Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Among some Arizona and Texas material received through Mr. S. Cassino I have found a species of Parapheromia which appears to be new and which I describe as follows :—
Parapheromia cassinoi n. sp.
Male. Antennae claviform; head and thorax an admixture of black and light gray scaling; primaries light brown, heavily obscured with black scaling the ground-color only showing plainly along the outer margin and in the median area in the region of the discal spot; lines black, the basal one double and strongly excurved, the median one arising from a small black costal patch and subparallel to basal line, outer one irregularly outcurved below costa, then inwardly oblique and rather rigid to a point helow the inception of vein two, where it bends and runs perpendicular to inner margin; this line distinctly geminate in its lower region and followed above inner margin by an irregular white patch; s. t. line white, irregularly dentate and preceded by a blackish shade; a slight black dash below apex and faint black terminal line; fringes pale smoky.
* —Contribution from the Division of Systematic Entomology, Entomological Branch, Dept. of Agric., Ottawa.