Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Younger specimens dark purple above with pearly markings, lavender or lilac beneath; older ones maroon to almost black above, sides mottled with several shades of purple and brown. Head free, purple, with a broad, white transverse band across the front; oral region whitish; vertex with a distinct, white, sagittate mark from antennæ to prothorax; a black ocellus-like speck on the middle of the vertex; a few short bristles upon vertex and front; eyes dark, close behind antennæ upon a black patch narrowly surrounded by purple. Antennæ longer than the body, except in largest individuals, segments variable in relative length, but approximately in the ratio of 1:6:7:1.5 or 1:7:9:2; basal segments stout, as long as broad, brownish, with short, white bristles; second brownish at base, purple at middle, pearly apically, hairy distally; third purple, hairy, with obscure, whorled subsegments on apical half, broadening towards apex, penultimate subsegment swollen on one side; terminal segment purple, lanceolate in outline with five to seven distinct, whorled subsegments. Body ovate dorsally with a re-entering angle.