Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 June 2009
A radical α has the Amitsur property if α(A[x])=(α(A[x])∩A)[x] for all rings A. For rings R⊆S with the same unity, we call S a finite centralizing extension of R if there exist b1,b2,…,bt∈S such that S=b1R+b2R+⋯+btR and bir=rbi for all r∈R and i=1,2,…,t. A radical α is FCE-friendly if α(S)∩R⊆α(R) for any finite centralizing extension S of a ring R. We show that if α is a supernilpotent radical whose semisimple class contains the ring ℤ of all integers and α is FCE-friendly, then α has the Amitsur property. In this way the Amitsur property of many well-known radicals such as the prime radical, the Jacobson radical, the Brown–McCoy radical, the antisimple radical and the Behrens radical can be established. Moreover, applying this condition, we will show that the upper radical 𝒰(*k) generated by the essential cover *k of the class * of all *-rings has the Amitsur property and 𝒰(*k)(A[x])=𝒰(*k)(A)[x], where a semiprime ring R is called a *-ring if the factor ring R/I is prime radical for every nonzero ideal I of R. The importance of *-rings stems from the fact that a *-ring A is Jacobson semisimple if and only if A is a primitive ring.