Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
In Osten Sacken's well-known catalogue of Diptera ten species of Phora are credited to our fauna. Of these I have been unable to find any Phorid described by Fabricins under the name of atra., The author who first used this name appears to have been Meigen; in his Klass. Besch. Eur. Zwei. Insect (1804), this author describes a Trineura atra, but in his later work (Syst. Besch. Eur. Zwei. Insect, 1830) this name is relegated as a synonym of Musca aterrima, Fabr. (Ent. Syst., 1798). In the recent revision of the Austrian Phoridæ, by Strobl (Wiener Ent.Zeitung, 1892, pp. 193–204), no mention is made of a Phora atra, Fabr. The reference in the catalogue should therefore be credited to Meigen, and transferred as a synonym of Trineura aterrina, Fabr.