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The French Euthanasia Debate
Exception and Solidarity
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 April 2013

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- Bioethics beyond Borders
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- Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2013
1. Sicard D. Penser solidairement la fin de vie. Rapport à François Hollande, Président de la République Française; 2012; available at (last accessed 20 Dec 2012).
2. Leonetti J. Respecter la vie, Accepter la mort. Report # 1708 fait au nom de la mission d’information sur l’accompagnement de la fin de vie; 2004; available at (last accessed 20 Dec 2012).
3. Puybasset L, Lamoureux M. Euthanasie: le débat tronqué. Paris: Calmann-Lévy; 2012.
4. See, on this point, the EURELD study: van der Heide A, Deliens L, Faisst K, Nilstun T, Norup M, Paci E, et al. End-of-life decision-making in six European countries: Descriptive study. The Lancet 2003;362(9381):345–50. See note 2, Leonetti 2004, at 50–1; page 140 cites other studies confirming the practice.
5. See Dehan M, Gold F, Grassin M, Janaud J-C, Morisot C, Ropert, JC, et al. (for the Fédération Nationale des Pédiatres Peonatologists). Dilemmes éthiques de la période périnatale: recommandations pour les décisions de fin de vie. Archives de Pédiatrie 2001;8(4):407–19; Cuttini M, Nadai M, Kaminski M, Hansen G, de Leeuw R, Lenoir S, et al. (for the EURONIC Study Group). End-of-life decisions in neonatal intensive care: Physicians’ self-reported practices in seven European countries. The Lancet 2000;355(9221):2112–8; and the study by the sociologist Anne Paillet (Paillet, A.Sauver la vie, donner la mort. Une sociologie de l’éthique en réanimation néonatale. Paris: La Dispute; 2007Google Scholar).
6. See note 2, Leonetti 2004, at 134.
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8. CCNE. Avis sur Fin de vie, arrêt de vie, euthanasia; 2000 Jan 27: number 63, at 5; available at (last accessed 22 Dec 2012).
9. See note 3, Puybasset, Lamoureux 2012, at 70.
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15. The act was correctly seen to be continuous with two other major healthcare laws: the Palliative Care Act (Law 99-477, June 9, 1999) and the 2002 Patients’ Rights Act (Law 2002-303, March 4, 2002). For a legal analysis of the law, see Alfandari E, Pedrot P. La fin de vie et la loi du 22 avril 2005. Revue de droit sanitaire et social 2005;5:751–65.
16. See note 2, Leonetti 2004, at 51.
17. Michel Castra, cited in Leonetti 2004, at 38 (see note 2).
18. De Hennezel M. Mourir les yeux ouverts. Paris: Albin Michel; 2005, at 21.
19. Romero J-L. Les voleurs de liberté. Paris: Florent Massot; 2009, at 12.
20. See note 18, De Hennezel, at 8.
21. Bataille P. A la vie à la mort. Paris: Autrement; 2012.
22. Kahn A. L’ultime liberté? Paris: Plon; 2008, at 37.
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33. See note 21, Bataille 2012.
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36. Fournier V. Les français sont-ils favorables à l’euthanasie? Ena Hors les murs 2012;424:52–4.
37. See note 1, Sicard 2012, at 59.
38. See note 3, Puybasset, Lamoureux 2012, at 8.
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41. See note 8, CCNE 2000, at 9.
42. See note 40, Dageville, Grassin 2010, at 998–9.
43. See note 1, Sicard 2012, at 110.
44. See note 8, CCNE 2000, at 10.
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