Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
We prove that for every function $f\,:\,X\,\to \,Y$ , where $X$ is a separable Banach space and $Y$ is a Banach space with RNP, there exists a set $A\,\in \,\overset{\sim }{\mathop{\mathcal{A}}}\,$ such that $f$ is Gâteaux differentiable at all $x\,\in \,S\left( f \right)\backslash A$, where $S\left( f \right)$ is the set of points where $f$ is pointwise-Lipschitz. This improves a result of Bongiorno. As a corollary, we obtain that every $K$-monotone function on a separable Banach space is Hadamard differentiable outside of a set belonging to $\tilde{C}\,;$ this improves a result due to Borwein and Wang. Another corollary is that if $X$ is Asplund, $f\,:\,X\,\to \,\mathbb{R}$ cone monotone, $g\,:\,X\,\to \,\mathbb{R}$ continuous convex, then there exists a point in $X$, where $f$ is Hadamard differentiable and $g$ is Fréchet differentiable.