Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 January 2009
What sort of activities took place in the academic laboratories developed for teaching the natural sciences in Britain between the 1860s and 1880s? What kind of social and instrumental regimes were implemented to make them meaningful and efficient venues of experimental instruction? As humanly constructed sites of experiment how were the metropolitan institutional contexts of these laboratories engineered to make them legitimate places to study ‘Nature’? Previous studies have documented chemists' effective use of regimented quantitative analysis in their laboratory teaching from the 1820s, but less is known about how Victorian academics made other sorts of laboratories unproblematic pedagogical spaces. This paper will examine the literary, disciplinary and instrumental technologies of microscopy deployed by T. H. Huxley at his South Kensington laboratory during the early 1870s to render his biology teaching legitimate, meaningful and efficient. As such it is a response to Pickstone's recent call for a broader account of microscopy teaching in late nineteenth-century academic life science, and one localized answer to Bennett's enquiries as to what the appearance of a microscope in laboratories and other domestic settings betokened to historical actors, and how such tokens changed over time.
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6 Pickstone, J. V., ‘A profession of discovery: physiology in nineteenth-century history’, BJHS, (1990), 23, p. 215CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Bennett, J. A., ‘The social history of the microscope’, Journal of Microscopy, (1989), 155, p. 267.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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15 ‘The word “Nature”’, in The Collected Works of J. S. Mill, XXII, Toronto, 1986, p. 9.Google Scholar
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22 Morrell and Thackray, ibid., pp. 29–34: ‘The appeal to Nature’.
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28 Kingsley, C., Glaucus, or, the Wonders of the Shore, Cambridge, 1855, pp. 67–8.Google Scholar
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31 The common literary context of Huxley and Roscoe in the 1870s was the Macmillan series of Science Primers which each was writing in his own specialism; see Huxley–Roscoe correspondence in the Huxley Collection, Dawson catalogue, Imperial College Archives.
32 Roscoe, H. E., ‘Original research as a means of education’, Nature, (1873), 8, p. 539.Google Scholar
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36 ‘II: The Tables Turned…’, Selincourt, , (ed.), Wordsworth's Poetical Works, vol. 4, Oxford, 1947, p. 57.Google Scholar
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38 Thomson, W., ‘Scientific laboratories’, Nature, (1885), 31, p. 409.Google Scholar
39 The importance of establishing that an instrument is a transparent mediator of ‘Nature’ when negotiating an interpretative consensus of its behaviour amongst diverse audiences is discussed in Schaffer, S., ‘Glass works: Newton's prisms and the uses of experiment’, in Gooding, D., Pinch, T. and Schaffer, S. (eds.), The Uses of Experiment, Cambridge, 1989, pp. 67–104.Google Scholar
40 Gooding, D., ‘In “Nature's School”: Faraday as an experimentalist’, in Gooding, D. and James, F. (eds.), Faraday Rediscovered: Essays on the Life and Work of Michael Faraday, 1791–1867, Basingstoke, 1985, pp. 105–7.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
41 Bowerbank, J. S., ‘Reminiscences of the early times of the achromatic microscope’, Monthly Microscopical Journal, (1870), 3, p. 285.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
42 Allen, , op. cit. (23), pp. 128–40Google Scholar; Barber, , op. cit. (24), pp. 111–24.Google Scholar
43 Bailey, P., Leisure and Class in Victorian Britain: Rational Recreation and the Contest for Control, 1830–1885, London and Toronto, 1978, p. 64.Google Scholar
44 Richter, D., Riotous Victorians, Ohio and London, 1981, pp. 51–61Google Scholar; Wood, A., Nineteenth-Century Britain 1815–1914, London, 1968, pp. 271–8, 453.Google Scholar
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46 Gosse, P. H., The Aquarium: An Unveiling of the Wonders of the Sea, 1st edn, London, 1854Google Scholar; 2nd edn (revised), London, 1856.
47 Gosse, ibid. (1856), esp. pp. 250–89. For a more detailed political interpretation of the aquarium see Hamlin, C., ‘Robert Warrington and the moral economy of the aquarium’, Journal of the History of Biology, (1986), 19, pp. 131–53.Google Scholar
48 Kingsley, C., op. cit. (28), pp. 139–40.Google Scholar
49 Rev. Wood, J. G., The Fresh and Salt Water Aquarium, 1868, London, pp. 3, 5Google Scholar; see Allen, , op. cit. (23), p. 140Google Scholar and Barber, , op. cit. (24), pp. 121–2Google Scholar for the popular demise of aquaria.
50 A contemporary engraving of this event from the Illustrated London News is reproduced in Brown, O., Butler, S. and Nuttall, R., The Social History of the Microscope, Cambridge, 1986, p. 1Google Scholar, and Barber, , op. cit. (24), p. 16.Google Scholar
51 Brown, et al. , op. cit. (50), pp. 5–9.Google Scholar
52 Gosse, P. H., Evenings with the Microscope, London, 1859CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Lankester, Edwin, Half-Hours with the Microscope, London, 1859Google Scholar; Wood, J. G., op. cit. (1)Google Scholar; Hon. MrsWard, , A World of Wonders Revealed by the Microscope, London, 1858Google Scholar, Microscope Teachings, London, 1864 and The Microscope, 3rd edn, London, 1869.Google Scholar
53 Ward, , The Microscope, 3rd edn, 1869, p. vi.Google Scholar
54 Lankester, E., op. cit. (52), pp. 12, 24.Google Scholar The author was editor of the Quarterly Journal of Microscopy and the father of Edwin Ray Lankester (see below), DNB.
55 Lankester, , op. cit. (52), pp. 31, 58, 59.Google Scholar
56 Wood, , op. cit. (1), p. 3.Google Scholar
57 Rev. Reade, J. B., ‘Microscopic test objects under parallel light and corrected powers’, Popular Science Review, (1870), 9, p. 140Google Scholar; Ward, , op. cit. (53), p. 40.Google Scholar See Wood in first epigraph above for a further example of this usage.
58 Collingwood, C., ‘The microscope; with directions for its use’, Popular Science Review, (1862), 1, p. 44Google Scholar; Gosse, , op. cit. (52), p. iv.Google Scholar
59 Wood, , op. cit. (1), p. 2.Google Scholar For a discussion of ‘improvements’ in microscope construction due to Lister et al., see below.
60 Collingwood, , op. cit. (58), pp. 462, 464Google Scholar; Ward, , op. cit. (53), p. 12.Google Scholar
61 BAAS Report, (1870), pt 2, p. 92Google Scholar; emphasis added.
62 Gosse, , op. cit. (52), pp. iv–v.Google Scholar
63 BAAS Report, (1870), pt 2, p. 93Google Scholar; emphasis added.
64 Wood, , op. cit. (1), p. 12.Google Scholar For a further discussion of ‘tacit’ knowledge in the practice of microscopy see the section on Beale and Carpenter below.
65 Brown, et al. , op. cit. (50), p. 7.Google Scholar For a parallel account of the moral imperatives used to promote popular microscopy in the USA see Warner, J. H., ‘“Exploring the inner labyrinths of creation”: popular microscopy in nineteenth-century America’, Journal of the History of Medicine, (1982), 37, pp. 24–7.Google ScholarPubMed
66 ‘The microscope in education’, The Student and Intellectual Observer, (1868), 1, pp. 41–6.Google Scholar
67 Gooday, , op. cit. (5), pp. 43–50.Google Scholar
68 ‘The microscope in education’, op. cit. (66), p. 41.Google Scholar
69 Ibid., pp. 42, 44, emphasis added.
70 Ibid., pp. 44, 46.
71 Bowerbank, , op. cit. (41)Google Scholar, Brown, et al. , op. cit. (50).Google Scholar
72 Goodsir, J., ‘On the progress of anatomy’, in Turner, W. (ed.), The Anatomical Memoirs of John Goodsir F.R.S., Edinburgh, 1868, vol. 1, p. 367.Google Scholar
73 Brown, et al. , op. cit. (50), p. 6Google Scholar; Bradbury, , op. cit. (12), pp. 191–8.Google Scholar
74 Rev. Tuckwell, W., Reminiscences of Oxford, London, 1900, pp. 45–6Google Scholar; cited without interpretation in Bracegirdle, B., A History of Microtechnique, London, 1978, p. xvGoogle Scholar; Dr James Adey Ogle, Aldrichian Professor of Clinical Medicine 1824–51 and Regius Professor of Physic, 1851–7; Dr John Kidd, Regius Professor of Physic 1822–51, DNB.
75 Beale, L., How to Work with the Microscope, 4th edn, London, 1868Google Scholar; Carpenter, W., The Microscope and its Revelations, 4th edn, London 1868.Google Scholar I have chosen the fourth editions of 1868 for both works as literary resources on microscopy available immediately prior to the commencement of Huxley's course.
76 Bradbury, , op. cit. (12), pp. 203–4Google Scholar; Bradbury comments that a similar method was employed by Acland at Oxford.
77 Carpenter wrote flatteringly of his rival's invention that it ‘may be conveniently applied to the purposes of clinical observation (the examination of Urinary Deposits, Blood, Sputa &c), either in hospital or in private practice; whilst it may also advantageously be used by the Field Naturalist in examining specimens of Water for Animalcules, Protophytes, &c’, Carpenter, , op. cit. (75), pp. 82–3.Google Scholar
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79 Beale, , op. cit. (75), p. 16.Google Scholar
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81 Carpenter, , op. cit. (75), pp. 147, 164–6.Google Scholar
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94 Beale, , op. cit. (75), p. 91.Google Scholar
95 Lankester, E. Ray, ‘Instruction to science teachers at South Kensington’, Nature, (1871), 4, p. 362.Google Scholar Note Lankester's subtle incorporation of the journal's Wordsworthian epigraph into this legitimatory discourse.
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101 Minutes of the Royal Commission on Scientific Instructions and the Advancement of Science, 1870, p. 766.Google Scholar
102 Ibid., appendix to Frankland's evidence.
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104 Ibid., pp. 53–5.
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