Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Length 4.4 mm. Black, shilling, margin of elytra feebly greenish, appendages slightly rufescent. Head as wide as pronotum at apex. Pronotum narrower than elytra, 70 per cent. ( ♀ ) to 74 per cent. ( ♂ ) as long as broad, apex 74 per cent., base 80 per cent. as wide as pronotum at widest. Sides of pronotum broadly arcuate in front, feebly sinuate behind : front angles round ; hind angles right ; apex feebly emarginate; basal impressions bistriate; median line nearly entire. Elytra octostriate; the striae entire, three and four and five and six severally confluent towards apex; the third stria with two dorsal punctures; the striae coarsely punctate, the punctures absent on apical fifth; the eighth and marginal striae evidently finely punctate, distant from each other except on basal fourth.