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Power Structure and Regime Resilience: Contentious Politics in China
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 13 May 2008
Authoritarian governments may face serious uncertainties when dealing with popular resistance because of the unpredictable consequences of making concessions or repressing opposition. However, a political system with multiple levels of authority can help reduce the uncertainties by granting conditional autonomy to lower-level authorities. Such a power structure prevents excessive repression and unconditional concessions when the priorities of different levels of authority do not match. Under this political arrangement, the central authority can avoid blame when local authorities use repression. The divided power also helps reduce the uncertainties faced by the central authority because it will then have to deal with only a very limited number of instances of resistance. Using the case of China, this article shows that divided state power has allowed the party-state to maintain social stability amid numerous instances of social unrest during the reform era.
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- Copyright © The Author(s), 2008
The author wishes to thank the anonymous reviewers and the Editor, Sarah Birch, for their suggestions.
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38 At the county and township levels, it is common for the party secretary to sign the so-called responsibility contract with upper-level authorities to ensure the fulfilment of assigned tasks, including achieving social stability. City-level party secretaries may not be required to sign such contracts, but they are certainly assessed for this responsibility (Dong Xueqing, Zhang Heping and Zhang Zeyuan, ‘The Life of County Party Secretaries’, Perspectives, 9 November 2005, pp. 21–4; Edin, Maria, ‘State Capacity and Local Agent Control in China: CCP Cadre Management from a Township Perspective’, China Quarterly, 173 (2003), 35–72CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
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48 It must be acknowledged that this criterion for case collection has a limitation because cases whose results were not reported were excluded. This is also the reason why our collection only includes four cases that were tolerated or ignored by local governments.
49 O’Brien and Li, Rightful Resistance in Rural China, chap. 2; Bernstein and Lu, Taxation without Representation in Contemporary Rural China, chap. 5.
50 According to the police department, a collective action involving more than 500 is seen as a large-scale action, and an action involving more than 1,000 participants is seen as an especially large-scale action (see Jinsheng, Chen, Research Report on Instances of Collective Action (Beijing: Mass Press, 2004), p. 32Google Scholar).
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57 Tarrow, Power in Movement, p. 97.
58 Yan’an Daily, 27 March 2006, p. 4
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62 China Economic Times, 20 June 2005, p. 3.
63 Overseas Chinese News, 16 December 2005, p. 2.
64 In the end, more than 140 people were sent to hospitals, a majority of them police officers and government officials, including a deputy city mayor (South China Morning Post, 3 March 2006, p. 2).
65 The other four were the head and two deputy heads of the environmental protection bureau and the township head (Jinhua Daily, 1 January 2006, p. 1).
66 South China Morning Post, 3 March 2006, p. 2.
67 Cai, State and Laid-Off Workers in Reform China, p. 95.
68 Tarrow, Power in Movement, p. 104.
69 Chen, Research Report on Instances of Collective Action, pp. 63–4.
70 He, ‘Properly Handling Conflicts in Our Country’, p. 9.
71 Chen, Research Report on Instances of Collective Action, p. 32.
72 It was 13.6 per cent (out of 10,000) in 1994 and 14.5 per cent (out of 30,000) in 2000 (He, ‘Properly Handling Conflicts in Our Country’, p. 10).
73 Chen, Research Report on Instances of Collective Action, p. 62.
74 He, ‘Properly Handling Conflicts in Our Country’, p. 9.
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76 New Beijing Post, 16 April 2006, p. 2.
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81 Xi Chen, ‘Chinese Petitioners’ Tactics and Their Efficacy’ (paper presented at the Conference on Grassroots Political Reform in Contemporary China, Fairbank Center, Harvard University, October 2004).
82 Pingdingshan Daily, 2 January 2002, p. 3.
83 della Porta, Donatella, ‘Protest, Protesters, and Protest Policing: Public Discourses in Italy and Germany from the 1960s to the 1980s’, in Giugni, Marco, McAdam, Doug and Tilly, Charles, eds, How Social Movements Matter (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999), pp. 66–96, at p. 82.Google Scholar
84 O’Brien, ‘Neither Transgressive Nor Contained’.
85 Takungbao, 20 January 2006, p. 4.
86 Li, Lianjiang, ‘Political Trust in Rural China’, Modern China, 30 (2003), 228–58.Google Scholar
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89 Weaver, ‘The Politics of Blame Avoidance’.
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91 In the former East Germany, the populace was by and large discontented with its standard of living and lack of political freedom, and it grew increasingly so in the period 1975–89. However, there had been little action taken until 1989 because the violent suppression of the 1953 mass uprising with the help of Soviet military forces rendered the cost of anti-regime protest prohibitive for all but a small minority. Nonetheless, repression also led the people to lose confidence in the communist system. See Lohmann, ‘The Dynamics of Information Cascades’.
92 O’Brien and Li, Rightful Resistance in Rural China, chap. 2.
93 Chen and Chun, Survey of Chinese Peasants; Bernstein and Lu, Taxation without Representation in Contemporary Rural China.
94 Barghoon, Politics in Russia, p. 308.
95 Bernstein and Lu, Taxation without Representation in Contemporary Rural China, chap. 5.
96 McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930–70; Tilly, From Mobilization to Revolution.
97 Almeida, ‘Opportunity Organizations and Threat-Induced Contention’, pp. 387–8.
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