Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 September 2015
A 72-year-old man developed a very progressive neuropsychologic deficit 6 years ago, beginning with isolated visual topographic memory disturbances and visuo-constructive apraxia without additional manifestations of dementia. The syndrome worsened thereafter with the emergence of visual agnosia, simultagnosia, psychic paralysis of gaze, auditivo-verbal agnosia, and recently an amnestic syndrome with confabulation and confusion (at the end of 1989). CT scans, which remained unchanged over the years, showed mild, focal atrophic changes revealed by dilatation of the right occipital horn. His angiograms were normal. Two SPECT studies (with HMPAO measurements), performed 6 years from the onset, detected marked hypoperfusion in both parieto-occipital regions, mainly on the right side. Progressive focal degenerative disease without dementia is a relatively new syndrome, especially in cases with progressive aphasia.1 As noted in our patient, progressive disturbances initially localized in the right parieto-occipital region followed by posterior bilobar degeneration (pronounced on the right side) without dementia until late in the course may represent another exceptionally reported characteristic of this new syndrome. It is suggested that this variant of the Mesulam syndrome is more likely explained by progressive atrophy of the Alzheimer type.