Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Trioza Kobelei, sp. n. — The figures of the tegminal neuration and of the male genital segment in profile, and the following brief description, will distinguish this destructive form from the three other North American Trioza species. Head and thorax varying from dark fulvous to blackish polished, shining. Antennæ testaceous, exceptapically. Tegmina and wings hyaline, colourless, nervures brownish. Femora dark fulvous or blackishbrown, tibiæ and tarsi testaceous, except the apices of the apial tarsal segments. Abdomen smooth, polished and shining, black, with a dark bluish-green gloss.
* There is an unfortuante printer's error in Froggatt's paper in Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W., 1900, Pl. XIII., f. 2; 4 a should be mesonotum and 3 a dorsulum.