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Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 2009-10 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 2009-10
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 March 2016

- Type
- Cases / Jurisprudence
- Information
- Canadian Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international , Volume 48 , 2011 , pp. 493 - 522
- Copyright
- Copyright © The Canadian Council on International Law / Conseil Canadien de Droit International, representing the Board of Editors, Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Comité de Rédaction, Annuaire Canadien de Droit International 2011
1 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B of the Canada Act 1982 (UK) 1982, c 11 [Charter].
2 Victoria (City) vAdams, 2008 BCSC 1363 at paras 85–100 [Adams].
3 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, GA Res 217 A (III), UN Doc A/ 810.
4 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, [1976] Can TS no 46.
5 Habitat Agenda, UN Doc A/Conf 165/14 (14June 1996).
6 ICESCR General Comment 4 on the Right to Adequate Housing (Art. 11(1)), 6th session, 13 December 1991.
7 Adams, supra note 2 at para 85.
8 Ibid at para 90.
9 National Corn Growers Association v Canada (Import Tribunal), [1990] 2 SCR 817 [National Corn Growers].
10 On the difficulty with this characterization of National Corn Growers, see the summary of Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (Canada) (Re), 2008 FC 301 , in volume 46 ( 2008) of this Yearbook.
11 Adams, supra note 2 at paras 98–9 [emphasis added].
12 Ibid at paras 100, 161–2.
13 Victoria (City) v Adams, 2009 BCCA 563 at para 35 [Adams 2009].
14 Ibid at paras 63–9.
15 Ibid at para 75.
16 Ibid at paras 90–97.
17 Ibid at paras 102–10.
18 Ibid at paras 111–24.
19 Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B of the Canada Act 1982 (UK) 1982, c 11.
20 Adams 2009, supra note 13 at paras 167–93.
21 Re Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, 2008 FC 301 (noted in the 2008 Yearbook).
22 Canadian Security Intelligence Services Act, RSC 1985, c C-25.
23 Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (Canada) (Re), 2009 FC 1058 at paras 42–3[Re CSIS Act].
24 Ibid at paras 46–47.
25 Ibid at paras 48–58.
26 Ibid at para 65.
27 Ibid at para 65, citing eBay Canada Ltd v Minister of National Revenue, 2008 FCA 348.
28 Re CSIS Act, supra note 23 at para 66.
29 Convention on Cybercrime, 23 November 2001, 2296 UNTS 167, ETS 185.
30 Re CSIS Act, supra note 23 at para 69.
31 Ibid at para 70.
32 Ibid at paras 71–72.
33 Ibid at para 74.
34 Extradition Act, SC 1999, c 18.
35 United States and Canada (Minister of Justice) v Anekwu, 2006 BCSC 1363.
36 United States and Canada (Minister of Justice) v Anekwu, 2008 BCCA 138.
37 United States and Canada (Minister of Justice) v Anekwu, 2009 SCC 41 at paras 13–14 [Anefeziw].
38 United States and Canada (Minister of Justice) v McDowell, (2004), 183 CCC (3d) 149 (Ont CA) [McDowell].
39 Anekwu, supra note 37 at para 21.
40 Ibid at para 23.
41 Ibid at para 17.
42 Ibid at paras 25–6.
43 Ibid at paras 27, quoting Kindler v Canada (Minister of Justice), [ 1991 ] 2 SCR 779 at 844–5.
44 Anekwu, supra note 37 at para 30, quoting McDowell, supra note 38 at para 23.
45 Khadr v Canada (Attorney General), 2009 FC 405 [Khadr FC].
46 Khadr v Canada (Attorney General), 2009 FCA 246 [Khadr FCA].
47 Khadr FC, supra note 45 at paras 11 , 15.
48 Ibid at para 56.
49 Khadr v Canada (Attorney General), 2008 FC 807.
50 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 1987 Can TS no 36.
51 Canada (Prime Minister) v Khadr, 2010 SCC 3 at para 20 [Khadr SCC].
52 Ibid at para 25.
53 R v Hape, 2007 SCC 26; noted in the 2007 Yearbook.
54 Khadr No 1, 2008 SCC 28; noted in the 2008 Yearbook.
55 Khadr SCC, supra note 51 at para 16.
56 Ibid at paras 20–21.
57 Ibid at paras 23.
58 Ibid at para 24.
59 Ibid at para 24.
60 Ibid at para 24.
61 Ibid at para 26.
62 ReBCMotor Vehicle Act, [1985] 2 SCR 486 at 518; New Brunswick (Minister of Health and Community Services) v G(J), [1999] 3 SCR 46 at para 99; Suresh v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2002 SCC 1 at para 78.
63 Khadr SCC, supra note 51 at para 27.
64 Ibid at para 30.
65 Ibid at para 30.
66 Ibid at para 34.
67 Ibid at para 35. In particular, the prerogative has not been displaced by section 10 of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act, RSC 1985, c E-22 (as amended).
68 Khadr SCC, supra note 51 at para 36.
69 Ibid at para 37.
70 Ibid at para 39.
71 United States v Burns, 2001 SCC 7.
72 Khadr SCC, supra note 51 at para 43.
73 Ibid at para 48.
74 Ibid at para 39.
75 Ibid at para 46.
76 Yugraneft Corporation v Rexx Management Corporation, 2007 ABQB 450.
77 Limitations Act, RSA 2000, c L-12.
78 Yugraneft Corporation v Rexx Management Corporation, 2008 ABCA 274.
79 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1958, [1986] Can TS no 43.
80 UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, UN Doc A/40/17, ann. 1 (1985).
81 International Commercial Arbitration Act, RSA 2000, c I-5.
82 Yugraneft Corporation v Rexx Management Corporation, 2010 SCC 19 at para 12 [ Yugraneft].
83 Ibid at para 16.
84 Ibid at para 17.
85 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, [1980] Can TS no 37.
86 Yugraneft, supra note 82 at para 19.
87 Ibid at para 20.
88 Ibid at para 21.
89 Ibid at para 22.
90 See also Pushpanathan v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), [1998] 1 SCR 982; Crown Forest Industries Ltd v Canada, [1995] 2 SCR 802.
91 Tolofson v Jensen, [1994] 3 SCR 1022.
92 Yugraneft, supra note 82 at paras 27–8.
93 Ibid at para 32.
94 Ibid at para 33.
95 See ibid at paras 35–45.
96 Ibid at para 50.
97 Ibid at para 54.
98 Ibid at para 56; see also paras 57–63.
99 Ibid at para 64.
100 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, SC 2001 , c 27, as amended.
101 Convention against Torture, [1987] Can TS no 36.
102 ReMahjoub, 2010 FC 787 at para 25, citing Hajrizi Dzemajl v Yugoslavia (2000), UN Doc CAT/C/29/D/161/2000.
103 Re Mahjoub, supra note 102 at para 26.
104 Ibid at para 28.
105 Mugesera v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2005 SCC 40 at para 114.
106 Re Mahjoub, supra note 102 at paras 29-30.
107 Ibid at paras 41–6.
108 A & Ors v Secretary of Statefor the Home Department, [2005] UKHL 71 at para 116.
109 Re Mahjoub, supra note 102 at paras 47-59.
110 Ibid at para 66.
111 Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46. See Re Mahjoub, supra note 102 at paras 60–72.
112 Re Mahjoub, supra note 102 at paras 90–3.
113 Ibid at paras 104–15.
114 Ibid at para 133.
115 Ibid at paras 154–56.
116 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, SC 2001 , c 27.