Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
Throughout let be faithful.
1.1. A U-morphism with domain X is a pair (e, A), where e ∈ Hom (X, UA). A [U-morphism (e, A) is called U-epi ( = generating) provided that r, s ∈ Hom (A, A’) and (Ur)e = (Us)e imply that r = s.
1.2. A U-source is a pair (X, (fi,Ai)I), (written more simply (X, (fi,Ai)I),, where (fi,Ai)I 7 is a family of U-morphisms each with domain X.
1.3. A factorization of a U-source (X,fi,Ai)I is a triple (e,A,gi)I such that (e, A) is a U-morphisms with domain X and for each i ∈ I gi ∈ Hom (A,Ai) and (Ugi)e = fi.