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page 259 note 1 Aeolic (Hesychius), with the ‘Aeolic’ v for o, G. Meyer, Gr. Gr.2 62. I would explain it as = *π⋯τFορες standing to *π⋯τυες (π⋯συρες) as Lith. ketverì to keturì.
page 259 note 2 I.e. tv- is represented by σ- in σ⋯, σ⋯ο, σο⋯ as apparently also in the obscure words σαργ⋯νη, σετλον, σηλ⋯α, σ⋯μερον, σ⋯λϕη, which have byforms (also Attic) ταργ⋯νη, &c, G. Meyer, 263.
page 260 note 1 Brugmann, Grr. 2, 70 n., suggests that -συνο and-tvaná- may both come from -*tv o-, as, he thinks, οὐραν⋯ς and Sk. Váru
as both come from *vorv
os(or, as he prefers to write it,
): but most proves only that vn may appear as un in Sanskrit, not that it could in Greek. And the -a- still remains unaccounted for. As a matter of fact, Varunas was ‘the god of the waters, the night, and the west’ (Böhtlingk), and had nothing whatever to do with the sky, οὐραν⋯ς.