Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Bombus Cooleyi, n. sp.— ♀. Length, 16–17 mm. Integument black; clothing black, yellowish white, pale ochreous yellow and rusty yellow. Head, seen from in front, about as wide as long. Malar space abont one-sixth the length of eye. Third segment of antenna one-half longer than fourth, and scarcely longer than fifth. Face thickly clothed with pale yellowish-white hair, on the sides mixed with black. Vertex clothed with yellowish-white hair, which is fringed in front with black. Cheeks clothed with brownish-black, sometimes slightly mixed with whitish, hair. Clypeus shining, sparsely punctured, labrum fringed on free edge with rusty yellorv hair. Clothing of thorax above and on sides yellowish white, mixed with black in front of insertion of wings. A broad patch of black berween the wings surrounds the smooth, polished mesothoracic disc and extends back in a point over the middle of metathorax. On each side of metathorax is a tuft of yellowish white bair.
* In the type, the length of the head, measured from vortex to base of the labrum, is 6 mm.; breadth 5 mm.