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Henry VI
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 23 February 2010

- Type
- A Chronicle of the Reigns of Richard II., Henry IV., Henry V., and Henry VI.
- Information
- Camden Old Series , Volume 64: An English Chronicle of the reigns of Richard II, Henry IV., Henry V., and Henry VI. written before the year 1471; with an Appendix, containing the 18th and 19th years of Richard II. and the Parliament at Bury St. Edmund's, 25th Henry VI. and Supplementary Additions from the Cotton. MS. Chronicle called “Eulogium.” , December 1856 , pp. 53 - 110
- Copyright
- Copyright © Royal Historical Society 1856
page 53 note * The 2nd of Henry VI. The battle was on August 16th, 1424.
page 54 note * See Rymer, vol. x. p. 458.
page 54 note † The 9th year of his reign. 1430.
page 55 note * The duke of Bedford died September 16th, 1435 ; consequently in the 14th of Henry VI.
page 56 note * Correction by the hand of Stowe.
page 57 note * Correction by Stowe.
page 57 note † Consequently in the 18th Henry VI.
page 61 note * This is Stowe's correction, the word “Gye” is struck out from the text and “Henry” written in the margin.
page 62 note * Stowe's correction.
page 63 note * Rouen was evacuated, according to treaty, November 4, 1449 (Monstrelet).
page 64 note * “Septimâ in Pentecoste.” W. Worcester, Pentecost this year being May 24th. See our chronicler below, who fixes the date of Cade's great popularity from the day following.
page 66 note * Friday, not Thursday, July 3rd. “Die Veneris, tertio die Julii.” Win. Worcest.
page 68 note * A proclamation, promising a thousand markes for the head of Cade, was issued 10th of July. See Stowe's Annals, 646 ; Holinshed, iii. 635. And on the 15th of the same month an order was given to the Treasurer of the Exchequer to pay the amount to Alexander Iden, sheriff of Kent (Rymer, xi. 275). This would fix his death between the 10th and 15th July. The Rolls of Parliament seem to prove that it must have taken place after the 11th Rot. Parl. v. 224.
page 68 note † Eve of translation, of Thomas of Canterbury, July 6th.
page 68 note ‡ The Chronicler is still in the 28th of Henry VI.
page 69 note * He was to leave the kingdom before the 1st of May (Rot. Parl. v. 183.
page 69 note † The 29th Henry VI. must be here intended, although Easter day in that year was April 25, and the fixed feast mentioned in the text (St. George's) was April 23. But the second calculation is accurate, for Corpus Christi day, 1451, fell on the 24th of June.
page 70 note * Prince Edward was born Saturday 13th October, feast of translation of Edw. Conf. 1453.
page 71 note * Correction in the text by the hand of Stowe.
page 71 note † By the hand of Stowe.
page 72 note * Michaelmas, 1457, was in the 36th Henry VI. Holinshed places the second prodigy here mentioned under November 1456.
page 75 note * Stowe.
page 75 note † By the hand of Stowe. Pecock's final examination upon the charge of heresy before the Archbishop and bishops had been on November 28th, when he made his private recantation (Wood, Hist, et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. bk. i. p. 222.)
page 78 note * By the hand of Stowe.
page 84 note * By the hand of Stowe.
page 84 note † By letters dated Oct. 9th, Rymer, xi. 436.
page 85 note * Insertion by the hand of Stowe.
page 85 note † After 24th of the month, see Rymer, xi. 451.
page 85 note ‡ He was appointed Admiral, March 19th; but he does not seem to have sailed till after April 26th, see Rymer, ibid.
page 85 note § By the hand of Stowe.
page 94 note * By the hand of Stowe.
page 99 note * By the hand of Stowe.
page 101 note † By the hand of Stowe.
page 107 note * See in Rymer a commission directed to Edward duke of York for this purpose, dated Feb. 12 (vol. xi. p. 471.)
page 110 note * Correction by the hand of Stowe.
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