1 Introduction
In the paper, all groups considered are finite groups with identity element denoted as
, and all graphs considered are finite, undirected and simple. Let R be a subset of the vertex set of a graph
$\Gamma $
, and
$\kappa $
$\tau $
a pair of nonnegative integers. We call R a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set (or regular set for short if there is no need to emphasise the parameters
$\kappa $
$\tau $
in the context) of
$\Gamma $
if every vertex in R is adjacent to exactly
$\kappa $
vertices in R and every vertex outside R is adjacent to exactly
$\tau $
vertices in R. In particular, we call R a perfect code of
$\Gamma $
$(\kappa ,\tau )=(0,1)$
and a total perfect code of
$\Gamma $
$(\kappa ,\tau )=(1,1)$
. The concept of
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set was introduced in [Reference Cardoso and Rama3] and further studied in [Reference Anđelić, Cardoso and Simić1, Reference Cardoso2, Reference Cardoso and Rama4, Reference Cardoso, Sciriha and Zerafa5]. Very recently, regular sets in Cayley graphs were studied in [Reference Wang, Xia and Zhou8, Reference Wang, Xia and Zhou9].
Let G be a group and X an inverse closed subset of
$G\setminus \{1\}$
. The Cayley graph
$\mathrm {Cay}(G,X)$
on G with connection set X is the graph with vertex set G and edge set
$\{\{g,gx\}\mid g\in G, x\in X\}$
. A subset R of G is called a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set of G if there is a Cayley graph
$\Gamma $
on G such that R is a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set of
$\Gamma $
. Regular sets of Cayley graphs are closely related to codes of groups. Let C and Y be two subsets of G and
$\lambda $
a positive integer. If for every
$g\in G$
there exist precisely
$\lambda $
$(c,y)\in C\times Y$
such that
, then C is called a code of G with respect to Y [Reference Green and Liebeck6]. In particular, if
$\lambda =1$
and Y is an inverse closed subset of G containing
, then C is called a perfect code of G [Reference Huang, Xia and Zhou7]. Let H be a subgroup of G. It is straightforward to check that H is a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of G if and only if H is a code of G with respect to some inverse closed subset of G. In fact, if H is a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of the Cayley graph
$\mathrm {Cay}(G,X)$
, then H is a code of G with respect to
$Y:=X\cup Z$
for any inverse closed subset Z of H with cardinality
$\tau $
. However, if H is a code of G with respect to Y, then H is a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of the Cayley graph
$\mathrm {Cay}(G,X)$
, where
$X=Y\setminus H$
$\tau ={\vert H\vert \vert Y\vert }/{|G|}$
It is natural to ask when a normal subgroup of a group is a regular set. This question was studied by Wang et al. in [Reference Wang, Xia and Zhou9]. They proved that, for any finite group G, if a nontrivial normal subgroup H of G is a perfect code of G, then for any pair of integers
$\kappa $
$\tau $
$0\leq \kappa \leq |H|-1$
$1\leq \tau \leq |H|$
$\gcd (2,|H|-1)\mid \kappa $
, H is also a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set of G. It was also shown in [Reference Wang, Xia and Zhou9] that there exist normal subgroups of some groups which are
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular sets for some pair of integers
$\kappa $
$\tau $
but not perfect codes of the group. In this paper, we extend the main results in [Reference Wang, Xia and Zhou9] by proving the following theorem.
Theorem 1.1. Let G be a group and H a nontrivial normal subgroup of G. Let
$\kappa $
$\tau $
be a pair of integers satisfying
$0\leq \kappa \leq |H|-1$
$1\leq \tau \leq |H|$
$\gcd (2,|H|-1)\mid \kappa $
. The following two statements hold:
(i) if
$\tau $ is even, then H is a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$ -regular set of G;
(ii) if
$\tau $ is odd, then H is a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$ -regular set of G if and only if it is a perfect code of G.
It was proved in [Reference Huang, Xia and Zhou7, Theorem 2.2] that a normal subgroup H of G is a perfect code of G if and only if
# for any
$g\in G$ with
$g^{2}\in H$ , there exists
$h\in H$ such that
$(gh)^2=1$ .
Note that condition # always holds if H is of odd order or odd index [Reference Huang, Xia and Zhou7, Corollary 2.3]. Therefore, Theorem 1.1 has the following direct corollary, which is also an immediate consequence of [Reference Huang, Xia and Zhou7, Corollary 2.3] and [Reference Wang, Xia and Zhou9, Theorem 1.2].
Corollary 1.2. Let G be a group and H a nontrivial normal subgroup of G. If either
is odd, then H is a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set of G for every pair of integers
$\kappa $
$\tau $
$0\leq \kappa \leq |H|-1$
$1\leq \tau \leq |H|$
$\gcd (2,|H|-1)\mid \kappa $
Remark 1.3. It is a challenging question whether Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2 can be generalised to nonnormal subgroups H of G.
Remark 1.4. Let H be a nontrivial normal subgroup of G of even order not satisfying condition #. Let
$\kappa $
$\tau $
be a pair of integers satisfying
$0\leq \kappa \leq |H|-1$
$2\leq \tau \leq |H|$
$2\mid \tau $
. Then Theorem 1.1(i) and [Reference Huang, Xia and Zhou7, Theorem 2.2] imply that H is a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set but not a perfect code of G.
2 Proof of Theorem 1.1
Throughout this section, we use
$\dot \bigcup _{i=1}^{n}S_{i}$
to denote the union of the pair-wise disjoint sets
$S_1,S_2,\ldots ,S_n$
. Let G be a group and H a nontrivial normal subgroup of G. Let
$\kappa $
$\tau $
be a pair of integers satisfying
$0\leq \kappa \leq |H|-1$
$1\leq \tau \leq |H|$
$\gcd (2,|H|-1)\mid \kappa $
. We first prove three lemmas and then complete the proof of Theorem 1.1.
Lemma 2.1. If
$\tau $
is even, then H is a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of G.
Proof. Let
$A:=\{1,a_{1},\ldots ,a_{s}\}$
be a left transversal of H in G. Assume that the number of involutions contained in
$1\leq i\leq s$
. Let
$\sigma $
be a permutation on
$\{1,\ldots ,s\}$
such that
$a_{i}^{-1}H=a_{\sigma (i)}H$
. Since H is normal in G,

It follows that
$\sigma $
is the identity permutation or an involution. Assume that
$\sigma $
fixes t integers in
$\{1,\ldots ,s\}$
. Then
$0\leq t\leq s$
is even. Set
$\ell :={(s-t)}/{2}$
. Without loss of generality, we assume that

is inverse closed if
$i\leq t$
$(a_{t+j}H)^{-1}=a_{t+j+\ell }H$
for every positive integer j not greater than
$\ell $
. In particular,
. For every
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,s\}$
, take a subset
of cardinality
$\tau $
by the following rules:
• if
$i\leq t$ and
$n_i\geq \tau $ , then
$X_i$ consists of exactly
$\tau $ involutions;
• if
$i\leq t$ ,
$n_i<\tau $ and
$\tau -n_i$ is even, then
$X_i$ consists of
$n_i$ involutions and
${(\tau -n_i)}/{2}$ pairs of mutually inverse elements of order greater than
$2$ ;
• if
$i\leq t$ ,
$n_i<\tau $ and
$\tau -n_i$ is odd, then
$X_i$ consists of
$n_i-1$ involutions and
${(\tau +1-n_i)}/{2}$ pairs of mutually inverse elements of order greater than
$2$ ;
• if
$t<i\leq t+\ell $ , then
$X_i$ consists of exactly
$\tau $ elements of order greater than
$2$ ;
• if
$i> t+\ell $ , then set
$X_i=X_{i-\ell }^{-1}$ .
Note that
$X_1,\ldots ,X_s$
are pair-wise disjoint. Set
$X=\dot \bigcup _{i=1}^{s}X_{i}$
. Then X is an inverse closed subset of G satisfying
$X\cap H=\emptyset $
$\vert X\cap gH\vert =\tau $
for every
$g\in G\setminus H$
. It follows that H is a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of the Cayley graph
$\mathrm {Cay}(G,X)$
and therefore a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of G.
Lemma 2.2. If
$\tau $
is odd, then H is a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of G if and only if it is a perfect code of G.
Proof. The sufficiency follows from [Reference Wang, Xia and Zhou9, Theorem 1.2]. Now we prove the necessity. Let H be a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of the Cayley graph
$\mathrm {Cay}(G,X)$
. Then
$X\cap H=\emptyset $
$\vert X\cap gH\vert =\tau $
for every
$g\in G\setminus H$
. Let
$A:=\{1,a_{1},\ldots ,a_{s}\}$
be a left transversal of H in G and set
$X_i=X\cap a_iH$
for every
$i\in \{1,2,\ldots ,s\}$
. Then
$X=\dot \bigcup _{i=1}^{s}X_{i}$
. If
contains an involution for each
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,s\}$
, then H is a perfect code of G with respect to
$\{1,y_1,\ldots ,y_s\}$
, where
is an involution in
$i=1,\ldots ,s$
. Now we assume that there exists at least one integer
$k\in \{1,\ldots ,s\}$
such that
contains no involution. Then
$x^{-1}\neq x$
for every element
$x\in X_{k}$
. It follows that
$|X_{k}\cup X_{k}^{-1}|$
is even. Since
$|X_{k}|=\tau $
$\tau $
is odd, we get
$X_k\neq X_k^{-1}$
. Since H is normal in G, we obtain
. Assume that
for some
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,s\}$
. Then
$X_{k}^{-1}\subseteq a_{j}H$
. Since
$X=\dot \bigcup _{i=1}^{s}X_{i}$
, we conclude that
. Therefore, without loss of generality, we can assume that
$X_i^{-1}=X_{i+\ell }$
$1\leq i\leq \ell $
$2\ell < i\leq s$
, where
$\ell $
is a positive integer not greater than
. Note that
contains at least one involution if
(as it is of odd cardinality). For every
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,s\}$
, take an element
$y_i\in X_i$
by the following rules:
$y_i$ is an arbitrary element in
$X_i$ if
$i\leq \ell $ ;
$y_i=y_{i-\ell }^{-1}$ if
$\ell <i\leq 2\ell $ ;
$y_i$ is an involution if
$i>2\ell $ .
Then H is a perfect code of G with respect to
$\{1,y_1,\ldots ,y_s\}$
Lemma 2.3.
H is a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set of G if and only if H is a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of G.
Proof. (
$\Rightarrow $
) Let H be a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set of the Cayley graph
$\mathrm {Cay}(G,X)$
. Then
$|H\cap X|=\kappa $
$|gH\cap X|=\tau $
for every
$g\in G\setminus H$
. Set
$Y=X\setminus H$
. Then
$|H\cap Y|=0$
$|gH\cap Y|=\tau $
for every
$g\in G\setminus H$
. Since
, we get
. It follows that H is a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of the Cayley graph
$\mathrm {Cay}(G,Y)$
and therefore a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of G.
$\Leftarrow $
) Let H be a
$(0,\tau )$
-regular set of the Cayley graph
$\mathrm {Cay}(G,Y)$
. Then
$|H\cap Y|=0$
$|gH\cap Y|=\tau $
for every
$g\in G\setminus H$
. Let m be the number of elements contained in H of order greater than
. Then m is even and the number of involutions contained in H is
. Recall that
$0\leq \kappa \leq |H|-1$
$\gcd (2,|H|-1)\mid \kappa $
. If
$\kappa $
is odd, then
is even and therefore contains at least one involution. Take an inverse closed subset Z of H of cardinality
$\kappa $
by the following rules:
• if
$m\geq \kappa $ and
$\kappa $ is even, then Z consists of exactly
${\kappa }/{2}$ pairs of mutually inverse elements of order greater than
$2$ ;
• if
$m\geq \kappa $ and
$\kappa $ is odd, then Z consists of
${(\kappa -1)}/{2}$ pairs of mutually inverse elements of order greater than
$2$ and one involution;
• if
$m<\kappa $ , then Z consists of
${m}/{2}$ pairs of mutually inverse elements of order greater than
$2$ and
$\kappa -m$ involutions.
$X=Y\cup Z$
. Then
$|H\cap X|=\kappa $
$|gH\cap X|=\tau $
for every
$g\in G\setminus H$
. Therefore, H is a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set of the Cayley graph
$\mathrm {Cay}(G,X)$
and therefore a
$(\kappa ,\tau )$
-regular set of G.