Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 July 2009
Some six years ago, it was correctly pointed out by Brèthes (Bull. Soc. Ent. de France, 1914, p. 59) that the generic designation Diatomineura, Round. (Archiv. Zool. Anat. Fisiol. iii, p. 84, 1864), is a synonym of Osca, Walk., (Ins. Saund., Diptera, Part i, p. 10, 1850—nec Walk., 1864, nec Sta;l, 1871). The first species mentioned by both Walker and Rondani is Pangonia depressa, Macq. (=Erephopsis lata (Tabanus latus), Guér.), and this species is designated by Brè as the genotype. Erephopsis lata, Guér., of Kertész’s Catalogus Dipterorum (iii, p. 165, 1908), must therefore be known henceforth as Osca lata, Guér., and the South African Tabanus barbatus, L. (Pangonia barbata, Auct.), and Pangonia fulvifascia, Walk., must be transferred to the genus Osca.
page 139 note * ²oυ-πλήξ ò, an ox-goad.
page 140 note * For names and illustrations of colours used for descriptive purposes in the present paper, see Ridgway, “Color Standards and Color Nomenclature” (Washington, D.C. Published by the Author, 1912).
page 145 note * Cf. Schwetz, “Dix Jours d’Observation sur les Moeurs de la ‘Pangonia zonata’ et de la ‘Pangonia oldii’ (Deuxiéme Note)”: Revue Zoologique Africaine, vii, pp. 92–106 (1919).—Cf. also the earlier paper by the same author, “Quelques Observations Préliminaires sur les Moeurs de la ‘Pangonia zonata’ ”: ibid., pp. 46–54. In both of the memoirs cited Corizoneura schwetzi is referred to as Pangonia oldii, while the species termed Pangonia zonata is really Corizoneura inornata, Austen.
page 145 note † Cf. Schwetz, loc., cit., p. 103.
page 145 note ‡ See below, p. 147.
page 146 note * P. 145, note.*
page 147 note * Cf. Schwetz, Rev. Zool. Africaine, vii, pp. 101–102 (1919).