Conclusions concerning the distribution and field habits of Anthrenus verbasci (L.), A. fuscus Ol. and A. museorum (L.), are based upon the results of three surveys.
The first survey comprised the collection of adults of Anthrenus from attractive flowers, e.g., hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium, in various localities furing June and July. This showed that:—
A. Verbasci occurred in large numbers only in the suburban areas of south-east England, extending also to the west along the south coast.
A. fuscus was generally distributed in all types of locality in the south reaching a peak abundance in the vicinity of farms. Its members diminished rapidly towards the north.
A. museorum occurred in small numbers only, often accompanying A. fuscus.
The second survey comprised the collection of larvae from natural habitats and included results from an earlier survey of certain birds' nests. This showed that:—
A. verbasci was characteristically an inhabitant of dry birds' nests.
A. fuscus was usually found feeding on dead insects around spiders' webs, under the bark of trees, etc.
A. museorum occurred in small numbers in company with A. fuscus.
The habitat difference between A. verbasci and A. fuscus was sharply defined. Only very rarely was one sspecies found in the habitat typical of the other.