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David P. Baron Award

The David P. Baron Award is a prestigious award that recognizes the best article published in Business and Politics (BAP) within a given year. BAP, a journal at the forefront of research concerning the relationship between public governance institutions and private firms, has been publishing work that utilizes social science tools in order to examine current economic policy issues for the past nineteen years. Recipients of the David P. Baron Award will receive a $300 award in books from Cambridge University Press.

2024 David P. Baron Award

The 2024 David P. Baron Award has been awarded to Devin Incerti and Trevor Incerti for their article "Are regime changes always bad economics? Evidence from daily financial data" (Volume 26, Issue 4)

Runner up: 

"Informational lobbying, information asymmetry, and the adoption of the ride-hailing model policy in the U.S. States", Yuni Wen (Volume 26, Issue 3)

2023 David P. Baron Award

The 2023 David P. Baron Award has been awarded to Yannick Stiller for his article "Bargaining Power in a Globalized World: The Effect of Global Value Chains in Trade Negotiations" (Volume 25, Issue 2)

Runner up: 

"The contingent value of connections: legislative turnover and revolving-door lobbyists" James M. Strickland (Volume 25, Issue 2)


"Lobbying the executive branch: Unpacking access to political heads, political advisers, and civil servants" Adrià Albareda, Angel Saz-Carranza, Michiel Van Acoleyen, David Coen (Volume 25, Issue 1)

"China's dream for chip supremacy: Seeing through the lens of panel display-related IC patents" Eunji Choung and Min Gyo Koo (Volume 25, Issue 2)

"Banning indirect boycotts: Contentious interactions and the role of the state in marketplace activism" Erin O'Brien, Hope Johnson and Yu-An Murray (Volume 25, Issue 4)

2022 David P. Baron Award

The 2022 David P. Baron Award has been awarded to Jieun Lee and Iain Osgood for their article "Protection forestall: Offshore firms against tariffs in their own industry" (Volume 24, Issue 4)

Runner up: 

"Economic influence activities and the strategic location of investment" John M. de Figueiredo and Davin Raiha (Volume 24, Issue 3)


"Navigating norms and invisible rules: Explaining the case of business influence in international shipping regulation" Christian Hendriksen (Volume 24, Issue 1)

"Integrated market and nonmarket strategies: Empirical evidence from the S&P 500 firms' climate strategies" Younsung Kim (Volume 24, Issue 1)

"In the Middle: American Multinationals in China and Trade War Politics" Rigao Liu, Jaikun Jack Zhang and Samantha A. Vortherms (Volume 24, Issue 4)

2021 David P. Baron Award

The 2021 David P. Baron Award has been awarded to Federica Genovese for her article "Market responses to global governance: International climate cooperation and Europe's carbon trading" (Volume 23, Issue 1)


"Why Do Corporations Engage in LGBT Rights Activism? LGBT Employee Groups as Internal Pressure Groups" Cory Maks-Soloman and Josiah Mark Drewry (Volume 23, Issue 1)

""Exit" vs. "Voice": Global Sourcing, Multinational Production, and the China Trade Lobby" Ka Zeng (Volume 23, Issue 2)


"Who's Afraid of Sunlight? Explaining Opposition to Transparency in Economic Development" Nathan M. Jensen and Calvin Thrall (Volume 23, Issue 4)

"Personnel Power: Governing State-Owned Enterprises" Wendy Leutert and Samantha A. Vortherms (Volume 23, Issue 3)

2020 David P. Baron Award

The 2020 David P. Baron Award has been award to Sarah Bauerle Danzman for her article "Foreign direct investment policy, domestic firms, and financial constraints" (Volume 22, Issue 2) 

Runner up: 

"Banks, power, and political institutions: the divergent priorities of European states towards “too-big-to-fail” banks: The cases of competition in retail banking and the banking structural reform" Elsa Massoc (Volume 22, Issue 1)

Nominees: "Trade policy in a “GVC World”: Multinational corporations and trade liberalization"  Christina Anderer, Andreas Dür, and Lisa Lechner (Volume 22, Issue 4)

"Offshore production’s effect on Americans’ attitudes toward trade" Andrew Kerner, Jane Sumner, and Brian Richter (Volume 22, Issue 3) "Anticipating exclusion: Global supply chains and Chinese business responses to the Trans-Pacific Partnership" Robert Gulotty and Xiaojun Li (Volume 22, Issue 2)

2019 David P. Baron Award

The 2019 David P. Baron Award has been awarded to Adam William Chalmers and Onna Malou van den Broek for their article "Financial volatility and public scrutiny as institutional determinants of financial industry firms' CSR" (Volume 21, Issue 2)


"Presence and influence in lobbying: Evidence from Dodd-Frank" Pamela Ban and Hye Young You (Volume 21, Issue 2)

"Ownership concentration and institutional investors’ governance through voice and exit" Patrick Jahnke (Volume 21, Issue 3)


"From market multilateralism to governance by goal setting: SDGs and the changing role of partnerships in a new global order" Benedicte Bull and Desmond McNeill (Volume 21, Special Issue 4)

"The role of business in sustainable development and peacebuilding: Observing interaction effects" Jason Miklian (Volume 21, Special Issue 4)

2018 David P. Baron Award

The 2018 David P. Baron Award has been awarded to Hanna Breetz, Matto Mildenberger and Leah Stokes for their article "The political logics of clean energy transitions 2018 runner-up:

"Opening new markets for clean energy: The role of project developers in the global diffusion of renewable energy technologies" Bjarne Steffen, Tyeler Matsuo, Davita Steinemann and Tobias S. Schmidt

Other nominees were:

"Stakeholder scrutiny, urban bias, and the private provision of public goods" Elizabeth Chrun, Daniel Berliner and Aseem Prakash

"Sovereign credit and political survival in democracies" Matthew DiGiuseppe and Patrick E. Shea

"Corporate politicking, together: trade association ties, lobbying, and campaign giving" Michael S. Kowal

Click on the links above for free access to the winning paper and runner-up until the end of 2019.

2017 David P. Baron Award The inaugural David P. Baron Award was awarded in 2018 to Jan Fichtner, Eelke M. Heemskerk, Javier Garcia-Bernardo for their article "Hidden power of the Big Three? Passive index funds, re-concentration of corporate ownership, and new financial risk.".

2017 runners-up were: "When Banks Lobby: The Effects of Organizational Characteristics and Banking Regulations on International Bank Lobbying." Adam William Chalmers "Data, development, and growth" Steven Weber

The other 2017 nominees were: "Renewable futures and industrial legacies: Wind and solar sectors in China, Germany, and the United States" Jonas Nahm "Global finance as a politicized habitat" William Kindred Winecoff

David P. Baron Biography

David P. Baron is the David S. and Ann M. Barlow Professor of Political Economy and Strategy (Emeritus) in the Graduate School of Business and has held courtesy appointments in Economics and Political Science at Stanford University. In 2008, Professor Baron received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Aspen Institute for his incorporation of social issues in his academic research and instruction. Baron’s research topics include the theory of the firm, political economy, the economics of regulation, and nonmarket strategy. In total, Baron has authored three books and over 100 articles. Additionally, he has served on the Board of Editors for premier economic and business journals such as the American Economic ReviewDecision ScienceThe Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Business and Politics.