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Two Notes on the Manuscripts of Seneca's Letters
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 13 February 2009

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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1957
page 5 note 2 Corruptions of Thespis, Ion, Aeschylus and corrected by Bentley.
page 5 note 2 The Argentoratensis (A), which was collated by Bucheler before its destruction in 1870, figures prominently in all editions of the Letters, though B. Axelson has now proved beyond all reasonable doubt that it was a direct copy of the Bambergensis; v. B. Axelson, Der Codex Argentoratensis C.VI.5. Hand-schriftliches und Textkritisches zum spȧteren Teil der Senecabriefe, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Lettres de Lund, 1936–7 (Lund, 1937), pp. 73–105.
page 5 note 3 Senecae epistolas aliquot ex bambergensi et argentoratensi codicibus edidit Franciscus Bischeler, Bonn, 1879.
page 5 note 4 Rossbach, O., De Senecae philosophi librorum recensione et emendatione, Breslauer Philologische Abhandlungen, ii. 3 (Breslau, 1888), pp. 72–79.Google Scholar
page 6 note 1 Berlin, 1870, praef. xviii. There is a facsimile of the Terence part of the manuscript in Chatelain, Paléographie des Classiques latins (Paris, 1884–1892), plate x.Google Scholar
page 7 note 1 Bischoff, Bernhard, ‘Eine Sammelhand-schrift Walahfrid Strabos (Cod. Sangall. 878)’ in Aus der Welt des Buches, Festgabe zum 70 Geburtstag von Georg Leyh, (75. Beiheft zum Zentralblatt f. Bibliothekswesen; Leipzig, 1950), pp. 30–48.Google Scholar
page 7 note 2 For a list of contents and description see Scherrer, G., Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen (Halle, 1875), 307–309.Google Scholar
page 8 note 1 L. Annaei Senecae Philosophi opera cmnia quae supersunt recognovit et illustravit F. E. Ruhkopf, Leipzig, 1797–1811.Google Scholar
page 8 note 2 Fickert, C. R., Prolegomena in novam operum L. Annaei Senecae philosophi edilionem, Particula 1 (Leipzig, 1839), pp. 42–43.Google Scholar
page 9 note 1 Ruhkopf, vol. iv, praef. vi–viii.
page 9 note 2 Fickert, op. cit., p. 47.
page 9 note 3 Fickert, C. R., L. Annaei Senecae ad Lucilium epistularum moralium libri xx, Leipzig, 1842.Google Scholar
page 9 note 4 Io. Schweighäuser, L. Annaei Senecae ad Lucilium epistulae morales, Strasbourg, 1809.Google Scholar
page 9 note 5 v. Hense, ed. alt. (Leipzig, Teubner, 1914), praef. xx.
page 9 note 6 Schweighäuser, pp. 240–1.
page 9 note 7 Ibid., p. 241, note 1.
page 9 note 8 Fickert, Epistulae Morales, praef. xviii.
page 9 note 9 Ibid. xxii.
page 9 note 10 Rossbach, op. cit., pp. 55–56.
page 10 note 1 Hense, praef. xx.
page 10 note 2 Ibid.
page 10 note 3 Rossbach, p. 59.
page 10 note 4 Gottlieb, Th., Mittelalterliche Bibliotheks-kataloge Österreichs, vol. i (Vienna, 1915), pp. 95, 99, 113.Google Scholar
page 10 note 5 For full description and contents see: Endlicher, S., Catalogus codicum philologicorum latinorum Bibliothecae Palatinae Vindobonensis (Vienna, 1836), p. 94Google Scholar; Hermann, H. J., Beschreib. Verzeichnis der illuminierten Handschriften in Österreich (Leipzig, 1926), vol. viii. 2. p. 241.Google Scholar
page 11 note 1 Hense, praef. xxiv.
page 12 note 1 R.É.L. xv (1937), 380.
page 12 note 2 Lettres à Lucilius, texte établi parPréchac, F. et traduit parNoblot, H., tome i (Paris, 1945), introd. xii.Google Scholar