Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 July 2009
Manuscript research is an endeavor filled with suspense; often made more difficult by physical labor and severe weather, the scholar's research may prove fruitless, or it may yield an unknown text which reveals again the gaps in scholars' knowledge of ancient Christian tests.
1. See Vööbus, A., “In Pursuit of Syriac Manuscripts,” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 37Google Scholar (in press).
2. About a new source for the history of the Monastery of Mār Hanānyā, see Vööbus, A., “Eine wichtige Urkunde über die Geschichte des Mār Hanānjā-Klosters: Die von Jōhannān von Mardē gegebenen Klosterregaln,” Oriens Christianus 53 (1969): 246ff.Google Scholar
3. About the history of this monastery, see Vööbus, A., Syrische Kanonessammlungen: Ein Beitrag zur Quellenkunde. I: Westsyroche Originalurkunden 1, B (Louvain, 1970), CSCO Subsidia 35, pp. 379ff.Google Scholar
4. About particular efforts in Tūr 'Abdīn, see Vööbus, A., The Hexapla and the Syro Hexapla: Very Important Discoveries for Septuagint Research (Stockholm, 1971), pp. 67ff.Google ScholarThe Pentateuch in the Version of the Syro-Hexapla: A Facsimile Edition of A Midyat Manuscript by A. Vööbus (Louvain, 1976),Google Scholar CSCO Subsidia 45, Introduction.
5. Cf. A. Vööbus, Catalogues of Manuscripts of Unknown Collections in the Syrian Orient 3: Syriac Manuscripts from the Treasure of the Monastery of Mār Hanānyā or Deir Za'farān (in press).
6. Cf. Vööbus, A., Handschriflliche Überlieferung der Mēmrē-Dichtung des Ja'qōb von Serūg. I: Sammlungen: Die Handschriften (Louvain, 1973), CSCO Subsidia 39, pp. 127ff.; 152ff.; 2:Google ScholarSammlungen: Der Bestand (Louvain, 1973),Google Scholar CSCO Subsidia 40, pp. 40ff.; 176ff.
7. Cf. A. Vööbus, New Important Manuscript Discoveries for the History of Syriac Literature (in press).
8. The manuscript is now located in the library of the patriarchate of the Syrian Orthodox Church in Damascus.
9. Vööbus, Cf. A., Syrische Kanonessammlungen I, l, A, pp. 5ff.Google Scholar
10. Fol.194b.
11. The copyist was Daniel bar Jausep bar Sargis of Bartelli.
12. Cf. Vööbus, A., Catalogues of Manuscripts of Unknown Collections in the Syrian Orient 3.Google Scholar
13. Fol.110b–122b.
14. The Synodicon in the West Syrian Tradition, 2 ed., A. Vööbus (Louvain, 1976), CSCO Scr. Syri 163, pp. 167ff.;Google ScholarTranslation 2 (Louvain, 1976), SCSO Scr. Syri 164, pp. 173ff.Google Scholar
15. Die syrischen Kanones der Synoden von Nicaea bis Chalcedon nebst einigen zugehörigen Dokumenten, herausgegeben von F. Schuithess (Berlin, 1908),Google Scholar Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Göttingen NF 10,2; The Synodicon in the West Syrian Tradition, 1, ed. A. Vööbus (Louvain, 1975), CSCO Scr. Syri 161, pp. 85ff.;Google ScholarTranslation, 1 (Louvain, 1975), CSCO Scr. Syri 162, pp. 101ff.Google Scholar
16. Socratis Scholastici Historia ecclesiastica, ed. J. P. Migne, Patrologia Graeca 67. The Syriac version of the work of Socrates preserved in Ms. Vat. Syr. 145 his not complete.
17. Iohannis Ephesini Historiae Ecclesiasticae pars tertia, ed. E. W. Brooks (Louvain, 1935), CSCO Scr. Syri III, 3.Google Scholar
18. The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, in the Syriac Version of Athanasius of Nisibis, ed. by E. W. Brooks (London, 1902–1904).Google Scholar
19. “The letter about the ecclesiastical affairs,” fol. 187b, 190a.
20. Oratio 6, Prima de pace, ed. J. P. Migne, Patrologia Graeca 35.Google Scholar
21. Commentarius ad Colosseos, ed. J. P. Migne, Patrologia Graeca 62.Google Scholar
22. No such letter of Philoxenos with this title is known. About the corpus of his letters, see de Halleux, A., Philoxène de Mabbog, sa vie, ses écrits, sa théologie (Louvain, 1963),Google Scholar Universitas Carholica Lovaniensis Dissertationes ad Gradum Magistri III, 8, pp. 187ff.
23. Fol.185a.
24. Michael Syrus occupied the patriarchal throne from 1166 until 1199.
25. About a discovery of an unknown work by Michael, see Vööbus, A., “Die Entdeckung des Panegyrikus des Patriarchen Mīka'el über Jōhannān von Mardē,” Oriens Christianus 55 (1971): 120ff.;Google Scholar Id., “Discovery of an Unknown Work by Michael the Great: The memra on Mār Barsauma,” Rivista degli Studi Orientali (in press).
26. Fol.190a.
27. Fol.122a.
28. Chronique de Michel le Syrien, patriarche jacobite d'Antioche (1166–1199) 4 ed. J. B. Chabot (Paris, 1899–1910), pp. 757f.Google Scholar
29. Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiaticum 2, ed. J. B. Abbeloos at T.J. Lamy (Louvain, 1872–1877), col. 391, 393.Google Scholar