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page 17 note 1 W. Schur, Die Orientpolitik des Kaisers Nero (Klio, Beiheft XV., 1923), 42 f., for the date 93, 99 ff., 112 for the later plan.
page 17 note 2 Cf. Stein, Pauly- Wissowa, Suppl. 111.40 5f.
page 18 note 1 Op. cit. 63 ff. On the trade route see Charlesworth, M. P., Trade Routes of the Roman Empire, 98 ff.Google Scholar
page 18 note 2 Klio XX. (= N.F. II.), 215 ff.
page 18 note 3 Cf. Mattingly, J.R.S. X. 38, B.M.C. Rom. Emp. I. clxxxiv.: for Theophanes see Dittenberger Sylloge 3 753 ; for the coin of Dioshieron, B.M.C. Lydia, 75. 7 (Riewald, Diss. phil. Hal. XX. 3, 301, doubts whether identification is here implied, yet Nero is at least in some sort a ν⋯ος Ζε⋯ς).
page 18 note 4 Mattingly, B.M.C. Rom. Emp. I. clxxiii. f.; cf. J.R.S. XIII. 105 f. The relevance of this to the words of Lucan was seen by Paul, L., Fleckeisens Jahrbücher, CXLIX. (1894), 409 ff.Google Scholar
page 18 note 5 Senecas Apocolocyntosis (1923), 38 ff. An inscription at Alabanda in honour of Augustus, Ἀπ⋯λλωνος Ἐλευθερ⋯ον Σεβαστο⋯, may perhaps imply that he is identified with Apollo and with Zeus Eleutherios (as Dittenberger urges, Or. graeci inscr. sel. 457 n. 1).