Orgilus obscurator (Nees) (Braconidae) and Temelucha interruptor (Grav.) (Ichneumonidae), parasites of the European pine shoot moth, Rhyacionia buoliana (Schiff.), were imported from Europe and released in Waterloo County Reforestation Area, near Elmira, Ontario, from 1955 to 1959.
O. obscurator is the only braconid of known economic importance as a parasite of the shoot moth in Europe (Thorpe, 1930). Recent importations showed that it is also the most abundant parasite of this host throughout Europe.The species was first imported from England in 1928, but was present in Canada earlier (Watson and Arthur, 1959) which suggests an earlier accidental introduction with the host. A total of 8,878 adults were released in Ontario in 1928 to 1949 (Coppel and Arthur, 1954) and 7,912 in 1955 to 1959.