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Greek Lyric III - David A. Campbell (ed., tr.): Greek Lyric III: Stesichorus, Ibycus, Simonides, and Others. (Loeb Classical Library, 476). Pp. viii + 652. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1991. £10.50.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 February 2009

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- Reviews
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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1992
1 The two previous volumes were reviewed at CR 33 (1983), 309 and 40 (1990), 214–16.
2 They will be included in the forthcoming second edition of my Iambi et Elegi Graeci, ii, where I have had to re-number Simonides' elegiac fragments entirely.
3 A one-word fragment to be added is β⋯ν from Phot. β 342. A testimonium to be added at Simon. 651 (= Carm. Conv. 890) is Liban. Ep. 1428.
4 The printer has not quite got the measure of the acrophonic numeral 5 in Simon, test. 8, or of letters in suspension in scholia at 519 fr. 79. 11 and 92. 7. Little wrong otherwise.
5 Wrong accents, however, are taken over from Page in half a dozen places; also πρεσβευτ⋯ς for πρεσβ⋯της at Ibyc. 287.
6 Hyperdoricisms are also perpetuated on pp. 64 Γαρυοναἴς (after Page), 134 Φωκ⋯ες, 410 Ἀλκ[μ⋯ν]ας (after Page, who falsely implicates Lobel), 414 [⋯]πιοδερ|κ-] (correct Pind. Pae. 7. 7, cl. Stes. 223. 2, Bacch. 13. 78, Theoc. 17. 51).