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Large values of Dirichlet L-functions at zeros of a class of L-functions
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 July 2020
In this paper, we are interested in obtaining large values of Dirichlet L-functions evaluated at zeros of a class of L-functions, that is,
$$ \begin{align*}\max_{\substack{F(\rho)=0\\ T\leq \Im \rho \leq 2T}}L(\rho,\chi), \end{align*} $$
$\chi $
is a primitive Dirichlet character and F belongs to a class of L-functions. The class we consider includes L-functions associated with automorphic representations of
${\mathbb {Q}}$
MSC classification
11M06: $zeta (s)$ and $L(s, chi)$
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- © Canadian Mathematical Society 2020
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