Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Venation as in Meyrick's figure (Handbook Brit. Lep. 712) except that on primaries vein 9 is connate with the stalk of 6-8 from apex of cell. Unicolorous light ochre-yellow. Head and palpi somewhat paler than forewings. Antennae faintly smoky with traces of brown annulations. In well marked specimens the forewings show the merest traces of irregular, whitish, median and subterminal bands. Secondaries pale smoky. Fringes on both wings light yellowish. Abdomen yellowish, including anal tuft. Traces of smoky shadings on pectus and basal portions of legs. Expanse 9-10 mm.
* Contribution No. 2190, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.