Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 January 2009
In England, institutionalized locations for science in academe and industry sprang up at approximately the same time, that is to say, during the period from the mid-nineteenth century to the First World War. By the latter date science was well established within most academic institutions and, more rudimentarily, in many industrial firms. Standardized forms of practice were to be found in both sectors, and there existed mechanisms for the transfer of personnel, knowledge and finance between the two. Both sites were of course surrounded and sustained by a network of other institutions and practices: scientific and technical societies and journals, patent and company law, government agencies and so on. Nevertheless, during the period just identified these two developed as the key occupational sites (outside schoolteaching) for men trained in science.
1 The situation of academic science in Manchester, which was traced by Robert Kargon, illustrates the many levels of this symbiosis during the nineteenth century. Kargon, R. H., Science Victorian in Manchester, Manchester, 1977Google Scholar. The histories of the English civic universities also reflect the point, as do many of the references given below.
2 Card, D. L. S. well, The Organization of Science in England, revised edition, London, 1972, p. 246Google Scholar. See also idem., ‘The development of scientific research in modern universities: a comparative study of motives and opportunities’, in Restivo, S. P. and Vanderpool, C. K. (eds.), Comparative Studies in Science and Society, Columbus, Ohio, 1974, pp. 31–45Google Scholar. The present paper is based on Chapter 5 of Donnelly, J. F., ‘Chemical education and the chemical industry in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century England’, University of Leeds unpublished Ph.D. thesis, 1988Google Scholar. Some of the statistical material and sources are discussed there in more detail.
3 See, for example, the essays in Jarausch, K. H. (ed.), The Transformation of Higher Learning 1860–1930, Chicago 1983Google Scholar, notably those by Sheldon Rothblatt and Peter Lundgreen. Lundgreen's complex quantitative arguments can also be found in ‘Educational expansion and economic growth in nineteenth-century Germany: a quantitative study’ in Stone, L. (ed.), Schooling and Society. Studies in the History of Education, Baltimore, 1976, pp. 20–66Google Scholar; ‘Education for the science-based industrial state. The case of nineteenth-century Germany’, History of Education, (1984) 13, pp. 59–67Google Scholar. Sanderson, Michael's The Universities and British Industry, 1850–1970, London, 1972Google Scholar, is the most extensive account of the issue in Britain, but his data, while wide-ranging, tend to be unsystematic. His Owens College data, for example, are based on such students as the annual reports chose to identify. Nevertheless his findings are generally supported in the material presented in this paper. For an industrial perspective on the issue see Haber, L. F., The Chemical Industry During the Nineteenth Century, Oxford, 1958Google Scholar, and The Chemical Industry, 1900–1930. International Growth and Technological Change, Oxford, 1971Google Scholar. For a more theoretical study see Hohenberg, P. M., Chemicals in Western Europe, 1850–1914. An Economic Study of Technical Change, Chicago, 1967Google Scholar. For a US perspective on the demand side see Mowery, D. C., ‘The emergence and growth of industrial research in American manufacturing, 1899–1945’, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 1981, UM: 81–24111.Google Scholar
4 Meinel, C., ‘“…To make chemistry more applicable and generally beneficial” – the transition in scientific perspective in eighteenth-century chemistry’, Angewandte Chemie: International Edition in English, (1984), 23, pp. 339–47.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
5 Hufbauer, K., The Foundation of the German Chemical Community (1720–1795), Berkeley, 1982.Google Scholar
6 Turner, R. S., ‘The growth of professorial research in Prussia, 1818 to 1848 – causes and context’, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, (1982), 3, pp. 129–61.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
7 Cahan, D., An Institute for an Empire. The Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt. 1871–1918, Cambridge, 1989, Chapter 1Google Scholar and, ‘The institutional revolution in German physics, 1865–1914’, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, (1985), 15, pp. 1–66Google Scholar. The significance of practical concerns for institutions outside the strictly academic sphere is brought out in, for example, Berman, M., Social Change and Scientific Organization. The Royal Institution, 1799–1844, London 1978Google Scholar. There is of course a broader literature than that cited in the previous paragraph dealing with general relations of science and industry of which the example most broad in scope is probably still Landes, David' The Unbound Prometheus, Cambridge, 1968.Google Scholar
8 Paul, H. W., ‘Apollo courts the Vulcans: the applied science institutes in nineteenth-century French science faculties’, in Fox, R. and Weisz, G. (eds.), The Organization of Science and Technology in France, 1808–1914, Cambridge, 1980, pp. 155–81.Google Scholar
9 Noble, David, America by Design. Science, Technology and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism, Oxford, 1977Google Scholar. Levidow, L. and Young, R. (eds.), Science, Technology and the Labour Process, London, 1981Google Scholar. Gorz, A., ‘Technology, technicians and class struggle’, in Gorz, A. (ed.), The Division of Labour, London, 1976, pp. 159–89Google Scholar. McGuffie, C., Working in Metal. Management and Labour in the Metal Industries of Europe and the USA, 1890–1914, London, 1986.Google Scholar
10 Servos, J., ‘The industrial relations of science: chemical engineering at M.I.T., 1900–1939’. Isis, (1980), 71, pp. 531–49Google Scholar; Donnelly, J. F., ‘Chemical engineering in England, 1880–1922’, Annals of Science, (1988), 45, pp. 555–90CrossRefGoogle Scholar. See also Carlson, W. B., ‘Academic entrepreneurship and engineering: Dugald C. Jackson the MIT-GE cooperative engineering course, 1907–1932’, Technology and Culture, (1988), 29, pp. 536–67.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
11 Bowles, S. and Gintis, H., Schooling in Capitalist America, New York, 1975Google Scholar. Cole, M. (ed.), Bowles and Gintis Revisited, London, 1988.Google Scholar
12 See, for example, Braverman, H., Labor and Monopoly Capitalism, New York, 1974Google Scholar; Sohn-Rethel, A., Intellectual and Manual Labour, A Critique of Epistemology, London, 1978CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Ehrenreich, B. and Ehrenreich, J., ‘The professional-managerial class’, in Walker, P. (ed.), Between Labour and Capital, Boston, 1979, pp. 5–45.Google Scholar
13 See Marcuse, H., One Dimensional Man, 1964Google Scholar; Habermas, J., Toward a Rational Society, 1971Google Scholar; and, though not within the Marxist tradition, Latour, B., Science in Action, Milton Keynes, 1987.Google Scholar
14 For a recent survey of this literature mainly as it affects Britain and Germany see Pollard, S., Britain's Prime and Britain's Decline, London, 1989Google Scholar. An account of the role of the state is provided by Alter, P., The Reluctant Patron. Science and the State in Britain. 1850–1920, Oxford, 1987.Google Scholar
15 Both processes can of course be subsumed within a wider change by which social, economic and political problems were increasingly reconstructed as technical matters to be addressed through professional expertise. Wiebe, R. H., The Search for Order 1877–1920, New York, 1968Google Scholar; Langan, M. and Schwarz, W., Crises in the British State 1880–1930, Birmingham, 1985.Google Scholar
16 This may be thought to weaken the argument, since chemistry was understood by contemporaries to be by far the most industrially significant science during the period under review. However, the weakening of the argument is more apparent than real. It would not be generally thought that chemistry was more conceptually developed that physics. Yet physics did not lead the field in institutional, and especially educational, development. The Institute of Physics, for example, was not established until 1921. This was reflected in terms of student numbers. Up to 1900 Owens College graduated 172 students with Honours in chemistry and 72 with Honours in physics. Up to 1914 twice as many single-discipline Associateships of the Royal College of Science were awarded in chemistry as in any other discipline. Qualitatively the situation may have altered with the rise of electrical engineering during the late nineteenth century, but the quantitative situation was unchanged. It can be argued that the reason for this anomaly was precisely the impetus provided by chemistry's acknowledged industrial significance. On the early role of industrial relevance in the institutional growth of British physics see Sviedrys, R., ‘The rise of physics laboratories in Britain’, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, (1976), 7, pp. 405–36CrossRefGoogle Scholar and Gooday, G., ‘Precision measurement and the genesis of physics teaching laboratories in Victorian Britain’, British Journal for the History of Science, (1990), 23, pp. 25–51CrossRefGoogle Scholar. The major historical study of the professionalization of British chemistry is Russell, C. A., Coley, N. G. and Roberts, G. K., Chemists by Profession. The Origins and Rise of the Royal Institute of Chemistry, Milton Keynes, 1977Google Scholar. It tends to concern itself with internal professional relations rather than the dynamics of recruitment. It takes, for example, the BAAS data to be discussed below at face value. However, it does reinforce the impression that industrial consultancy is a much under-rated and -studied phenomenon in Britain, a view also taken by Haber (Haber, , op. cit. (3), 1958, p. 191).Google Scholar
17 Roberts, G. K., ‘The establishment of the Royal College of Chemistry: an investigation of the social context of early-Victorian chemistry’, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences (1976), 7, pp. 437–85CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Idem., ‘The Royal College of Chemistry (1845–1853). A social history of chemistry in early-Victorian England’, Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, 1973.Google Scholar
18 Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science, Parliamentary Papers, (1872), xxvGoogle Scholar; (1873), xxviii; (1874), xxii; (1875), xxviii. Minutes of evidence Q5683. (Hereinafter RCSI.) The Royal College of Chemistry was absorbed by the Government School of Mines in 1853. This institution was certainly not more orientated towards education. Henry Cole told the Samuelson Committee in 1868 that he knew of only one ex-student employed in schoolteaching. Select Committee of Scientific Instruction, Parliamentary Papers, (1867–1868), xv, Q882. (Hereinafter SCSI.)Google Scholar
19 RCSI, Q7365. On Owens see Charlton, H. B., Portrait of a University 1851–1951, Manchester, 1951Google Scholar, and Kargon, , op. cit. (1), pp. 177–212.Google Scholar
20 RCSI, Q1172.
21 SCSI. Q3243, 3248. Hearnshaw, F. J. C., The Centenary History of King's College London. 1828–1928, 1929, pp. 254–8.Google Scholar
22 Bud, R. and Roberts, G. K., Science Versus Practice. Chemistry in Victorian Britain, Manchester, 1984Google Scholar. Donnelly, J. F., ‘Representations of applied science: academics and chemical industry in late nineteenth-century England’, Social Studies of Science, (1986), 16, pp. 195–234.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
23 For example, the subject dominated half of the Presidential Addresses to the Society of Chemical Industry in the period 1896–1910. For a review of this literature see Donnelly, J. F., ‘The origins of the technical curriculum in England during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries’ Studies in Science Education, (1989), 16, pp. 123–61.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
24 Reports for the Year 1909–10 from those Universities and University Colleges in Great Britain which are in Receipt of Grant from the Board of Education, Cd. 5872, and the equivalent double volumes for other years. Apart from Cardwell the main statistical analysis of this area is contained in Pike, R. M., ‘The growth of scientific institutions and employment of natural science graduates in Britain, 1900–1960’, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of London, 1961Google Scholar. For a specifically educational analysis see Jenkins, E. W., From Armstrong to Nuffield. Studies in Twentieth-Century Science Education in England and Wales, London, 1979, pp. 213–44.Google Scholar
25 Russell, , Coley, and Roberts, , op. cit. (16).Google Scholar
26 The Registrar of the School of Mines told the Samuelson Committee that ‘chemists or manufacturers … generally enter specially for chemistry … they would only enter for one course of lectures perhaps’, SCSI Q1193.
27 The purpose of the survey was to study a cross-section of institutions and, within each, a representative sample of students. The institutions constitute: an ancient university; the leading provincial university college; the more active of the two private metropolitan colleges; the main state-funded institution; and the leading technological institution. The student sample is more problematic. The intention was to identify bodies of students with a definite involvement with chemistry, though not necessarily chemistry specialists. Thus students studying chemistry merely as part of a common foundation course have generally been excluded, where this was possible. The classes which were included are listed below. It needs to be recalled that much of the earliest activity would be classified nowadays as secondary, both because of the level of the chemistry and the age of the students. This is particularly true of Owens College and University College. Such activity can be excluded at the former but this is less true of the latter, because of the way in which students were registered. This may account for the generally low rate of subsequent identification of students at University College. The institutions themselves are very heterogeneous, and this means that the aggregation of figures, while it has been undertaken, must be treated with caution, and treated as referring merely to this particular ‘cross-section’ rather than having a national significance. The classes selected were:
Cambridge University: men examined in chemistry for the Natural Science Tripos, part I or II.
City and Guilds Central Institution: students attending chemistry classes, but excluding first-year engineering students for whom attendance was compulsory.
Owens College: students registered for the senior class in systematic chemistry, analytical chemistry or, later, 1st, 2nd and 3rd year honours students attending chemistry classes.
Royal College of Science: chemistry students or, later, candidates for the Associateship who studied chemistry as part of their course.
University College, London: students attending the chemistry, analytical chemistry or chemical technology classes or, later, 1st, 2nd and 3rd year B.Sc. students attending chemistry classes.
All names were taken from archival materials, not published registers. For further details about this sample readers are referred to the thesis mentioned in note 2. Since women were not recruited into scientific posts in industry at this time the sample contains only male students. This, however, has only a small effect.
28 Royal Commission on University Education in London, Parliamentary Papers, (1910), xxiii, Q2256.Google Scholar
29 ‘Education’ here has been taken to include recruitment into higher education, but this was a small and decreasing proportion of the total. Other studies are available covering, in some cases, the same institutions as those discussed here. However, these usually obtain employment data only from published registers or lists of graduates. Sanderson, , op. cit. (3)Google Scholar; Roberts, G. K., ‘The liberally-educated chemist: chemistry in the Cambridge Natural Science Tripos, 1851–1914’, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, (1978), 11, 157–83CrossRefGoogle Scholar; MacLeod, R. M. and Moseley, R., ‘An anatomy of an elite: the Natural Science Tripos and its candidates, 1850–1914’, Social Science Research Council Report HR1963, (1976).Google Scholar
30 London County Council (LCC), Technical Education Committee, Reports of the Special Committee on Technical Education 1892, p. 72.Google Scholar
31 Idem., Technical Education Board, Report of the Special Sub-Committee on the Application of Science to Industry, 1902, p. 23Google Scholar. Blair, R., ‘The relation of science to industry and commerce’, Nature, (1910), 84, pp. 345–53.Google Scholar
32 Hartog, P. J., ‘The Owens College, Manchester’, Record of Technical and Secondary Education, (1895), 4, pp. 407–25.Google Scholar
33 Institute of Chemistry, Conference of Professors of Chemistry, held at 30 Bloomsbury Square, London, WC, on Friday, 17th October, 1913, London, 1913, p. 38.Google Scholar
34 Victoria University, Register of Graduates up to July 1st, 1908, Manchester, 1908.Google Scholar
35 Levinstein, I., Chairman's Address to the Manchester Section, Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, (1902), 21, pp. 1377–9.Google Scholar
36 MacLeod, and Moseley, , op. cit. (29), Tables IE and IF.Google Scholar
37 Roberts, G. K., ‘The liberally-educated chemist: chemistry in the Cambridge Natural Science Tripos, 1851–1914’, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, (1980), 11, pp. 157–83.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
38 ‘Report of the Committee appointed by the Prime Minister to enquire into the position of natural science in the educational system of Great Britain’, Parliamentary Papers, (1918), ix, para. 170.Google Scholar
39 ‘Report of the Departmental Committee for inquiry into the…salaries for teachers in secondary and technical schools etc.’, Parliamentary Papers, (1918), ix, p. 107.Google Scholar
40 Sell, W. J., ‘The Chemical Laboratories of the University of Cambridge’, Chemical World, (1912), 1, pp. 85–9.Google Scholar
41 Departmental Committee on the Royal College of Science etc., ‘Final Report I’, Parliamentary Papers (1906), xxxi, p. 3.Google Scholar
42 Lockyer, J. N., ‘A short account of scientific instruction’, in Education and National Progress. Essays and Addresses 1870–1905, London, 1906, pp. 75–104 (99–100).Google Scholar
43 Imperial College of Science and Technology, informal prospectus c. 1913 (copy in Brotherton Library, University of Leeds), pp. 17–20.Google Scholar
44 Cardwell, , op. cit. (2), p. 217.Google Scholar
45 The totals of degrees awarded are obtained by summation of the tables of ‘Results of University Degree Examinations taken by Students in 1910’ (Table 121) in Board of Education, Statistics of Public Education in England and Wales. Part 1. Educational Statistics, 1909–10Google Scholar, Cd. 5843 and the equivalent tables in Cd. 6338 and Cd. 6934. Other data are obtained from the relevant volumes of the Reports…from those Universities and University Colleges in Great Britain which are in Receipt of Grant from the Board of Education. In these statistics transfer is assumed not to have occurred between Oxbridge and private schools on the one hand and statesupported institutions and the maintained sector on the other. Without this assumption very limited use can be made of public statistics.
46 These data are taken from the relevant Calendars of the Victoria University of Manchester.
47 Such declinist accounts are contained, for example, in Roderick, G. and Stephens, M. (eds.), Where did We go Wrong? Industrial performance, Education and the Economy in Victorian Britain, Barcombe, 1981Google Scholar; Barnett, C., The Audit of War. The Illusion and Reality of Britain as a Great Nation, London, 1986Google Scholar. The difficulty of making simple generalizations at a comparative level has been stressed by Robert Fox and Anna Guagnini, and they suggest that the key differential characteristic of Germany was the capacity of industrial firms to exploit the supply of trained men. Fox, R. and Guagnini, A., ‘Classical values and useful knowledge: the problem of access to technical careers in modern Europe’, Daedalus, (1987), 116, pp. 153–71.Google Scholar
48 ‘Statistics concerning the training of chemists employed in English chemical industries etc.’, in Report of the Seventy-second Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1903, pp. 97–8Google Scholar. Extensive use continues to be made of these data, as already noted for Russell, et al. , op. cit. (16), p. 191Google Scholar. The original returns appear to have been lost.
49 I am grateful to Dr Peter Morris of the Open University for drawing my attention to the former point, as a consequence of his researches, and those of Prof. Colin Russell, into the archives of the British chemical industry. The interpretation placed on it here is of course my own responsibility. Divall, C., ‘A measure of agreement: employers and engineering studies in the universities of England and Wales, 1897–1939’, Social Studies of Science, (1990), 20, pp. 65–112.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
50 Imperial College, op. cit. (43), pp. 17–20.Google Scholar
51 Statistics of Public Education… 1905–6–7, Cd. 3886, Tables 16, 17, 26Google Scholar. City of Manchester, Sixth Annual Report of the Education Committee 1907–1908, pp. 158, 204–5.Google Scholar
52 LCC, op. cit. (31), p. 19Google Scholar; Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, (1976), 22, 105–7Google Scholar; Chemical Trade Journal, (1906), 39, pp. 549–50.Google Scholar
53 LCC, op. cit, (31), evidence of Frank Clowes.Google Scholar
54 Brunner, Mond & Co. Ltd, Minute Book of the Shareholders' Meetings, held at Cheshire County Record Office, DIC/BM3/12, entry for 18 August 1890.
55 ‘Report of the Departmental Committee for Inquiry into the …Salaries for Teachers in Secondary and Technical Schools…’, op. cit. (39), p. 107.Google Scholar
56 Institute of Chemistry, Council Minutes, entry for 21 01 1921.Google Scholar
57 Cardwell, , op. cit. (2), p. 209Google Scholar. During his 1901 Presidential Address to the American Chemical Society William McMurtie stated that of about 5000 chemists then working in the United States some 80% were estimated to be connected with chemical industry. ‘The condition, prospects and future educational demands of the chemical industries’, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (1901), 23, pp. 71–89.Google Scholar
58 In 1901 John Brunner, of the chemical firm Brunner, Mond, told a meeting in Liverpool in support of Liverpool University: ‘the finances should be in the hands of men of business. You may depend upon it that in order to give confidence to men of business it will be necessary to give power to those who hold the purse…’ Need of a University for Liverpool, Liverpool, 1901, p. 20.Google Scholar
59 Locke, R. R., The End of the Practical Man. Entrepreneurship and Higher Education in Germany, France, and Great Britain, 1880–1940, Greenwich, Connecticut, 1984, p. 310.Google Scholar
60 Donnelly, , op. cit. (10).Google Scholar
61 This point has been made in relation to Manchester by Guagnini, Anna. ‘La formation des ingénieurs en Grande Bretagne à la fin du XIXe siècle. Deux exemples à Manchester’, Culture Technique, (1984), 12, pp. 293–303Google Scholar. For a more detailed account of the relationship between Owens College and the Technical School at Manchester see Donnelly, , op. cit. (2), Chapter 4Google Scholar and Dransfield, A., ‘Applied science in a university context: metallurgy at Manchester, 1875–1906’, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Leeds, 1985Google Scholar. The general issue is discussed in Donnelly, J. F., ‘The social history of education, science and technology in England’, Social History, forthcoming.Google Scholar
62 Chandler, A. D., The Visible Hand. The Managerial Revolution in American Business, Cambridge, Mass., 1977Google Scholar. For a useful survey of this literature see the introduction to Carlson, W. B., op. cit. (10)Google Scholar, and Dennis, M. A., ‘Accounting for research: new histories of corporate laboratories and the social history of American science’, Social Studies of Science, (1987), 17, pp. 479–518.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
63 There is evidence that physics did not follow quite the same route, despite the existence of a parallel field of routine testing in the area of electrical engineering. See, for example, Reich, L., The Making of American Industrial Research. Science and Business at GE and Bell, 1876–1926, Cambridge (1985)Google Scholar, though this should be compared with the remarks of Carlson on the situation at General Electric, op. cit. (10), 549.Google Scholar