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Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 2010-11 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 2010-11
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 March 2016

- Type
- Cases / Jurisprudence
- Information
- Canadian Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international , Volume 49 , 2012 , pp. 519 - 558
- Copyright
- Copyright © The Canadian Council on International Law / Conseil Canadien de Droit International, representing the Board of Editors, Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Comité de Rédaction, Annuaire Canadien de Droit International 2012
Gib van Ert, Greg J. Allen, and Eileen Patel are of the British Columbia bar. They are associates with Hunter Litigation Chambers, Vancouver.
1 See Khadr v Canada (Prime Minister), 2010 SCC 3 [Khadr II].
2 Ibid at para 39.
3 Ibid at para 47.
4 Khadr v Canada (Prime Minister), 2010 FC 715 at para 57 [Khadr FC]
5 Ibid at para 65.
6 Ibid at para 69.
7 Ibid at paras 71-76.
8 Ibid at para 82.
9 Ibid at paras 86-88.
10 Ibid at para 91.
11 Ibid at paras 94-95.
12 Ibid at para 94.
13 Khadr v Canada (Prime Minister), 2010 FCA 199.
14 Ibid at para 13.
15 Ibid at para 14.
16 Ibid at para 20.
17 Ibid at para 19.
18 Ibid at paras 26, 28.
19 Ibid at para 29.
20 Ibid at paras 31-32.
21 Khadr v Canada (Prime Minister), 2011 FCA 92.
22 Ibid at para 1.
23 Ibid at para 3.
24 Kuwait Airways Corporation c République d’Irak et Bombardier Aéronautique, 2010 CSC 40 (21 octobre 2010) au para 12 [Kuwait Airways].
25 Ibid au para 14.
26 Ibid au para 17.
27 Ibid au para 19.
28 Ibid au para 20.
29 Loi sur la Convention Canada-Royaume-Uni relative aux jugements en matièrecivile et commerciale, LRC 1985, ch C-30.
30 Kuwait Airways, supra note 24 au para 21.
31 Ibid au para 22.
32 Ibid au para 23.
33 Ibid au para 24, citant Larocque, François, “La Loi sur l’immunité des États canadienne et la torture” (2010) 55 RD McGill 81.10.7202/039837arCrossRefGoogle Scholar
34 Kuwait Airways, supra note 24 au para 34.
35 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, [1969] Can TS, No 6; see also Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, [1969] Can TS, No 29.
36 Németh v Canada (Justice), 2010 SCC 56 at paras 17-22 [Németh]. The learnedjudge notes in particular (at para 23) the “close correspondence” between s 115 and the relevant provisions of the Refugee Convention.
37 Ibid at paras 24-31.
38 Ibid at para 33.
39 Ibid at para 34.
40 Ibid at para 35.
41 Ibid at para 35.
42 Ibid at para 41.
43 Ibid at para 50.
44 Ibid at para 52.
45 Ibid at para 55.
46 Ibid at paras 56-58.
47 Ibid at para 77; see also para 102, describing “an important purpose of s. 44(1)(b)” as “to implement Canada’s non-refoulement obligations in the extradition setting.”
48 European Convention on Extradition, (1957) ETS no 24.
49 UNGA Res A/RES/45/116 (1990).
50 Nemeth, supra note 36 at para 81; see also paras 78-82 and paras 92-96.
51 Ibid at para 86.
52 Ibid at para 115.
53 Note that a companion case, Gavrila v Canada (Justice), 2010 SCC 57, concerning extradition of a Roma refugee to Romania, was similarly disposed of.
54 Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46, s 83.01(1).
55 R v Khawaja, 2010 ONCA 862 (17 December 2010) at para 165 [Khawaja].
56 Online: <>.
57 Khawaja, supra note 55 at para 172.
58 Ibid at para 173.
59 Ibid.
60 R v Khawaja, [2011] SCCA No 80 (QL).
61 Health Services and Support — Facilities Subsector Bargaining Association v British Columbia, 2007 SCC 27; reviewed in [2008] 46 CYIL 527 at 544ff.
62 Ontario (Attorney General) v Fraser, 2011 SCC 20 (29 April 2011) at para 18 [Fraser].
63 Ibid at para 45.
64 Ibid at para 46.
65 Convention no. 87 Concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise, [1973] Can TS No 14.
66 Convention no. 98 Concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and Bargain Collectively, 96 UNTS 257.
67 Fraser, supra note 62 at para 248.
68 Ibid at para 249.
69 Ibid at para 94.
70 Ibid at para 95.
71 Ibid at para 93.
72 Ibid at para 92 [emphasis in the original].
73 United States of America v Khadr, 2011 ONCA 358 at paras 8-9 [Khadr ONCA].
74 United States of America v Khadr (2010), 258 CCC (3d) 231 at para 124 (Ont Sup Ct) [Khadr Sup Ct].
75 Khadr ONCA, supra note 73.
76 Ibid at para 57.
77 Ibid at para 69, citing from Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v Tobiass, [1997] 3 SCR 391 at para 92 and R v Regan, [2002] 1 SCR 297, 2002 SCC 12 at para 57.
78 Khadr ONCA, supra note 73 at para 72, citing Khadr Sup Ct, supra note 74 at para 150.
79 Ibid at para 76.
80 Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, [1983] Can TS No 35 [Hague Convention].
81 Children’s Law Reform Act, RSO 1990, c C.12.
82 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, [1969] Can TS No 6 [Refugee Convention].
83 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, SC 2011, c 27.
84 Németh v Canada (Justice), 2010 SCC 56.
85 AMRI v KER, 2011 ONCA 417 (2 June 2011) at para 67 [AMRI].
86 Hague Convention, supra note 80, Article 13(b).
87 Ibid, Article 20.
88 AMRI, supra note 85 at para 71.
89 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, [1989] Can TS No 37.
90 AMRI, supra note 85 at paras 77-78.
91 Convention on the Rights of the Child, [1992] Can TS No 3.
92 AMRI, supra note 85 at para 82.
93 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951 and Protocol 1967, [1969] Can TS No 6.
94 Ibid, Article 1(F)(a).
95 Ezokola v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2011 FCA 224 (15 July 2011) at paras 17, 74-75 [Ezokola].
96 Ibid at para 21.
97 Ibid at para 52.
98 Statute of the International Criminal Court, [2002] Can TS No 13.
99 Ezokola, supra note 95 at para 61.
100 Ibid at para 64.
101 Ramirez v Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), [1992] 2 FC 306 (CA).
102 Ezokola, supra note 95 at paras 68, 75.
103 Ibid at para 58.
104 Ibid at para 71.
105 Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Privileges and Immunities Order, SOR/80-64, made pursuant to the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act, SC 1991, c 41.
106 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, [1948] Can TS No 2, reproduced as Schedule III to the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act, supra note 105.
107 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, [1976] Can TS No 47.
108 Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization v Amaratunga, 2011 NSCA 73 (23 August 2011) at para 23 [Amaratunga].
109 Ibid at para 24.
110 Ibid at paras 28-32.
111 Canada (House of Commons) v Vaid, 2005 SCC 30.
112 Amaratunga, supra note 108 at paras 35-42.
113 Ibid at para 44.
114 Ibid at para 57.
115 Ibid at para 58.
116 Ibid at para 72.
117 Ibid at para 73. The learned chiefjustice might have added that reliance on the ICCPR, Article 14(1) was question-begging: whether there in fact existed “a suit at law” in which Amaratunga must be granted “a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law” was the question Wright J had before him.
118 Online: <>.
119 See, eg, Ert, G van, Using International Law in Canadian Courts, 2nd edition (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2008) at 41–56.Google Scholar
120 North American Free Trade Agreement, [1994] Can TS no 2.
121 United Mexican States v Cargill, Inc, 2011 ONCA 622 (4 October 2011) at para 13 [Cargill].
122 International Commercial Arbitration Act, RSO 1990, c I.o.
123 United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, 21 June 1985, UN Doc A/40/17, Annex 1.
124 UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, UN Doc A/40/17, Annex 1 (1985), Article 34(2)(a)(iii).
125 Cargill, supra note 121 at para 19.
126 Ibid at para 23.
127 Ibid at para 30.
128 Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Co. v Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Government of Pakistan, [2010] UKSC 46.
129 Cargill, supra note 121 at paras 33, 36.
130 Ibid at para 42.
131 Ibid at paras 72, 74.
132 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, [1989] Can TS no 37.
133 Cargill, supra note 121 at para 84.
134 Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46.
135 ICCPR, supra note 107.
136 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, [1976] Can TS No 46.
137 Convention on the Rights of the Child, supra note 91.
138 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, [1982] Can TS No 31.
139 Reference re Criminal Code of Canada, 2011 BCSC 1588 (23 November 2011) at para 805.
140 UN CEDAWOR, 13th Sess, (1994), UN Doc A/49/38 at para 14.
141 Reference re Criminal Code of Canada, supra note 139 at para 815.
142 Ibid at paras 838-40.
143 Ibid at paras 843, 850.
144 Convention on the Rights of the Child, supra note 91.
145 Divorce Act, RSC 1985 c 3 (2nd Supp) s 16.
146 BJG. v DLG, 2010 YKSC 44 (26 August 2010) at paras 34-6.
147 Ibid at para 56.
148 Ibid at paras 64-8; see also 2010 YKSC 33.
149 BJG v BLG, supra note 146 at para 162; see also paras 159-61.
150 Ibid at paras 165-69.
151 Ibid at para 88.
152 Ibid at paras 87-92.