Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
267. Euxoa nesilens, Smith(Jour. N.Y. Ent. Soc. XI., 192, Dec., 1903). —Described from Calgary and from Brandon, Man. The type is a Calgary specimen in Prof. Smith's collection, and a ♀ co-type is in my own. The description says: “In general appearance it resembles siles, but does not have the black basal streak, nor the blackish suffusion between the ordinary spots. On the other hand, it does have more complete, better marked median lines … Its distinctness is clear, and its association is with basalis, from which, however, it differs obviously in colour.”
* Erratum : On page 56, line 17 from the top. “No. 248” in the note of E, pleuritica should be “249.”