Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 July 2009
A ground survey to map the distribution of Glossina prior to the initiation of a control programme was undertaken in an area of more than 100 000 km2 in the Sudan and Guinea savanna zones of Mali. The area extends from 11°13′ to 14°15′N. and 5°53′ to 10°24′W. The Challier-Laveissière trap was the main survey tool, but other methods were used when the traps did not catch flies in areas suspected of being suitable for Glossina. The results are compared with existing distribution maps of the area, including one based solely on interpretations of earth satellite photography of the area. Infestation by G. morsitans submorsitans Newst. was continuous west of 8°20′W. and intermittent east of this. Apparent recent advances of G. m. submorsitans and G. palpalis gam-biensis Vanderplank were noted, but G. tachinoides Westw. seemed to have receded. Possible reasons for these differences between species are discussed.