Catocala Sara, n. sp.
Expanse 3.10 inches. A form in size and general appearance resembling C. Aspasia, Streck., but having much darker colored fore wings, besides other points of difference. Primaries blackish gray from the base to the t. a. line, along the posterior margin to the subterminal line, and from this in a broad band to the costa, the inner part of this band running along the inner side of the reniform. This color is formed of a black or brownish black ground, sprinkled with white scales. This leaves a pale space between the stigmata from the median vein to the costa, and the whole end of the wing beyond the dark space spoken of. T. a. line indistinct, of the ground color, but with less white scales; t. p. line distinct anteriorly, one large and one small tooth opposite the reniform. Subterminal space scarcely tinged with brown, the subterminal line white with a sprinkling of black scales. Orbicular indistinct, black with a few white scales, reniform with a few white scales and an annulus of gray, Terminal space gray. Secondaries rosy red, the median band very much as in the form Walshii, not reaching the inner margin, a little constricted opposite the disc, beyond this a little enlarged, after which it narrows to less than half tlie costal width. Terminal line like Walshii, with an internal excavation before the anal angle that reaches half through the band.