Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
It is well known that the accidental introduction of some plants into certain parts of the world has later led to noxious weed problems of varying degrees of acuteness. Concrol of such alien plants by cultural or chemical methods may be unsatisfactory or economically impracticable and recourse is made to biological methods in the form of insect enemies etc. It was in circumstances of this nature that the Government of Nigeria requested the C.I.B.C. to investigate the possibilities of the biological control of the weed Acanthospermum hispidum D.C. Despite the discouraging facts that the weed is an annual and related to plants of economic importance in the family Compositae, and that the entomological method is appropriately regarded as being of very restricted application in these instances, the nature of thc problem for Nigerian agriculture was such that a preliminary investigation of the status of the plant in its native South American home seemed warranted.