Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 January 2009
It is well known that Richard Hakluyt in a publication of 1581 congratulated Sir Walter Ralegh for employing Harriot to teach him and his many sea captains the sciences of navigation. Even more important, however, was the navigational research carried out by Harriot on behalf of Ralegh. He made important theoretical advances in map theory and in navigational astronomy, carried out the astronomical observations needed for a reform in navigational tables, and designed and himself tested at sea improved navigational instruments. Harriot had many other responsibilities in connexion with Ralegh's enterprises. From August 1585 to June 1586 Harriot was in Virginia, and in 1589 he was listed as one of Ralegh's colonists in Munster. He collected intelligence concerning America for Ralegh, and his publication of 1588 was effective as propaganda for Virginia. Harriot was also entrusted with financial, and even political responsibilities by Ralegh. Instructing Ralegh and his captains in navigation was an important part of Harriot's work but it is more likely that he did this as the occasion demanded, rather than on a regular basis.
1 Hakluyt, Richard (ed.), De orbe novo Petri martyris anglerii mediolanensis, Paris, 1587Google Scholar, preface. For a detailed history of navigation in this period see Waters, D. W., The art of navigation in England in Elizabethan and early Stuart times, London, 1958.Google Scholar
2 See Pepper, Jon V., ‘Harriot's calculation of the meridional parts as logarithmic tangents’, Archive for history of exact sciences, 1968, 4, 359–413CrossRefGoogle Scholar, and idem, ‘Harriot's earlier work on mathematical navigation’, in Shirley, John W. (ed.), Thomas Harriot, renaissance scientist, Oxford, 1974, pp. 54–90.Google Scholar
3 British Museum (hereafter BM) Add.MS 6788, ff. 476, 485; see below, pp. 246, 257.
4 Shirley, John W., ‘Sir Walter Ralegh and Thomas Harriot’, in his op. cit. (2), pp. 21, 33.Google Scholar
5 Quinn, David B., ‘Thomas Harriot and the New World’Google Scholar, in ibid., p. 43.
6 Harriot, Thomas, A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia, London, 1588.Google Scholar
7 ‘The Will of Thomas Harriot’, in Tanner, R. C. H., ‘Thomas Harriot as mathematician’, Pysis, 1967, 9, 247Google Scholar; Latham, A., ‘Sir Walter Ralegh's Will’, Review of English studies, 1971, 22, 129–36.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
8 See Historical Manuscripts Commission (hereafter HMC), Calendar of the manuscripts of… the Marquis of Salisbury, London, 1895, vi, 256–7.Google Scholar
9 See SirRalegh, W., The discoverie of the large, rich and beautiful empire of Guiana, London, 1596.Google Scholar
10 Rowse, A. L., Ralegh and the Throckmortons, London, 1962, p. 160 and facing plates.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
11 Lefranc, Pierre, Sir Walter Ralegh, écrivain, Paris, 1968, pp. 137–8, n. 10.Google Scholar
12 This house still stands as part of the present Sherborne castle; Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, England: Dorset, vol. i: West, London, 1952, pp. 64–9.Google Scholar
13 See Taylor, E. G. R., ‘Harriot's instructions for Ralegh's voyage to Guianay’, Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 1952, 5, 345–50.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
14 Ralegh, , op. cit. (9), p. 1.Google Scholar
15 Shirley, John W., ‘Sir Walter Raleigh's Guiana finances’, Huntingdon Library quarterly, 1949–1950, 13, 55–69.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
16 BM Add.MS 6788. ff. 211v–220v
17 ibid., f. 423.
18 ibid., f. 488.
19 ibid., ff. 485, 486. The mode of address and other circumstances mentioned above show clearly that the latter are addressed.
20 SirRalegh, W., The discovery… of Guiana (ed. by Schomburgk, R. H.), London, 1848, p. lxviii.Google Scholar
21 BM Add.MS 6788, ff. 484, 486, 487.
22 ibid., ff. 485–9.
23 See, however, Roche, J., ‘Thomas Harriot's Astronomy’, University of Oxford D Phil thesis, 1977, pp. 187–9.Google Scholar
24 . Nuñez, P., De arte atque ratione navigandi, Coimbra, 1573, book I, pp. 45–6.Google Scholar
25 BM Add.MS 6788, ff. 484, 485. The topic referred to here is discussed in Latin in Nuñez’ De arte…, and in the edition of the latter which appeared in Nuñez, Opera, Basel, 1592.
26 ibid., f. 485.
27 Ralegh, , op. cit. (9), sig. A 3v.Google Scholar; Latham, A. (ed.), Sir Walter Raleigh: selected prose and poetry, London, 1965, p. 113.Google Scholar
28 BM Add.MS 6788, f. 485.
29 ibid., ff. 485–9; Petworth House IIMC 241/VIb, p. 32.
30 See below, pp. 255–8.
31 French, Peter, John Dee, London, 1972, p. 125.Google Scholar
32 Roche, , op. cit. (23), pp. 87–8.Google Scholar
33 BM Add.MS 6788, ff. 469, 480.
34 Roche, J. J., ‘The radius astronomicus in England’, Annals of science, 1981, 38, 1–32.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
35 Crossley, J. (ed.), Autobiographical tracts of Dr. John Dee, London, 1851, p. 28.Google Scholar
36 Digges, Leonard, A boke named Tectonicon, London, 1556, sig. f. 1v.Google Scholar
37 Digges, Thomas, Alae seu scalae mathematicae, London, 1573, sigs. I1–L3v.Google Scholar
38 Roche, , op. cit. (34), pp. 19–23.Google Scholar
39 Brahe, Tycho, Astronomiae instauratae mechanica, Wandesbeck, 1598, f. 28vGoogle Scholar; and Roche, , op. cit. (34), pp. 21–2, 28, 31–2.Google Scholar
40 Horrox, Jeremiah, Opera posthuma (ed. by Wallis, John), London, 1672–3, pp. 252, 255, 298–9, 304–5.Google Scholar
41 Birch, Thomas (ed.), Miscellaneous works of Mr. John Greaves, 2 vols., London, 1737, i, pp. ix, 92, ii, p. 508Google Scholar; Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Smith, 93 f. 161.
42 Zinner, E., Astronomischen Instrumente, Munich, 1956, plate 16.2Google Scholar; Roche, , op. cit. (34), pp. 28–32.Google Scholar
43 BM Add.MS 6788, ff. 486–9; HMC 241/VIb, p. 31; HMC 241/VII, ff. 1–7.
44 Halliwell, J. O., Letters illustrative of the progress of science, London, 1841, pp. 32–3.Google Scholar
45 HMC 24 I/II, p. 87. We do not know when this transcription was made.
46 BM Add.MS 6788, f. 480; see also Pepper, J. V., ‘Studies of some of Thomas Harriot's unpublished mathematical and scientific manuscripts’, University of London PhD thesis, 1978, pp. 137–257.Google Scholar
47 ibid., ff. 468–9.
48 ‘Durham place’, Survey of London, London, 1937, xviii, chapter XII.Google Scholar
49 ibid., p. 89.
50 Rowse, , op. cit. (10), p. 233.Google Scholar
51 Survey, op. cit. (48), pp. 93, 94.Google Scholar
52 ibid., p. 92, and plate 2, p. 164; Van den Wyngaerde, A., London, c. 1542Google Scholar; Marks, S. P., The map of mid-sixteenth-century London, London, 1964, plate VGoogle Scholar; Glanville, Philippa, London in maps, London, 1972, plate 3, p. 76, and plate 4, p. 79Google Scholar; Norden, John, Speculum Britanniae London, 1593.Google Scholar
53 E.g., Sinobas, Rico Y. (ed.), Libros del saber de astronomia, Madrid, 1866, ii, 71Google Scholar; iv, 6; see also 55, below.
54 This is 11.2 minutes. See Smart, W. M., Spherical astronomy, Cambridge, 1962, p. 420.Google Scholar
55 de Albuquerque, Lúis, ‘Astronomical navigation’, in Cortesão, Armando, A history of Portuguese cartography, Coimbra, 1971, pp. 290–4.Google Scholar
56 Zacuto, A., Almanach perpetuum, facsmile edn. by Bensaude, J., Munich, 1915.Google Scholar
57 Obliquity of the ecliptic, ε = 23°27′ 8.26″–46″. 84T. Where T is measured in Julian centuries from 1900; Smart, , op. cit. (54), p. 420.Google Scholar
58 de Medina, Peter, The arte of navigation (tr. by Frampton, John), London, 1581, p. 46.Google Scholar
59 Zacuto, , op. cit. (56), pp. 33–42.Google Scholar
60 Bourne, William, An almanacke and prognostication for three yeares, London, 1571, sig. DviiGoogle Scholar; see also n. 102, below.
61 Regimento do estrolabio e do quadrante, facsmile edn. by Besaude, J., Munich, 1914.Google Scholar
62 The book of Francisco Rodrigues (tr. and ed. by Cortesão, Armando), London, 1944, pp. 313–18.Google Scholar
63 Regimento do estrolabio Evora, facsimile edn. by Bensaude, J., Munich, 1914 or 1915, pp. 61ff.Google Scholar
64 Nuñez, P., Tratado da esphera, 1537, facsimile edn. by Bensaude, J., Munich, 1915, pp. 171–15.Google Scholar
65 Joannes de Regiomonte, Tabula directionum profectionum…. Augsburg, 1490, sig. d. 7v; and Nuñez, , op. cit. (24), p. 35Google Scholar, where he refers to Regiomontanus's value of the obliquity.
66 Stoeflerus, Joannes, Ephemeridum …, Tübingen, 1531, sigs L2v–S5v.Google Scholar
67 Cortes, Martin, Breve compendio de la sphera y de la arte de navegar, Seville, 1556 (1st edn., Seville, 1551).Google Scholar Cortes used the same table of solar declinations as Nuñez at f.30v, and Zacuto's form of solar longitude tables at ff. 28v–29.
68 Cortes, Martin, The arte of navigation, englished by Eden, Richard, London, 1561, f.xxvi.Google Scholar
69 Bourne, William, A regiment for the sea, London, 1577 (1st edn., London, 1574), ff. 17v–25.Google Scholar
70 Norman, Robert, The newe attractive, London, 1581, sigs. Fiii–Givv.Google Scholar
71 BM Add.MS 6788, ff. 205–210*.
72 Wright, Edward, Certaine errors in navigation, London, 1599, sigs. Mm4-O01v.Google Scholar
73 BM Add.MS 6788, f. 469.
74 Reinhold, Erasmus, Tabulae prutenicae, Tübingen, 1551.Google Scholar
75 Copernicus, , On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres (tr. introduction, and notes by Duncan, A. M.), Newton Abbot, 1976, p. 155.Google Scholar
76 Bourne, , op. cit. (60), sigs. Dviii–Eiiii.Google Scholar
77 Bourne, , op. cit. (70).Google Scholar
78 Çamorano, Rodrigo, Compendio de la arte de navegar, Seville, 1581, f. 17v.Google Scholar
79 Waghenaer, Lucas, Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, Leyden, 1584, p. 12.Google Scholar
80 Blundeville, Thomas, His exercises, London, 1594, p. 344.Google Scholar
81 Cyprianus Leovitius, Ephemeridum novum… Augsburg, 1557.
82 Stadius, Joannes, Ephemerides… 1554 usque ad… 1600, Cologne, 1570Google Scholar; Magini, Joannes, Ephemerides… (1581–1620), Venice, 1582.Google Scholar
83 See p. 250 above.
84 For 1593 the maximum errors in Stadius's and Leovitus's tables were ⅔ and ⅓ respectively; see n. 127, below.
85 BM Add.MS 6788, ff. 468–9.
86 See below, p. 257.
87 ibid.
88 BM Add.MS 6788, f. 469.
89 ibid.
90 See n. 57, above.
91 HMC 241/11, pp. 2–3. In fact the maximum solar parallax is only about 9″: Smart, , op. cit. (54), p. 420.Google Scholar
92 The calculation of this value has had to be omitted due to cost and lack of space. Full details are available from the author.
93 Bm Add.MS 6788, f. 489.
94 In practice it was usually too small for navigators to bother about; see BM Add.MS 6788, f. 489.
95 Brahe, Tycho, De mandi aethereii recentioribus phaenomenis, Uraniburg, 1588, 74.Google Scholar
96 Wright, , op. cit. (72), sig. G.g.2.Google Scholar
97 BM Add.MS 6788, f. 489.
98 Lohne, J. A., ‘Harriot’, in Gillispie, C. C. (ed.), Dictionary of scientific biography, New York, 1972, vi, 124–9 (125).Google Scholar
99 Copernicus, , op. cit. (75), book III, chapter XVI, p. 173.Google Scholar
100 Dreyer, J. L. E., Tycho Brahe, New York, 1963, p. 333.Google Scholar
101 Wright, , op. cit. (72), sigs. Hh3v-Mm2v.Google Scholar
102 Bourne, William, A regiment for the sea, 1574 (ed. by Taylor, E. G. R.), Cambridge, 1963, p. 189.Google Scholar
103 Roche, , op. cit. (23), pp. 104–5.Google Scholar
104 Table 1, below.
105 See n. 92, above.
106 In 3½ hours the sun moves approximately 9′ in longitude.
107 See table 1, below and n. 92, above.
108 BM Add.MS 6788, f. 206.
109 From Table 1, the errors in the equinoxes in 1593 are —3h 29′ and +2h42′ respectively. Half the difference is 23½ minutes.
110 BM Add.MS f. 207v, and plate 2.
111 See nn. 99, 100, 101, above.
112 Roche, , op. cit. (23), p. 35.Google Scholar
113 HMC 241/11, pp. 18, 19, 20.
114 BM Add.MS 6788, f. 469.
115 The sun takes only four minutes of time to move one degree of terrestrial longitude. The effect on declination is negligible.
116 Harriot was actively engaged in theoretical as well as in practical cartography; see Shirley, John W. (ed.), op. cit. (2), pp. 48, 54–90Google Scholar; Salisbury MSs, op. cit. (8), pp. 256–7.Google Scholar
117 Saxton, Christopher, Chartae geographicae comitatum Angliae et Walliae, London, 1579.Google Scholar
118 Tuckerman, Bryant, Planetary, lunar, and solar positions, 601 BC to AD 1649, 2 vols., Philadelphia, 1962, p. 64.Google Scholar
119 Julian year—tropical year = 11.25 minutes; cf. Smart, , op. cit. (54), p. 420.Google Scholar
120 The other possible starting date is the spring equinox of 1590. Harriot would hardly have chosen this as his most accurate equinox since he was then only just beginning, if he had begun at all.
121 See n. 92, above. As was mentioned earlier, it is most unlikely that Harriot calculated the orbital parameters from actual observations of the solstices. However, the accuracy of his predicted times for the solstices of 1593 derived from the accuracy of these parameters. Harriot's declination table was sensitive to a change of 1° in the position of the apogee.
122 Brahe, Tycho, Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata, Uraniburg and Prague, 1602, pp. 57, 60.Google Scholar
123 Wright, , op. cit. (72), sig. Kk 1v.Google Scholar
124 Again using Tuckerman's Tables, op. cit. (118), and reducing to a meridian 4° W of Greenwich, noon longitudes at 10-day intervals were determined. The solar declination was then calculated using Smart's formular for the obliquity of the ecliptic, op. cit. (57). The results were rounded oft to the nearest minute.
125 Wagenar, Luke, The mariner's mirrour, englished by Ashley, Anthony, London, 1588, sig. A4v.Google Scholar
126 Norman, , op. cit. (70), sig. F iv.Google Scholar
127 For the Alphonsine Tables the maximum error in longitude is 20′ (Leovitius (1557), op. cit. (81), sig. PP3v), therefore the maximum error in declination would be: 20′ x sin 23°33′ + 2′ (parallax) ≈ 10′. For Stadius's Ephemerides (1570), op. cit. (82), sig. Bbbbbbb 3v, the maximum longitude error is 39′ and the corresponding error in declination is ≈ 18′.
128 BM Add.MS 6788, f. 469. A latitude error of one degree is an error of 60 nautical miles, or 111 kilometres. One nautical mile= 1.85 kilometres.
129 See next paragraph.
130 P. 264, above.
131 HMC 241/V1b, pp. 31–2.
132 BM Add.MS 6788, ff. 423, 476v, 480–484°; Roche, , op. cit. (23), pp. 116–38.Google Scholar
133 Pepper, , ‘Harriot's earlier work’, op. cit. (2).Google Scholar
134 BM Add.MS 6788, ff. 485–9; HMC 241/V1b, p. 32.
135 ibid., f. 475.
136 ibid., f. 469.
137 Nuñez had earlier drawn attention to this error; op. cit. (24), p. 29.Google Scholar
138 Near the equinoxes the declination varies by about 24′ per day (BM Add.MS 6788, f. 206). At a geographic longitude 180° away from the meridian of the ‘Regiment’ there would be a difference of 12′ in the noon declination on the same day.
139 BM Add.MS 6788, ff. 470–1.
140 Roche, , op. cit. (23), p. 145.Google Scholar