Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
A normal Moore space is non-metrizable only if it fails to be ƛ-collectionwise normal for some uncountable cardinal ƛ [1].
For each uncountable cardinal X we present a class of normal, locally metrizable Moore spaces and a particular space Sλ in . If there is any space of class which is not X-collectionwise normal, then Sλ is such a space. The conditions for membership in make a space in behave like a subset of a product of a Moore space with a metric space. The class is sufficiently large to allow us to prove the following. Suppose F is a locally compact, 0-dimensional Moore space (not necessarily normal) with a basis of cardinality X and M is a metric space which is O-dimensional in the covering sense. If there is a normal, not X-collectionwise normal Moore space X where X ⊂ Y × M, then Sx is a normal, not λ-collectionwise normal Moore space.