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Critical Notes on the Biography of John Koukouzeles
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 January 2016

- Type
- Short Notes
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- Copyright
- Copyright © The Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham 1987
2. M.
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6. l.c.201f.
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8. PLP V 11929f.
9. rather than ‘artichoke’ supposed by Kriaras in his Lexikon, because that would be to positive an object.
10. Hunger, H. — Kresten, O., >Kalalog der griechischen Handschriften der Õsterr. Nationalbibliothek III/I, (Wien 1976) 12.Google Scholar
11. Thibaut, J.-B., Monuments de la notation ekphonétique et hagiopolite de l’église grecque (Petersburg 1913), 126 Google Scholar; Granstrem, E., ‘Katalog greceskich rukopisej Lenin-gradskich chranilisc, VV25 (1964) 204 Google Scholar Hn.s.
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14. PLP I 980; Chatzegiakoumes 1.c.264f., 322; G. Stathes,
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15. Stathes 1.c.657.
16. PLP II 2819.
17. Thibaut 1.c.89.
18. PLP VI 13243; Chatzegiakumes 1.c.316-321.
19. pp. 16-21; Eustratiades, who was not aware of the three early manuscripts, jumped to this conclusion on the basis of later unproved testimony.
20. Thibaut (p.126) thinks-that two marginal notes refer to Koukouzeles, but it is more likely a hint to an author of hymnography perhaps to John of Damaskus (cf. Beck, Kirche 485). Furthermore it would contradict the indication given by Chatzegiakumes (p.327)
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23. More than four years ago sent to Macedonian Studies (New Delhi), the present article could not be printed for lack of Greek letters. I am very obliged to the editor that it can appear now, brought up to date in a few points. Modern bibliography on Koukouzeles: PLP VI 13391;
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Actes du XVa congr. int. d’ét. byz. II (Athens 1981) 973-984) who, following G. Papadopoulos, again tried to put Koukouzeles back to the 12th century. Apparently he was not aware of the clear note quoted above (cod. Petrop. 121, f. 148v).
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