1 Introduction
be a simple undirected connected graph. The distance
between two vertices u and v in G is the length of a shortest path between these two vertices. For an ordered set
$W=\{w_1,\ldots ,w_k\}$
of k distinct vertices of G, we refer to the k-tuple
$r(v|W)=(d(v,w_1),d(v,w_2),\ldots ,d(v,w_k))$
as the metric representation of a vertex v with respect to W. The set W is called a resolving set of G if
implies that
for all
$u,v\in V(G)$
. A resolving set containing a minimum number of vertices is called a metric basis of G, and its cardinality the metric dimension of G, denoted by
$\mathrm {dim}(G)$
Motivated by the problem of uniquely determining the location of an intruder in a network, Slater introduced the notion of metric dimension of a graph in [Reference Slater9], where the resolving sets were referred to as locating sets. Harary and Melter also introduced the idea of the metric dimension of a graph in [Reference Harary and Melter5]. It was proved that the metric dimension is an NP-hard graph invariant [Reference Khuller, Raghavachari and Rosenfeld8] and has been widely investigated in the last 55 years and it also has applications in many diverse areas [Reference Johnson6, Reference Johnson, Carbó-Dorca and Mezey7].
This note is devoted to the study of the metric dimension of circulant graphs. Let n, t, and
$a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_t$
be positive integers so that
$1\leq a_1<a_2<\dots <a_t\leq \left \lfloor \frac {n}{2}\right \rfloor $
. The circulant graph
$C_n(a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_t)$
consists of a vertex set
$\{v_0,v_1,\ldots ,v_{n-1}\}$
and an edge set
$\{v_iv_{i+a_j}:0\leq i\leq n-1,1\leq j\leq t\}$
, where the indices are taken modulo n. The numbers
$a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_t$
are called generators. We restrict our attention to special kinds of circulant graphs, i.e., the circulant graphs
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
with consecutive generators. In [Reference Borchert and Gosselin1], Borchert and Gosselin studied the metric dimension of
, and obtained that for
$n\geq 6$

and that for
$n\geq 8$

In [Reference Grigorious, Kalinowski, Ryan and Stephen3, Reference Vetrík11], the authors studied the metric dimension of
, and obtained that for
$n\geq 20$

For the results concerning
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))$
with arbitrary integers
$t\geq 5$
, the reader may refer to [Reference Chau and Gosselin2, Reference Grigorious, Manuel, Miller, Rajan and Stephen4, Reference Vetrík10, Reference Vetrík12].
We shall assume throughout this note that
, where
$t\geq 4$
$k\geq 2$
, and
$2\leq r\leq 2t+1$
. When
$t\leq r\leq 2t+1$
, we may also assume
, where
$0\leq p\leq t+1$
. It is known that the distance between two vertices
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$

and that the diameter of
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
$d:= k+1$
Here, we set forth our notation and terminology. Let W and V be subsets of vertices in
$G=C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
, where V consists of at least two vertices. A vertex w is said to resolve a pair of vertices u and v if
$d(u,w)\neq d(v,w)$
. W is said to distinguish V if for any pair of distinct vertices u and v in V, there exists a vertex in W which can resolve u and v. It is easy to see that if W can distinguish
, then it is a resolving set of G. Vertices
$v_{i+1},v_{i+2},\ldots ,v_{i+s}$
with consecutive indices are called the consecutive vertices. The outer cycle of the circulant graph is a spanning subgraph of G in which the vertex
is adjacent to exactly the vertices
. When
, the unique vertex that has distance
from w will be called the opposite vertex of w, and is denoted by
, and we can then define
$W^{'}:=\{w^{'}:w\in W\}$
for the vertex set W.
2 Lower bounds
This section deals with the lower bounds for
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))$
. In [Reference Chau and Gosselin2, Reference Vetrík10], the authors have shown that when
$3\leq r\leq t$
and n is sufficiently large,
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))$
has a lower bound of t.
Theorem 2.1 ([Reference Vetrík10, Theorem 2.3]) Let
$3\leq r\leq t$
, and
$n\geq t^2+1$
. Then
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))\geq t$
Theorem 2.3 improves their result. We begin with the following lemma.
Lemma 2.2 Suppose that
, and that
$2\leq x\leq t$
. If a vertex set W can distinguish x consecutive vertices, then the cardinality of W is at least
Proof Without loss of generality, assume that W can distinguish
$V{\kern-1.5pt}={\kern-1pt}\{v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_x\}$
. Let
be the intersection of W and V, and p the cardinality of
. We can assume
$p\leq x-2$
, and then assume
$V\backslash W_1=\{v_{i_1},\ldots ,v_{i_{x-p}}\}$
, where
$i_1<\cdots <i_{x-p}$
. It follows that
$W\backslash W_1$
can distinguish
pairs of vertices
$(v_{i_1},v_{i_2}),\ldots ,(v_{i_{x-p-1}},v_{i_{x-p}})$
. Suppose
$w_j\in W\backslash W_1$
can resolve
for each such j, then it can resolve two consecutive vertices in the
path of the outer cycle, say
. Since
, and since the distance between
on the outer cycle is no more than
, it follows from equation (1.1) that
$d(v_{i_1},w_j)=d(v_{i_1+1},w_j)=\cdots =d(v_{i_j^{'}},w_j)$
, and thus none of the pairs
$(v_{i_1},v_{i_2}),\ldots ,(v_{i_{j-1}},v_{i_{j}})$
can be resolved by
. A similar argument shows that none of the pairs
$(v_{i_{j+1}},v_{i_{j+2}}),\ldots ,(v_{i_{x-p-1}},v_{i_{x-p}})$
can be resolved by
. Therefore, any vertex in
$W\backslash W_1$
resolving one of the pairs
$(v_{i_1},v_{i_2}),\ldots ,(v_{i_{x-p-1}},v_{i_{x-p}})$
cannot resolve the other, implying that
$W\backslash W_1$
consists of at least
vertices, and so
$\sharp (W)\geq x-1$
Theorem 2.3 Let
where t is odd. Then
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))\geq t+1$
Proof Let W be a resolving set of the graph
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
. Suppose on the contrary that
$\sharp (W)=t$
. We can assume
$v_0\in W$
Let us first show that
$W\cap \{v_{i-tk},v_{i+tk}\}\neq \emptyset $
holds for each vertex
$v_i\in W$
. Suppose on the contrary that there exists a vertex
$v_j\in W$
$W\cap \{v_{j-tk},v_{j+tk}\}=\emptyset $
, since the circulant graph
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
is vertex-transitive, and we may take
. Let
$p\geq 0$
be such that
$v_{n-0},v_{n-1},\ldots ,v_{n-p}$
all belong to W while
$v_{n-p-1}\notin W$
, and let
$q\geq 0$
be such that
$v_{0},v_{1},\ldots ,v_{q}$
all belong to W while
$v_{q+1}\notin W$
. It is easy to see that
$p+q\leq t-1$
. Set
$W_1=\{v_{n-p},v_{n-p+1},\ldots ,v_{q}\}$
. Then there is a vertex
$w\in W\backslash {W_1}$
that resolves
. If
, then W consists of at least
vertices, leading to the contradiction. Suppose now that
$p+q\leq t-2$
. One can verify that there are two consecutive vertices
in the
path of the outer cycle, which can be resolved by w. By symmetry, we can assume
$n-t+1\leq i\leq n-1$
First, consider the case
$n-t+1\leq i\leq n-2$
. Note that
$\{v_{i+1},v_{i+2},\ldots ,v_n\}\subset W_1$
, and that
$W\backslash (\{v_{i+1},v_{i+2},\ldots ,v_n\}\cup \{w\})$
can distinguish
$\{v_{n-t},v_{n-t+1},\ldots ,v_{i}\}$
, which consists of
vertices. It follows from Lemma 2.2 that
$W\backslash (\{v_{i+1},v_{i+2},\ldots ,v_n\}\cup \{w\})$
has at least
vertices, and therefore
$\sharp (W)\geq t+1$
, a contradiction.
Next, consider the case where
. Since
$w\notin \{v_{n-1},v_0,v_{kt}\}$
, and since
, it follows from equation (1.1) that vertices
$v_{n-t},v_{n-t+1},\ldots ,v_{n-1}$
have equal distance to w. Hence,
$W\backslash \{v_0,w\}$
can distinguish
$\{v_{n-t},v_{n-t+1},\ldots ,v_{n-1}\}$
, and applying Lemma 2.2,
$W\backslash \{v_0,w\}$
has at least
vertices, and therefore W consists of at least
vertices, which is a contradiction.
We have already verified that
$W\cap \{v_{i-tk},v_{i+tk}\}\neq \emptyset $
holds for each vertex
$v_i\in W$
. We now claim that
$|W\cap \{v_{i-tk},v_{i+tk}\}|=1$
holds for each vertex
$v_i\in W$
. Suppose on the contrary that there is a vertex
$v_j\in W$
$\{v_{j-tk},v_{j+tk}\}\subset W$
, and we may also take
. Then
$W\backslash \{v_0,v_{kt},v_{n-kt}\}$
can distinguish
$\{v_{kt+1},v_{kt+2},\ldots ,v_{kt+t-1}\}$
, and applying Lemma 2.2,
$W\backslash \{v_0,v_{kt},v_{n-kt}\}$
consists of at least
vertices, and so
$\sharp (W)\geq t+1$
, a contradiction.
In conclusion, for each vertex
$w\in W$
, there exists exactly one vertex, say
, in W such that
has distance
from w on the outer cycle, and we say
form a “pair” in W. It is easy to see that these “pairs” in W are pairwise disjoint. Hence, the cardinality of W is even, which contradicts the assumption that
$\sharp (W)=t$
is odd.
In what follows, we shall discuss the case where
$r\in \{2\}\cup \{t+1,t+2,\ldots ,2t+1\}$
. The following lemma will be needed in the sequel.
Lemma 2.4 Suppose that
$r\in \{2\}\cup \{t+1,t+2,\ldots ,2t+1\}$
and that
$2\leq x\leq t$
. If a vertex set W can distinguish x vertices which come from a clique of
consecutive vertices, then the cardinality of W is at least
Proof Suppose that
$v_{i_1},\ldots ,v_{i_x}$
come from a clique of
consecutive vertices, where
$i_1<i_2<\cdots <i_x$
, and suppose that W can distinguish them.
We first deal with the case where
$r\in \{t+1,t+2,\ldots ,2t+1\}$
. Let
$V=\{v_{i_1},\ldots ,v_{i_x}\}$
, and let
be the intersection of W and V, and p the cardinality of
. We can assume
$p\leq x-2$
, and then assume
$V\backslash W_1=\{v_{j_1},\ldots ,v_{j_{x-p}}\}$
, where
$j_1<\cdots <j_{x-p}$
. It follows that
$W\backslash W_1$
can distinguish
pairs of vertices
$(v_{j_1},v_{j_2}),\ldots ,(v_{j_{x-p-1}},v_{j_{x-p}})$
We remark that since
$t+1\leq r\leq 2t+1$
, if a vertex w can resolve two consecutive vertices
, and if
$w\neq v_i,v_{i+1}$
, then it follows from equation (1.1) that


This remark shows that any vertex in
$W\backslash W_1$
resolving one of the pairs of vertices
$(v_{j_1},v_{j_2}),\ldots ,(v_{j_{x-p-1}},v_{j_{x-p}})$
cannot resolve the other, implying
$W\backslash W_1$
consists of at least
vertices, and therefore
$\sharp (W)\geq x-1$
Let us turn to the case where
. Let
$V^{'}=\{v_{i_1}^{'},\ldots ,v_{i_x}^{'}\}$
, and let
be the intersection of W and
. Denote by q the cardinality of
. We can assume that
$p+q\leq x-2$
, and then assume
$V\backslash (W_1\cup W_2^{'})=\{v_{j_1},\ldots ,v_{j_{s}}\}$
, where
$j_1<\cdots <j_{s}$
$s\geq x-p-q$
. It follows that
$W\backslash (W_1\cup W_2)$
can distinguish
pairs of vertices
$(v_{j_1},v_{j_2}),\ldots ,(v_{j_{s-1}},v_{j_{s}})$
. Similarly, any vertex in
$W\backslash (W_1\cup W_2)$
resolving one of these pairs cannot resolve the other, implying
$W\backslash (W_1\cup W_2)$
consists of at least
vertices, and therefore
$\sharp (W)\geq x-1$
The authors showed in [Reference Chau and Gosselin2] that
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))$
has a lower bound of
$r\in \{2\}\cup \{t+1,t+2,\ldots ,2t\}$
. We provide an alternate proof.
Theorem 2.5 ([Reference Chau and Gosselin2, Theorem 2.7]) Let
$r\in \{2\}\cup \{t+1,t+2,\ldots ,2t\}$
. Then
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))\geq t+1$
Proof It is sufficient to show that any resolving set W of the graph
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
has at least
vertices. Without loss of generality, we assume
$v_0\in W$
Let us first discuss the case where
$r\in \{t+1,t+2,\ldots ,2t\}$
. Let
$p\geq 0$
be such that
$v_{n-0},v_{n-1},\ldots ,v_{n-p}$
all belong to W while
$v_{n-p-1}\notin W$
, and let
$q\geq 0$
be such that
$v_{0},v_{1},\ldots ,v_{q}$
all belong to W while
$v_{q+1}\notin W$
. We can assume
$p+q\leq t-1$
. Set
$W_1=\{v_{n-p},v_{n-p+1},\ldots ,v_{q}\}$
. Then there is a vertex
$w\in W\backslash {W_1}$
that resolves
, and therefore there exist two consecutive vertices
in the
path of the outer cycle which can be resolved by w. By symmetry, assume
$0\leq i\leq q$
. Since
$r\geq t+1$
, it follows from equation (1.1) that
$v_{i+1},v_{i+2},\ldots ,v_t$
have equal distance to w. Hence,
$W\backslash (W_1\cup \{w\})$
can distinguish
$\{v_{q+1},\ldots ,v_{t-p}\}$
, which consists of
consecutive vertices. Applying Lemma 2.4,
$W\backslash (W_1\cup \{w\})$
has at least
vertices, and thus W has at least
The proof for the case where
is analogous to that for the preceding case. We first note that the definitions of p and q are changed, that is, let
$p\geq 0$
be such that
$v_{n-0},v_{n-1},\ldots ,v_{n-p}$
all belong to the union of W and
$v_{n-p-1}\notin W\cup W^{'}$
, and
$q\geq 0$
such that
$v_{0},v_{1},\ldots ,v_{q}$
all belong to the union of W and
$v_{q+1}\notin W\cup W^{'}$
. Set

$\sharp (W_2)\geq p+q+1$
. An entirely similar argument shows that there is a vertex
$w\in W\backslash {W_2}$
that resolves
, and that
$W\backslash (W_2\cup \{w\})$
has at least
vertices, implying
$\sharp (W)\geq t+1$
In [Reference Chau and Gosselin2], the authors have shown that when
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))$
has a lower bound of
. We provide an alternate proof.
Theorem 2.6 ([Reference Chau and Gosselin2, Theorem 2.17]) Let
. Then
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))\geq t+2$
Proof It is sufficient to show that any resolving set W for the graph
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
has at least
vertices. Without loss of generality, we assume
$v_0\in W$
. The only vertices that can resolve

By symmetry, we assume
$v_{n-pt}\in W$
, where
$p\in \{1,2,\ldots ,d\}$
. We shall consider two cases.
Case 1 (
$p\leq k$
): The only vertices that can resolve

$v_{qt+1}\in W$
for some
$q\in \{1,\ldots ,d\}$
, one can easily verify that
cannot distinguish any pair of vertices in
$\{v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_t\}$
. It follows from Lemma 2.4 that
$W\backslash \{v_0,v_{qt+1},v_{n-pt}\}$
has at least
vertices, which confirms the assertion. If
$v_{n+1-qt}\in W$
for some
$q\in \{1,\ldots ,d\}$
, it is easy to see that
cannot distinguish any pair of vertices in
$\{v_{(d-q)t+1},v_{(d-q)t+2},\ldots ,v_{(d-q+1)t}\}$
, and according to Lemma 2.4,
$W\backslash \{v_0,v_{n+1-qt},v_{n-pt}\}$
has at least
vertices, and therefore W has at least
Case 2 (
): The only vertices that can resolve

$v_{qt+1}\in W$
for some
$q\in \{1,2,\ldots ,k\}$
, one can verify that
cannot distinguish any pair of vertices in
$\{v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_t\}$
. If
$v_{n+1-qt}\in W$
for some
$q\in \{2,3,\ldots ,d\}$
, one can verify that
cannot distinguish any pair of vertices in
$\{v_{(d-q)t+1},v_{(d-q)t+2},\ldots ,v_{(d-q+1)t}\}$
. If
$v_{kt+2}\in W$
, then it is easy to see that
cannot distinguish any pair of vertices in
$\{v_{n-(t-1)},\ldots ,v_{n-2},v_{n-1},v_1\}$
, which consists of t vertices coming from a clique of
consecutive vertices. If
$v_{1}\in W$
, then
cannot distinguish any pair of vertices in
$\{v_{dt},v_{dt+2},v_{dt+3},\ldots ,v_{dt+t}\}$
. In both cases, it follows quickly from Lemma 2.4 that W has at least
vertices. The proof is complete.
3 Upper bounds
This section is devoted to the study of upper bounds for
$\dim (C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t))$
. The following three theorems provide a great deal of useful information about this topic.
Theorem 3.1 ([Reference Grigorious, Manuel, Miller, Rajan and Stephen4, Theorem 2.9]) Let
$2\leq r\leq t+1$
. Then

Theorem 3.2 ([Reference Vetrík10, Theorem 2.1 and Theorem 2.2]) Let
where t and p are both even, and
$0\leq p\leq t$
. Then

Theorem 3.3 ([Reference Vetrík12, Theorem 5]) Let
where t is even, p is odd, and
$1\leq p\leq t+1$
. Then

Motivated by the work of Vetrík, we provide an upper bound on the metric dimension of
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
, where t is odd and
$r\geq t+2$
Theorem 3.4 Let
where t is odd, p is even, and
$2\leq p\leq t+1$
. Then

Proof Let

$\sharp (W_1)=\frac {t+1}{2}$
$\sharp (W_2)=\frac {t+p-1}{2}$
. Let us show that
$W=W_1\cup W_2$
is a resolving set of the graph
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
. Divide the vertex set of
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
into four disjoint sets:

We claim that any pair of distinct vertices
$u\in V_{r_1}$
$v\in V_{r_2}$
have different metric representations with respect to W. We need only consider the following six cases, since in other cases, it is easy to check that
can resolve u and v.
Case 1 (
): It suffices to prove that no two vertices in
$V_1\backslash W_1=\{v_j:j=1,3,\ldots ,t\}$
have the same metric representation with respect to
$W_{21}:=\{v_{kt+2},v_{kt+4},\ldots ,v_{kt+t-1}\}$
is obviously a subset of
. We observe that for
$j=1,3,\ldots ,t$
$r(v_j|W_{21})=(k,\ldots ,k,k+1,\ldots ,k+1)$
, of which the first
$\frac {j-1}{2}$
entries are equal to k, and the other
$\frac {t-j}{2}$
entries are equal to
, the desired result follows.
Case 2 (
): For
$x=1,\ldots ,k-1$
$j=1,2,\ldots ,t$
, the metric representation of
$v_{tx+j}\in V_2$
with respect to

Hence, the only vertices in
with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$j=2,4,\ldots ,t-1$
$x=1,2,\ldots ,k-1$
. Since
belongs to
for each
$j\in \{2,4,\ldots ,t-1\}$
, and since

it follows that
can distinguish all these pairs.
Case 3 (
): Note that

. We need only consider the following two subcases, since in other cases,
$v_{t-1}\in W_1$
can already resolve u and v.
Case 3.1 (
): In this case, the only vertices with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$j=2,4,\ldots ,t-1$
. Since
for each
$j\in \{2,4,\ldots ,t-1\}$
, it follows that
can distinguish these pairs.
Case 3.2 (
$j_1\geq t$
$j_2\geq t$
): Recalling the construction of
, we need only show that no two vertices in
$\{v_{kt+t+j}:j=0,2,\ldots ,p-2\}\cup \{v_{kt+t+p-1}\}$
have the same metric representation with respect to
$W_{22}:=\{v_{kt},v_{kt+2},\ldots ,v_{kt+p-2}\}$
is obviously a subset of
. We observe that
$r(v_{kt+t+j}|W_{22})=(2,\ldots ,2,1,\ldots ,1)$
$j=0,2,\ldots ,p-2$
, of which the first
$\frac {j}{2}$
entries are equal to
and the other
$\frac {p-j}{2}$
entries are equal to
, and that all the distances from
to the vertices in
; the desired result follows.
Case 4 (
): It is not difficult to see that for
$x=1,2,\ldots ,k$
$j=0,1,\ldots ,t-1$
, the metric representation of
$v_{n-tx+j}\in V_4$
with respect to

Thus, the only vertices in
with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$j=0,2,\ldots ,t-3$
$x=1,2,\ldots ,k$
. Since
belongs to
for each
$j\in \{0,2,\ldots ,t-3\}$
, and since

it follows that
can distinguish these pairs.
Case 5 (
): The distances from the vertices in
are at most k, and the distances from the vertices in
, and therefore
can resolve u and v.
Case 6 (
): In this case, it is clear that the only vertices with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$x=1,2,\ldots ,k-1$
. Since

it follows that
$v_{kt}\in W_2$
can resolve all these pairs.
Theorem 3.5 Let
where t and p are both odd, and
$3\leq p\leq t$
. Then

Proof Let

$\sharp (W_1)=\frac {t+1}{2}$
$\sharp (W_2)=\frac {t-1}{2}$
, and
$\sharp (W_3)=\frac {p-1}{2}$
. Let us show that
$W=W_1\cup W_2\cup W_3$
is a resolving set of the graph
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
. As before, divide the vertex set of
$C_n(1,2,\ldots ,t)$
into four disjoint sets:

We claim that any pair of distinct vertices
$u\in V_{r_1}$
$v\in V_{r_2}$
have different metric representations with respect to W, and only consider six cases.
Case 1 (
): We need only show that no two vertices in
$V_1\backslash W_1=\{v_j:j=1,3,\ldots ,t\}$
have the same metric representation with respect to
. Observe that for
$j=1,3,\ldots ,t$
$r(v_j|W_2)=(2,\ldots ,2,1,\ldots ,1)$
, of which the first
$\frac {j-1}{2}$
entries are equal to
, and the other
$\frac {t-j}{2}$
entries are equal to
, the desired result follows.
Case 2 (
): It is easy to verify that, for
$x=1,\ldots ,k-1$
$j=1,2,\ldots ,t$
, the metric representation of
$v_{tx+j}\in V_2$
with respect to

Hence, the only vertices in
with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$j=1,3,\ldots ,t-2$
$x=1,2,\ldots ,k-1$
. Since
belongs to
for each
$j\in \{1,3,\ldots ,t-2\}$
, and since

it follows that
can distinguish these pairs.
Case 3 (
): The metric representations of the vertices in
with respect to
are the following:

. There are two subcases to consider.
Case 3.1 (
): In this case, the only vertices with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$j=1,3,\ldots ,t-2$
. If
, then
can already distinguish all the pairs. Suppose now that
$p\leq t-2$
. In view of the definition of
, it is sufficient to show that
can be distinguished by
$j=p,p+2,\ldots ,t-2$
. Noticing that
belongs to
for each
$j\in \{p,p+2,\ldots ,t-2\}$
, and that

the desired result follows.
Case 3.2 (
$j_1\geq t$
$j_2\geq t$
): In this case, the only vertices with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$j=1,3,\ldots , p-2$
. Since
belongs to
for each
$j\in \{1,3,\ldots ,p-2\}$
, and since

it follows that
can distinguish these pairs.
Case 4 (
): For
$x=1,2,\ldots ,k$
$j=0,1,\ldots ,t-1$
, the metric representation of
$v_{n-tx+j}\in V_4$
with respect to

Hence, the only vertices in
with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$j=1,3,\ldots ,t-2$
$x=1,2,\ldots ,k$
. Since
belongs to
for each
$j\in \{1,3,\ldots ,t-2\}$
, and since

it follows that
can distinguish all these pairs.
Case 5 (
): In this case, the only vertices with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$j=1,3,\ldots ,t$
, which can be resolved by
$v_{kt+1}\in W_3$
Case 6 (
): In this case, the only vertices with the same metric representations with respect to
are the pairs
, where
$x=1,2,\ldots ,k-1$
. Note that
belongs to
, and that

can distinguish these pairs. This completes our proof.