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page 392 note 1 The scribe in Vat. Θ omitted the word ἕκτου (not ἕκτον as appears by a printer's error in Schneider) in τν δε τουὖ ἕκτου δετερον, probably, as Schneider remarks, because he (or his adviser) could not force himself to believe that Plato seriously thought Venus the largest of the pianets.
page 393 note 2 On p. 414 of Proclus l.c. Kroll also suggests ‘Obuns Proklos mit der Lesart a den echten Platotext aufbewahrt hat? In b ist irgend welche ratio nicht zu erkennen und Proklos' Herumredereien zeigen, dass niemand mit dieser Reihenfolge etwas anzufangen vermocht hat.’ Kroll does not attempt to restore the text of Plato, but could, of course, have done so, had he wished.