\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}(e)) \leq 1/(100 |E|)$
To do this, we generate two sequences of coupled partial configurations, starting by revealing all edges outside the ball
and progressively revealing the edges of
, starting from its leaves. We reveal edges one subtree at a time until either the boundary is contained in a giant component of in edges, or an edge incident to
is revealed. In the first case, we use Observation51 from Appendix B to couple edges incident to
perfectly. In the other case, we will be able to show the existence of a large polymer (which is an unlikely event).
Formally, we will construct a sequence of edge subsets
$F_0 \subseteq F_1 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq E$
, sequence of vertex subsets
$V_0, V_1, \dots$
, and two sequences of partial configurations
${\mathcal{F}}_0^+\subseteq{\mathcal{F}}_1^+\subseteq \dots \subseteq{\mathcal{F}}^+$
${\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{ord}}\subseteq{\mathcal{F}}_1^{\mathrm{ord}}\subseteq \dots \subseteq{\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}$
, maintaining the following invariant for all integers
$i\geq 0$

For each
, all unrevealed edges of some subtree of
get revealed. It will also hold, for each
, that
$E\setminus E(B_{r_1}(v)) \subseteq F_i$
. To facilitate this process of revealing the edges, the following definitions will be helpful.
Definition 37.
be a subset of
. Then
$\Omega _{F} \;:\!=\; \{{\mathcal{A}} \in \Omega ^* \mid R({\mathcal{A}}) = F\}$
. The distribution
$\pi _F$
$\Omega _F$
is defined as follows. For
${\mathcal{A}}\in \Omega _F$
$\pi _F({\mathcal{A}}) \;:\!=\; \pi (\Omega _{\mathcal{A}})$
. Similarly,
$\pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_F$
is the distribution on
$\Omega _F$
so that
$\pi _F^{\mathrm{ord}}({\mathcal{A}}) = \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}(\Omega _{\mathcal{A}})$
Definition 38.
${\mathcal{A}}\in \Omega ^*$
be a partial configuration. Let
be a subset of
$R({\mathcal{A}}) \subseteq F$
. Then
$\Omega _{{\mathcal{A}},F} \;:\!=\; \{{\mathcal{A}}'\in \Omega _F \mid{\mathcal{A}}\subseteq{\mathcal{A}}', R({\mathcal{A}})=F\}$
. We define a distribution
$\pi _{{\mathcal{A}},F}$
$\Omega _{{\mathcal{A}},F}$
given by

We can now describe the process in detail.
Step 1. Let
$i \;:\!=\; 0$ . Let
$F_0 \;:\!=\; E \setminus E(B_{r_1}(v))$ . Let
${\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{ord}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_{F_0}$ . Let
$V_0 \;:\!=\; \{ w\in V \mid d_G(v,w) = r_1\}$ .
(a) If
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{ord}})| \lt (1-\eta ) |E|$ : Generate
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}} \sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}_{{\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{ord}}}$ and generate
${\mathcal{F}}^+_0\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_{r+1}^+(v)}$ . Let
${\mathcal{F}}^+ \;:\!=\;{\mathcal{F}}^+_0$ . Terminate (unsuccessfully).
(b) Otherwise: Define
${\mathcal{F}}_0^+$ by
$R({\mathcal{F}}_0^+) ={\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_0^+) = F_0$ .
Step 2. Repeat until
$d_G(F_i, v) \leq r_2$ :
$W_i$ be the set of all vertices in
$\partial _G(F_i)$ that are in a component of size less than
$n/2$ in
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}})]$ .
(a) If
$W_i$ is non-empty: Choose
$w_i \in W_i$ to maximise
$d_G(w_i,v)$ . Let
$p_{i}$ be the parent of
$w_i$ in
$T$ . Let
$F_{i+1} \;:\!=\; F_i \cup E(T_{p_i})$ . Generate, optimally coupled,
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}_{i+1}\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}_i,F_{i+1}}$ and
${\mathcal{F}}_{i+1}^+ \sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}^+_i,F_{i+1}}$ . Let
$V_{i+1} \;:\!=\; (V_{i}\backslash V(T_{p_i}))\cup \{p_i\}$ . Let
$i \;:\!=\; i + 1$ .
(b) Otherwise: Generate, optimally coupled,
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}}$ and
${\mathcal{F}}^+\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}^+_i}$ and terminate (succesfully).
Step 3. Generate, optimally coupled,
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}}$ and
${\mathcal{F}}^+\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}^+_i}$ . Terminate (unsuccesfully).
We next derive some useful observations justifying the definition of the process. We will require the following definition.
Definition 39.
be a partial configuration. The boundary component set
$\xi ({\mathcal{A}})$
is the set of equivalence classes corresponding to components of the boundary vertices, that is,
$ \xi ({\mathcal{A}}) = \{ \kappa \cap \partial (R({\mathcal{A}})) \mid \kappa \text{ is a component in } G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}})]\}$
Observation 40.
Suppose that the process does not terminate in Step 1a (with
). Then it maintains the following invariants for all
$i\geq 0$
such that
${\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}},{\mathcal{F}}_i^+, F_i$
are defined.
$R({\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}) = R({\mathcal{F}}_i^+)=F_i$ ,
${\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}) \subseteq{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_i^+)$ , and
$E\setminus E(B_{r_1}(v))\subseteq F_i$ ,
Inv2(i). For all distinct
$u_1, u_2\in V_i$ ,
$V(T_{u_1})\cap V(T_{u_2}) = \emptyset$ ,
$\bigcup _{u\in V_i} V(T_u) = V(F_i)\cap V(T)$ and
$\bigcup _{u\in V_i} E(T_u) \subseteq F_i$ ,
Inv4(i). If
$d_G(F_i, v) \gt r_2$ , then
$\partial _G (F_i)\subseteq V_i$ ,
Inv5(i). If
$F_{i+1}$ is defined, then
$F_i \subset F_{i+1}$ , and
Inv6(i). If
${\mathcal{F}}_{i+1}^{\mathrm{ord}}$ and
${\mathcal{F}}_{i+1}^+$ are defined in the process, then
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}_i \subseteq{\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}_{i+1}$ and
${\mathcal{F}}^+_i \subseteq{\mathcal{F}}^+_{i+1}$
Proof. We do an induction on
. For the base case let
$i = 0$
. Inv1(
) holds by the definitions of
. Inv2(
) follows from the fact that any
$u\in V_0$
is a leaf of
and thus
contains a single vertex -
The second part of Inv3(
) is trivial as neither of the subtrees have any edges. We show the first part of Inv3(
) by proving that for all
$u\in V(T)$
$u\in V_0$
if and only if
$u\in V(F_0)$
. First, suppose that
$u\in V(F_0)\cap V(T)$
. The definitions of
imply that
$d_G(u,v) = r_1$
$u\in V_0$
, as desired. For the other direction, consider
$u\in V_0$
. We need to show that
has an edge
$d_G(u',v) \gt r_1$
. The vertex
is a leaf of
, hence
has a single incident edge in
. Given that
-regular with
$\Delta \gt 1$
, there is some edge
$\{u, u'\}$
, such that
is not
’s parent in
. By Observation32,
$d_G(u', v) \in \{r_1 - 1, r_1, r_1 + 1\}$
. By the choice of
$ r_2$
, and
$\{u, u'\} \notin E(B_{r_1}(v))\setminus E(B_{r_2}(v))$
, so
$d_G(u', v) = r_1 + 1 \gt r_1$
, and the result follows.
The invariant Inv4(
) follows from the fact that for any
$u\in \partial _G (F_0)$
there are edges
$\{u, u_1\} \in F_0$
$\{u,u_2\}\notin F_0$
, so
$d_G(u, v) \leq r_1$
$d_G(u_2, v) \leq r_1$
, and thus also
$d_G(u_1, v) \gt r_1$
, so by Observation32 it follows that
$d_G(u, v) = r_1$
and thus
$u\in V_0$
For the inductive step, suppose
are all defined and suppose that Inv1(
) hold. We now show Inv5(
), Inv6(
) and Inv1(
For Inv5(
$F_{i}\subseteq F_{i+1}$
follows by construction. For the strict inequality, it is enough to show that
$\{w_i, p_i\}\in F_{i+1}\setminus F_i$
. Since
is defined,
$d_G(F_i, v) \gt r_2$
, otherwise the process would terminate before the
th iteration of Step 3. Thus by Inv4(
) and by
$w_i\in \partial _G (F_i)$
$w_i\in V_i$
. So for any
$u\in V_i$
, Inv2(
) implies that
$p_i\notin V(T_u)$
. Hence Inv3(
) implies that
$p_i\notin V(F_i)$
$\{w_i, p_i\}\notin F_i$
. But
$E(T_{p_i})\subseteq F_{i+1}$
, hence
$\{w_i, p_i\}\in F_{i+1}$
, completing the proof of Inv5(
). Inv6(
) follows by construction.
The first and third parts of Inv1(
) follow by construction, the second part follows from Corollary53 (see Appendix B, using
and the fact that the coupling is optimal. Inv2(
$i + 1$
) follows by construction and Inv2(
). Also, the second part of Inv3(
$i + 1$
) follows by construction and Inv3(
For the first part of Inv3(
), by the definition of
, if
$u\in V(F_{i+1})\cap V(T)$
, then
$u\in V(T_{p_i})$
$u\in V(F_{i})\cap V(T)$
. In the first case, note
$p_i\in V_{i+1}$
. Otherwise, by Inv3(
), there is a vertex
$u'\in V_i$
$u\in V(T_{u'})$
. If
is in
, then so is
, hence the first case applies. If not, then
$u'\in V_{i+1}$
. For the converse, for
$u\in V_{i+1}$
, there are two cases. If
$u = p_i$
$E(T_{p_i})\subseteq F_{i+1}$
$V(T_{p_i}) \subseteq V(F_{i+1})\cap V(T)$
. Otherwise,
$u\in V_i$
, so the result follows by Inv3(
) and Inv5(
Finally we prove Inv4(
). Suppose that
$d_G(F_{i+1}, v) \gt r_2$
and let
$u\in \partial _G F_{i+1}$
. Our goal is to show
$u\in V_{i+1}$
$u_1, u_2\in V$
be such that
$\{u, u_1\}\in F_{i+1}$
$\{u, u_2\}\notin F_{i+1}$
. By Inv1(
$E\setminus E(B_{r_1}(v))\subseteq F_{i+1}$
, and so
$u, u_2 \in V(B_{r_1}(v)) = V(T)$
. Also,
$d_G(u, v) \gt r_2$
$\{u, u_2\}\in E(B_{r_1}(v))\setminus E(B_{r_2}(v)$
. Since
$\{u, u_1\}\in F_{i+1}$
$u\in V(F_{i+1})$
, so by Inv3(
), there is a vertex
$u'\in V_{i+1}$
such that
$u\in V(T_{u'})$
. By the choice of
$\{u, u_2\}$
is a tree edge, so if
$u\neq u'$
, by the second part of Inv3(
$\{u, u_2\}$
would be then in
, contradicting the choice of
. Thus
$u = u' \in V_{i+1}$
Observation 41.
The process eventually terminates, with
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}} \sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
${\mathcal{F}}^+\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_{r_1}^+(v)}$
Proof. By Inv5, the process always terminates. If the process terminates in Step 1a, then, by construction, the resulting configurations are drawn from the correct distributions. Otherwise, Step 2 is executed. Thus,
$(1-\eta ) |E| \leq |{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}_0)|$
. By Inv6, for every value of
until termination,
$(1-\eta ) |E| \leq |{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}_0)| \leq |{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}_i)|$
. This implies that every
$\Omega _{{\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}} \subseteq \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}}^{\mathrm{ord}} = \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}}$
. From this it follows that
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}} \sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
. Given how
is generated in Step 1b, it holds that, for any
${\mathcal{F}}\in \Omega$
$\pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_{r_1}^+(v)}({\mathcal{F}}) \gt 0$
precisely when
. Then
${\mathcal{F}}^+\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_{r_1}^+(v)}$
follows from the way that
is generated in the process.
Observation 42.
If the process terminates in Step 2a, then there is a non-negative integer
such that
has a giant component containing all vertices in
$\partial _G(F_i)$
. Also,
agree on the edges that are incident to
Proof. The only way that the process can get to Step 2a, with some index
, is if
$d_G(F_i, v) \gt r_2$
$W_i = \emptyset$
. In this case all vertices of the boundary
$\partial _G(F_i)$
are contained in the giant component of
$r_2 \geq 0$
$d_G(F_i, v) \gt r_2 \geq 0$
, so the edges that are incident to
are not in
. Since
is connected, the boundary
$\partial _G (F_i)$
is non-empty.
$\xi ({\mathcal{F}}_{i}^{\mathrm{ord}})$
consists of a single equivalence class containing all vertices of
$\partial _G(F_i)$
. By Inv1(
$R({\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}) = R({\mathcal{F}}_i^+)$
, so
has a giant component containing all vertices in
$\partial _G(F_i)$
$\xi ({\mathcal{F}}_i^+)$
contains a single equivalence class, containing all vetices in
$\partial _G(F_i)$
. By Observation51,
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}}$
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_i^+}$
have the same projection on
$E\backslash F_i$
, meaning that for any partial configuration
${\mathcal{A}}\in \Omega _{E\backslash F_i}$
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}}}({\mathcal{F}}_i^{\mathrm{ord}} \cup{\mathcal{A}}) = \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_i^+}({\mathcal{F}}_i^+ \cup{\mathcal{A}})$
. Since the coupling in Step 2a is optimal,
agree on the edges incident to
(since they are not in
Observation 43.
Suppose that Step 2a is executed with index
and let
$k = r_1 - d_G(w_i, v)$
. There are non-negative integers
$j_0,\ldots, j_k$
such that, for every
$\ell \in \{0,\ldots, k-1\}$
$j_{\ell } \lt j_{\ell +1}$
$w_{j_{\ell +1}} = p_{j_\ell }$
Proof. By construction,
$w_i\in \partial _G(F_i)$
$d_G(F_i,v) \gt r_2$
. By Inv4(
$\partial _G(F_i) \subseteq V_i\subseteq V(T)$
. Hence
$d_G(w_i, v) \leq r_1$
, so
$k \geq 0$
. The proof is by induction on
For the base case,
$k = 0$
, it suffices to define
$j_0 \;:\!=\; i$
and the condition in the statement of the observation is vacuous.
For the induction step, fix
$k\geq 0$
and assume that the observation holds whenever Step 2a is executed with any index
such that
$r_1 - d_G(w_j, v)\leq k$
. Suppose that Step 2a is executed with index
such that
$r_1 - d_G(w_i, v) = k+1$
. Define
$j_{k+1} \;:\!=\; i$
. By Invariant Inv4(
$w_i\in V_i$
. By the construction of
, either
$d_G(w_i, v) = r_1$
, or there is an index
$i'\lt i$
such that
$w_i = p_{i'}$
. The first case is ruled out by
$d_G(w_i, v) = r_1 - (k+1) \lt r_1$
. In the second case,
is the parent of
in the BFS tree, so
$d_G(w_{i'}, v) = d_G(w_i, v) + 1$
$k= r_1 - d_G(w_{i'},v)$
. We finish by applying the inductive hypothesis with index
Equipped with these results, we can now prove the following lemma.
Lemma 44.
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K, M\gt 0$
. Suppose that
$\beta \geq 3 M$
. Suppose that
is sufficiently large so that
$r\;:\!=\; \tfrac{M}\beta \log _{\Delta -1} n \gt K$
. and
$|B_{r}(v)| \leq 9 \Delta n/200$
. Define
as in Observation
so that
$r_1\geq \frac{r}{K+1}-1$
. Let
be generated by the process. Then at least one of the following conditions holds.
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}$ and
${\mathcal{F}}^+$ agree on the edges that are incident to
$v$ .
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus E(B_{r_1}(v))| \lt (1-\eta ) |E|$ .
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}}$ contains a polymer of size at least
$\frac{r}{400\Delta (1+K)}-1$ .
Proof. By Observation41, the process eventually terminates. If it terminates in Step 1a, then
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus E(B_{r_1}(v))| \lt (1-\eta )|E|$
, thus Condition 2 is satisfied. If the process terminates in Step 2a, then by Observation42, Condition 1 holds.
For the rest of the proof we assume that the process terminates in Step 3. We will show that Condition 3 holds. Let
be the index that triggers the condition
$d_G(F_{i'}, v) \leq r_2$
in Step 2. Let
$i \;:\!=\; i' - 1$
so that step 2a is run for the last time with index
. By the choice of
$d_G(F_i, v) \gt r_2$
. Since
is an endpoint of an edge in
$d_G(p_i,v) \leq r_2$
. Since
$w_i\in \partial _G(F_i)$
$d_G(v,w_i) \gt r_2$
. Since
$d_G(w_i, v) = d_G(p_i, v) + 1$
, we conclude that
$d_G(w_i, v) = r_2 + 1$
. By Observation43 with index
$k = r_1 - (r_2+1)$
, there are non-negative integers
$\{j_0,\ldots, j_k\}$
such that, for every
$\ell \in \{0,\ldots, k-1\}$
$j_\ell \lt j_{\ell +1}$
$p_{j_\ell } = w_{j_{\ell +1}}$
. Thus
$w_{j_{\ell +1}} \in V_{\ell +1}$
. Note that
$w_{j_0},\ldots, w_{j_k}$
is a path in
and that
is closest to the root
in this path. By Observation33 and the definition of
$k \geq r/(K+1)-2$
. Let
$r' = \lfloor k / 2\rfloor$
$J' = \{j_{\ell } \mid r' \leq \ell \leq k\}$
$W' = \{w_j \mid j\in J'\}$
. Since
$V(T) \subseteq V(B_{r+1}(v))$
, we have established that for all
$w\in W'$
$r_2+1 \leq d_G(v,w) \leq r_1$
. We now distinguish three cases.
Case 1. For all
$j\in J'$
is not in a giant component of
be the set of edges with endpoints in
and note that
contains the edges in the path
$w_{r'},\ldots, w_{k}$
. By Observation41,
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}} \in \Omega ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
. Applying Item 1 of Lemma29 to each vertex
$u\in W'$
, we find that every edge in
is contained in a polymer of
. Since the vertices in
form a path in
, the edges in
are all in the same polymer of
. Thus,
has a polymer of size at least
$k/2 \geq r/(2(K+1))-1$
Case 2. There is an index
$j \in J'$
such that
is in the giant component of
and the giant component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus \{w_j, p_j\}]$
We make the following claim.
Claim 2a: There is then a non-empty set
of at most
$9 \Delta |V|/200$
edges of
such that the size of the component
$\kappa '$
in the graph
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\backslash S]$
is less than
and furthermore
$|V(\kappa ')| \geq |S|r'$
Before proving Claim 2a, we show that it implies Condition 3, completing the proof of Case 2. By Lemma29, item 2, all but at most
$45\Delta |S|$
vertices of
$\kappa '$
are such that all their incident edges belong to polymer. Thus, at least
$|S|r' - 45\Delta |S|$
vertices of
$\kappa '$
are such that all their incident edges are in a polymer. By Lemma29, item 3, there are at most
$50\Delta ^2|S|$
polymers of
containing vertices of
$\kappa '$
. We conclude that there is a polymer of
containing at least
$\frac{|S|r' - 45\Delta |S|}{50\Delta ^2|S|}$
vertices of
$\kappa '$
with the property that all of their incident edges are in the polymer.
Since the number of edges incident to a set of size
is at least
$\Delta z/2$
, there is a polymer of
containing a vertex of
with size at least

To conclude the proof of Case 2, we prove Claim 2a. Since the process ends in Step 3, Step 1a does not occur, so
$|{\mathrm{In}}(F^{\mathrm{ord}}_0)|\geq (1-\eta )|E|$
. Since
from Inv6,
, so
$|{\mathrm{In}}(F^{\mathrm{ord}}_j)|\geq (1-\eta )|E|$
. By Corollary20,
has a (unique) giant component. Call this component
$\kappa _j$
. Similarly,
has a giant component, call this component
. Note that
$V(\kappa _j)\subseteq V(\kappa )$
. Since
was chosen in Step 2a,
$w_j\in V(\kappa )\backslash V(\kappa _j)$
be the set of all paths from
$V(\kappa _j)$
in the graph
. Every path
$\gamma \in \Gamma$
contains an edge in
$E\setminus F_j$
. Let
$\{u_1^\gamma, u_2^\gamma \}$
be the first such edge in
, with
$d_G(u_1^\gamma, w_j) \lt d_G(u_2^\gamma, w_j)$
. Let
$S\;:\!=\; \{ \{u_1^\gamma, u_2^\gamma \} \mid \gamma \in \Gamma \}$
By the definition of
, any path from
$\kappa _j$
goes through an edge in
, thus
is not connected to
$\kappa _j$
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus S]$
. Let
$\kappa '$
be the component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus S]$
. The component
$\kappa '$
contains no vertices of
$\kappa _j$
. Since
$|V(\kappa _j)|\gt n/2$
, we get
$|V(\kappa ')| \lt n/2$
We conclude by we proving that
$|V(\kappa ')\cap B_{r_1}(v)|\geq |S|r'$
. The proof follows from a sequence of claims.
Claim 2b: For any
$\gamma \in \Gamma$
$u_1^\gamma \in \partial _G(F_j)$
$d_G(v,u_1^\gamma ) \gt r_2$
The proof of Claim 2b is as follows. If
$u_1^\gamma = w_j$
, then
$u_1^\gamma \in \partial _G(F_j)$
by the choice of
. Otherwise, since
is the first edge on
that is not in
$E\setminus F_j$
, the edges on the path from
are in
, so there is a at least one edge from
incident to
, and the edge
$\{u_1^\gamma, u_2^\gamma \}\notin F_j$
is also incident to
, so
$u_1^\gamma \in \partial _G(F_j)$
. In either case,
$d_G(v,u_1^\gamma ) \geq d_G(v,F_j)\gt r_2$
Claim 2c: For any
$\gamma \in \Gamma$
$d_G(v,u_1^\gamma ) \leq r_1$
$d_G(v,u_2^\gamma ) \leq r_1$
$u_1^\gamma \in V_j$
, and
is the parent of
To prove Claim 2c, consider
$\gamma \in \Gamma$
. Since the edge
$\{u_1^\gamma, u_2^\gamma \} \in E\setminus F_j$
, both
are in
. Since Step 2 is executed with index
$d_G(F_j,v) \gt r_2$
. So by Claim 2b and Inv4(
$u_1^\gamma \in V_j$
. By Invariant Inv3(
$E(T_{u_1^\gamma })\subseteq F_j$
, so the only candidate for
is the parent of
Claim 2d:
$|S| = |\{u_1^\gamma \mid \gamma \in \Gamma \}|$
By Claim 2c, the mapping of a vertex
$u \in \{u_1^\gamma \mid \gamma \in \Gamma \}$
to its parental edge in
is a bijection between
$ \{u_1^\gamma \mid \gamma \in \Gamma \}$
$S= \{ \{u_1^\gamma, u_2^\gamma \} \mid \gamma \in \Gamma \}$
Claim 2e: For any
$\gamma \in \Gamma$
$|V(\kappa ')\cap V(T_{u_1^\gamma })| \geq r'$
To prove Claim 2e, consider
$\gamma \in \Gamma$
. We consider two cases. First, suppose
$u_1^\gamma \neq w_j$
. By construction
$w_j \in V_j$
and from Claim 2c,
$u_1^\gamma \in V_j$
. By Inv2(
$V(T_{w_j})\cap V(T_{u_1^\gamma }) = \emptyset$
. At the beginning of the proof, we established
$r_2+1 \leq d_G(v,w_j) \leq r_1$
. By Claims 2b and 2c,
$r_2 + 1 \leq d_G(v,u_1^\gamma ) \leq r_1$
. Since the path
goes from
without leaving
, it goes from
to a leaf of
and it finishes by going from a leaf of
$T_{u_1^\gamma }$
. All of these edges are in
$\kappa '$
and there are at least
$r_1 - d_G(v,u_1^\gamma )$
of them. Since, by Claim 2b,
$u_1^\gamma \in \partial _G(F_j)$
but, by construction, it is not in
$\kappa _j$
, by the definition of
$u_1^\gamma \in W_j$
. By the choice of
$d_G(u_1^\gamma, v) \leq d_G(w_j, v) \leq r_1 - r'$
. Thus
$|V(\kappa ')\cap V(T_{u_1^\gamma })|\geq r_1 - (r_1 - r') = r'$
For the second case, suppose
$u_1^\gamma = w_j$
. By the assumption of Case 2,
is in a giant component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus \{w_j, p_j\}]$
, thus
contains an edge other than the edge
$\{u_1^{\gamma '},u_2^{\gamma '}\}$
$\gamma ' \in \Gamma$
that is not equal to the edge
. By Claim 2c,
$u_1^{\gamma '} \neq w_j$
. Applying the argument from the first case to
$\gamma '$
, the path
$\gamma '$
starts by going from
to a leaf of
so it contains at least
edges of
, all of which are in
$\kappa _j$
We now use Claims 2d and 2e to finish the proof that
$|V(\kappa ')| \geq |S| r'$
, which completes the proof of Claim 2a, and hence the proof of Case 2. Consider paths
$\gamma '$
$u_1^\gamma \neq u_1^{\gamma '}$
. By Inv2(
$V(T_{u_1^\gamma })\cap V(T_{u_1^{\gamma '}})=\emptyset$
, therefore
$|V(\kappa ')| \geq \sum _{u\in \{u_1^\gamma \mid \gamma \in \Gamma \}} |V(\kappa ')\cap V(T_{u_1^\gamma })|$
. Claim 2e shows that each term in the sum is at least
. Claim 2d shows that
is equal to the number of terms in the sum. Therefore we obtain
$|V(\kappa ')| \geq |S| r'$
, as required.
Case 3. There is an index
$j \in J'$
such that
is in the giant component of
. However, for all
$j\in J'$
is not in a giant component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus \{w_j, p_j\}]$
be the giant component of
. Let
$j_\ell = \min \{j \in J' \mid w_j \in V(\kappa )\}$
Claim 3: For each
$\ell '$
$\ell \leq \ell ' \lt k$
$w_{j_{\ell '}}\in V(\kappa )$
$\{w_{j_{\ell '}},w_{j_{\ell '+1}}\} \in{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})$
We prove Claim 3 by induction on
$\ell '$
. The base case is
$\ell ' = \ell$
. In this case,
$w_{j_{\ell }}\in V(\kappa )$
is from the definition of
. Then since
$w_{j_\ell }$
is in a giant component of
but is not in a giant component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\backslash \{w_{j_\ell }, p_{j_{\ell }}\}]$
, the edge
$\{w_{j_\ell }, p_{j_{\ell }}\} = \{w_{j_\ell }, w_{j_{\ell +1}}\} \in{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})$
, as required. For the induction step, fix
$\ell '$
$\ell \leq \ell ' \lt k-1$
and assume Claim 3 for
$\ell '$
. Since Claim 3 implies
$w_{j_{\ell '}}\in \kappa$
$\{w_{j_{\ell '}}, w_{j_{\ell '+1}}\}\in{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})$
$w_{j_{\ell '}}$
$w_{j_{\ell '+1}}$
are in the same component of
, namely,
. Then since
$w_{j_{\ell '+1}}$
is in a giant component of
but is not in a giant component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\backslash \{ w_{j_{\ell '+1}}, p_{j_{\ell '+1}}\}]$
, the edge
$\{w_{j_{\ell '+1}}, p_{j_{\ell '+1}}\} = \{w_{j_{\ell '+1}}, w_{j_{\ell '+2}}\} \in{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})$
, as required.
Claim 3 implies that for every
$j_\ell \leq j \leq k$
$w_j\in V(\kappa )$
. Let
$e = \{w_k,p_k\}$
. Since
is not in a giant component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus \{e\}]$
and the edge
is not on the path
$w_{j_\ell },\ldots, w_k$
it follows that no vertices in
are in a giant component of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus \{e\}]$
. We now consider two cases.
Case 3a.
$k - \ell \geq r'/2$
$S = \{e\}$
. Suppose that
is sufficiently large that
$|S| \lt 9\Delta |V|/200$
. For any
$j\in J'$
$\kappa _j$
be the component containing
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\setminus \{w_j,p_j\}]$
. Item 2 of Lemma29 implies that all but at most
vertices of
$\kappa _j$
are such that all their incident edges belong to a polymer of
. Item 3 implies that there are at most
$50 \Delta ^2$
polymers containing vertices of
$\kappa _j$
. Since
$k-\ell \geq r'/2$
, we conclude that there are at least
$ r'/2 - 45\Delta$
vertices of
$W'\cap V(\kappa )$
such that all their incident edges are in a polymer, and at most
$50\Delta ^2$
polymers containing them. Hence there a polymer of size at least
$\frac{\Delta }{2} \times \frac{r'/2 - 45\Delta }{50\Delta ^2}\geq \frac{r' - 90\Delta }{200\Delta } \geq \frac{r}{400\Delta (1+K)}-1$
Case 3b.
$k - \ell \lt r'/2$
We have already seen that
$w_{r'},\ldots, w_{\ell -1}$
is a path in
with length at least
$\ell - r' \geq r'/2$
and its vertices are not in
$V(\kappa )$
. By Item 1 of Lemma29, every edge incident to one of these vertices is contained in a polymer of
. Since the vertices form a path in
, the edges adjacent to them are all in the same polymer of
. Thus,
has a polymer of size at least
$(r'/2) \geq \frac{(k/2)-1}{2} \geq \frac{r}{4(K+1)}-1$
Next we will show that the termination condition from Step 1 of the process is unlikely to happen.
Lemma 45.
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K\geq 0$
be integers. Let
$\delta \in (0,1/2)$
be a real number. Let
$\eta = \min \{\delta /5,1/100\}$
There are positive real numbers
$q_0\geq 1$
such that the following holds for all
$q\geq q_0$
and all
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
. Let
. Let
and let
be a vertex in
. Let
be a real number satisfying
$r \leq \tfrac{1}{3}\log _{\Delta -1}(n)$
. Then
$\pi _G^{\mathrm{ord}}(|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})\backslash E(B_r(v))| \lt (1-\eta )|E|) = e^{-\Omega (n)}$
Proof. Let
$r_0(n) = \tfrac{1}{3} \log _{\Delta -1}(n)$
$r(n) \leq r_0(n)$
. Let
be sufficiently large that
$\Delta ^{r(n_0)+1} \leq (\eta - \zeta ) n_0\Delta /2$
, where
is the constant from Lemma3. By Lemma3,

However, if
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})| \gt (1-\zeta )|E|$
, then

5.3 Proof of WSM within the ordered phase
We can now prove Theorem5. We start with the following Lemma.
Lemma 46.
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K\geq 0$
be integers and let
$\delta \in (0, 1/2)$
be a real. There is
$M=M(\Delta, K)\gt 0$
such that the following holds for all sufficiently large
and any
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
. For all sufficiently large
and any
-vertex graph
$G\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
, the RC model on
with parameters
has WSM within the ordered phase at radius
$r_1\leq \frac{{M}}{\beta }\log _{\Delta -1} (n)$
Proof. Recall that
$\eta = \min \{\delta /5,1/100\}$
. Let
$M = 2000 \times 400 \times (2+K) \Delta \log (\Delta -1)$
$r(n,\beta ) \;:\!=\; \frac{{M}}{\beta }\log _{\Delta -1}(n)$
. Let
$\beta _0(q) \;:\!=\; \log (q^{1.9/\Delta }+1)$
. Let
be large enough that
$\beta _c(q_0) \geq \beta _0(q_0)$ .
$\beta _0(q_0) \geq 3 M$ .
$2 n_0^{-3/2} + f(n_0) \leq 1/(50 \Delta n_0)$ where
$f(n)$ is the
$e^{-\Omega (n)}$ upper bound from Lemma45.
For every
$n_1(\beta )$
to be the smallest positive integer such that
$\frac{r(n_1(\beta ),\beta )}{400\Delta (1+K)}-1 \geq \frac{r(n_1(\beta ),\beta )}{400\Delta (2+K)}$
Now fix
$q\geq q_0$
$\beta \geq \beta _c(q)$
Consider any
$n\geq \max \{n_0,n_1(\beta )\}$
. Consider an
-vertex graph
$G\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
. Let
be as in Lemma44. Use the process to generate
. We wish to show that for every edge
incident to

By Observation41
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}} \sim \pi ^{\mathrm{ord}}$
${\mathcal{F}}^+\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_{r+1}^+(v)}$
. By Lemma44, if
do not agree on an edge incident to
, then
contains a polymer of size at least
$\frac{r(n,\beta )}{400\Delta (1+K)}-1$
, or
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{ord}})\backslash E(B_{r_1}(v))| \lt (1-\eta )|E|$
. Thus the probability that
do not agree on an edge incident to
is at most the sum of probabilities of those two events.
Applying Lemma28, noting that
$\frac{r(n,\beta )}{400\Delta (1+K)}-1 \geq \frac{r(n,\beta )}{400\Delta (2+K)}$
and (given the lower bound on
at the start of the proof) that this quantity is at least
$2000\log n/\beta$
, the probability of the first event is at most
Note that
$r(n,\beta ) \leq \tfrac 13 \log _{\Delta -1}(n)$
. Applying Lemma45, the probability of the second event is
$f(n) = e^{-\Omega (n)}$
. The result follows by summing these probabilities.
Finally, we use Lemma46 to prove Theorem5.
Proof. By Lemmas7 and 16, there exist
$K=K(\Delta )\gt 0$
$\delta =\delta (\Delta ) \in (0,1/2)$
such that, w.h.p.,
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, n}$
is in
${\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
. Let
$M = M(\Delta, K)$
be as in Lemma46, and note that
is in fact only dependent on
. By Lemma46, for all
sufficiently large and
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
, for all
sufficiently large and any
$G\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
has a WSM within the ordered phase at radius
$r_1 \leq \tfrac{M}\beta \log _{\Delta -1}(n)$
6. Proof of WSM within the disordered phase
We will prove that for
large enough, all large enough graphs in
${\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
have WSM within the disordered phase on all low enough temperatures. We use the same notion of partial configurations as in Section 5.1.
Definition 47.
be a partial configuration in
$\Omega ^*$
. If
$\Omega _{\mathcal{A}} \cap \Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
is non-empty, then
$\pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_{\mathcal{A}}$
is the conditional distribution of
$\pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
$\Omega _{\mathcal{A}}\cap \Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
For a set
$F\subseteq E$
, define the distribution
$\pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_F$
to be the distribution on
$\Omega _F$
, such that for
${\mathcal{A}}\in \Omega _F$
$\pi _F^{\mathrm{dis}}({\mathcal{A}}) = \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}(\Omega _{\mathcal{A}})$
First we prove the following lemma showing that a suitable coupling exists.
Lemma 48.
$\Delta \geq 5$
$K\geq 0$
integers, and
$\delta \in (0, 1/2)$
a real. Then, for all
large enough and
$\beta \leq \log (q^{2.1/\Delta }+1)$
, the following holds for all
$G=(V,E)\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
with sufficiently many vertices. Let
$v\in V$
$r \;:\!=\; \frac{1}{3}\log _{\Delta -1} |V|$
. Then there is an integer
$r \geq r_1 \geq \frac{r}{K+1}-1$
and there is a coupling
such that
${\mathcal{F}}^-\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{B}}^-_{r_1}(v)}$
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
, and moreover at least one of the following holds:
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}\backslash E(B_{r_1}(v))| \gt \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$ .
2. For any edge
$e$ incident to
$v$ ,
${\mathcal{F}}^-(e) ={\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}(e)$ .
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}})]$ has a component with at least
$\frac{r}{K+1}-2$ edges.
Proof. We use the definition of
from Definition31. By Observation33, we get
$r\geq r_1 \gt r_2 \geq 0$
such that
$r_1-r_2\geq \frac{r}{K+1}-1$
$E(B_{r_1}(v))\setminus E(B_{r_2}(v))$
contains no edges from
. Let
be the tree consisting of the first
$r_1 + 1$
levels of
, that is,
Construct the coupling as follows: First, let
$F_0\;:\!=\; E\setminus E(B_{r_1}(v))$
${\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}}\sim \pi _{F_0}^{\mathrm{dis}}$
. If
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}})| \gt \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
, then let
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_{{\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}}}$
${\mathcal{F}}^-\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_{{\mathcal{B}}_{r_1}^-(v)}$
. Otherwise, let
be the partial configuration with
$R({\mathcal{F}}_0^-) = \mathrm{Out}({\mathcal{F}}_0^-) = F_0$
, let
$F_1 = E\setminus E(B_{r_2+1}(v))$
and generate, optimally coupled,
${\mathcal{F}}_1^{\mathrm{dis}}\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}},F_1}$
${\mathcal{F}}_1^-\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_0^-,F_1}$
. Finally, generate, optimally coupled
${\mathcal{F}}^-\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}^-_1}$
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}_1}$
First note, that
${\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
${\mathcal{F}}^-\sim \pi _{{\mathcal{B}}_{r_1}^-(v)}$
. In the case
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}})| \gt \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
it follows by construction. Otherwise, we may note that any refinement of
has at most
$\eta |E|$
edges, as
$|E\setminus R({\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}})| = |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
, thus
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}},F_1} = \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}},F_1}^{\mathrm{dis}}$
. Similarly,
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}_1} = \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_1^{\mathrm{dis}}}^{\mathrm{dis}}$
. For
the result follows from the fact that a configuration
is a refinement of
if and only if
$\pi _{{\mathcal{B}}^-_{r_1}(v)}({\mathcal{F}})\gt 0$
Now we proceed to show that the resulting configurations satisfy one of the conditions. We have three exhaustive cases, and we show that each corresponds to one of the conditions.
Case 1.
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}_0)| \gt \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
Then its refinement
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}})\backslash E(B_{r_1}(v))| \gt \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
, since
$E(B_{r_1}(v))\cap R({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}_0) = \emptyset$
, thus the first condition holds.
Case 2.
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}_0)| \leq \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
, and
$\xi ({\mathcal{F}}_1^{\mathrm{dis}})$
is a free boundary. That is, no two vertices in
$\partial (F_1)$
are in the same component of
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}_0)| \leq \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
, we have
$R({\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}}) = R({\mathcal{F}}_0^-) = F_0$
, and
$R({\mathcal{F}}_1^{\mathrm{dis}}) = R({\mathcal{F}}_1^0) = F_1$
. Also,
$\emptyset ={\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_0^-)\subseteq{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_0^{\mathrm{dis}})$
, thus by Corollary53, and by the fact that
were optimally coupled, also
. So since no two vertices in
$\partial (R({\mathcal{F}}_1^{\mathrm{dis}})) = \partial (F_1) = \partial (R({\mathcal{F}}_1^-))$
are in the same component of
, it is also true that no two vertices in
$\partial (F_1)$
are in the same component of
. So
$\xi ({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}_0) = \xi ({\mathcal{F}}^-_0)$
, thus by Observation51 and by the fact that they were optimally coupled,
agree on the edges of
$E\setminus F_1 = E(B_{r_2+1}(v))$
. Note that since
$r_2 + 1 \geq 1$
, all edges incident to
are in
, thus
agree on them. This corresponds to condition two.
Case 3.
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}}_0)| \leq \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
and there are distinct vertices
$u_1, u_2\in \partial (F_1)$
such that
are in the same component of
Consider any path
in the
. Since no edges in
are revealed in
is contained in
$E\setminus E(B_{r_2}(v))$
. Note that since
- the subtrees of
rooted in
, respectively, are disjoint,
$V(\gamma )$
is not contained in
. Let
$e = \{w_1, w_2\}$
be the first edge on
such that
$w_1\in V(T_{u_1})$
$w_2\not \in V(T_{u_1})$
. Note that for any vertex
$r_1 \gt d_G(w, v) \gt r_2$
, all edges incident to
are edges of
, and in particular, if it also holds that if
is a non-leaf vertex in
, all incident edges to
are in
Then, by construction and the choice of
$ r_2$
$\partial (F_1) = \{u\in V \mid d_G(u, v) = r_2 + 1\}$
. Also no edges incident to vertices with distance at most
were revealed, so it must be the case that
$d_G(w_1, v) = r_1$
Hence there is a path containing at least
$r_1 - (r_2 + 1) \geq \frac{r}{K+1} - 2$
edges in
, and thus also in
. So there is a connected component of
with size at least
$\frac{r}{K + 1}-2$
, which corresponds to the third condition.
Next we prove Theorem6.
Theorem 6.
For all integer
$\Delta \geq 5$
, for all
sufficiently large and any
$\beta \leq \beta _c$
, w.h.p. over
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
has WSM within the disordered phase at a radius
which satisfies
$r\leq \tfrac{1}{3}\log _{\Delta -1}n$
Proof. By Lemmas7 and 16, there exist
$K=K(\Delta )\gt 0$
$\delta =\delta (\Delta ) \in (0,1/2)$
such that, w.h.p.,
$G\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, n}$
is in
${\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
. Let
$\beta _1(q) \;:\!=\;\log (q^{2.1/\Delta }+1)$
. Let
be the constant from Lemma3 and let
be constant implicit in Equation 2 so that this equation guarantees
$\pi _G^{\mathrm{dis}}\Big (|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})|\geq \zeta |E|\Big ) \leq e^{-C' n}$
be large enough that
$\beta _c(q_0) \leq \beta _1(q_0)$ .
• Lemmas3 and 48 apply. Lemma26 applies with
$C = \frac{1}{3(2+K)\log (\Delta -1)}$ .
$(\eta - \zeta ) n_0 \geq \Delta n_0^{1/3}$ and
$C'n_0 \geq \log (100\Delta n_0)$ and
$n_0\geq (50\Delta )^2$ .
$\frac{\log _{\Delta -1} n_0}{3(K+1)}-2\geq \frac{\log _{\Delta -1} n_0}{3(K+2)}$ ,
Now fix
$q\geq q_0$
$\beta \leq \beta _c(q)$
Consider any
$n\geq n_0$
. Consider an
-vertex graph
$G=(V,E)\in{\mathcal{G}}_{\Delta, \delta, K}$
. Let
$r\;:\!=\; \frac 13 \log _{\Delta -1}(n)$
. Fix
$v\in V$
. Let
be as in Lemma48. Use the process to generate
. We wish to show that for every edge
incident to

By Lemma48, if
do not agree on all edges incident to
, then
$|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}^{\mathrm{dis}})|\geq \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
contains a polymer of size at least
$\frac{r}{K+1}-2\geq \frac{\log n}{3(K+2)\log (\Delta -1)} = C \log n$
. Thus the probability that
do not agree on all edges incident to
is at most the sum of the probabilities of these two events.
$(\eta - \zeta ) n \geq \Delta n^{1/3}$
$\zeta |E| \leq \eta |E| - |E(B_{r_1}(v))|$
, so Lemma3 guarantees that the probability of the first event is at most
$e^{-C'n}\leq \frac{1}{100\Delta n} = \frac{1}{200|E|}$
By Lemma26, the probability of the second event is at most
$n^{-3/2} / 2\leq \frac{1}{100\Delta n} = \frac{1}{200|E|}$
. The result follows by summing these probabilities.
7. Proof of Theorems12 and 13
In this section, we provide the last ingredients that were used in the proof of Theorem1 by showing the
$O(n\log n)$
bounds in Theorems12 and 13. The overall argument is quite close to what was presented in Section 2.4 for the proof of Theorem11; the only extra argument required is a slightly more refined estimate from the distance to stationarity using log-Sobolev constants to save an
$O(\log n)$
factor (a similar argument appears in [Reference Blanca and Gheissari4]). We present first the relevant tools in Sections 7.1 and 7.2, and then finish the proofs in Section 7.3.
7.1 The log-sobolev constant and mixing time inequality
be a distribution supported on a set
. For a function
$g:\Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$
, let

with the convention
$0\log 0\;:\!=\;0$
. Moreover, for a reversible Markov chain
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
with transition matrix
$P\in \mathbb{R}^{\Omega \times \Omega }_{\geq 0}$
, let
$\mathcal{E}(g,g)\;:\!=\;\tfrac{1}{2}\sum _{\omega, \omega '}\mu (\omega )P(\omega, \omega ')(g(\omega )-g(\omega '))^2$
be the Dirichlet form for
. The standard log-Sobolev constant of the chain is then defined as

The following well-known connection between the log-Sobolev constant and the distance from stationarity can be found, for example, in [Reference Blanca and Gheissari4, Fact 6.1]. Let
$\mu _{\min }=\min _{\omega \in \Omega }. \mu (\omega )$
. Then, for any
$\gamma \lt \alpha (P)$
, it holds that

7.2 Log-sobolev constant for free/wired tree-like neighbourhoods
Here we briefly discuss how to bound the log-Sobolev for the wired RC dynamics for tree-like neighbourhoods for integer
$q\gt 1$
(cf. Remark10) using the results from [Reference Blanca, Chen, Štefankovič and Vigoda2] on the tree.
Lemma 49.
$q\geq 2$
$\Delta \geq 3$
be integers, and
$K,\beta \gt 0$
be reals. There exists
$\tilde{C}\gt 0$
such that the following holds for every
-regular graph
and any integer
$r\geq 1$
Suppose that
$\rho \in V$
is such that
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
-treelike. Then, with
$n=|B_r(\rho )|$
, the log-Sobolev constant for the wired RC dynamics on
$B_r(\rho )$
$\geq \tilde{C}/n$
Proof. Let
$T=T_{\Delta }(\rho )$
denote the
-regular tree rooted at
. Then, for integer
$q\geq 2$
$\beta \gt 0$
, it is shown in [Reference Blanca, Chen, Štefankovič and Vigoda2, Proof of Lemma 32] that there exists
$C\gt 0$
such that the log-Sobolev constant for the wired RC dynamics on
$T[B_r(\rho )]$
$\geq C/N$
$N=|B_r(\rho )|$
To translate this into a lower bound on the log-Sobolev constant of
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
(which is
-treelike) as in the statement of the lemma, we can just use the argument in [Reference Gheissari and Sinclair15, Proof of Lemma 4.4]. There, they show, for the Ising model with all plus boundary condition, it via a graph decomposition argument that there exists a constant
$C'=C(q,\beta, K,\Delta )$
independent of
such that
$\alpha \big (P_{G[B_r(\rho )]}\big )\geq C\alpha \big (P_{T[B_r(\rho )]}\big )$
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
-treelike. The details of the graph decomposition do not depend on the Ising model, so the exact same strategy yields the analogue for the RC model.
The analogous result for the free boundary is available from [Reference Blanca and Gheissari4] for all
$q\geq 1$
, we state here the following more precise version of Lemma9.
Lemma 50 ([Reference Blanca and Gheissari4, Lemma 6.5]). Let
$\Delta \geq 3$
be an integer, and
$q,K\gt 1$
$\beta \gt 0$
be reals. There exists
$C\gt 0$
such that the following holds for any
-regular graph
and integer
$r\geq 1$
Suppose that
$\rho \in V$
is such that
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
-treelike. Then, with
$n=|B_r(\rho )|$
, the log-Sobolev constant for the free RC dynamics on
$B_r(\rho )$
$\geq C/n$
7.3 Completing the proof of Theorems 12 and 13
Proof of Theorems
12 and 13. We first show Theorem12. Consider therefore
$\Delta \geq 5$
, and let
be sufficiently large so that both Lemma3 and Theorem6 apply, and suppose that
$\beta \leq \beta _c$
$G=(V,E)\sim{\mathcal{G}}_{n,\Delta }$
. By Lemma7, we can assume that
is locally
-treelike. By Lemma3,
$\pi _G^{\mathrm{dis}}\big (|{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}})|\geq \zeta |E|\big )=\mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
. By Theorem6,
has WSM within the disordered phase at radius
for some
$r\leq \tfrac{1}{3}\log _{\Delta -1}n$
We will consider the RC dynamics
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
being the all-out configuration on the edges. We will also consider the ‘disordered’ RC dynamics
$(\hat{X}_t)_{t\geq 0}$
$\hat{X}_0\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_G$
where we reject moves of the chain that lead to configurations outside of
$\Omega ^{\mathrm{dis}}$
. Note that
$\hat{X}_t\sim \pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_G$
for all
$t\geq 0$
. We will show how to couple these two dynamics in
$O(n \log n)$
time. The result will follow by showing that there is a coupling between
$(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$
$(\hat{X}_t)_{t\geq 0}$
such that, for
$T=O(n\log n)$
, it holds that

Analogously to the ordered case we use the monotone coupling, where at every step
, the two chains choose the same edge
to update and use the same uniform number
$U_t\in [0,1]$
to decide whether to include
in each of
. For
$t\geq 0$
, let
be the event that
${\mathrm{In}}(\hat{X}_t)\leq \zeta |E|$
and let
$\mathcal{E}_{\lt t}\;:\!=\;\bigcap _{t'=0,\ldots, t-1} \mathcal{E}_{t'}$
. From Lemma3 we have that
$\pi ^{\mathrm{dis}}_G(\mathcal{E}_{\lt t})\geq 1-t\mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}$
. Using again the monotonicity of the model for
$q\geq 1$
, under the monotone coupling, for all
$t\geq 0$
such that
$\mathcal{E}_{\lt t}$
holds (and hence no reject move has happened in
so far), we have that
$X_t\leq \hat{X}_t$
). We next proceed to bound the terms in the upper bound

So, fix an arbitrary edge
incident to some vertex
, and let
be the free RC dynamics on
. We couple the evolution of
with that of
using the monotone coupling analogously to the ordered case, where in
we ignore updates of edges outside the ball
). We have
$X_t^v\leq X_t$
for all
$t\geq 0$
, and hence, conditioned on
$\mathcal{E}_{\lt t}$
, we have that
$X^v_t\leq X_t\leq \hat{X}_t$
. Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem11, we therefore get the following analogue of (5):

has WSM within the disordered phase at radius
, we have that

$C\gt 0$
be the constant in Lemma50 and set
$N_v=|E(B_r(v))|\leq \Delta ^{r+1}$
. By Chernoff bounds, for
$T=\Theta (n\log n)$
, we get at least
$t_v\;:\!=\;\tfrac{40}{C}N_v\log n$
edge updates within the ball
with probability
$1-\exp (-n^{\Omega (1)})$
. Since
$r\leq \tfrac{1}{3}\log _{\Delta -1} n$
-treelike, so from Lemma50 and applying the log-Sobolev inequality (8) (with
$\gamma =C/(2N_v)$
$\min _{{\mathcal{F}}}\pi _{{\mathcal{B}}^-_r(v)}({\mathcal{F}})\geq (2q \mathrm{e}^{\beta })^{-N_v}$
), we have

where the last inequality holds for all
$m=\Delta n=\Omega (1)$
. Plugging (11) and (12) into (10) for
, and then back into (4), we get (9), that is,
${\mathbb{P}}(X_T\neq \hat{X}_T)\leq 5m T \mathrm{e}^{-\Omega (n)}+m/m^3+1/100\leq 1/5$
. This finishes the proof of Theorem11.
For the proof of Theorem13 (integer
$\beta \geq \beta _c$
), the argument is completely analogous to what was just presented for
$\beta \leq \beta _c$
, using now the log-Sobolev bound of Lemma8 to get the analogue of (12) (see the proof in Section 2.4 and the inequality (7)).
Appendix A. Mixing on tree-like graphs for the wired RC dynamics
In this section, we prove Lemma9 which we restate here for convenience.
Lemma 9.
$\Delta \geq 3$
be an integer, and
$q,K\gt 1$
$\beta \gt 0$
be reals. There exists
$\hat{C}\gt 0$
such that the following holds for any
-regular graph
and integer
$r\geq 1$
Suppose that
$\rho \in V$
is such that
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
-treelike. Then, with
$n=|B_r(\rho )|$
, the mixing time of the free RC dynamics on
$B_r(\rho )$
$\leq \hat{C}n\log n$
Proof. We use a canonical paths argument, following largely [Reference Mossel and Sly25, Proof of Lemma8]. Let
be a
-regular graph and
$\rho \in V$
be such that
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
-treelike. Let
$n=|B_r(\rho )|$
$m=|E(B_r(\rho )|$
. Let
$\hat{\pi }=\hat{\pi }_{B_r(\rho )}$
be the stationary distribution of the wired RC dynamics on
$B_r(\rho )$
Consider a BFS tree
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
starting from
, let
be the set of the leaves of
and let
$\mathcal{E}=E(G[B_r(\rho )])\backslash E(T)$
be the set of excess edges. Note that the height of
is at most
, the set
$S_r(\rho )$
of vertices at distance
$S_r(\rho )\subseteq L$
and there are at most
leaves of
at depth less than
(by the
-regularity of
, each such leaf must be incident to an excess edge of
), so
$|L\backslash S_r(\rho )|\leq 2K$
. For a vertex
$B_r(\rho )$
, we let
be the subtree of
rooted at
, and
be the ancestors of
(i.e., the vertices on the path from the root
, including
Consider next a depth-first-search traversal of the tree
starting from
, and let
$v_1,\ldots, v_n$
be the order in which the vertices of
were first visited. We write
$v_i\lt v_j$
$i\lt j$
; moreover, for a subset of vertices
and a vertex
, we write
$S\lt u$
to denote that for each
$w\in S$
it holds that
$w\lt u$
. Since the tree
has depth
, at any stage of the DFS traversal there are at most
vertices which are visited but not fully explored (note that a leaf that is visited is automatically explored). Since the degree of any vertex is
$\leq \Delta$
, it follows that
(a) for
$i=1,\ldots, n$ , there are at most
$\Delta r$ tree edges with one endpoint in
$\{v_1,\ldots, v_i\}$ and the other in
$\{v_{i+1},\ldots, v_m\}$ (from the DFS traversal).
(b) for an arbitrary vertex
$u$ in
$T$ and any vertex
$w$ which is not an ancestor of
$u$ (i.e.,
$w\notin \mathrm{Anc}(u)$ ), we have from the DFS traversal either that
$V(T_w)\lt u$ or
$V(T_w) \gt u$ .
We order the edges
$e_1,\ldots, e_m$
$G[{\mathcal{B}}_r(\rho )]$
(including excess edges) in lexicographic order in terms of the order of the vertices. So edges with an endpoint
come first (ordered by the other endpoint) and so on.
For two configurations
${\mathcal{F}},{\mathcal{F}}':E\rightarrow \{0,1\}$
that differ on the edges
$e_{i_1},\ldots, e_{i_k}$
$i_1\lt \cdots \lt i_k$
), define the path
of configurations
$\mathrm{Path}({\mathcal{F}},{\mathcal{F}}')={\mathcal{F}}_0\rightarrow{\mathcal{F}}_1\cdots \rightarrow{\mathcal{F}}_{k}$
by defining, for
$j=0,\ldots, k$
to agree with
on the edges
$\{e_{i_{j+1}},\ldots, e_{i_k}\}$
and to agree with
on the edges
$\{e_{i_1},\ldots, e_{i_j}\}$
. Note that
and both
and hence
as well agree on
$E\backslash \{e_{i_1},\ldots, e_{i_k}\})$
. Then, the relaxation time of the chain, see for example [Reference Jerrum23, Chapter 5], is bounded by

where the maximum is over all pairs of configurations
that differ on a single edge and the summation is over all pairs of configurations
whose corresponding
includes the transition
as part of the path.
Consider an arbitrary pair of configurations
$\kappa =({\mathcal{F}},{\mathcal{F}}')$
that differ at a single edge
$f=\{v_j, v_{j'}\}$
for some
$j\lt j'$
and suppose further that
. For configurations
such that
$({\mathcal{F}}\rightarrow{\mathcal{F}}')\in \mathrm{Path}({\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{A}}')$
define the configuration
$g_{\kappa }({\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{A}}')$
so that

From the fact that
$({\mathcal{F}}\rightarrow{\mathcal{F}}')\in \mathrm{Path}({\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{A}}')$
, we also have that:

It follows that the map
$g_{\kappa }(\cdot, \cdot )$
is injective, that is, given its value
and the configurations
, there is a unique pair
such that
${\mathcal{F}}^*=g_{\kappa }({\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{A}}')$
$({\mathcal{F}}\rightarrow{\mathcal{F}}')\in \mathrm{Path}({\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{A}}')$
. For a configuration
$\mathcal{X}\;:\; E(B_r(\rho ))\rightarrow \{0,1\}$
, let
denote the number of components in
$(B_r(\rho ),{\mathrm{In}}(X))$
that do not include any of the vertices in
$S_r(\rho )$
, cf. Footnote 5. Let
$s\;:\!=\; \Delta r + K$
$t \;:\!=\; 4 \Delta r + 12 K$
. The main step in the proof is to show that:


Assuming these for the moment, we have that

Recall that
$p=1-\mathrm{e}^{-\beta }$
and that for
$q\gt 1$
it holds that
$\hat{p}\in (p/q,p)$
. Therefore, for the RC dynamics, we have that
${\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{F}},{\mathcal{F}}')\geq \frac{\min \{p/q,(1-p)\}}{m} \geq (1-\mathrm{e}^{-\beta })/(q m \mathrm{e}^\beta )$
using that
$\min \{p/q,(1-p)\}\geq \mathrm{e}^{-\beta }/q$
. Using this and the injectivity of
, we can bound

The mixing time is at most
$ \tau (1 + \tfrac 12 \log (\min _{\mathcal{X}} \hat{\pi }(\mathcal{X})^{-1}))$
$\min _{\mathcal{X}}\hat{\pi }(\mathcal{X})\geq 2^{-n} q^{-n} e^{-\beta m}$
$m\leq \Delta n$
, the mixing time is at most
$n^3 \Delta ^2 q^{t+1}\mathrm{e}^{\beta (s+1)}\tfrac{1+ \log (q) + \beta \Delta }{1-\mathrm{e}^{-\beta }}$
so the statement for the mixing time follows by taking
$ \hat{C}\;:\!=\; 2 \Delta ^3 (q \mathrm{e}^{\beta })^{12K+3}/{(1-\mathrm{e}^{-\beta })}$
It remains to show (15) and (16). For convenience let
${\mathcal{F}}^*=g_{\kappa }({\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{A}}')$
. We will shortly prove the following facts for an arbitrary edge
1. if
${\mathcal{A}}(e)={\mathcal{A}}'(e)$ , then
${\mathcal{A}}(e)={\mathcal{A}}'(e)={\mathcal{F}}(e)={\mathcal{F}}^*(e)$ .
2. if
${\mathcal{A}}(e)\neq{\mathcal{A}}'(e)$ , then
$\big ({\mathcal{A}}(e),{\mathcal{A}}'(e)\big )= \big ({\mathcal{F}}^*(e),{\mathcal{F}}(e)\big )$ when
$u,w\leq v_j$ and
$\big ({\mathcal{A}}(e),{\mathcal{A}}'(e)\big )= \big ({\mathcal{F}}(e),{\mathcal{F}}^*(e)\big )$ when
$u,w\gt v_j$ .
Indeed, for Item 1, consider
${\mathcal{A}}(e) ={\mathcal{A}}'(e)$
and suppose first that
. Then
(since by the construction of
, all configurations in it agree on the edges where
agree). Moreover,
by construction (since
${\mathcal{F}}^*=g_{\kappa }({\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{A}}')$
agrees with
on the edges where the latter agree). The proof for the second case
is analogous. Item 2 follows from (13) and (14) after observing that
$u,w\leq v_j$
implies that
$e=\{u,w\}\lt e_\ell$
, while
$u,w\gt v_j$
gives that
$e\gt e_\ell$
be the tree edges which are incident to a vertex in
, so that
$|W_j|\leq \Delta r$
. From Item (1), these are the only tree edges that can have one endpoint in
$\{v_1,\ldots, v_j\}$
and the other among
$\{v_{j+1},\ldots, v_n\}$
, along with any non-tree edges (i.e., excess edges
). Therefore, from Items 1 and 2 above, it follows that for an edge
$e\in E\backslash (W_j \cup \mathcal{E})$
it holds that

which establishes (15) since
$|W_j \cup \mathcal{E}|\leq \Delta r+K$
To show (16), fix an arbitrary root-to-leaf path
passing through
, and denote by
be the edges of the path. Now, consider the slightly ‘tweaked’ configurations
obtained from
, respectively, by setting, for each
$\mathcal{X}\in \{{\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{A}}',{\mathcal{F}},{\mathcal{F}}^*\}$
$e\in E_P\cup W_j$
$e\in \mathcal{E}$
$e\notin E_P\cup W_j\cup \mathcal{E}$
. Note that, for each
$\mathcal{X}\in \{{\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{A}}',{\mathcal{F}},{\mathcal{F}}^*\}$
, we have
$\big ||\hat{\mathcal{X}}|-|\mathcal{X}|\big |\leq \Delta r+K$
, so
$\big ||\hat{c}(\hat{\mathcal{X}})|-|\hat{c}(\mathcal{X})|\big |\leq \Delta r+K$
as well. So, to prove (16), it suffices to show

To show this, first note that
still satisfy Items 1 and 2 above (replacing
, and so on) since the only changes are for edges in
$E_P\cup W_j\cup \mathcal{E}$
on which the assignments of the tweaked configurations are identical (and hence fall under Item 1). In fact, Items 1 and 2 now apply to all edges for the tweaked configurations (previously, edges in
$W_j\cup \mathcal{E}$
were potentially not covered in Item 2, but now are covered since they fall under Item 1). So, the analogue of (17) for
holds for every edge of
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
, yielding that

and, further, for any edge
we have that

At this stage, it will be convenient to consider the graph
obtained from
$G[B_r(\rho )]$
by identifying all the leaves of
into a single vertex
(recall that the leaves of
consist of the vertices
$S_r(\rho )$
, which are at depth
, together with at most
leaves that are at depth
$\lt r$
). For
$\mathcal{X}\in \{\hat{\mathcal{A}},\hat{\mathcal{A}}',\hat{\mathcal{F}},\hat{\mathcal{F}}^*\}$
, let
be the number of components in the graph
that do not include
and let
be the connected component of
. Note that any connected component of
$(B_r(\rho ),{\mathrm{In}}(\mathcal{X}))$
that does not include a vertex from
$S_r(\rho )$
is not connected to
, unless it contains one of the
leaves at depth
$\lt r$
. It follows that
$|c^*(\mathcal{X})-\hat{c}(\mathcal{X})|\leq 2K$
, so to prove (18) it suffices to show

$\mathcal{X}\in \{\hat{\mathcal{A}},\hat{\mathcal{A}}',\hat{\mathcal{F}},\hat{\mathcal{F}}^*\}$
, note that a connected component
that does not include
is a subgraph of
(using that
$e\in \mathcal{E}$
) and hence a tree, so
. Summing over all such components, we obtain that

Therefore, using (19), to finish the proof of (21) it suffices to show that for an arbitrary vertex
and an arbitrary edge
it holds that


Clearly (22) is true for any
$v\in \mathrm{Anc}(v_j)$
for each
$\mathcal{X}\in \{\hat{\mathcal{A}},\hat{\mathcal{A}}',\hat{\mathcal{F}},\hat{\mathcal{F}}^*\}$
by construction of the tweaked configurations. So, consider
$v\notin \mathrm{Anc}(v_j)$
. First, suppose
$v\lt v_j$
. Let
be the ancestor of
whose parent
is an ancestor of
. The key point is that for each
$\mathcal{X}\in \{\hat{\mathcal{A}},\hat{\mathcal{A}}',\hat{\mathcal{F}},\hat{\mathcal{F}}^*\}$
we have
$w\in V^*(\mathcal{X})$
is an ancestor of
) and the edge
belongs to
, so
. Therefore whether
$v \in V^*(\mathcal{X})$
is determined by the set of those paths contained in the subtree
which start from
and end either at
or a leaf of
. Denote by
the set of all such paths. Since
$v\lt v_j$
, we have that
$u\lt v_j$
and that
is not ancestor of
, so from Item 2 it holds that
$V(T_u)\lt v_j$
. It follows from (20) that for every edge
$e\in E(T_u)$
we have
, so

and similarly
$ v\in V^*(\hat{\mathcal{A}}')\Leftrightarrow v\in V^*(\hat{\mathcal{F}})$
, proving (22) for
$v\lt v_j$
. An analogous argument applies when
$v\gt v_j$
, then
$V(T_u)\gt v_j$
and, using (20) again,
$v\in V^*(\hat{\mathcal{A}})\Leftrightarrow v\in V^*(\hat{\mathcal{F}})$
$ v\in V^*(\hat{\mathcal{A}}')\Leftrightarrow v\in V^*(\hat{\mathcal{F}}^*)$
, finishing the proof of (22). The proof of (23) is very similar, after noting that for
$\mathcal{X}\in \{\hat{\mathcal{A}},\hat{\mathcal{A}}',\hat{\mathcal{F}},\hat{\mathcal{F}}^*\}$
and an edge
it holds that
$e\in E^*(\mathcal{X})$
$ \mathcal{X}(e)=1$
$u,w\in V^*(\mathcal{X})$
This completes the proof of (21), and hence the proof of (18) and (16) as well, concluding therefore the lemma.
Appendix B. Boundary conditions and monotonicity
We will be interested in vertices on the boundary of a partial configuration, and in the structure of connected components in the graph induced by in-edges. See Definition39.
Observation 51.
be two partial configurations such that
$R({\mathcal{F}}_1) = R({\mathcal{F}}_2)$
$\xi ({\mathcal{F}}_1)=\xi ({\mathcal{F}}_2)$
. Let
$F = E\backslash R({\mathcal{F}}_1)$
. Then
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_1}$
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_2}$
have the same projection on
, meaning that for any partial configuration
${\mathcal{A}}\in \Omega _F$
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_1}({\mathcal{F}}_1 \cup{\mathcal{A}}) = \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_2}({\mathcal{F}}_2 \cup{\mathcal{A}})$
Proof. Let
be a partial configuration in
$\Omega _F$
. Consider the components of
• The components of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_1\cup{\mathcal{A}})]$ containing only vertices of
$V_R({\mathcal{F}}_1)\backslash \partial{\mathcal{F}}_1$ do not depend on the partial configuration
$\mathcal{A}$ . Let
$C_1$ be the number of these components. Similarly, the components of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_2 \cup{\mathcal{A}})]$ containing only vertices of
$V_R({\mathcal{F}}_2) \backslash \partial{\mathcal{F}}_2$ do not depend on
$\mathcal{A}$ . Let
$C_2$ be the number of these components.
• The components of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_1\cup{\mathcal{A}})]$ containing only vertices of
$V\backslash V_R({\mathcal{F}}_1)$ depend on
$\mathcal{A}$ but not on
$F$ , so the same components are in
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_2\cup{\mathcal{A}})]$ .
• Since
$\xi ({\mathcal{F}}_1) = \xi ({\mathcal{F}}_2)$ , there is one-to-one correspondence between components of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_1 \cup{\mathcal{A}})]$ that contain vertices in
$\partial{\mathcal{F}}_1$ and components of
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_2 \cup{\mathcal{A}})]$ containing vertices in
$\partial{\mathcal{F}}_2$ . Any two components that correspond to each other induce the same component on
$F$ .
Thus, for any
${\mathcal{A}} \colon F \rightarrow \{0,1,*\}$
, the number of components in
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}} \cup{\mathcal{F}}_1)]$
is equal to the number of components in
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}} \cup{\mathcal{F}}_2)]$
. Hence
differ by a constant multiplicative factor, from which the result follows.
Cor 53 gives information about marginals in the case where
$R({\mathcal{F}}_1) = R({\mathcal{F}}_2)$
${\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_1) \subseteq{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_2)$
. The proof follows from Observation52.
Observation 52.
be an edge in
. Consider partial configurations
$R({\mathcal{F}}_1) = R({\mathcal{F}}_2)= E\backslash \{f\}$
${\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_1) \subseteq{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_2)$
. Let
${\mathcal{A}}_1 \sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_1}$
${\mathcal{A}}_2 \sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_2}$
. Then
${\mathbb{P}}( f\in{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}}_1)) \leq{\mathbb{P}}(f\in{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}}_2))$
Proof. First, observe that if
has two components connected by
then the vertices in these components are connected in
$G[{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_2)\cup \{f\}]$
$j\in \{0,1\}$
, let
${\mathcal{F}}_i\cup \{f\mapsto j\}$
. Then, by the observation,
$c({\mathcal{F}}_{2,0})-c({\mathcal{F}}_{2,1})\leq c({\mathcal{F}}_{1,0})-c({\mathcal{F}}_{1,1})$
. It follows that

where the inequality follows from
$c({\mathcal{F}}_{1,1})-c({\mathcal{F}}_{1,0})\leq c({\mathcal{F}}_{2,1})-c({\mathcal{F}}_{2,0})$
In the language of [Reference Grimmett18], Observation52 says that
-monotonic. It implies the following monotonicity result.
Corollary 53.
be an edge of
. Consider partial configurations
$R({\mathcal{F}}_1) = R({\mathcal{F}}_2)$
${\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_1) \subseteq{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{F}}_2)$
. Let
${\mathcal{A}}_1 \sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_1}$
${\mathcal{A}}_2 \sim \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_2}$
. Then
${\mathbb{P}}( f\in{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}}_1)) \leq{\mathbb{P}}(f\in{\mathrm{In}}({\mathcal{A}}_2))$
Proof. Use [Reference Grimmett18, Theorem 2.27]. It says that if a RCM measure is
-monotonic, then the measure is monotonic, that is,
$\pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_1}(A) \leq \pi _{{\mathcal{F}}_2}(A)$
for any increasing event – that is any
$A\subseteq \Omega$
such that whenever
are configurations with
${\mathcal{F}}'_{\!\!1}\in A$
, then also
${\mathcal{F}}'_{\!\!2}\in A$
Observation52 says that
-monotonic, thus monotonicity follows by the theorem. To conclude, take
to be the increasing event ‘
is occupied’ – we can see that this is increasing as whenever, for configurations
, and
, then also