Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 July 2009
During the early part of 1929, a specially severe infestation of locusts occurred in the northern provinces of Tanganyika Territory, an extension of the plague already felt in Kenya. Laying was known to have taken place more or less continuously over the drier country all the way from Longido, west of Kilimanjaro, to the West Usambara Mountains. Successive broods of young locusts had to be dealt with; and in the same area it was possible to see newly hatched hoppers and insects almost full-grown and able to fly. An ample supply of extra food was therefore provided for any birds that might care to avail themselves of it, except the smallest, and certain specialists such as the Hirundines. I was anxious to get some idea of how the birds would react to these abnormal food-conditions, and by the kindness of Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Le G. Worsley, the former of whom was in charge of a sector of the locust campaign, I was able during the first week of June 1929 to make observations in a very heavily infested area between the Middle Pangani River and the South Pare Mountains. I have also to thank the Director E.A.A.R.S. for certain facilities in this connection.