Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
Introduction. In a paper called “A Theorem in Finite Projective Geometry and some Applications to Number Theory” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, vol. 43 (1938), 377-385], J. Singer proved that the finite projective geometry PG(s — 1,pn), that is the projective geometry of dimension s — 1 whose coordinate field is the Galois field GF(pn), admits a collineation L of period q = (psn — 1)/ (pn — 1). Since this q is the number of points of PG(s — 1, pn), Singer's result states that the points of PG(s — 1, pn) are cyclically arranged. Singer's construction of L uses the notion of a “primitive irreducible polynomial of degree 5 belonging to a field GF(pn) which defines a PG(s — 1, pn).”