Eight of these special issues have published - you can view the contents here.
To meet the growth in neurosciences – and neuroethics – we announced in 2016 the birth of Clinical Neuroethics, an annual issue of CQ, The Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, to address key issues and questions that are directly relevant to the translation of the brain sciences in clinical medicine and their related application in law and public life.
The need for a clinical perspective will only increase. As knowledge and technologies expand exponentially over the coming decades, how the findings of brain science should be best applied to the real world of patient care becomes increasingly complex. Clinical Neuroethics will bridge a gap in bringing bench and bedside together by taking brain science into the clinical setting. In focusing on the clinical applications of advancing neuroscience and neurotechnology from a multi-disciplinary perspective, Clinical Neuroethics will provide a forum, vector and nexus for deep and meaningful discourse on the issues, questions and problems generated by the intersection of brain science and clinical care.
Manuscript submissions should be sent to Thomasine Kushner, Ph.D. To facilitate review, manuscripts are to be submitted as electronic copy, preferably in MS Word, and addressed to: [email protected] following the CQ guidelines for contributors.