Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 September 2015
The bionomics of sandflies (Phlebotomus: Psychodidae) have been studied mainly in relation to the diseases they transmit. Comparatively little experimental work has yet been undertaken on the physiology of Phlebotomus in the laboratory. In the present paper experiments are described on the thermal limits of Phlebotomus, on the influence of temperature and humidity on the length of life of adult sandflies and on the loss of water in larvae and pupae. The problem of loss of water in sandflies is of particular interest, since adjustment to a varying humidity under natural conditions appears to be an important factor in the transmission of diseases by these insects.
For the study of sandflies in the laboratory an ample supply of insects raised under uniform conditions is required. In a previous publication (1934) a breeding method has been described which provides any desired number of sandflies. If overcrowding of the breeding pots is prevented the flies are relatively uniform.
The species used in the experiments was Phlebotomus papatasii, the common sandfly of the Mediterranean, which is the most suitable species for laboratory work; it is comparatively easy to breed and to handle and feeds readily in captivity. The sandflies used in the experiments were bred from females caught in October in Jerusalem. The pots containing the larvae were wrapped in moist cottonwool and survived the transport to London without any damage. The work was commenced, and parts of it completed, in the Department of Entomology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where I held the Avebury Studentship. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help received from Professor P. A. Buxton and the valuable collaboration of Mr. J. D. Gillett. The work was completed in Jerusalem.