Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
It is well known that if a module M is expressible as a direct sum of modules with local endomorphism rings, then such a decomposition is essentially unique. That is, if M = ⊕i∊IMi = ⊕j∊JNj then there is a bijection f: I → J such that Mi is isomorphic to Nf(i) for all i∊I (see [1]). On the other hand, a nonprincipal ideal in a Dedekind domain provides an example where such a theorem fails in the absence of the local hypothesis. Group algebras of certain groups over rings R of algebraic integers is another such example, where even the rank as R-modules of indecomposable summands of a module is not uniquely determined (see [2]). Both of these examples yield modules which are expressible as direct sums of two indecomposable modules in distinct ways. In this note we construct a family of rings which show that the number of summands in a representation of a module M as a direct sum of indecomposable modules is also not unique unless one has additional hypotheses.