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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 July 2009
Francis of Assisi has been made the subject of numerous studies in modern times. His dedication to absolute poverty has elicited praise from admirers of varied character. That same ideal has frequently been made the object of unfriendly strictures. All too many researchers have granted him tolerant dismissal as a naïve idealist. Such writers have damned him with the easy condescension of modern men. They have been too busy proclaiming his impracticability according to modern standards to appreciate what he was and accomplished as a medieval man.
1 Matt. XXIV, 42; Cf. De Gourmont, R., Le Latin Mystique: les poètes de l'antiphonaire et la symbolique au moyen âge (Paris, 1892), 289 ff.Google Scholar
2 Consult Roy, Jules, L'an mille: formation de la légende de l'an mille, état de la France de l'an 950 a l'an 1050 (Paris, 1885)Google Scholar. Cf. MacCulloch, J. A., Medíeval Faith and Fable (Boston, 1932), 289.Google Scholar
3 Edwards, W., A Medieval Scrap Heap (London, 1930), 65.Google Scholar
4 Marion, L., Histoire de l'église (Paris, 1922), I, 329Google Scholar; Bréhier, L., L'art chrétien: son développement inconographique des origines à nos jours (Paris, 1928), 286.Google Scholar
5 De Gourmont, R., Le Latin Mystique, 304.Google Scholar
6 Consult De Gourmont, R., Le Latin Mystique, 289Google Scholar, for typical sources.
7 Wadstein, E., Die eschatologische Ideengruppe: Antichrist, Weltsabbat, Weltende und Weltgericht (Leipzig, 1896)Google Scholar, emphasizes this point. He says, p. 195: “Die Eschatologie ist mithin im mittelalter kein nur gelehrtes Dogma; sie ist daselbst vor allem eine wirkungsvolle, allseitig bethätigte sittlich—religiöse Überzeugung ein Exponent der inneren Lebenszustände der Zeit, ein Stundenzeiger der Welt— und Kirchengeschichte gewesen.”
8 Coulton, G. G., Life in, the Middle Ages (New York, 1930), I, 1–8.Google Scholar
9 MacCulloch, , Medieval Faith, 289–290Google Scholar; Sabatier, , Le Spec. Perf., I (1928), 72Google Scholar, note ‘a’.
10 Mâle, E., L'art religeux au XIIIe siècle en France: étude sur l'iconographie au moyen âge et sur ses sources d'inspiration (4 ed., rev., Paris, 1919), 415–416.Google Scholar
11 Loc. cit.
12 Mâle, , L'art religieux, 415–416, 429–430.Google Scholar
13 Ibid., 416, 431, 433; Bréhier, , L'art chrétien, 286–290Google Scholar; MacCulloch, , Medieval Faith, 289–290Google Scholar. Cf. Pierenne, H., Cohen, G., et Focillon, H., La civilisation occidentale au moyen âge du XIe au milieu du XVe siècle [Tome VIII: Histoire du moyen âge], (Paris, 1933), 576.Google Scholar
14 McNeill, J. T., Christian Hope For World Society (Chicago, 1937), 50.Google Scholar
15 Guibertus, , Gesta Dei Per FrancosGoogle Scholar, Liber II, Migne, , P.L., CLVI, 700–701Google Scholar: “… ut per vos nomen catholicum propagetur, quod Antichristi Antichristianorumque perfidiae refragetur.”
16 Dogmatica et ascetica, Elucidarium, Lib. III, Migne, , P.L., CLXXII, 1161.Google Scholar
17 Liber Meditationum et Orationum, Medit. II: De terrore jndicii … Migne, , P.L., CLVIII, 722–725.Google Scholar
18 De Sacramentis (De fine saeculi), Migne, , P.L., CLXXVI, 597–610.Google Scholar
19 Historia Ecclesiastica, Pars II, Lib. V, Migne, , P.L., CLXXXVIII, 375Google Scholar: “Antichristi tempus appropinquat,…”
20 Ibid., 375.
21 Otto, Bishop of Freising, The Two Cities: A Chronicle of Universal History to the Year 1146 A.D., Tr. by Mierow, C. C. (New York, 1928), 78, 121Google Scholar; and Book VIII. Cf. the critical edition: Ottonis episcopi frisingensis Chronicon, ed. Wilmans, Rogerus, Monumenta Germaniae historica. Scriptores (Hanoverae, 1868), XX, 277–301.Google Scholar
22 Coulton, G. G., From St. Francis to Dante (London, 1907), 51.Google Scholar
23 The Dialogue on Miracles, tr. by Scott, H. V. E., and Bland, C. C. S., 2 vols. (London, 1929), I, Bk. VII, Chap. II, 455.Google Scholar
24 Chronicon, as reproduced in Sabatier, , Le Spec. Perf., II (1931), 209Google Scholar: “Eo tempore [1212] mundo iam senescente exortae sünt duae religiones in ecclesia, … videlicet Minorum fratrum et Predicatorum.”
25 Epist., I. see. 11, Boehmer-Wiegand, , 67.Google Scholar
26 “St. Francis, at the end of his life, sighed over “these times of superabundant malice and iniquity.'” Coulton, , From St. Francis to Dante, 51.Google Scholar
27 Speculum Historiale (Douai, 1624)Google Scholar. Consult especially the “Epilogus Speculi Historialis” (continens tractatum de ultimig temporibus), Col. 1323 ff. Cf. Mâle, , L'art religieux, 428–429Google Scholar. See Aquinas, Thomas' “Eschatology”Google Scholar in his supplement to Pt. III. in the Summa Theologica, tr. of the Dominican fathers.
28 Leg. aur., cap. 1., “De adventu Domini,” as cited in Mâle, , L'art religieux, 429.Google Scholar
29 I Reg., 23Google Scholar; Cf. Dempf, A., Sacrum Imperium: Geschichts—und Staatsphilosophie des Mittelalters und der politischen renaissance (München, 1929), 301.Google Scholar
30 I Reg., 17, 22Google Scholar; Verb. Admon., 6.Google Scholar
31 Epist. ad fideles, 11Google Scholar; I Reg., 16, 21.Google Scholar
32 I Reg., 21Google Scholar; Epist. ad fideles, 11, 12.Google Scholar
33 I Reg., 23Google Scholar. Palis, E. in his article on “Hénoch” in the Dictionnaire de la Bible, ed. Vigoureux, F. (Paris, 1903), III, 593–594Google Scholar, says: “C'est une antique tradition dans l'Église, que Hénoch viendra avec Élie avant le jugement dernier pour annoncer le second avènement du Fils de Dieu, converter les Juifs, combattre par sa prédication l'Antichrist et qu'il sera mis à mort par 'cet homme de péche.'” This is amply borne out in the emphasis placed upon Elias and Enoch by the medieval writers already cited and by many others. The two holy personages of Apoc. XI, 3–12 were frequently identified as Elias and Enoch, who would preach penitence in the last days, die at the hands of Antichrist, resuscitate soon after, and mount to heavenly glory. The apocryphal book of Enoch I, 62 (Cf. Matt. XXV, 31–46) had been quoted by Jude 14–16 and cited by numerous Fathers. The Medieval Church made constant use of Jude 14–16. A close union had been established between canonical and apocryphal traditions of Elias and Enoch, in their relation to Old and New Testament Times.
Compare Francis' purported knowledge of the divine mysteries (Spec. Perf., IV; Mk. IV, 11Google Scholar; Luke VIII, 10) with the gnosis and eschatological function of the apocryphal Enoch in the mysterious Last Times. See Charles, R. H. (ed.) The Book of Enoch (London, 1921), 149, 150 ff.Google Scholar
34 I Reg., 23, 18Google Scholar; II Cel., 197Google Scholar. Cf. the article “Michel,” in Vigouroux, 's Dictionnaire de la Bible, IV, 1070 ffGoogle Scholar. For St. Michael's conquest of Antichrist see Vincent's Epilogue.
35 I Reg., 23, 4, 16.Google Scholar
36 I Reg., 9Google Scholar; Luke, XXI, 34–35.Google Scholar
37 I Reg., 22Google Scholar; Lorme, De, La Leg. Ant. 98 b.Google Scholar; II Cel., 71Google Scholar; Spec. Perf., LXXII, XXVIGoogle Scholar; Cf. Matt., XXV, 21, 23, 40, 45.
38 See diseussions of Jesus' esehatology in Loisy, A., La Naissance au Christianisme (Paris, 1933), 92–100Google Scholar; Guignebert, C., Jesus (Paris, 1933), 475–487Google Scholar; Easton, B. S., Christ in the Gospels (New York, 1930), 153–174Google Scholar; Case, S. J., Jesus: A New Biography (Chicago, 1927), 419–441Google Scholar; Otto, E., The Kingdom of God and the Son of Man: A Study in the History of Religion (London, 1938)Google Scholar; Schweitzer, A., The Quest of the Historical Jesus, (London, 1910)Google Scholar; Héring, J., Le royaume de Dieu et sa venue; étude sur l'espérance de Jesus et de l'Apotre Paul (Paris, 1937).Google Scholar
39 Cf. Mk. XIII; Matt. X; XVI, 24–28; XIX, 28; XXIV, XXV, XXVIII, 20. Luke IX, X, XII, 8–9; XXI, 24–36; XXII. These, together with many others, were frequently cited by Francis. Observe their frequent use in I Reg.
40 Benz, E., Ecclesia Spiritualis: Kirchenidee und Geschichtstheologie der Franziskanischen Reformation (Stuttgart, 1934), 164.Google Scholar
41 On the significant deviation of Francis' eschatology from that of extreme Joachimism and other stigmatized movements, cf. Benz, , Ecclesia Spiritualis, 46–47Google Scholar. de Sessavalle, Francois, Histoire générale de l'ordre de Saint François (Paris, 1935) I, 66–70Google Scholar; Dempf, , Sacrum Imperium, 269, 283–284.Google Scholar
42 Benz, , Ecclesia Spiritualis, 164, 167–168.Google Scholar
43 I Cel., 16Google Scholar reads: “Praeco sum magni Regis, quid ad vos?”. Cf. Bon., II, 5; Leon, A., Saint Francois d'Assise et son oeuvre. Histoire de l'ordre des Frères Mineurs des origines à nos jours (Paris, 1928), 17Google Scholar; Facehinetti, V., San Francesco d'Assisi: nella storia, mella legenda nella arte (Milano, 1921), 72–73.Google Scholar
44 Test., 4.Google Scholar
45 Sabatier, , Etudes … 240–241.Google Scholar
46 Ibid., 234.
47 Clareno, Angelo, Hist. Sept. Trib.Google Scholar, in von Döllinger, J., Beitrage zur Sectengeschichte des Mittelalters, 2 vols., (Munich, 1890), II, 420–421Google Scholar: “… eris servus meus et ego ero tecum et loquar in ore tuo et qui te audierit, me andieret, et qui te reeeperit, me recipiet, et qui benedixerit tibi, erit benedictus et qui maledixerit tibi, maledictus erit.”
48 I Cel., 89Google Scholar: “… in novissimo tempore …”
49 Loc. cit.,: “… missus et hic a Deo, ut universaliter per totum mundum, Apostolorum exemplo perhiberet testimonum veritati.”
50 Actus, X, 5–9Google Scholar; Cf. Clareno, Angelo, Expositio, cap. X, Oliger ed. 208–209Google Scholar; Spec. Perf., LXXII.Google Scholar
51 Verb. Admon., 28Google Scholar; Bon., X, 4.Google Scholar
52 Sabatier, , Vie … (1918), xlvii–xlix.Google Scholar
53 Tres. Soc., (XIII), 54Google Scholar: “… hominem alterius saeculi.”
54 Père Charles Cahier in private correspondence once said: “A mon avis, ce chant flottait pour ainsi dire dans l'atmosphère chrétienne avant de se condenser sous sa forme actuelle.” Quoted by Clair, P. Charles, Le Die Irae: Histoire, Traduction, Commentaire (Paris, 1881), 14.Google Scholar
55 Compare the lines: Judex ergo quum sedebit,
Quidquid latet apparebit,
Nil inultum rémanebit
with Francis, ' own words in I Reg., 23Google Scholar: “Et gratias agimus tibi quia ipse Filius tuus iterum venturus est in gloria maiestatis sue mittere maledictos, qui penitentiam non egerunt et te non cognovernnt, in ignem eternum …”
56 Cf. Sabatier, , Études, 288–289.Google Scholar
57 Loc. cit.; Bréhier, , L'art chrétien, 290Google Scholar; Scudder, Vida D., The Franciscan Adventure (New York, 1931), 290Google Scholar. de Gourmont, R., Le Latin Mystique, 304Google Scholar says: “Le jugement dernier et l'enfer, sa conséquence pour les mauvais, c'etait le souci et aussi la consolation du moyen âge; c'etait le recours suprème contre les injustices et les tribulations de la vie, …” Cf. I Reg., 23.Google Scholar
58 I Reg., 23, 21.Google Scholar
59 Matt. XXV, 40, 31–46; II Cel., 71Google Scholar; Bon. VII, 8Google Scholar: Spec. Perf., XXVIGoogle Scholar; Lome, De, La Leg. Ant., 98 bGoogle Scholar; Sabatier, , Études, 232–233.Google Scholar
60 Matt. XIX, 28 as referred to in I Reg., 1.Google Scholar
61 Bon., III, 10Google Scholar; Matt. XIX, 28.
62 Opuscula., 135.Google Scholar
63 Ibid., 135–136; 143.
64 I Reg., 4Google Scholar: “…, in die iudieii oportebit eos reddere rationem coram Domino Iesu Christo.”
65 I Reg., 5Google Scholar: “…, quia ‘<h> orrendum est ineidere in manus Dei viventis (Hebr. X, 31).’”
66 Bart. Pisa, “De Conform.”, Lib. I, Fruet. II, Pars Sec. Anal. Fr. IV, 73–74.Google Scholar
67 I Reg., 16Google Scholar; “‘… Qui erubuerit me et meos sermones, hunc Filius hominis erubescet, cum venerit in maiestate sua et Patris et sanctorum, angelorum.’” Luke IX, 26.
68 I Reg., 16.Google Scholar
69 Compare with this and other like passages in I Reg., 16Google Scholar the undeniably eschatologieal references in the fuller contexts of Mark VIII, 35–38; Matt. V, X, XXIV; and Luke XXI.
70 I Reg., 22Google Scholar (Luke, XXI, 36Google Scholar): “‘Vigilate itaque omni tempore orantes, ut digni habeamini fugere omnia mala, que ventura sünt, et stare ante Filium hominis.’”
71 Epist. ad fideles, 12.Google Scholar
72 Spec. Perf., LXXIXGoogle Scholar: “… quod religio et professio fratrum Minorum non deficiet usque ad diem iudieii.”
73 Bart. Pisa, “De Conform.”, Fruct. IX, Anal. Fr. IV, 435–436.Google Scholar