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States of secrecy: an introduction
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 May 2012
This introductory article provides an overview of the historiography of scientific secrecy from J.D. Bernal and Robert Merton to this day. It reviews how historians and sociologists of science have explored the role of secrets in commercial and government-sponsored scientific research through the ages. Whether focusing on the medieval, early modern or modern periods, much of this historiography has conceptualized scientific secrets as valuable intellectual property that helps entrepreneurs and autocratic governments gain economic or military advantage over competitors. Following Georg Simmel and Max Weber, this article offers an alternative interpretation of secrecy as a tool to organize and to hierarchically order society. In this view, the knowledge content of secrecy is less important than its social-psychological effects. The authors argue that, in many instances, entrepreneurial researchers and governments use scientific secrets as an effective tool to manipulate the beliefs of their competitors and the larger public, and not necessarily to protect the knowledge that they hold.
- Type
- Research Article
- Information
- The British Journal for the History of Science , Volume 45 , Issue 2: Special Issue: States of Secrecy , June 2012 , pp. 153 - 164
- Copyright
- Copyright © British Society for the History of Science 2012
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45 Simmel, Georg, ‘The sociology of secrecy and of secret societies’, American Journal of Sociology (1906) 11, pp. 441–498CrossRefGoogle Scholar, esp. 462.
46 Simmel, op. cit. (45), p. 466, also describes the ‘joy of confession’, for instance, ‘which may contain that sense of power in negative and perverted form, as self-abasement and contrition’.
47 See, for instance, Giorgio Vasari's account of Jan van Eyck's sharing of his secret of oil painting. Gotlieb, Marc, ‘The painter's secret: invention and rivalry from Vasari to Balzac’, Art Bulletin (2002) 84, pp. 469–490CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Herzfeld, Michael, The Body Impolitic: Artisans and Artifice in the Global Hierarchy of Value, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004Google Scholar, Chapter 4.
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51 Cited by Gordin, op. cit. (38), p. 31.
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59 In Eamon, op. cit. (4), p. 345.
60 Luhrman, op. cit. (50).
61 Urban, op. cit. (56).
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63 Eamon, op. cit. (4), Chapter 8. For the emergence of the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century metaphor of the natural inquirer as seeking secrets contained inside the naked body of a personified female Nature, see also Katharine Park, ‘From the secrets of women to the secrets of nature’, in Jane Donawerth and Adele Seeff (eds.), Crossing Boundaries: Attending to Early Modern Women, Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2000, pp. 29–47.
64 There is an interesting comparison to be made between the figure of the trickster and contemporary scientists, for instance in their use of technology to outwit nature, in their moral ambiguity, and in their goals, working to further their own interests or for the common good. For the trickster see, for example, Hyde, Lewis, Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, and Art, New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1998Google Scholar.
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