Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 July 2014
This article describes current changes in long established policing structures, ideologies and operational practices and links them to changes in the economy and culture of governing and policing late modern societies like Canada. This transition from modern to postmodern policing is marked by the following core changes: (a) the restructuring and relocation of policing authority and responsibility, (b) the re-conceptualization of public policing, and (c) the rationalization and commodification of public and private policing services. These key shifts in policing structure and ideology suggest the declining importance of modern policing assumptions and the emergence of a distinctive postmodern model of public policing in Canada. The social and political implications of this policing transition for citizens, governments and governance are also discussed.
Cet article décrit les changements actuels apportés dans les structures, les idéologies et les pratiques policières établies depuis longtemps, en les reliant aux changements économiques et culturels dans l'art de gouverner et de policer les sociétés modernes avancées comme le Canada. Cette transition du moderne au postmoderne est marquée par les changements fondamentaux qui suivent: (a) la restructuration et la relocalisation de l'autorité et de la responsabilité policières, (b) la reconceptualisation de la police publique, et (c) la rationalisation et la marchandisation des services de police publics et privés. Ces changements radicaux dans la structure et l'idéologie policières suggèrent le déclin des postulats modernes de la fonction policière et l'émergence au Canada d'un modèle postmoderne de police publique distinct du précédent. L'auteur discute aussi des implications sociales et politiques de cette transition pour les citoyens, les gouvernements et l'art de gouverner.
1. A Canadian, postmodern policing moment that bears further comment was the extraordinary purchase of the merchandising rights for the RCMP symbol or image for five million dollars a year by the Disney Corporation. Justified as a way of funding community policing programs threatened by budget cuts, a Disney spokesperson declared that ‘Disney was a logical fit, they are compatible with the image (clean, family) of the force.” Enchin, Harvey, “Nothing Goofy About RCMP Deal” The [Toronto] Globe and Mail (29 June 1995) B14.Google Scholar The rich postmodern irony of an American multinational entertainment company buying an historic, Canadian national symbol to merchandise trinkets globally, speaks to various postmodern observations about cultural appropriation, the commodification of everything, the trivialization of historical and cultural tradition and the importance of symbol over substance (who wants the real thing?). The beaver is next!
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30. Declining federal government interest in playing a “leading role” in influencing national policing policy is reflected in its abandonment of its support for police research and innovative programming. In the last few years the Solicitor General's Department has eliminated its own police research and policy section, disbanded the police research unit and police journal at the Canadian Police College, drastically reduced funding for academic and applied police research, and eliminated yearly funding for university criminology centers. This lack of federal support coupled with the lack of police interest in research has left Canadian policing without any active academic or applied research agenda and marks a return to questionable dependency on American- and British-research based policing models and policies. This curious lack of government interest comes at a time when neo-conservative managerial and effetiveness research studies are flourishing in the U.S. and Britain.
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65. Ericson & Haggerty, supra note 18.
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68. Ericson & Haggerty, supra note 19.
69. Bayley & Shearing, supra note 16.